1、廠商名稱 Vendor Name: 評鑑日期 Audit Date: 總分 Total Score: 判定 Judgment: 項目Category評鑑內容Judgment Items評鑑說明Judgment Description評鑑等級Level得分ScoreProcess & Engineering製程&工程式控制管能力1. 新產品開發能力(自行開發或委外)What is your new product research & development capability (In-house or outsourced)?可自行开发新产品模具,并有相关的程序文件(CH-QP70-06)2
2、. 新產品開發控管能力How is a new product being released and controlled from the planning stage to final mass production? 有 见文件CH-QP70-603. 新產品研發過程中是否有考慮到環保制程及有害物質的禁用 (RoHS)Is the concept of green procurement and restricted usage of hazardous substances well considered during new product development?(RoHS) 有,
3、新产品都会送样去第三方检测ROHS相关物质;4. 客戶規格工程驗證能力 (Cpk,GR&R.etc)Capability in verifying and testing customers requirement (Cpk,GR&R.etc)有,见文件CH-QP70-065. 新材料引進是否有標準承認及關驗證程序Any formal procedure on introduction of new material, parts, or tooling? 有,6. 製程SOP改善是否落實When there is a change of SOP for a particular proces
4、s, is the change followed thoroughly by all related personnel? 有7. 製程各站是否依工單落實控管Are all stages of the manufacturing process strictly follows the specification stated on the batch card? 依成型作业指导书落实管控8. 生產設備是否依標準作業落實控管How do you make sure that the operation of the production equipment is being performe
5、d based on the standard operating procedure? 依设备控制程序(CH-QP60-02)9. 製程是否有外包作業/外包作業控管能力Any outsourced production process? If yes, how do you control and verify their process capability? 我司无任何外包作业項目Category評鑑內容Judgment Items評鑑說明Judgment Description評鑑等級Level得分ScoreProcess & Engineering製程&工程式控制管能力10. 製程良
6、品、不良品是否明顯區隔Any distinct segregation between OK items and non-conforming items during the production process?有,见现场均有标识区分11. 製程上是否有引用SPC方法來管控?Are SPC methods implemented to monitor the production process?有,SPC作业规范12. 相關組織架構分工是否明確Is there an organization chart that clearly specifies the tasks and respo
7、nsibilities?有,见质量手册(CH-QM-001)Quality Systems品保系統控管能力13. 品保體系是否經過第三者驗證Has the quality system being certified by a third party?每年一次北京泰瑞特认证公司到我司审查验证;14. IQC是否訂有檢驗計畫&檢驗規範(是否包含RoHS之檢驗規範)Does IQC have an inspection plan and judgment specification that including of RoHS inspection spec.?有,进料检验作业规范(CH-WI-0
8、07),且要求供应商每年提供一次原材料的第三方检测的ROHS报告;15. IQC檢驗&表單作業是否落實How to make sure the integrity of IQC inspection?有,见原物料检验单16. IQC良品、不良品區隔及異常追蹤是否落實Any distinct segregation between IQC inspected ok items and non-conforming items? How are non-conforming items being treated? 有,见现场标识17. 抽樣計畫是否有明確定義?Are the sampling p
9、lans for inspections clearly defined? 有,见文件CH-WI-01518. 是否有IPQC來稽查製程作業及追蹤改善Is there IPQC to audit the process operations and to follow up on continuous process improvements?有IPQC巡回检验,每小时一次并记录于巡检日报表上若有异常并开立制程异常分析改善报告追踪改善;19. IPQC檢驗&表單作業是否落實How to make sure that the IPQC inspection is thoroughly carri
10、ed out?有,如巡检日报表有按规定执行20. 成品檢驗是否訂有規範&檢驗規範Any inspection procedure and specification for acceptance criteria for finished product?有,如塑胶卷轴检验作业规范項目Category評鑑內容Judgment Items評鑑說明Judgment Description評鑑等級Level得分ScoreQuality Systems品保系統控管能力21. 出貨檢驗是否訂有規範&檢驗規範Any inspection procedure and specification for ou
11、t-going inspections?有,出货检验作业规范22. 信賴性檢驗作業及規範是否完整Any procedure and testing criteria on reliability testing?有,如塑胶卷轴检验作业规范23. 供应商是否有RMA的管控流程?Do you have a RMA procedure?有24. 客訴處理時效及有效性是否良好How are customer complaints being handled?有,详见客诉处理单Storage and Logistics物流系統控管能力25. 倉儲管理良品、不良品是否區隔完整(RoHS如何區別?)Any
12、distinct segregation between ok and non-conforming items in storage or warehouse?(How to differentiate RoHS?)有相关区域标识,详见现场26. 出貨物流是否建立Barcode系統管制,此系統能否與客戶Barcode系統相容?Is there a barcode scanning system to control and confirm outgoing shipment of customer orders? If so, is the barcode system correspond
