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1、Unit 1一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案Unit 2一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案Unit 3一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案Unit 4一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案Unit 5一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案Unit 6一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案Unit 7一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案Unit 8一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案Unit 1halt ICilt v.(使)停住,(使)停止机止步,停步

2、,停止前进【例句】No one can halt the advance of history.谁也阻挡不了历史的前进。【词组】bring to a halt (bring a halt to)使停止,终止,制止come to a halt停止前进;停下来halt on出错暂停grind to a halt慢慢停止【助记】ham火腿,后腿+ per (音:跛)一后腿跛,后腿弄跛一妨碍,阻碍【派生】halting 4的.犹豫的;蹒跚的;跛的offensive ESfcnsM 时.冒犯的,唐突的;攻击的,进攻性的机进攻,攻势【例句】 He was still on the offensive ag

3、ainst the sponsors. 他仍在攻击主办人。【助记】often (想offence) +sive (形容词后缀)counterattack SkautErE7tAk n.反击,反攻v.反攻,反击【例句】We should seize the opportunity to counterattack.现在,我们应乘机反攻。【搭配】a counterattack on ones detractors对诽谤者的反击mount a counterattack 展开反击troop郎”:问.pl.部队,军队;(一)群/队以群集,结队,成群而行【例句】People were trooping

4、into the stadium.人们一起涌入体育场。turn the tide against扭转潮流;彻底改变形势;扭转潮流,彻底改变形势彳列句Economic globalization has become to cannot go against the tide that turn.经济全球化已经成为一股不可逆转的潮流。thank to幸亏,多亏,由于heroic kiS/Eaik 4力英雄的,英勇的;记叙英雄及其事迹的;夸张的儿史诗;英勇行为【例句1 The newspapers glorified their heroic deeds.报纸称颂了他们的英雄事迹。【助记】hero

5、 (英雄)+ic (形容词后缀一英雄的region 5n:d/E八.地区,区域,范围例句The region near the erupting volcano was evacuated rapidly.火山爆发处附近地区居民 已迅速撤空。【助记】记忆:rcgion, reg:热狗沁:进出n:门,热狗进出这个门,俨然这是它的领域。【派生】regional a的.地区的;局部的;整个地区的unspeakable Q八5spi:kEbl adj.无法形容的;坏不堪言的;不可说的;说不出口【例句】It had the sound of an unspeakable disappointment i

6、n it.话音里包含着难以言传的失望。reckon S/ckE八也认为;估计,测算;指望,料想“他没有动弹,脸色变得相当苍白。他犹豫了一会儿,然后对我说,这一阵子他牌运一直不 好。原来他不甘心老打桥牌,便赌起扑克来,结果输了个精光。他一个子儿也没有,所有的 东西都拿去当了。他连酒店的帐都付不出,人家也不肯再赊账给他。他已经山穷水尽。要是 找不到点事干,他只好自杀了。“我瞧了他一会儿。我能看出他已经完全垮了。这一阵子他酒喝得比以前更凶,看上去足有 50岁。姑娘们当时要是瞧见他,准不会对他那么着迷了。“邛恩,你除了打牌以外,难道什么也不会干吗丁我问他。我会游泳,他说。游泳!,“我几乎以为自己听错了

7、呢;这种回答听起来简直是牛头不对马嘴。“我读大学时曾经代表学校参加游泳比赛。“我听出了一点他话里的意思。上大学时自以为了不起的人我见得多了,我才不吃这套呢。 “我年轻时也是个游泳好手,我说。“突然,我有了个想法。”伯顿停了下来,看着我。“你对神户熟悉吗?”他问。“不熟悉,”我说,“从前有一次路过那里,只呆了一个晚上。”“那么,你不会知道盐谷俱乐部吧。我年轻的时候,曾经从那里出发,游过灯塔直到垂水小 溪上岸。一共3英里多路,灯塔一带有激流,游起来挺费劲。于是,我把这事告诉了那位与 我同姓的年轻人,并对他说,要是他能游过去,我就给他一个差使。“我看得出,他吓了 一跳。“你不是说你是游泳好手吗?我说

