1、北京市高等教育自学考试综合英语(三)自学考试大纲(试行)课程名称:综合英语(三) 课程代码:03683 2011年8月版目录一、 课程的性质和设置目的二、 课程的基本内容三、 课程的基本要求四、 考试说明五、 学习方法六、 社会助学七、 教材及参考书目八、 样卷九、 试题答案十、 评分标准十一、录音稿附表一 语法项目表附表二 常用前缀和后缀附表三 词汇表附表四 词组表附表五 语言交际范围(口语)一、 课程的性质和设置目的本课程的名称为综合英语(三),是高等教育自学考试部分专业专科阶段的公共基础课,适用于完成了中学阶段英语课程学习的自学考试者。本课程的目的是使学习者具有比较扎实的英语基础知识和语
2、言技能,做到具有一定的听、说、读、写、译的能力,为以后更高阶段的英语课程学习及在工作中使用英语打下较好的基础,以达到高等院校学历教育中高职高专非英语专业的毕业水平。本课程共10学分。二、课程的基本内容 本课程包括较系统的英语语法知识(见附表一、二)、英语单词约3000个(见附表三)和词组约500个(见附表四),阅读量为30000余个单词。 本课程的主要目的是培养学生具有应用英语的基本功和交际能力,重点是英语听、说、读、写、译等五种语言技能的应用能力。 三、课程的基本要求(一)口语、听力理解1.口语:能比较流利地进行词句模仿跟读和短文朗读、回答问题。语音语调基本正确,表达基本准确恰当,自然流利。
3、2.听力:能听懂一般场合下有关各种日常话题的对话或独白;能根据所听材料提取其中的重要信息。听力材料的语速为每分钟100词。(二)词汇与语法结构1.词汇(1)认知范围:3000个基本词汇以及由这些词构成的常用词组。(2)认知程度:能流利读出、正确拼写出大纲所要求的词汇;能识别词语的语法特征;了解基本的构词规则并根据常用前缀、后缀的意义判断词性和词义;了解词义并进行英汉互译。2.语法(1)认知范围:“语法项目表”所规定的全部内容。(2)认知程度:熟练掌握词形变化规则;掌握基本的英语语法规则,并在听、说、读、写、译中能正确运用。(三)阅读 1.能读懂与指定教材课文(含配套练习册中的阅读理解练习)难易
4、程度相当的语篇材料;2.阅读并基本理解材料中的生词一般不超过所读材料词数的2%阅读材料,速度达到每分钟25个单词。(四)读写1.能写便条、短信或电子邮件等,进行简单的书面表达与交流;2.能填写表格,仿写会议日程、简历等;3.写作中能正确使用所学的词、词组和句型,且意思表达清楚连贯,符合逻辑,语法及标点使用准确。(五)翻译1.能够将大纲范围内的词、词组准确地翻译为中文;2.能够正确翻译一般语句,基本符合英语和汉语的语言表达习惯。四、 考试说明本课程自学考试命题的广度和难度根据本考试大纲规定的知识范围和能力要求确定。本考试在计算机辅助的多媒体环境下进行,考试时间为100分钟。试题分量以达标水平的考
5、生能在规定的时间内答完全部试题,有适量时间检查答案为度。卷面分数为100分,以百分制计分,60分为及格。试题题型分为:口语、听力、词汇与语法结构、阅读理解、读写和翻译(英译汉)共六个部分。每种题型的考试形式和要求分别说明如下:(一)口语 本部分试题占卷面总分的10%,题型为:1. 词句模仿跟读和短文朗读:该部分由两部分组成。主要考查考生的语音、语调以及流利程度。考生(1)在示范朗读声结束后完成词句模仿跟读,该部分共九题,其中,第1-5题为词组,第6-9题为句子;(2)独立朗读短文一篇,该部分共一题(第10题)。2. 回答问题:主要考查考生就交际话题给予回应的能力。考生在视听一段涉及日常所熟悉话
6、题的语段后,参考所列回答选项,朗读完成回答,共五题(第11-15题)。 答题方法:考生根据计算机屏幕和视听文字提示完成该部分作答。在口语测试中,考生通过话筒实时将自己的声音录制到考试系统中,口语测试时限为8分钟(含自我介绍、热身活动)。(二)听力 本部分试题占卷面总分的20%,题型为:1.填空听写:主要测试考生听懂语篇含义的基础上,填写所需信息。考生在听完语篇后(两遍),完成英文单词的选择(8选5)。共五题,即第16-20题。 2.听力理解:该部分由短对话、长对话两部分组成。主要考查考生听懂对话,节选主旨大意、辨别具体细节,并准确分析和归纳信息的能力。考生在听完对话后(两遍),完成相关信息的选
7、择(4选1)。共十题,其中,第21-25题为短对话,第26-30题为长对话。 3.信息排序:主要测试考生对短文信息的理解能力。在短文播放结束后(两遍),考生听到“开始选择”的提示语后,完成相关信息的排序(6选5)。共五题,即第31-35题。答题方法:考生根据计算机屏幕和视听文字提示完成该部分作答。在听力测试中,考生操作计算机键盘(鼠标),将答案输入考试系统中。听力测试时限为17分钟。(三)词汇与语法结构本部分试题占卷面总分的20%,题型为:1.词汇部分:10%,。本部分试题共两种题型: (1)根据释义拼写单词: 本题主要考查考生的词汇拼写能力。考生根据给出的中文释义、词性等相关信息,正确拼写出
8、相应的单词。共五题;即36-40 题。(2) 找出斜体部分单词的确切释义:本题主要考查考生对词义的理解能力。考生根据给出的该词在词典中的2个基本用法释义,判断其在句中所使用的最恰当的一条。共五题,即41-45 题。2.语法部分:10%试题题型为选择题,每道题设四个选项,其中一项为正确答案。本题考查的重点包括词型转换、限定词、形容词与副词、介词、连词和从句、动词时态和语态、一致关系、倒装语序、非谓语动词、虚拟语气等。共十题,即46-55 题。答题方法:考生根据计算机屏幕文字提示,使用键盘点入或拖入选择答案的方式,完成该部分试题内容。(四)阅读理解本部分试题占卷面总分的20%。本题用于考查阅读理解
9、能力,要求考生在阅读完短文之后从各问题选择项中找出正确的答案。所考查的阅读技能包括:理解文章主题思想和大意、细节信息、句子和文章的内在含义及推理、文章作者的态度等为主。试题由两部分构成,阅读材料难度与指定教材的课文难度相当,生词约为2%(超出本级别词汇表范围的生词有注释)。短文体裁和题目类型包括:1. 判断正误:15%本部分提供两篇阅读文章,如应用文、叙事文、说明文,要求考生在阅读完之后对每个选项做出正确与否的判断。共十题,即56-65 题。2. 篇章阅读理解:5%本部分提供一篇阅读短文,要求考生在阅读完之后从选择项中找出最恰当的答案。共五题,即66-70题。 答题方法:考生根据计算机屏幕文字
