1、空调节能技术中英文对照资料外文翻译文献 中英文对照资料外文翻译文献 空调节能技术的研究 1、引言 节能可以说是楼宇自动控制系统的出发点和归宿。众所周知,在智能建筑中 HVAC(采暖、通风和空调)系统所耗费的能量要占到大楼消耗的总能量的极大部分比例,大致在50%60%左右。特别是冷冻机织、冷却塔、循环水泵和空调机组、新风机组,都是耗能大户。所以实有必要发展一种有效的空调系统节能方法,尤其用是在改善现有大楼空调系统自动化上方面。DDC(Dircctdigitalcontrol)直接数字化控制,是一项构造简单操作容易的控制设备,它可借由接口转接设各随负荷变化作系统控制,如空调冷水循环系统、空调箱变频
2、自动风量调整及冷却水塔散热风扇的变频操控等,可以让空调系统更有效率的运转,这样不仅为物业管理带来很大的经济效益,而且还可使系统在较佳的工况下运行,从而延长设备的使用寿命以及达到提供舒适的空调环境和节能之目的。一般大楼常用的空调系统有 CAV、VAV、VWV 等,各有不同操控方式,都可以用DDC 控制。(1)定风量系统(CAV)定风量系统(ConstantAirVolume,简称 CAV)定风量系统为空调机吹出的风量一定,以提供空调区域所需要的冷(暖)气。当空调区域负荷变动时,则以改变送风温度应付室内负荷,并达到维持室内温度度于舒适区的要求。常用的中央空调系统为 AHU(空调机)与冷水管系统(F
3、CU 系统)。这两者一般均以定风量(CAV)来供应空调区,为了应付室内部分负荷的变动,在 AHU 定风量系统以空调机的变温送风来处理,在一般 FCU 系统则以冷外文翻译 1 水阀 ON/OFF 控制来调节送风温度。(2)变风量系统(VAV)变风量系统(VarlableAirVolume,简称 VAV)即是空调机(AHU 或 FCU)可以调变风量。常用的中央空调系统为 AHU(空调机)与冷水管系统 FCL 系统。这两者一般均以定风量(CAV)来供应空调区,为了应付室内部分负荷的变动,在 AHU 定风量系统以空调机的变温送风来处理,在一般 FCU 系统则以冷水阀 ON/OFF 控制来调节送风温度。
4、然而这两者在送风系统上浪费了大量能源。因为在长期低负荷时送风机亦均执行全风量运转而耗电,这不但不易维持稳定的室内温湿条件,也浪费大量的送风运转能源。变风量系统就是针对送风系统耗电缺点的节能对策。(3)变流量系统(VWV)所谓变流量系统(VariableWaterVolume,简称 VWV),是以一定的水温供应空调机以提高热源机器的效率,而以特殊的水泵来改变送水量,顺便达成节约水泵用电的功效。变水量系统对水泵系统的节能效率依水泵的控制方式和VWV 使用比例血异,一般 VWV的控制方式有无段变速(SP)与双向阀控制方式。以上三种空调系统是日前大楼空调最常被设计的系统。中央空调控制也就是把管路、管件
5、、阀体或阀门集中设定控制流体提供冷气。所以有效组合中央空调控制即能有效控制耗能,设计合乎节能的空调系统。近年来,我国大部分地区,尤其是东南沿海地区夏季空调能耗正在急剧上升,空调用电激增的趋势己引起电网供电紧张。据统计,近年来我国侮年炎热季节空调耗电己占全社会用电的三分之一,大量电能被工业和民用建筑空调所吞噬,尤其是大型建筑中央空调系统,如各类商业建筑(写字楼、商场、医院、饭店等)的中央空调由其空间大、人流量多、运作日寸间长、管理复杂的特点,使得运行能耗相当.高,商业建筑空调能耗几乎占其总能耗的 50%。中央空调的设计容量是按最大负荷计算的,而大部份建筑物一年中只有几十天时间中央空调处于最大负荷
6、状态。中央空调冷负荷始终处于动态变化之中,如每大早晚、每季交替、每年轮回、环境及人文状况,实时影响着中央空调的冷负荷。这给中央空调的节能控制带来了严峻的课题,也给广大的节能控制领域的工作者带来了极大的施展才华的空间。电力负荷缺口增大,电力供应紧张局而近几年难以得到缓和。因此,节能尤其是节电,不仅其有重大的社会意义向且具有迫切的现实意义。积极研究开发推广绿色环保新型空调技术和设备,抑制空调能耗增加,己成为建筑暖通空调领域一个迫切而热门的研究课题。依靠技术创新、体制创新,节能降耗,提高能源利用效率,保证在“能源消耗外文翻译 2 少,环境污染最小”的基础上,实现“节能优先,结构多元,环境友好”的能源
7、发展战略。在我们电信生产中,空调的节能管理工作较为薄弱,能源浪费现象较为严重,所以加强空调的维护管理和技术改造,可以达到节能的目的。从空调的压焓图来看,只有运行在在最佳的工况和条件,才能发挥空调的最大制冷量,达到空调节能的目的。空调的节能,我们维护部门应该从运行成本、维护保养方而的角度进行考虑。2、空调节能系统的研究概况(1)通过负荷控制,达到节能目的(a)炎热季节新风负荷占到整个冷负荷的 25%-40%减少新风负荷,降低新风能耗,选择最小必要新风量,也能达到目的。但是新风量的最小供应一方面国家已有标准,另外新风量不足将影响空气质量,危及人体健康。(b)优化建筑外围护结构的节能设计,采用保温隔
8、热材料技术,降低空调负荷,实现建筑节能,但同时也一皆致建筑成本上升,推广受到一定的限制。(2)蓄能空调 通过冰蓄冷,避开白大的用电高峰,夜间将空调冷冻水制冷储存起来,白天不开动空调主机仅使用水系统循环。这种方法本身并不节能省电,而是优化了电网供电,对己经实行分时电价的地区,起到“省钱不节能”的作用,具地区性推广意义。(3)水源热泵 相对于空气和土壤而言,水是最为理想的空调用冷热源,水源热泵也因此其有环保、高效、节能等众多优点,但我国水源热泵技术研究还不是很成熟,与一些发达国家相比还存在一定的差距。同时,水源热泵尽管其有很多优点,但所受的地质、环境、政策等的限制也比较大,这就使得水源热泵在我国更
9、广泛的应用受到了限制。(4)中央空调系统中单个耗能设备节能改造(a)风机和水泵通用变频器调速节能,这是目前采用较多的技术。这种方法简便实用,节电效果明显,但水泵、风机等产品属系统辅机部分,占整个系统能耗约为 40%,所以挖掘空间有限。(b)制冷主机,制冷机组的耗电量在空调系统中占有很大份额,节约这部分的耗能是整个空调系统经济运行的关键。目前一般都采用降低室内温度标准、提高冷水初混等措施实现制冷主机的节能。上面几种方法的不足之处是仅考虑了局部的节能,而没有从整个系统的全局去考虑。外文翻译 3 动态负荷跟踪的节能控制系统以整个中央空调系统为一体,根据空调区负荷的不断变化的状况,通过改变主机及循环系
10、统内各参数运行变化情况,同步跟踪负荷的变化,以实现在满足负荷需求的前提下及时定量供给冷量,即做到“按需供应”基本达到“不滞后、不多给、不少给”的目的。这种方法不但与恒流量的水泵和风机相比实现了辅机最大幅度的节能,而且优化了主机运行工况,可达到整个系统节能15%-35%。3、动态负荷跟踪的节能控制方案 传统的中央空调系统的调节方案是:采用恒流量模式或冷源侧恒流量但负荷侧变流量模式,系统所需负荷是按最大负荷、最恶劣的气象条件及最差的使用工作环境来设计,而实际运行时 50%以上的时间,系统所需负荷都在 50%以下,存在有极大的能量浪费。且当负荷 Q 在变化时,传统的系统运行参数根本不能做到同步调节,
13、。冷却水系统采用最佳热转换效率控制。冷却水及冷却塔风机系统采用最佳转换效率控制。当环境温度、空调末端负荷发生变化时,中央空调主机的负荷率将随之变化,主机冷凝器的最佳热转换温度也随之变化。智能控制器依据所采集的实时数据及系统的历史运行数据,计算出主机冷凝器的最佳热转换温度(拐外文翻译 4 点温度)及冷却水最佳出、入口温度,并以此调节冷却水泵和冷却塔风机变频器的输出频率,控制冷却水泵和冷却塔风机转速,动态调节冷却水的流量和冷却塔风机的风量,使冷却水的进、出口温度逼近智能控制器给出的最优值,从而保证中央空调主机随时处于最佳转换效率状态下运行。(2)由于冷却水系统采用最佳转换效率控制,保证了中央空调主
14、机在满负荷和部份负荷的情况下,均处于最佳工作状态,始终保持最佳的能源利用率(即 COP 值),从而降低了空调主机的能量消耗,同时因冷却水泵和冷却塔风机经常在低于额定负荷下运行,也最大限度地节约了冷却水泵和冷却塔风机的能量消耗。辅机节能:各种泵类(冷冻泵、冷水泵、风机等)的运行节能。采用带有空间矢量控制的变频调速方式,将定量泵改为变量泵,辅机节能不少 40%。(3)优化辅机运行模式:一般在满负荷时泵机需全速运行,没有节能空间,但采用冗余技术与变频技术相结合,定量泵与变量泵相配合,优化运行模式,可使辅机机组综合节能。(4)多参量非线性控制:本系统为多参量、时变、非线性系统,以计算机为控制手段,设计