8、。“我现在身体状况不太好,他回答道。“我什么也没说,只是耸了耸肩。他望了我一会儿,然后点了点头。好吧,他说了,你要我什么时候游呢?“我看了看表。刚过十点。你游这段距离大概要花一个钟头零一刻多一些。我12点半开车到小溪那里去接你,带你 到俱乐部换衣服,然后一起吃午饭。就这样吧,他说。“我们握了握手。我祝他好运,他就走了。那天上午我有好些事要办,到12点半总算勉强赶 到了垂水小溪。其实我根本用不着这么赶,他压根儿就没露面。”“他临阵脱逃了?”我问。“没有,他没有临阵脱逃。他确实出发了。当然喽,他喝酒作乐早把身体搞垮了。灯塔周围 的激流他对付不了。大约有三天,我们都没找到尸体。”我好一会儿什么话也没

9、说。我感到有些震惊。然后我问了伯顿一个问题。“你提出给他差使的时候,是不是知道他准会淹死?”他轻轻地咯咯一笑,用那双和善又坦率的蓝眼睛望着我。他用手摩掌着下巴。“哦,那时我的办事处可没有空缺呀。”Text B无名之人亚历山大西蒙 我直到19岁那年才第一次看清自己的本性。我希望能够说我为自己所看到的感到骄傲,但 是那将是撒谎。不过至少我能说那一天我的本性改变了。我对于人的总体看法,在不到十分 钟的时间里来了个180度的大转弯。谁会想到第一个改变我对人的看法的人居然完全是一个 陌生人呢?大约有一年的时间,我每天上下班都要乘地铁,然后走十分钟的路穿过多伦多市中心。与大 多数大城市一样,多伦多的流浪者

10、们经常聚集在市中心的角落里,向行人乞讨零钱。与大多 数忙忙碌碌的市民一样,我学会了对那些每天向我讨钱的不知其名的面孔视而不见,说到那 些无家可归的乞丐们,有限的生活阅历使得我对他们抱有这样一个看法你之所以流落街 头,是因为你选择了这样做,也许是因为吸毒或酗酒。我记得当时就感到了那个季节特别冷。那是十二月中旬,气温很低,只有摄氏零下20度, 我低着头走路,真希望办公室离地铁站更近一些,我从那些经常见到的流浪乞丐身边走过, 对他们一律不子理睬,继续走路。当我穿过皇后街和央街的交叉路口时,我看见他背靠着一 幢楼坐着,身上裹着几层薄薄的衣衫,手里拿着一只白杯子举在身前。当我从他身边快速走 过时,听见他

11、用颤抖、悲伤的声音对着我乞讨。“给点零钱吧,他说道。“我会十分感激的。,我都懒得去看一眼他那张无名的脸。有一会儿我想象他走进最近的酒类专卖店,用当天变着 法儿讨到的钱买上许多威士忌酒。或者,说不定他需要再来一剂可卡因。(1)显然,如果 他结了婚的话,他妻子因他改不掉恶习,真会把他一脚踹到马路边上去。瞧,同大多数十几 岁的年轻人一样,我只用了片刻功夫就对他的人生做出了评判。“我身上没有钱,我立即答道。(2)如今回想起来,我感觉到好像那天命运着意耍给我上一课,而且它真地好好给我上了 一课。从他身边才走过几英尺,我偏偏挑了人行道上唯一的一块结了冰的地方走,滑倒时, 我还试图调整自己的姿势,让臀部和大

12、腿着地。但不幸的是,我瞄准目标的水平同我对于人 品的判断能力差不多,最终我右膝盖着地。我感到一阵剧痛,在地上躺了一会儿,担心膝盖 骨是不是折断了。(3)当我试图站起来时,听见从紧挨我的上方传来了一个熟悉的、粗哑 的声音。“你没事吧?,他问道。我立即意识到这就是刚才我匆匆走过的那个人。尽管腿疼,我仍然没有忘记去闻一闻他呼吸 中有没有一点儿酒精味。一点儿也没有。(4)看见他眼中和蔼的、怜悯的神情,我泪水盈 眶。他既没有喝醉酒也没有因吸毒而飘然若仙。我拉住他的手,挣扎着站了起来。在他的搀扶下,我一痛一拐地走到附近的公交车站,赶快 在椅子上坐下。腿里的疼痛告诉我我肯定不只是擦伤了膝盖。我得拍一张X光片

13、。“我叫迈克,”他说。我这时正试图在长凳上坐得舒服点。“你千万别再用那条腿走路了。你 摔得不轻,得让医生检查一下,”他十分关切地说。“这辆公交车经过医院,“我很快地说,指着上面的站牌。迈克停顿了一下,然后看上去好像突然想起了什么。他把手伸进口袋,掏出那只小白杯子, 把那一点点零钱倒入手心,数了起来。他把他仅有的那点钱递给我,我一下子还没有反应过 来,迷惑不解地看着他。“我知道你没有零钱,”他说,“但是我给你这点钱总是可以的。我想这钱够你坐公交车了。” 想起刚刚在几分钟之前我对他撒的那个谎,我愧疚不已,我没有理会他伸出的援助的手,转 身去拿自己的小提包。我掏出钱包,把自己的零钱倒在手心里。在我数

