1、2023年幼儿中班英语教学教案Bookbag时间:2023-09-26 幼儿中班英语教学教案Bookbag。 做好教案课件是老师上好课的前提,是时候写教案课件了。我们制定教案课件工作计划,才能更好地安排接下来的工作!有没有好的范文是适合教案课件?下面是由小编为大家整理的“幼儿中班英语教学教案Bookbag”,欢迎您参考,希望对您有所助益! 幼儿园英语教案Bookbag Teaching aims: To learn: Bookbag To review: animals colours numbers body Teaching aids: colours computer Teaching
2、proce : 1.Warming up: song: How is the weather? 2.Daily talk: (1)T:Good moring everyone! C:Good moring teacher! (2) T:Hello! C:Hello! T:How are you! C:Fine , thank you! T:How do you do! C:How do you do! (3) T:Where are you from? C:Hangzhou! (4)T:Nice to see you! C:Nice to see you to! T:Gland to meet
3、 you! C:Gland to meet you to! (5) T:Whats your name? C:saly lily T:Who is your friend? C:saly lily (6) T:What colour do you like? C:I like redbluegreen 3.TpR.(多媒体操作) Act the animals. point to your eyesearsmouth 4.To review. (1) T:What colour? C:Redbluegreenblackwhite(from:) (2) T:Count the numbers f
4、rom1-10. C:1-10. (3)Took at the screen? C: Chatclap clap clap 5.To learn. (1) T:Whats this ? C:书包 。 T:Bookbag. C:Bookbag. T:Whats this in my bookbag? C: pencilRulerBook. (2) T:Give me ong penciltwo pencilsthree pencils C:幼儿操作。 (3)T C: Chant 6.Activities. Game: Jingle bells. f132.COM更多教案延伸阅读 幼儿中班英语教学
5、教案:Insects Insects(昆虫) 活动目标:1、引导幼儿了解掌握单词ant、cockroach、fly、mosquito的发音2、了解各种昆虫的特性 活动准备:4种昆虫挂图、介绍各种昆虫的材料、投影仪、玩具锤子 活动过程:一、Warmup“Helloeveryboby!Letssingasong,OK?”Singasong(BINGO)二、Topic师:“孩子们,今天老师给你们带来了4只昆虫朋友,你们想不想看看它们?”师:“咱们先来看看第一位是谁?”1、学习ant出示ant卡片师:“孩子们,你们认识这是什么昆虫吗?”师:“对,是蚂蚁,那你们知道蚂蚁的英语怎么说吗?”2、请幼儿跟读几
6、次,注意n的发音,还要发一个清晰的t音。师:“你们看ant的最上面的两只手是不是横着放的,那咱们来学学他们横着放的样子。”3、模仿ant的动作4、学习cockroach、fly、mosquito同上。三、Exsice 幼儿中班英语教学教案My body 英语活动:My body 活动目标:1、学习单词arm, neck,能正确发音,并能注意到单复数的不同表达。2、萌发对自己身体的各个部位的英语表达兴趣。 活动准备:人体模型板,魔法圈、钩子,星形贴纸、报贴、脸部图,记号笔、黑板、单词卡片、录音机、CD。 活动过程:一、Look at my face(复习五官,单复数渗透)1、猜图形:(出示一个圆
7、形,鼓励幼儿大胆猜测)T:Whats this? C1: Its a .2、画五官T:Its a face. Can you tell us what are on the face? Lets try to draw them on the face. 二、Show my body(新授单词)1、认识身体部位:Ben(T):Hello! I am Ben. where is my body?Its here. What do you see on my body?C:I see a。.)T: What colour are the stars? C: Its green.T: Where i
8、s the red/yellow/blue star? C: Its on the neck/arm.T: Where is your neck/arm? Show me your neck/arm.2、练习 集体、个别、结合动词3、游戏:说说做做I say you do:Show me your arm/neck .玩法:老师提出一个部位(新授),幼儿指出,并说出相应英语,看谁速度快。 三、play with my body(复习巩固)1、游戏:挂魔环玩法:幼儿分两组,根据指令选择相应颜色的魔环,挂到相应的人体部位,并用英语表达:例:T:Neck. C:Neck,neck .Its a ne
