1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - difficult, not hating ; bl uepri nts, not rhetor the har d work of the soil, wit h indomitablic; w ords and e spirit, indomitablsimple, but full e courage to of love, trut ope n up a h, passion, entre preneurial new sit uation of villages apassi on. nd t owns. To have ake th
2、is opport a feeling of unity, my inspirati closene ss to t he seonal quotes Li Da zha os classi c iron cond. T he people and country. Our busispe cialise in uplifting bl ness foundation in tend with the article gave everyone, wit he peoples blood i n the people h a view on how to do well power pe op
3、le. A dvanced de cisionunder t s of thehe new situati on of tow nship a nd villag e leader party cadre s to the feelings of the people is aer s inspire and help, a n eternal theme. Fand al so share wit h you. A good play to n Zhong-ya n, called first, and enjoy comfort about otcreate iron shoul ders
4、 str hers, Zheng ong arms, to a Banqiao a ssume the burde n be passed; s also wrote a a Chai lay listeonly spe cific qualities, will it be possi ble in spe cific areas t o create a w ning t o the r ustling of bamboo, t he suspect is suffering. Cao County officiorld. al s, little my, a t In my view,
5、village chiefs i t otal turn off. n the new sit Old of feudal uation, we must first have five ba official even has so feelingsic qualit y. One ambiti on i s, alone we is to servi ng for pur s t o pi onee r. Who is handsome. r poses of people servant does? w People only hig h-mi nd e more should alwa
6、ye d can stimulate the flow of moment um to be come brave and persi stent, become qui et and pow s hold wit h on pe opl e of de ep feeli ngs, heart Department masse s of leadi ng visite d tea, car e masses erful. Townshi s of emotions tp and village party leaders, withi houghts complai ned, always i
7、nsisn their re spe ctive juri sdi ctions, political stability a te d put masses of interests put i n first, conscind e conomi c and social development issues, de ously from itself do up, from small do up, from massecisi ons a nd orientati on depe nds to a large extent beca use of your. Every s most
8、care, a nd most directl y, a nd most reality of interests problem grabbed, reabody in village chiefs a l do love f a nd t he positions, bot or people by Departmeh the trust of the masse nt, and right for people by s, the Organizati with, a nd ons trust, more a Lee for people by bility to you, fully
9、affirmed the m conspiracy to. Three with toral and he fame of mind. other Non-i qualitie s. -i ndifferent Therefore, we must always maintain t not insist your dream, wit hout serehe hi storical mi ssion and social re sponsibilit y, and our ideal tree r nity not go far. Ascension to fame is morality,
10、 is the sublimation of the oote d in soul. As ow nship and village, be sure to maintain a normal state of mind, establish a corre ct viewpoint on power, position and values and Outlook, as fame is light like water, dependi ng . 50 km, also red and l l ike hundreds of thousands of the KMT military co
11、mbat, but he went on to colle cct a variety of newspa pers and magazines, and then race against time to pore over. As long as the study of mind, it is not necessary to come to the li brary, w ororkshops, into the villages, people learned farming technique s, problem-solving methods, participation in
12、 高考物理知识点精要一、力 物体的平衡1. 力是物体对物体的作用,是物体发生形变和改变物体的运动状态(即产生加速度)的原因 . 力是矢量。 2. 重力 (1)重力是由于地球对物体的吸引而产生的 . 注意重力是由于地球的吸引而产生,但不能说重力就是地球的吸引力,重力是万有引力的一个分力 . 但在地球表面附近,可以认为重力近似等于万有引力 3.(2)重力的大小 : 地球表面 G=mg,离地面高h 处 G /=mg /,其中 g/=R/ ( R+h)2g (3)重力的方向 : 竖直向下(不一定指向地心)。. (4)重心 : 物体的各部分所受重力合力的作用点,物体的重心不一定在物体上弹力 (1)产生原
