1、Chaper 1 Introduction Chatper 5 Fungi Molds Mushrooms Fungi Yeasts Fungi1.Unicellular fungiFungi1.Filamentous fungi2.Unicellular fungiyeastsn Morphological characteristics n Reproductionn Characteristics of colony n Typical species of yeastsMorphological characteristicsn Yeasts are usually unicellul
2、ar.Yeast cells are larger than most bacteria.1-5 um in width and 5-30 um or more in length.They are monly egg-shaped.Yeasts have no flagella.n Asexual reproduction is by budding or binary fission;Sexual reproduction is by forming ascospore.Filamentous fungi(1)nonseptate;(2)septatehyphaesporesn Spora
3、ngiospores(孢囊孢子)n Conidiospores(分生孢子)n Arthrospores or Oidia(节孢子)n Chlamydospores(厚壁孢子)Sporangiospore Sporangiospores are formed within a sporangium Arthrospores ConidiosporesConidiospores are arranged in chains at the end of a conidiophore ConidiosporesFungihyphaerepresentivesSexual sporeZygomycete
4、sNon-septateMucor;RhizopusZygosporeAsycetesSeptateNeurospora;SaccharomycesAscosporeBasidiomyctesSeptateAgaricus;amanitaBasidiosporeDeuteromycetesSeptateAspergillus;PenicilliumNot foundClassification and major properties of fungidiseases caused by fungi athlete s foot ringworm of the mails cryptococcal meningitis cryptococcal meningitis Chaper 1 Introduction Chapter 6 Virusesviral diseaseviral hepatitis HBV,HCV,HAVAIDS-HIVviral disease AIDS-HIVviral hepatitis HBV,HCV,HAVmad-cow disease-prion others