15、一套其有自寻优自适应的智能控制、功能完善的稳定安全的控制系统。本中央空调动态负荷跟踪节能控制系统,与中央空调系统配套使用,可实现中央空调系统的高效节能,效果显著。经理论计算,与恒流量中央空调系统相比,全年平均节电率可达 20%-30%。该项目技术含量高,是集暖通空调技术、制冷技术、智能控制理论和计算机控制技术为一体的中央空调高效节能系统。4、展望 设各系统投入市场后,若每年有超过 200 套产品全部女装在建筑而积大于 5 万平方米的商业建筑中央空调机房内,其节省电量相当于每年新建一座 5 万千瓦的发电厂,对夏大电网削峰用电也将起到一定的缓解作用,真正实现社会可持续协调发展。-本文摘译自 Mul
16、ti-science Publishing 外文翻译 5 How Air Conditionersenergy Conservation Technology Research 1.Introductions The energy conservation may say is the building character automatic control system starting point and the borne to return to.It is well known,in the intelligent construction,HVAC(heating,ventilat
17、es and air conditioning)the system consumes to have to occupy the building consumption total energy enormous partial proportions,approximately about 50%60%.Specially cold:East the unit,the cooling tower,the circulating water pump and the air conditioning unit,the new atmosphere unit,all are consumes
18、 energy the big household.Therefore really has essential develops one effective air-conditioning system energy conservation method,especially uses is in improves in the existing building air-conditioning system automation the aspect.DDC(Dircctdigitalcontr0l)the direct of numerical control,is a struc
19、ture simple operation easy control device,it may borrow by the connection switches over the equipment to make the systems control along with the load change,like the air conditioning cold water circulatory system,the air conditioning box frequency conversion automatic amount of wind adjustment and t
20、he cooling tower radiation ventilator frequency conversion holds controls and so on,may let an air-conditioning system more effective revolution,like this,not only firings the very big economic efficiency for the estate management,moreover also may cause the system to move under a better operating m
21、ode,thus lengthens the equipment the service life as well as achieved provides goal of the comfortable air conditioning environment and the energy conservation.The general building commonly used air-conditioning system has CA V、VAV、VWV and so on,respectively has differently holds controls the way,al
22、l may use DDC to control.外文翻译 6(1)Decides the amount of wind system(CAV)Decides the amount of wind system(ConstantAirVolume,is called CAV).Decides certainly the amount of wind system the amount of wind which blows out far the air conditioner certainly provides coldly(is warm)the gas which the air co
23、nditioning region needs.When air conditioning region load variation,then changes the blast temperature to deal with in the room to shoulder,and achieves the maintenance indoor temperature to the comfortable area request.The commonly used central air-conditioning system is AHU(air conditioner)and the
24、 cooling water pipe system(the FCU system).These two generally decides the amount of wind(CAV)to supply the air conditioning area,in order to deal with in the roam the partial loads change,decides the amount of wind system in AHU to change warm by the air conditioner blows of processes,controls in t
25、he general FCU system by cold water valve ON/OFF adjusts the blast temperature.(2)Changes the amount of wind system(VAV)Changes the amount of wind system(VarlableAirVolume,is called VAV)is their conditioner(AHU or FCU)may move changes the amount of wind.The commonly used central air-conditioning sys
26、tem is AHU(air conditioner)and the cooling water pipe system FCU system.These two generally decides the amount of wind(CAV)to supply the air conditioning area,in order to deal with in the room the partial loads change,decides the amount of wind system in AHU to change warm by the air conditioner blo