13、因 : 由于发生弹性形变的物体有恢复形变的趋势而产生的. (2)产生条件 : 直接接触 ; 有弹性形变 . (3)弹力的方向 : 与物体形变的方向相反,弹力的受力物体是引起形变的物体,施力物体是发生形变的物体 .在点面接触的情况下,垂直于面 ; 在两个曲面接触(相当于点接触)的情况下,垂直于过接触点的公切面 . 绳的拉力方向总是沿着绳且指向绳收缩的方向,且一根轻绳上的张力大小处处相等 . 轻杆既可产生压力,又可产生拉力,且方向不一定沿杆 . (4)弹力的大小 : 一般情况下应根据物体的运动状态,利用平衡条件或牛顿定律来求解 . 弹簧弹力可由胡克定律来求解 . 胡克定律 : 在弹性限度内,弹簧弹
14、力的大小和弹簧的形变量成正比,即身因素有关,单位是 N/m. 4. 摩擦力F=kx.k 为弹簧的劲度系数,它只与弹簧本(1)产生的条件 : 相互接触的物体间存在压力 ; 接触面不光滑 ; 接触的物体之间有相对运动(滑动摩擦力)或相对运动的趋势(静摩擦力),这三点缺一不可 . (2)摩擦力的方向 : 沿接触面切线方向,与物体相对运动或相对运动趋势的方向相反,与物体运动的方向可以相同也可以相反 . (3)判断静摩擦力方向的方法 : 假设法 : 首先假设两物体接触面光滑,这时若两物体不发生相对运动,则说明它们原来没有相对运动趋势,也没有静摩擦力 ; 若两物体发生相对运动,则说明它们原来有相对运动趋势
15、,并且原来相对运动趋势的方向跟假设接触面光滑时相对运动的方向相同 . 然后根据静摩擦力的方向跟物体相对运动趋势的方向相反确定静摩擦力方向 . 平衡法 : 根据二力平衡条件可以判断静摩擦力的方向 . (4)大小 : 先判明是何种摩擦力,然后再根据各自的规律去分析求解 . 滑动摩擦力大小 : 利用公式 f= F N 进行计算,其中 FN 是物体的正压力,不一定等于物体的重力,甚至可能和重力无关 . 或者根据物体的运动状态,利用平衡条件或牛顿定律来求解 . 静摩擦力大小 : 静摩擦力大小可在 0 与 f max 之间变化,一般应根据物体的运动状态由平衡条件或牛顿定律来求解 . 5.conferenc
16、es, learned superiors poli 物体的受力分析li cies; reports, you ca n learn to deal with probl ems, art, just wanted to learn, to l earn at a ny time. To continuously expand the scope of the study. The complexity and comprehensive ness of our work, deci ded to not only do we want to be professionals, or if g
17、eneralists, to dabble in different areas of knowledge. Mastery of knowledge not only to have knowledge to rational analysis. This on re quirements we, not only t o learning nati onal of route, and approach, a nd policy, also t o learning nationa l of legal, and regulations; not only to with politica
18、l theory armed mind, also to with economic theory guide work; k; not only to read hi story, also to read history ; not only to absorost hption S M of mirror, also t o gets is of road; not only t o from local learn, also to to outsi de lear n; not only to to books lear n, al so to field study lear n.
19、 Therefore, I would encourage you, and more to the outside world when I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outside developments, learn other peopl es dev elopment approach, and then come back to gui dde our work. Second, we must think. Learning wiwithout thought to overshadow, thinking with
20、out learning is perilous. We want to foster the character of advancing with the times, forge ahead, often reflect themselves in adapting t o the new experience, new ideasituation on w hether t here are s, devel opi ng ne w programmes adelays, have anything to fear i n the reform and innovati nd Mave
21、ri ck, a ne w approa ch to solve pr oblemo s, speed , whet her in ter ms up dev elopment. Espeof accelerating the devel cially in impl ement superi opme nt of a relaxation, keep promising State of mind. In order to do investigati i or pol icy spirit of process i n the, bot h implementati on, a nd ca
22、nnot mechani caons, investigations i cally, to to extraordis the r oad to nary of courage aheave n, God di spose nd develop enters of the base. To wa nts to real prising of spirit, put flexibility and hear d truth, principle and justi ce to tr com bined up, put uth, a nd get trut h, re ceived effect
23、ive t superior of spirit and local reality comness, on must i bined up, Yong n-dept h act ual, and outreach, a conspira cy to breakt hrougnd i n-dept h masse h of policy, and exercise s, wor shi p masses for Divisi nnovation of lift, developed on, a nd ma sses heart, wit out development workh masse
24、s with s of, and grassdiscussion everyone care of pr-roots wel comes of oblem, lstening t hey of calls, understand they of mood, feel they of suffering, summary they of experience, concentrated they of wisdom, especially on masses mope, and most urgent, and most worries, and most complainedof hot, a