10、提示,使用键盘点入或拖入选择答案的方式,完成该部分试题内容。(五)读写本部分试题占卷面总分的15%。本部分试题用于考查学生能否运用英语在涉外交际的日常活动和业务工作中进行简单的书面交流的能力。要求考生熟悉英语应用文的各种题材和写作常规。试题由两部分构成:1. 修改句子:考生将根据所给的情景和写作要求,修改非正确语序的句子。(5%)共五题,即71-75题。2.应用文写作:考生将根据所给的任务和写作要求,写应用文。(10%)共一题,即76题。答题方法:考生根据计算机屏幕文字提示,使用键盘点入/拖入选择答案或打字的方式,完成该部分试题内容。(六)翻译本部分试题占卷面总分的15%。本题考查考生的主动运
11、用语言的能力,要求考生在正确理解词汇和句子结构的基础上,完成句子的英汉互译。本部分题型为单项选择题。考生根据短句的语义,在给出的四个译文中选出最恰当的一句。考查重点是对英、汉句型的整体翻译把握。共五题,即77-81 题。前4题为英译汉,第5题为汉译英。答题方法:考生根据计算机屏幕文字提示,使用键盘点入或拖入选择答案的方式,完成该部分试题内容。高等教育自学考试综合英语(三)口语、听力、笔试试卷结构图部分节为考生提供的信息指导语语言考察要点题型题目数量计分时间(分钟)I.听说部分:Part 1口语第一节短语、句子、短文英文/中文语音、语调以及流利程度词语跟读52.51分钟句子跟读421分钟短文朗读
12、132分钟第二节问题英文/中文语言交际回答问题52.52分钟Part 2听力第一节一篇短文(100词左右)(放两遍录音)英文/中文具体信息填空听写552分钟第二节短对话(放两遍录音)英文/中文总体/具体信息听力理解5510分钟长对话(放两遍录音)55第三节一篇短文(100词左右)(放两遍录音)英文/中文具体信息信息排序555分钟II.词汇与语法结构第一节词性和词义/词头英文/中文词汇单词拼写55第二节词典注释释义单项选择题(二选一)55第三节选项语法单项选择题(四选一)1010III.阅读理 解第一节两篇短文(每篇约300 词)英文/中文具体信息判断正误1015第二节一篇短文(约350词)英文
13、/中文总体/具体信息单项选择题(四选一)55IV.读写第一节情景,提示信息和句子英文/中文句型或表达方式修改句子510第二节任务,简短提示文字英文/中文书面表达/格式应用文写作15V.翻译选项英文/中文句子翻译(英译汉4句、汉译英1句)单项选择题(四选一)515总计80+1100五、学习方法(一)了解英语学习的特点 学习英语不仅仅是是学习并掌握一种语言技能,而且也是认识和研习一种文化,涉及到认知、理解、运用等诸多环节。学英语不仅要求掌握必要的英语知识,如:语音、词汇、语法和相关的文化知识,具有运用这些知识的能力和技巧,还需要理解其中的文化内涵,这样才能较好地学好英语,并能够得体自如地运用英语。
16、作的技能,以适应本门课程计算机考试的方式。七、教材及参考书目(一)指定教材 1.新编实用英语综合教程1(北京版)(新编实用英语(北京版)教材编写组编),刘丽洁主编,高等教育出版社,2008年版。 2.新编实用英语综合教程2(北京版)(新编实用英语(北京版)教材编写组编),杨盛林主编,高等教育出版社,2008年版。3.新编实用英语综合教程3(北京版)(新编实用英语(北京版)教材编写组编),陈建珍主编,高等教育出版社,2009年版。(二)推荐参考书目 1.英语语法手册(修订第四版),薄冰,赵德鑫主编,高等教育出版社,2007。 2.实用英语语法(修订重印本),张道真编著,外语教学与研究出版社,20
17、06。 3.朗文当代高级英语辞典(英英英汉双解),外语教学与研究出版社,2004。 4.牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第六版本),商务印书馆/牛津大学出版社,2004。八、样卷I. Speaking 6 minutesCandidates Test Paper Warm-up Questions (热身活动)Please read your full name and your registration number to the microphone loudly when you see or hear the prompt.(简要提示:请对着麦克读出您的姓名,考号。)Prompt from th
18、e system10 seconds for your registration(10秒钟注册)Now, here are some warm-up questions.Task:After you hear each question, there will be a pause. During the pause you should give your answer.You should begin to answer the question on hearing a signal and stop at an ending signal.Now please listen to th
19、e questions.(简要提示:问题后,听到开始信号叮咚音后,请您回答,结束信号嘀响时,请您结束回答。)Question 1: Please listen!Whats the weather like in your hometown?Timing begins10 seconds for your answerQuestion 2: Please listen!How do you like the weather of your hometown?Timing begins10 seconds for your answerQuestion 3: Please listen!What