27、ws of processes,controls in the general FCU system by cold water valve ON/OFF adjusts the blast temperature.However these two has wasted the massive energy on the blast system.Because in long-term low load time the air feeder also carries out the entire amount of wind revolution to consume the elect
28、ricity this not only is not easy to maintain in the stable room humidity the condition,also wastes the massive blasts revolution energy changes the amount of wind system is aims at the blast system to consume the electricity shortcoming the energy conservation countermeasure.(3)Changes the current c
29、apacity system(VWV)Sa-called changes the current capacity system(VariableWaterVolume,is called VWV)is enhances the heat source machine by the certain water temperature supply air conditioner the efficiency,but changes by the special water pump delivers the water volume,while convenient achieves save
30、s the effect which the water pump uses electricity.Changes the water volume system to depend on the water pump to the water pump system energy conservation efficiency the control mode and the VWV Use proportion but different,whether there is the general VWV 外文翻译 7 control mode section speed change(S
31、P)and the bidirectional valve control mode.Above three kind of air-conditioning system is the present building air conditioning most often the system which designs.The central air conditioning control also is the pipeline,the fitting,the valve body or the valve centralism hypothesis control fluid pr
32、ovides the air conditioning.Therefore effectively combines the central air conditioning control namely to be able the active control to consume energy,the design conforms with the energy conservation the air-conditioning system In recent years,the our country majority of areas,in particular southeas
33、t the coastal area summer the air conditioning energy consumption suddenly was rising,the air conditioning uses electricity the tendency which increases sharply to cause the electrical network power supply to be intense.Statistics have indicated,our country every year the burning hot season air cond
34、itioning consumed the electricity to occupy 1/3 in recant years which the entire society uses electricity,the massive electrical energies swallow by the industry and the civil construction air conditioning,in particular large-scale construction central air-conditioning system,like each kind of comme
35、rcial construction(office,market,hospital,hotel and so on)central air conditioning because its space big,person currant capacity many,operation time long,management complex characteristic,causes the movement energy consumption to be quite high,the commercial construction air conditioning energy cons
36、umption nearly occupies its total energy consumption 50%.The central air conditioning design capacity is according to the biggest load computation,but in a major part building year only has several dozens days time control air conditioning to be at the biggest load condition.The central air conditio
37、ning cold load throughout is in during the dynamic change,like every day sooner or later,each season in turn,every year samsara,the environment and the humanities condition,real-time will ho affecting the central air conditioning cold load.General it also gives the general energy conservation contro
38、l domain the worker brought enormously has displayed the talent the space.The power load gap increases,the electric power supply tense aspect with difficulty obtains in recent years relaxes.Therefore,energy conservation in particular electricity saving,not only has the significant social significanc