13、s to customers system?我司出货物流是以生产批号和出货日期管制的27. 出貨管制作業能否確保符合客戶所需Does the procedure ensure that the final shipment conform to all customers requirement?能符合所需28. 倉儲存放作業是否依規範執行Are there procedures for handling, storing, packaging and delivery of product? How do you check the execution of the procedure?是,
14、见文件仓储管理办法CH-WI-022;29. 供應商是否使用正式的,檔化的全面經營計劃,包括短期和長期目標和計劃Does the company have a short term and long term operational goal or target that is recognizable in the official documentation?是項目Category評鑑內容Judgment Items評鑑說明Judgment Description評鑑等級Level得分ScoreEnvironmental (HSF) Management綠色環境(有害物質)系統控管能力30
15、. 供應商送樣承認時,如何保證不含有環境管理物質。How do you guarantee that the product is HSF Hazardous Substances Free (HSF) 我司进的都是不含環境管理物質的原材料;31. 制程良品、不良品(包括RoHS/HSF與非RoHS/HSF產品)是否明顯區隔。Any distinct segregation between RoHS/HSF and non-RoHS/HSF items during the process and storage?有,见现场32. 是否有有害物質的管理清單?Is there the list
16、of environmental hazardous substances (HS)? 有,有害物质管制一览表33. 是否有有害物質的材料組成和成分的查檢表?Do you have a checklist for environmental hazardous substances on the material composition of components and parts?有,材料成分表34. 有害物質的分析報告是否由經過認證的實驗室來執行並發出?The analysis of the substances with environmental impacts performed
17、and reported by certified laboratory?由SGS公司认证35. 對於有害物質之使用是否有停用或取代計劃Is there a roadmap to HSF or a plan to phase out the usage of environmental hazardous substances?从未使用过36. 設計變更或環境管理物質變更之產品是否知會客戶。Do you notify the customer when there is a change of engineering process and/or raw material that have
18、an impact on the environment?有37. 當原材料組成的成分發生變化時,是否遞交必要的資訊或檔通知客戶?變化的過程是否考慮HSF要求?When there is a change in the material or composition, are the changes conform to HSF requirement? Is the customer notified of the changed?我司原材料组成的成分未变化过38. 供應商內部是否制定環境管理物質一覽表,並符合客戶的要求。Do you have a material substance de
19、scription sheet in conformance with the current environmental laws and customer requirement?有,见環境管理物質一覽表項目Category評鑑內容Judgment Items評鑑說明Judgment Description評鑑等級Level得分ScoreEnvironmental (HSF) Management綠色環境(有害物質)系統控管能力39. 供應商針對環境管理物質的要求是否向相關人員宣導, 並定期實施危害通識訓練。Do you regularly provide training to your
20、 staffs on environmental restricted substances and green procurement?有40. 環境管理物質不使用及消減計畫是否在客戶規定的目標期限內。Is the plan for non-use or phase out of environmentally restricted substances in conformance with customers specified deadline?是41. 內部稽核是否同時驗證品質/環境系統的有效性。Is environmental audit included as part of t
21、he internal quality system audit?是,见公司内审资料42. 是否針對無鉛材料之認證進行可靠度實驗。Do you perform reliability testing on lead-free product?送SGS公司检测43. 供應商是否和其原料供應商簽定合同,要求其提供的產品符合RoHS或HSF的要求?Do you request your suppliers to meet RoHS or HSF requirements?有,并提供相应的ROHS报告44. 供應商是否有程式定義並有計劃地對其原料供應商進行週期性的評估和審核,包括是否服從相關環境標準?
22、Are there plans and procedures that evaluate and audit vendors periodically for compliance of the environment related standards?有供应商评级表,合格供应商名册項目Category評鑑內容Judgment Items評鑑說明Judgment Description評鑑等級Level得分Score45. 供應商是否對其原料供應商提供的有害物質分析報告進行確認?Have you ensured that the analysis data of environmental
23、hazardous substances which are collected from vendors?有,SGS报告Environmental (HSF) Management綠色環境(有害物質)系統控管能力46. 供應商是否有程式定義並有計劃地對其原料供應商進行週期性的評估和審核,包括是否服從相關環境標準?Are there plans and procedures that evaluate and audit vendors periodically for compliance of the environment related standards?有,每个季度一次评估47.
