1、Global sourcingis the practice ofsourcingfrom the global market for goods and services acrossgeopoliticalboundaries. Global sourcing often aims to exploit global efficiencies in the delivery of a product or service. These efficiencies include low cost skilled labor, low cost raw material and other e
2、conomic factors like tax breaks and low trade tariffs. A large number of Information Technology projects and Services, including IS Applications and Mobile Apps and database services are outsourced globally to countries like Pakistan and India for more economical pricing.Common examples of globally
3、sourced products or services include: labor-intensive manufactured products produced using low-cost Chinese labor,call centers staffed with low-cost English speaking workers in thePhilippinesandPakistanandIndia, andITwork performed by low-cost programmers in India and Pakistan andEastern Europe. Whi
4、le these examples are examples ofLow-cost country sourcing, global sourcing is not limited to low-cost countries.Majority of companies today strive to harness the potential of global sourcing in reducing cost. Hence it is commonly found that global sourcing initiatives and programs form an integral
5、part of thestrategic sourcingplan andprocurementstrategy of manymultinational companies.Global sourcing is often associated with a centralized procurement strategy for a multinational, wherein a central buying organization seekseconomies of scale through corporate-wide standardization andbenchmarkin
6、g. A definition focused on this aspect of global sourcing is: proactively integrating and coordinating common items and materials, processes, designs, technologies, and suppliers across worldwide purchasing, engineering, and operating locations.The global sourcing of goods and services has advantage
7、s and disadvantages that can go beyond low cost. Some advantages of global sourcing, beyond low cost, include: learning how to do business in a potential market, tapping into skills or resources unavailable domestically, developing alternate supplier/vendor sources to stimulate competition, and incr
8、easing total supply capacity. Some key disadvantages of global sourcing can include: hidden costs associated with different cultures and time zones, exposure to financial and political risks in countries with (often) emerging economies, increased risk of the loss of intellectual property, and increa
9、sed monitoring costs relative to domestic supply. For manufactured goods, some key disadvantages include long lead times, the risk of port shutdowns interrupting supply, and the difficulty of monitoring product quality.International procurement organizations (or IPOs) may be an element of the global
10、 sourcing strategy for a firm. These procurement organizations take primary responsibility for identifying and developing key suppliers across sourcing categories and help satisfy periodic sourcing requirements of the parent organization. Such setups help provide focus in country-based sourcing effo
11、rts. Particularly in the case of large and complex countries, such as China, where a range of sub-marketsexist and suppliers span the entire value chain of a product/commodity, such IPOs provide essential on-the-ground information.Over time, these IPOs may grow up to be complete procurement organiza
12、tions in their own right, with fully engaged category experts and quality assurance teams. It is therefore important for firms to clearly define an integration and scale-up plan for the IPO.进入全球采购系统,其涵义应该有以下几个方面:1、建立企业自身的全球采购系统;2、成为国外企业的(包括生产企业与流通企业)供应商,进入国外企业的全球采购系统;3、成为跨国公司在中国设立的采购中心的供应商;4、成为联合国采购
13、供应商;5、成为国际采购组织和国际采购经纪人的供应商。全球采购是在全球背景下资源配置进行优化组合的趋势下整合配置出来的,全球公司进行资源配置,他们的销售体系、采购体系、供应体系都形成了全球化供应的格局,特别是很多国际企业、国际学术界都在倡导在供应链概念下全球的运作体系、采购体系和这种合作的关系。这是全球采购在全世界发展的一个基本趋势。 之所以这样多的国际企业或者跨国公司对中国的市场,特别是对中国的商品感兴趣,愿意到中国来进行采购,更关键的原因在于中国加入WTO以后,国内存在一个更加开放的市场环境和非常优秀的价格优势,还有高质量的产品,在吸引着这些跨国公司来中国采购商品,促进中国的商品出口,这是
14、一个非常重要的契机和背景。 面对这样一种形势,首先中国企业应该了解这些跨国公司在全球市场上,运用一种什么样的方式来进行采购。一般地,这些跨国公司在进行全球采购活动中有以下几个方式: 第一种方式,以那些制造企业为核心的全球的采购活动,比如说通用电气,通用汽车等等一些技术密集型或者品牌非常响亮,具有国际品牌的,或者是具有很大资金优势的跨国公司,他们作为采购龙头来主导采购体系和采购市场。对于中国企业来讲,很多是为这些企业提供一些配套性的产品,比如说汽车配件,这是一个非常重要的采购方式。 第二种比较重要的采购方式,是以贸易企业为核心的全球采购体系,在国际上很多大的企业或者是有竞争力的企业,在采购活动过
15、程当中,由于要把自身的资源集中在一些核心的领域里,所以这些企业很多的采购活动目前都采取了外包的方式,承担这种采购外包的市场主体,往往是那些在国际市场上非常活跃的贸易企业。 全球采购商最青睐的采购工具网站 第三种是以大型零售集团为核心的采购活动,这些大型的跨国零售巨头近几年来在中国市场上的表现是非常引人注目的,他们采购的商品更关注的是国内非常有优势的快速消费品和劳动密集型的各种产品,比如服装、鞋帽、食品等商品。这些商品通过跨国零售巨头进入国际市场的主流渠道,特别是主流的零售渠道中去,这个对中国出口是有非常重要影响的。过去中国很多的产品出口依托原来传统的国有的贸易企业,或者是企业的自行出口往往不能
16、进入一些主流的渠道,只能进入一些街边市场或者是其它的市场,而这些跨国零售巨头使中国很多企业的商品进入到这些正规的渠道中去。 还有一个形势是以专业采购组织和经纪人为核心的跨国采购体系,中小企业为了获得最佳商品的供应和最佳零售品供应,委托一些经纪人或者是一些专业的采购组织来为他们进行服务。目前,这些经纪人和采购组织,在国际上更为流行的运作方式是通过网上采购,特别是集合众多中小企业的采购要求,到中国或者是到一些低成本的国家进行采购。 中国企业要结合自身的产品、自身的需求来寻求可能合作的对象,来进入到这些不同类型的跨国网络采购体系当中。通过市场调查、讨论和其他途径,包括立法,来确定产品/服务的规格和标