39、e moreover to have the urgent practical significance.Positively studies the development promotion green environmental protection new air conditioning technology and the equipment,the suppression air conditioning energy consumption increases,has become the building warmly to pass air conditioning dom
40、ain urgent and the popular research topic.The dependence technology innovation,the system innovation,the energy conservation falls consumes,enhances the energy use efficiency,guaranteed are least in the energy consumption,in the environmental pollution smallest foundation,realizes the energy conserv
41、ation first,structure many Yuan,environment 外文翻译 8 friendly energy developmental strategy In our telecommunication production,air conditioning energy conservation supervisory work weaker,the energy waste phenomenon is serious,therefore strengthens air conditioning the maintenance management and the
42、technological transformations,may achieve the energy conservation the goal.2.Air conditioning energy conservation system research survey(1)Through the load control,achieves the energy conservation goal.(a)The burning hot season new atmosphere load occupies the entire cold load 25%-40%.reduces the ne
43、w atmosphere load,reduces the new atmosphere energy consumption,the choice smallest essential new amount of wind,also can achieve the goal.But the new amount of wind smallest supply on the one hand the country had the standard.moreover the new amount of wind insufficient will affect the air quality,
44、willed danger the human body health.(b)Outside the optimized construction the surrounding protection structure energy conservation design.uses the heat preservation thermal insulation material technology,reduces the air conditioning load.the realization construction energy conservation,but simultane
45、ously also causes the building post rise,the promotion to receive the certain limit.(2)Gathers can the air conditioning.Gathers coldly throw the ice,avoids the daytime to use electricity the peak,at night stores up the air conditioning freezing water refrigeration,daytime does not start the air cond
46、itioning main engine only to use the aqueous system to circulate.This method itself certainly does not conserve energy the province electricity,but optimized the electrical network power supply,to already implemented the time sharing electrovalence the area,played to economize dots not conserve ener
47、gy the role,had the area promotion significance.(3)Water source heat pump.Is opposite says to the air and the soil,the water is the most ideal spatial transfer cold heat source,the water source heat pump also therefore has the environmental protection is highly effective,the energy conservation and
48、so on the multitudinous merit,but our country water source heat pump engineering research is not very mature compares with borne developed countries also has the certain disparity.At the same time,the water source heat pump although has very many merits,but receives the geology,environment,the polic
49、y and so on the limit quite is also big,this caused the water source heat pump to be restricted in an our country more widespread application.(4)In the central air-conditioning system individually consumes energy the equipment 外文翻译 9 energy conservation transformation.(a)Air blower and water pump ge
50、neral frequency changer velocity modulation energy conservation,this is at present uses more technologies.This method simple practical,electricity saving effect obvious,but product and so on water pump,air blower is the system auxiliary engine partially,occupies the overall system energy consumption