24、供應商是否對其原料供應商提供的有害物質分析報告進行確認?Have you ensured that the analysis data of environmental hazardous substances which are collected from vendors?有。SGS报告48. 生產制程上是否有區分含有害物質及非有害物質產線如果有是否有程序或管控機制來防止混用及污染If hazardous substance(s) are used on the production process, are the production lines distinguished by th
25、ose that contain HS and those that is HSF? If yes, how do you control and prevent mixing and contamination from happening?我司制程无有害物质49. 出貨管制作業能否確保符合客戶所需,是否涵蓋確認出貨的產品不含有環境管理物質。How do you guarantee that the outgoing final product to the customer is free of environmental hazardous substance?能49. 當在用戶端檢測出
26、環境管理物質時,供應商是否能在客戶要求期限內作異常處理分析報告,並保存相關記錄。When hazardous substances were detected from the customer, what are the corrective actions and how soon can you implement the containment action?能50. 是否有將RoHS or HSF需求納入年度品質目標?Is the RoHS or HSF requirement placed into the annual quality target?是Corporate Soci
27、al Responsibility (CSR)企業社會責任51. 遵守法規要求 Compliance of the requirements of the rules and lations供應商有遵守或超越政府勞動相關法規要求及自我承諾。 Does there comply with or exceed the requirements of government labor regulations and self-commitment?符合相关法律法规要求52. 提倡就業自由 Advocate freedom of employment是否確定所有的工作都是自願性的。Does suppl
28、ier make sure all the work is voluntary?是53. 力行人道待遇 Implementation of humane treatment不允許剝削兒童、生理懲罰、凌虐女性、強迫性勞役及其他形式的虐待事項。 Do not allow exploitation of children, physical punishment, and abuse of women, forced labor and other forms of abuse issues. 我司均按劳动法执行54. 禁止不當歧視 Prohibition of improper discrimin
29、ation招募與雇用措施,應承諾免於騷擾與不法歧視。Recruitment and employment measures should be committed to freedom from harassment and unlawful discrimination. 員工均有平等機會,不分種族、性別、年齡、政治傾向及宗教信仰。Employees have equal opportunities regardless of race, sex, age, political orientation and religious beliefs. 无此现象55. 建立溝通機制 Establi
30、shment of a communication mechanism供應商是否導入新方法、技術及設備,以保護員工的安全及健康。供應商應維護安全及健康的工作場所,以防止職業災害及疾病的發生。 並期望員工能提報工作場所中之潛在危害並參與改善計畫。 Does supplier introduce new methods, techniques and equipment to protect employees safety and health? Supplier shall maintain a safe and healthy workplace to prevent occupationa
31、l accidents and diseases. And expect employees to submit the potential hazard of the workplace and participate in the improvement plan. 是56. 強化員工教育訓練 Reinforcement of employees educational training 我們將強化所有員工及管理階層之環境、安全、健康職責。我們將持續推展環境、安全、健康之相關認知與技能。We will strengthen the environment, safety, and heal
32、th responsibility for all the employees and management levels. We will continue to promote the relevant knowledge and skills of environment, safety, as well as health.有相关培训记录Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)企業社會責任57. 建置完善溝通機制 Establishment of perfect communication mechanism供應商應鼓勵員工與管理階層之間的公開溝通與直
33、接參與。並收集員工對公司的意見,以便對公司運作有進一步的改進。 Supplier shall encourage open communication and direct participation between the management and the employees. And then collect the views of employees on the company in order to further improve the company operation. 公司每天上下班都有例行的集合会议58. 健全薪資福利 Strengthen pay and benef
34、its員工薪資應符合所有適用的薪資相關法律,包含:最低工資、加班費及法定應有福利。我們會即時透過薪資條或其他類似文件將工資支付的訊息傳達給員工。Staff salaries shall comply with all applicable wage laws, including: minimum wage, overtime pay and statutory due benefits. We will immediately convey the message about payment of wage through pay slips or other similar documen
35、ts to the employees. 按当地的劳动法规定执行59. 培訓員工職能 Staff training 供應商將努力提升員工的技術及能力,以提高員工的社會及經濟地位。Supplier shall make efforts to enhance employees skills and capabilities to raise the social and economic status. 有相关的内部技能培训,60. 強調誠信經營 Emphasis of business integrity所有商業行為中都應當要求最高標準的廉潔。嚴厲的禁止任何形式的貪污, 賄賂,敲詐勒索及挪用公
36、款的行為。All business practices will be required in both the highest standards of integrity. Any form of corruption, bribery, extortion and embezzlement will be strictly forbidden.我司无此现象,一向诚信经营61. 尊重智慧財產權 Respect the intellectual property rights供應商應尊重智慧財産權;技術和專門技能的轉移應當在智慧財産權受到保護下,以適當的方式進行Supplier shall
37、respect for intellectual property rights; the transfer of technology and know-how should be under the protection of intellectual property rights in an appropriate manner. 總分 (Total score)實際得分Actual score= 總分/122 (Total score/122)註 : 1. 評鑑等級 A 2.0 分(有相關制度及程式檔並落實執行) 判定 :合格:90分以上(含)B 1.5 分(有相關制度及程式檔未落實
38、執行) 7089: 有待改善C 1.0 分(無相關制度及程式但有實際執行) 不合格:70分以下D 0 分(無相關制度及程式檔亦未落實執行)2. 若某分項得分低於該項有效分數50%,即判定為不合格。3. 評鑑中有不適用項的,其分項得分及總分應分別根據有效總分作比例換算。總結 Summary缺失 Non-Conformities:建議事項 Recommendations:實 際 得 分: (Actual score) 報告 / 評鑑人 : 判 定 (Auditor) (Judgment)採 購 : 判 定 (Procurement) (Judgment)品 保 : 判 定 (Q / A ) (Judgment) * 稽核缺失改善請由10個工作天內回復 Please reply to us of your corrective actions within 10 working days after the audit date.