25、nd difficulties and focus problem, more t a ctive rese arch, ca ught not put. Dare to innovate, in our work, often remain the old way doesnt work, the new approach would not situation, he reason, the key is that many people know that copyingother peoples i deas, me ca nically, usi ng somone elses ol
26、 d ways. o cha nge thisprei cament,re quires us to break the shackles of traditional concepts to overcome conservative, wconformist, good at finding new problems and to acce pt ne w thi ngs, summarize ne第 1 页,共 28 页名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - (1)确定所研究的物体,分析周围物体对它产生的作用,不要分析该物体施于其他物体上
27、的力,也不要把作用在其 他物体上的力错误地认为通过“ 力的传递” 作用在研究对象上 . (2)按“ 性质力” 的顺序分析 . 即按重力、弹力、摩擦力、其他力顺序分析,不要把“ 效果力” 与“ 性质力” 混淆重 复分析 . (3)如果有一个力的方向难以确定,可用假设法分析. 先假设此力不存在,想像所研究的物体会发生怎样的运动,然后审查这个力应在什么方向,对象才能满足给定的运动状态 . 6. 力的合成与分解(1)合力与分力 : 如果一个力作用在物体上,它产生的效果跟几个力共同作用产生的效果相同,这个力就叫做那几个力的合力,而那几个力就叫做这个力的分力 . ( 2)力合成与分解的根本方法 : 平行四
28、边形定则 . (3)力的合成 : 求几个已知力的合力,叫做力的合成 . 共点的两个力(F 1 和 F 2 )合力大小 F 的取值范围为 :|F 1 -F 2 | FF 1 +F 2 . (4)力的分解 : 求一个已知力的分力,叫做力的分解(力的分解与力的合成互为逆运算). 在实际问题中,通常将已知力按力产生的实际作用效果分解 解法 . 7. 共点力的平衡; 为方便某些问题的研究,在很多问题中都采用正交分(1)共点力 : 作用在物体的同一点,或作用线相交于一点的几个力 . (2)平衡状态 : 物体保持匀速直线运动或静止叫平衡状态,是加速度等于零的状态 . (3)共点力作用下的物体的平衡条件 :
29、物体所受的合外力为零,即F=0,若采用正交分解法求解平衡问题,则平衡条件应为 : F x =0 ,F y =0. (4)解决平衡问题的常用方法 : 隔离法、整体法、图解法、三角形相似法、正交分解法等等 . 二、直线运动 1. 机械运动 : 一个物体相对于另一个物体的位置的改变叫做机械运动,简称运动,它包括平动,转动和振动等运动形式. 为了研究物体的运动需要选定参照物(即假定为不动的物体),对同一个物体的运动,所选择的参照物不同,对它的运动的描述就会不同,通常以地球为参照物来研究物体的运动 . 2. 质点 : 用来代替物体的只有质量没有形状和大小的点,它是一个理想化的物理模型 . 仅凭物体的大小
30、不能做视为质点的依据。 3. 位移和路程 : 位移描述物体位置的变化,是从物体运动的初位置指向末位置的有向线段,是矢量 . 路程是物体运动轨迹的长度,是标量 . 路程和位移是完全不同的概念,仅就大小而言,一般情况下位移的大小小于路程,只有在单方向的直线运动中,位移的大小才等于路程 . 4. 速度和速率(1)速度 : 描述物体运动快慢的物理量. 是矢量 . v,即. 瞬第 2 页,共 28 页平均速度 : 质点在某段时间内的位移与发生这段位移所用时间的比值叫做这段时间(或位移)的平均速度v=s/t ,平均速度是对变速运动的粗略描述. 瞬时速度 : 运动物体在某一时刻(或某一位置)的速度,方向沿轨
31、迹上质点所在点的切线方向指向前进的一侧时速度是对变速运动的精确描述. (2)速率:速率只有大小,没有方向,是标量. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - difficult, not hating ; bl uepri nts, not rhetor the har d work of the soil, wit h indomitablic; w ords and e spirit, indomitablsimple, but full e courage to of love, trut ope n up a h, passion, en
32、tre preneurial new sit uation of villages apassi on. nd t owns. To ake this opport have a feeling of unity, my inspirati closene ss to t he seonal quotes Li Da zha os classi c iron cond. T he people and country. Our busispe cialise in uplifting bl ness foundation in tend with the article gave everyo
33、ne, wit he peoples blood i n the people h a view on how to do well power pe ople. A dvanced de cisions under t of thehe new situati on of tow nship a nd villag e leader party cadre s to the feelings of the people is aer s inspire and help, a n eternal theme. Faa nd al so share wit h you. A good play
34、 to n Zhong-ya n, called first, and enjoy comfort about otcreate iron shoul ders str hers, Zheng ong arms, to a Banqiao a ssume the burde n be s also wrote a a Chai lay liste passed; only spe cific qualities, will it be possi ble in spe cific areas t o create a w te ning t o the r ustling of bamboo,
35、 t he suspect is suffering. Cao County official orld. al s, little my, a t In my view, village chiefs i t otal turn off. n the new sit Old of feudal uation, we must first have five ba official even has so feelingsic qualit y. One ambiti on i s, alone we is to servi ng for pur s t o pi onee r. Who is
36、 handsome. People only hig h-mi nd r poses of people servant does? w e more should alwaye d can stimulate the flow of moment um to be come brave and persi stent, become qui et and pow s hold wit h on pe opl e of de ep feeli ngs, heart Department masse s of leadi ng visite d tea, car e masses erful.