20、is your favorite weather?Timing begins10 seconds for your answerThis is the end of Warm-up questions.(热身活动结束)口试正式开始Section A Reading Aloud (4 minutes)In this part, (1) you will hear five phrases and four sentences.(简要提示:词句模仿跟读5个短语,4个句子。)Task:n You are required to read aloud each phrase or sentence a
21、fter the speaker.n You are required to read aloud when hearing the beginning signal and stop before the speaker starts reading the next phrase or sentence.n You voice will be recorded into the system.(简要提示:请您模仿原声完成跟读,听到开始信号叮咚音后,请您模仿跟读。您的跟读将被录入系统。)1. Phrase 1: Please listen!A very good carA very good
22、 carTiming begins10 seconds for your loud readingTiming ends2. Phrase 2: Please listen!Warm and wet- Warm and wetTiming begins10 seconds for your loud readingTiming ends3. Phrase 3: Please listen!Meet in the streetMeet in the streetTiming begins10 seconds for your loud readingTiming ends4. Phrase 4:
23、 Please listen!Outside their own houseOutside their own house Timing begins10 seconds for your loud readingTiming ends5. Phrase 5: Please listen!Forks and spoonsForks and spoonsTiming begins10 seconds for your loud readingTiming ends6. Sentence 1: Please listen!The climate in Britain is quite differ
24、ent.The climate in Britain is quite different.Timing begins20 seconds for your loud readingTiming ends7. Sentence 2: Please listen!Hes just tough enough.Hes just tough enough. Timing begins20 seconds for your loud readingTiming ends8. Sentence 3: Please listen!She is only telling a white lie.She is
25、only telling a white lie.Timing begins20 seconds for your loud readingTiming ends9. Sentence 4: Please listen!Whats your schedule for tomorrow?Whats your schedule for tomorrow?Timing begins20 seconds for your loud readingTiming endsIn this part, (2) you will read aloud a passage.(简要提示:请您独立朗读短文一篇。)Ta
26、sk:n You are required to read aloud the following passage.n You are required to read aloud when hearing the beginning signal.n You voice will be recorded into the system.(简要提示:请您独立朗读短文,听到开始信号叮咚音后,请您朗读。您的朗读将被录入系统。)Passage:Timing begins2 minutes for your loud reading10.John is an overseas student in C
27、hina. He is from England. He studies Chinese in the university. Lin is a third-year Chinese student at the university. The two men meet for the first time. They introduce themselves to each other with pleasure. John is doing his Chinese program. Lin is going to graduate a year later. He intends to f