14、着那些我曾对迈克说 过不存在的钱时,我感到他的眼睛看着我。我手里至少有10元零钱。我数出足够我乘车去 医院的钱,然后转向迈克把剩下的钱给他。迈克举起杯子,我把手里的零钱放了进去。我希 望能给他一些纸币,但是那天我还没有去银行。“谢谢,”他平静地说。这是我有生以来听到的最为真诚的“谢谢”。就在他身后,我听见公交 车来了。他伸出手帮助我站起来。“谢谢,”我说。汽车在我面前慢了下来。“你多多保重,”我有些不好意思地说。我们两个都 明白,就在五分钟之前我才不会对他的事儿关心呢。“我会的,”他说。“你当心那条腿。”“好的。”我一痛一拐地上了公交车,在一个靠窗的位子上坐了下来。我看见迈克仅仅拿着那杯零钱,

15、 十分珍惜,好像那是他平生得到的第一件礼物。尽管他十分感激,我一点也没有觉得我的所 作所为可以被宽恕。给他半杯零钱似乎是一份太小的礼物,因为他使得我所见到的每一位无 名之人有了一个名字。四、练习答案ComprehensionContent QuestionsNo, he doesnt. Because his personal experience tells him this is wrong.1. He was a merchant and had been in business in Japan for many years. He was a tiny little fellow,

16、not much more than five feet four in height, and very slender, with white hair, eared face much wrinkled, and blue eyes.2. Edward Burton had done something the narrator could never have believed he would, unless he had heard the story from his own lips. Both in appearance and manner he suggested the

17、 type of character you would not associate with such an action.3. Lenny Burton was a bridge player. Edward Burton used to play bridge with him.5. In his eyes, Lenny was not a bad chap, and he liked him.6. He got, from time to time, a bit of money from his family in London and made a bit more by card

18、-playing.7. He called at his namesakens office to ask for a job.8. Edward refused his request and humiliated him.9. The response showed that he was a cruel man because he even made fun of Lenny who was down and out instead of giving him help.10. Edward asked Lenny to swim from the Shioya Club round

19、the beacon and land at the creek of Tarumi. It was over three miles and rather difficult.11. Because he knew that he was not in good condition and might not make it.12. Yes. Because Edward said that he hadnHt got a vacancy in his office when he set the condition. Text Organization1.PartsParagraphsMa

20、in IdeasPart OnePara.lIt is no easy job to judge people, for they arent always what they appear to be.Part TwoParas.2-3Kind and gentle, Edward Burton, a wealthy merchant, appeared as if he could not bear to hurt a fly.Part ThreeParas.4-51As it turned out Burton was cold-blooded enough to send a frie

21、nd to certain death.2.SectionsParagraphsMain IdeasSection OneParas.4-16What Edward knew about Lenny.Section BvoParas. 17-31How Edward responded to Lennys request.Section ThreeParas.32-51How Edward: a kind7 gentleman, handled a friend in desperate need of help.Language Sense Enhancement1.4) raise it1

22、) struck 2) mild3) gentle5) benign 6) with point5) benign 6) with point7) something of8) made every penny9) small and frailLanguage FocusVocabularyI.1.9) small and frailLanguage FocusVocabularyI.1.10) not bear to hurt a fly2.2.1) In a way5) transparent2) in accordance with 3) vacancy6) mb9) with (a)

23、 bad grace 10) instinct7) spicy11) pawned1) turned up5) driving at2) will stick to6) put. away3) brought back7) turning., over4) in good condition8) hitherto12) current4) go about8) took. aback3.1) She has a very weak constitution - she may not be able to survive the operation.2) I was taken aback b

24、y the insurance company“s rejection of my compensation claim.3) It was something of a surprise when we ran into each other in a place like that.4) My hair needs trimming/to be trimmed - itns getting too long.5) Appearances are often deceptive.4.1) Mr. Smith used to be a successful businessman in our

25、 community. Oddly enough he went broke overnight some time ago. The other day when I saw him wandering on the street, I was greatly shocked to find his hair all white and his face wrinkled. I was sad to see that he had gone all to pieces.2) One thing is definite: Rena is vain. She is capable of goin