9、ck。T: put the red circle on the neck .(个别)/Neck , Where is the neck? C: Neck, neck .Its neck./ Neck ,neck .Its here.2、游戏:一起来跳舞玩法:跟随音乐摆动身体一起来跳舞,音乐停止时,根据指令点出相应部位并用英语表达。T:Dance with our body. When the music stops, touch your body according to the following instructions and then say:Neck, neck. Its neck
10、. 幼儿中班英语教学教案小狗请客 【教学目的】1.教幼儿说:who is it? Its me。2.复习学过的 小狗的全家、红黄绿的儿歌。 【教学重点难点】1.学会 Who is it? Its me的说法及用法。2.Who is it? 的连读。 【教学准备】Little Dog Kitty Chick Duck头饰,用红、黄、绿积木搭成的门、电话机、小狗全家的照片。 【教学过程】1.Greeting:Nice to meet you.Me,too.Good morning,children.Good morning,Miss Li.Little Dog 在家里,听到有人敲门Who is i
11、t?Its me,Miss Yang.再重复这个情景,又有人敲门Who is it?ItS me,Miss Zhang.可以找两个教师协助本人戴上头饰。2.教授:Who is it?(1)集体说Who is it?解释说有人敲门时应该说什么?(2)分解Who(谁)(3)巩固Who is it? 的发音练习,声调,降调。3.教授:当听到有人敲门时,该怎么回答?Its me(1)集体发音:Its me(2)个别练习。4.练习:Who is it? Its me.(1)练习Who is it?现在有几个小动物想来看小朋友,敲门Who is it?ItS me,Doggy,Kitty,Chick,Du
12、ck.(2)练习:ItS me.小朋友到Miss Li家做客,一齐敲门。Who is it?Its me,(name)回答自己的名字。5.游戏练习巩固(1)小狗请客请几个小朋友扮作kitty,chick,duck,小兔给他们打电话。小狗:Hello Kitty (Chick,Duck)Kitty:Hello,Little Dog.小狗发出邀请到家里玩小动物们到了小狗门前,一齐指着门唱:Red,yellow,green(2)Little Dog介绍全家Look,My family,my daddy,my mummy,My grandpa,my grandma and I.【结束活动】Teache
13、r敲门,齐唱:Who is it? Who is it?结束活动。 幼儿中班英语教学教案I Can 一、情况分析本班幼儿活泼好动,基本的英语词汇较丰富,教师将通过创设情景并演示教具,让幼儿在一种自然的表演中感受、理解动词,学习动词,愿意用动作来表现自己所知道的动词。 二、活动内容在游戏的过程中复习已学过的单词并学习新单词,在活动中反复地练习,学习说What can you do?并能用I can. 回答。 三、活动目标1、在游戏活动中复习已学过的动词, 愿意跟随教师一起念儿歌。2、能听懂What can you do?并能用I ca. 回答。 四、活动准备蝴蝶、鸭子、兔子、鱼、狗的图片及头饰
14、四、活动过程(一)warm up热身Follow Me :Follow me, walk stop.Follow me, jump stop.Follow me, cry stop.Follow me, laugh stop.Follow me, stand up.Follow me, sit down.(二)resection呈现主题1、复习单词:fly,walk.T:Look. What can I do? (做相应的动作)I can fly(walk). Fly, fly, fly. I can fly. Walk, walk, walk. I can walk.(边说边做动作)T:No
15、w, everybody stand up and follow me. Follow me, fly, fly, fly. I can fly.(walk)(幼儿跟随教师边说边做动作)2、通过图片和动作表演让幼儿理解 what can it do的含义。出示蝴蝶和鸭子的图片:T:What can it do? It can (做动作等待幼儿回答),Fly, fly, fly, it can fly.C:Fly, fly, fly, it can fly.3、学习新单词:skip, swim, run分别出示兔子、狗、鱼的图片:T: What can it do?C: It can (边说边做相应的动作)(三)practice练习T:Who is it? (教师随意出示动物图片,幼儿说出相应的单词)T:What cait do? (教师出示图片,幼儿做出相应动作并说出It can)(四)reduction应用1、请幼儿选择一个小动物,并说出:Im ,I can .2、请幼儿选择旁边的一个小朋友为一组,两人互相问答:What can it do? It can . 五、结束放松请幼儿戴好头饰,放音乐边念儿歌边走出教室:Fly, fly, fly, I can fly. Swim, swim, swim, I can swim.