28、urther his study in the UK by working toward a masters degree. Both John and Lin are on-line. From now on they can also keep in touch through the internet and help each other at any time.Timing endsThis is the end of Reading Aloud.(口试朗读部分结束)Section B 10. Answer Questions (2 minutes)You will hear a g
29、apped conversation between Li Jun and Jack (简要提示:您将听到一段Li Jun 和Jack之间不完整的对话。)Task:n While listening to the conversation you are required to complete the gap by answering the questions.n Suppose you are JACK.n You have 30 seconds to read through the script on the computer.n You will have 10 seconds i
30、n each answer with script.n You are required to answer totally 5 questions for the conversation.n You voice will be recorded into system.(简要提示:假设您是JACK,请您在Li Jun提问后,在所给的答案中进行选择,听到信号叮咚音后读出正确的答案,您每次的回答应在10秒内完成,您的回答将被录入系统。)Now, please silently read the script.(简要提示:请您预览需要完成的对话。)Timing begins30 seconds
31、for your silent readingJack: Hello, Li Jun? Its me, Jack.Li Jun: Hello, Jack. Have you arrived at the Great Wall?Candidate (Jack): Yes, Im at Badaling now.(您的回答1) Li Jun: Whats the weather like over there?Candidate (Jack): Its cool. (您的回答2) Li Jun: Whats the temperature?Candidate (Jack): Its seventy
32、-seven degree Fahrenheit. (您的回答3) Li Jun: Thats about twenty-six degree centigrade.Candidate (Jack): Yes. (您的回答4)Li Jun: Wow! Thats the weather I like.Candidate Jack: Me, too. (您的回答5)Timing endsHere is the gapped conversation recording. Remember to answer the question when you have a signal sound.(简
33、要提示:请在所给的答案中进行选择,并读出正确答案,听到开始信号叮咚音后,您开始回答。)您的回答Yes, Im at Badaling now.Its cool.Its seventy-seven degree Fahrenheit.Yes.Me, too.Jack: Hello, Li Jun? Its me, Jack.Li Jun: Hello, Jack. Have you arrived at the Great Wall?Candidate (Jack): 11. Answer 1: Timing begins10 seconds for your answerTiming ends
34、Li Jun: Whats the weather like over there?Candidate (Jack): 12. Answer 2: Timing begins10 seconds for your answerTiming endsLi Jun: Whats the temperature?Candidate (Jack): 13. Answer 3: Timing begins10 seconds for your answer Timing endsLi Jun: Thats about twenty-six degree centigrade.Candidate (Jac
35、k): 14. Answer 4: Timing begins10 seconds for your answer Timing endsLi Jun: Wow! Thats the weather I like.Candidate Jack:15. Answer 5: Timing begins10 seconds for your answer Timing ends This is the end of Answering Questions.(口试回答问题部分结束)II. Listening Comprehension Candidates Test Paper 17 minutesS
36、ection A Word DictationDirections: Listen to the passage twice and choose the words listed in the box to fill in each blank by clicking the choice. (简要提示:听短文,选择恰当的词语,并拖入相应填空内容。)One of the most 16 accidents is catching fire. You should be careful with fires. People who are not 17 sometimes cause fire