26、g to great lengths to satisfy her vanity.3) Mother has too mild a nature to get angry. Even when Father yelled at her, she never yelled back. Most afternoons, she would sit calmly at her table, reading a novel while sipping her tea. And when I was upset, she would hold me tenderly and stroke my hair

27、 until I was calm again.II. UsageExcept for her lack of experience, she would be qualified for the job.1. Fred would tell me nothing about what he was writing except that it was to be a Christmas play.2. Tom does everything around the house except cook.3. The log cabin stayed empty except when we ca

28、me during the summer vacation.4. She would not speak to me except to answer my questions.5. I knew nothing about Judith except what Ind heard at second hand.6. I have every confidence in your wisdom except where this sort of thing is concerned.7. The house was just as I left it except that everythin

29、g was covered with dust.III. British and American EnglishVbcabularySpellingAmEBrEAmEBrEapartmentflatfavorablefavourablecantinparalyzeparalysecandysweetslaborlabourelevatorliftmetermetrefacultystaff(of a university)catalogcataloguefirstfloorground floorlevelinglevellinggasr gasolinepetroltheatertheat

30、remailpostdefensedefencerailroadrailwayplowploughpantstrousersprogramprogrammesubwaytube: undergroundpractice(v.)practisecommaizecharacterizecharacterisestoreshoptiretyre(on a car)Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) insane5) was taken aback9) gone broke1) insane5) was taken aback9) gone

31、 broke2) current6) in good condition10) vacancy3) candid7) constitution11) mild4) capable8) go all to pieces12) deceptive2. Theme-related1) suspected6) jewellery2) suspected6) jewellery3) pleading7) wealthy4) confirmed8) urge5) stunned9) spell6) lucrative10) arrestedII. Translation1) T have an insti

32、nct that Henry will seek to join the expedition, because he is something of an adventurer.2) He is capable of sticking to the task at hand, even if he is exposed to noises.3) The trademark was registered in accordance with the laws hitherto in force.4) Oddly enough, many people volunteered to help o

33、rganize the meeting, but only a few turned up.5) The teachers affectionate words, along with his candid comments, changed the way Mike perceived the society and himselfFor my own part I find that appearances arc all too often deceptive. For instance, you might be wrong if you judged by appearances o

34、nly people like Edward Hyde Burton. In appearance, he seemed a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes, gentle and candid. Nevertheless, he turned out to be very cruel. He insulted and fooled Lenny who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insa

35、ne venture. What was still more surprisingwas that he was completely indifferent to LennyMs death. Without doubt, Burton was a man with a heart of stone.Unit 6一、词汇短语Text Aon the go繁忙;活动多【例句】It,s all on the go in the office today.今天办公室里忙得不可开交。cope kEup vt.竞争,对抗;应付,处理【例句】How do you cope with the probl

36、em of poor vision?怎样解决视力不好这一难题呢? 【词组】cope with应付【助记】coco的皮经过处理。set about着手;开始做例句After the earthquake, the people set about rebuilding their homes.地震过后,人们开始 重建家园。untangle 5Q八5七AN7 vt.清理;整顿;解开.纠结【彳列句】Lawyers and accountants began trying to untangle the complex affairs of the bank.律师和会计们开始尝试理清银行复杂的事务。e

37、ver-increasing CevE i八5kH:siN adj.不断增长的例句The worlds ever - increasing population will cause great problems in the future.世界人口的不断增长将给未来带来重大的问题。quantity 5kWC八力司 机量,数量;大量【例句】Mathematics is the science of pure quantity.数学是纯粹研究数量的科学。【词组】in quantity大量large quantities of? a large quantity of 大量waste away浪费

38、掉;挥霍掉;日渐衰弱;日益消瘦例句Persons dying from cancer grow thin and visibly waste away.身患癌症濒临死亡的人会变得消瘦,并明显地衰弱下去。enslave ZiaSsleiV v.奴役;沉溺;束缚【例句】He was enslaved to drinking.他沉溺于酒。【搭配】be enslaved to a bad habit改不掉坏习惯【助记】slave ( n.奴隶)bewildering bTwlldErlN adj.令人困惑的,使人混乱的例句 A glance along his bookshelves reveals