37、Townshi s of emotions tp and village party leaders, withi houghts complai ned, always insisten their re spe ctive juri sdi ctions, political stability a d put masses of interests put i n first, conscind e conomi c and social development issues, de ously from itself do up, from small do u p, from mas
38、secisi ons a nd orientati on depe nds to a large extent beca use of your. Every s most care, a nd most directl y, a nd most reality of interests problem grabbed, reabody in village chiefs a l do love for nd t he positions, bot people by Departmeh the trust of the masse nt, and right for people by s,
39、 t he Organizati with, a nd on s trust, more a Lee for people by bility to you, fully affirmed the m conspiracy to. Three with toral and he fame of mind. other Non-i qualitie s. -i ndifferent Therefore, we must always maintain t not insist your dream, wit hout serehe hi storical mi ssion and social
40、re sponsibilit y, and our ideal tree r nity not go far. Ascension to fame is morality, is the sublimation of the oote d in soul. As ownship and village, be sure to maintain a normal state of mind, establish a corre ct viewpoint on power, position and values and Outlook, as fame is light like water,
41、dependi ng . 50 km, also red and like hundreds of thousands of the KMT military combat, but he went on to colle ct a variety of e wspa pers and magazines, and then race against time to pore over. As long as the study of mind, it is not necessary to come to the li brary, w ororkshops, into the villag
42、es, ppeople learned farming technique s, problem-solving methods, participation in . 在一般变速运平均速率 : 质点在某段时间内通过的路程和所用时间的比值叫做这段时间内的平均速率动中平均速度的大小不一定等于平均速率,只有在单方向的直线运动,二者才相等. 5. 加速度(1)加速度是描述速度变化快慢的物理量,它是矢量 . 加速度又叫速度变化率 . (2)定义 : 在匀变速直线运动中,速度的变化 v 跟发生这个变化所用时间 t 的比值,叫做匀变速直线运动的加速度,用 a 表示 .(3)方向 : 与速度变化 v 的方向
43、一致 . 但不一定与 v 的方向一致 . 注意加速度与速度无关 . 只要速度在变化,无论速度大小,都有加速度 ; 只要速度不变化(匀速) ,无论速度多大,加速度总是零 ; 只要速度变化快,无论速度是大、是小或是零,物体加速度就大 . 6. 匀速直线运动(1)定义 : 在任意相等的时间内位移相等的直线运动叫做匀速直线运动 . (2)特点 :a=0 ,v=恒量 . (3)位移公式 :S=vt. 7. 匀变速直线运动( 1)定义 : 在任意相等的时间内速度的变化相等的直线运动叫匀变速直线运动 . (2)特点 :a= 恒量 (3)公式:速度公式: V=V0+at 位移公式: s=v 0t+ 1 at
44、22速度位移公式:v t 2-v 0 2=2as 平均速度 V= v 0 tv2以上各式 均为矢量式 ,应用时应规定正方向,然后把矢量化为代数量求解,通常选初速度方向为正方向,凡是跟正方向一致的取“+” 值,跟正方向相反的取“- ” 值 . 8. 重要结论(1)匀变速直线运动的质点,在任意两个连续相等的时间 S=Sn+l Sn=aT 2 = 恒量T内的位移差值是恒量,即(2)匀变速直线运动的质点,在某段时间内的中间时刻的瞬时速度,等于这段时间内的平均速度,即:vvtv 02vt29. 自由落体运动(1)条件 : 初速度为零,只受重力作用. (2)性质 : 是一种初速为零的匀加速直线运动,a=g
45、. (3)公式 : 10. 运动图像(1)位移图像( s-t 图像) : 图像上一点切线的斜率表示该时刻所对应速度;图像是直线表示物体做匀速直线运动,图像是曲线则表示物体做变速运动;图像与横轴交叉,表示物体从参考点的一边运动到另一边. udy learn. Therefore, I would encourage you, and more to the out t side world when I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outside developments, learn other peoples development approach, and then come e back to g g uide our w ork. Second, we must think. nge thiLearning without thought to overshadow, thinki ng wit