37、s that burn buildings and forests. If you are ever in a burning building, crawl on the floor to the door and get out. The smoke and 18 from the fire are in the upper part of a room. The air near the floor is cooler and fresher. If your 19 get on fire, roll on the floor to shut out the air. With no a
38、ir, the fire will go out. Firemen sometimes use water to 20 fires. The water cools the burning material so that the fire goes out.hitdangerouscare forheatclothesput outpull outcarefulSection B Understanding Dialogues and ConversationsListen to five short dialogues and decide on the correct answer fr
39、om the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D listed. Youll listen to each of them twice.(简要提示:听对话,选择正确答案。)21What is the womans favorite hobby?A. SwimmingB. DancingC. Stamp-collectingD. Reading22What is the woman likely to be?A. A shop assistantB. A bank clerkC. A customerD. The mans wife23How does Jane go
40、to office?A. On footB. By taxiC. By busD. Bu bike24Where did the woman work for three years?A. In a factoryB. In a companyC. In a travel serviceD. In a university25What may the man do next?A. Go to hotelB. Get on a busC. Ask for a taxiD. Ask another personListen to another two conversations and deci
41、de on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D listed. Youll listen to each of them twice.(简要提示:听对话,选择正确答案。)Conversation 1:26How many people will the waitress serve at table No.10?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four27What will David do before his friends come?A. Have a cup of teaB. Just si
42、t and waitC. Urge his friendsD. Read a newspaperConversation 2:28What is likely to happen to the man?A. He will report.B. He may fail in the course.C. He may have to go home.D. He will stop working.29Whats the requirement of his visa?A. He should be a full-time student.B. He should not fail.C. He sh
43、ould not overwork.D. He should take 16 courses.30What will the woman do first?A. Report him to the Home Office.B. Write to his parents.C. Help him with his studies.D. Ask him to go home.Section C Understanding the Passage31-35Listen to a short passage and put A-F listed below in the order you hear.
44、Theres one extra choice which you do not need to use. Youll listen to the passage twice.(简要提示:听短文,完成所列信息的排序,6选5。)A. Cowboys ContributionsB. Gold RushC. Indian CultureD. Slave TradeE. Civil WarF. War of IndependenceIII. Vocabulary and Structure (20%) Section A (5%)Directions: Complete the words with the help of the clues. The first letter of the words is given. You are expected to fill out the rest