39、a bewildering array of interests.扫一眼他的书架就可以看出他杂七杂八的兴趣爱好。bewilder正难住;使迷路;使迷惑坛使人迷惑;使人失去镇静【例句】The twists and turns in the cave soon bewildered us.蜿蜒弯曲的洞穴使我们很快便失 去了方向。【助记】be + wild发疯一思维头脑迷乱millennium 小,57。八iEk n. 一千年;(未来的)太平盛世【例句 J A half dozen or so have been reported over the last millennium, but ther

40、e should be 20 or 30.在过去的一千年里,本应该出现20到30个的超新星,报导出来的有六个左右。【搭酉己】miHennium development goals 千年发展目标(millennium development goal 的复数)【助记】million百万+音:年eat into侵蚀;吞噬;毁坏例句Acids eat into metals.酸会腐蚀金属。mobility WEuSbi力几活动性,灵活性,迁移率,机动性【例句 1 In addition to this, there is the growing mobility of people since Wo

41、rld War II.除此之外,二战以来,人口流动性日益增大。【词组】upward mobility上进心;向上倾向existence /*A5zf$tEn5 n.存在,实在;生存,生活方式例句Pollution poses a threat to the continued existence of this species.污染对这一物种的继 续生存造成了威胁。【词组】come into existence出现,产生in existence存在,现有time-consuming CtalikESjUIN adj.耗时的【例句 J If s just very time-consuming

42、to get such a large quantity of data.获取如此大量的数据 非常费时。transatlantichzEt57A八力k adj.大西洋彼岸的;美国的【例句】They are our transatlantic friends.他们是我们在大西洋彼岸的朋友。expedition 7ckspi5MFE八比远征,考察;远征队,探险【例句】The scientists are on a (n) expedition into the Brazilian jungle.科学家到巴西的丛林 去考察。【助记】ex (出)+pod (脚)+ition一出行,远征conventi

43、on kE八5VC八F(E)八几大会,会议;惯例,常规,习俗;公约,协定【例句】Convention now allows women to smoke in public.现在习俗允许妇女在公共场所吸 烟。【词组】by convention按照惯例【助记】con (共同)+vent (来)+ion一大家共同来遵守的东西一公约,习俗,惯例【派生】conventional 矽.符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的conventionality几惯例;习俗;老套toil川辛苦,劳累;苦工,苦活也苦干,辛苦从事;艰难地行动【例句】Some books are a toil to read.有些书读起来

44、真令人费解。【词组】toil away (at/over sth)长时间或辛苦工作toil at a task辛勤地做一件工作toil for oneHs living为生计而辛劳【助记】读:偷油。il,偷油是一件很辛苦的工作一toil。【派生】toilsome*/.辛苦的;劳苦的;费力的multiplyv. (by)乘,使相乘;倍增,增加;繁殖adv.多样的;多重的【例句】We must multiply our efforts to clear up the mystery.我们必须加倍努力来澄清这一神 秘的事件。【词组】multiply by乘以;乘上【助记】multi (许多的)+pl

45、y (折)一一张纸可以无止境地对折一增加groom Arui4A? Aru:kv n.马夫,新郎,男仆照料,(使)整洁,打扮【彳列句 J Groomed for the wedding, the young man awaited his bride.那男子已为婚礼穿戴准备妥当,在等着他的新娘。Please charge your glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom!请各位将酒杯斟满,向新娘、新郎祝酒!【词组】bride and groom新娘和新郎【助记】g (哥哥)+room (房间)一在房子里等候新娘的哥哥是新郎laptop

46、54月7元闭机膝上型电脑,便携式电脑,笔记本电脑【例句】What do you think of the keyboard on this laptop?你觉得这种笔记本电脑的键盘怎么 样?syndrome 5S心d沱网机综合病症;并发症状(特征);并存特性【例句】The spots on his throat are part of a syndrome.他嗓子里的红斑是一种综合征的部分 症状。【助记】symptom症状+状,症状的状况burden 以八M使负担,麻烦,担子;负担【例句】I don”t want to burden you with my problem.我不想让我的问题给你

47、添麻烦。【词组】burden with使负重担(如债务、捐税等),麻烦fax fAks几传真(机),传真件,传真传输八传真发送【例句】The plans were faxed to us by our New York office.这些设计图是纽约办事处用传真 机给我们传送来的。glitch NitF电短时脉冲波形干扰;失灵;小故障【例句】The glitch cropped up Saturday morning.该故障出现在周六上午。彳列句The experts reckon that about 10, 000 tons of grain will be needed.专家估计大名勺需要 一万吨粮食。【词组】reckon on期待,指望reckon with处理;对付;和算帐;预料到【助记】re


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