1、英语字母脑筋急转弯 英语脑筋急转弯,是英语谜语的重要形式之一,也是深受人们宠爱的一种语言嬉戏。下面我为你整理英语脑筋急转弯,希望能帮到你。 英语字母脑筋急转弯 1. What letter is a drink? A: T 2. What is in the middle of the night? A: G 3. What letter is a question? A: Y 4. What letter is a part of the head? A: I 5. What letter sounds a useful insect? A: B 6. What letter is neit
2、her I nor he? A: U 7. What letter is an exclamation of surprise? A: O 8. What letter is a large body of water? A: C 9. What part of a clock is always old? A: the second hand 10. What has four legs but can’t run? A: bed , desk 11. I have hands and a face, but I can’t touch or smile, what
3、am I? A: watch, clock 12. What question can you never answer ;yes; to ;?;? A: Are you asleep? 13. What begins with T, ends with T, and full with T? A: teapot 14. What comes twice in a moment, once in a minute and never in a hundred years? A: M 15. What tables de we often see in fields? A: vegetable
4、16. Which two words can be pronounced fast and quick? A : fast, quick 17. Which is the longest word in English? A: smiles 18. What is white when it is dirty? A: blackboard 19. What is that which you break by even naming it? A: silence 20. In another three years Tom will be three times as old as he w
5、as three years ago. How old is Tom now? A: He is six 趣味英语脑筋急转弯 1. What part of a clock is always old? A: the second hand 2. What has four legs but can’t run? A: bed , desk 3. I have hands and a face, but I can’t touch or smile, what am I? A: watch, clock 4. What question can you never an
6、swer ;yes; to ;?;? A: Are you asleep? 5. What begins with T, ends with T, and full with T? A: teapot 6. What comes twice in a moment, once in a minute and never in a hundred years? A: M 7. What tables de we often see in fields? A: vegetable 8. Which two words can be pronounced fast and quick? A : fa
7、st, quick 9. Which is the longest word in English? A: smiles 10. What is white when it is dirty? A: blackboard 11. What is that which you break by even naming it? A: silence 12. In another three years Tom will be three times as old as he was three years agoHow old is Tom now? A: He is six 13. I am s
8、omething that can run but can’t walkWhat am I? A: water 14. I am something that has teeth, but can’t eatWhat am I? A: a comb 15. I am something that every living person has seen, but no one will ever see me again What am I? A: yesterday 16. I am something that always increases the more I
9、 shared with othersWhat am I? A: happiness 17. It wasn’t my sister, nor my brother, but still was the child of my father and motherWho was it? A: myself 18. Two Indians are standing on a hill, and one is the father of the other’s sonWhat relation are two Indians to each other? A: husband
10、 & wife 19. What belongs only to you and yet is used more by others than yourself?A: your name 20. Ten men were in a boatThe boat tipped over and nine men got their hair wetWhy didn’t the teeth man get his hair wet? A: He was bald. 英语搞笑脑筋急转弯 1. What room has no walls, no doors, no windows,
11、 and no floors? A mushroom.(蘑菇) 2. What is smaller than an insect's mouth? Anything it eats. 3. What large instrument do you carry in your ears? Drums, that is eardrums.(鼓膜) 4. What's too much for one, just right for two, but nothing at all for three? A secret. 5. What person tried to make y
12、ou smile most of the time? A photographer. 6. What animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat? A kitten.(小猫) 7. What surprising things happen every 24 hours? Day breaks, but doesn't fall; night falls, but doesn't break. 8. What can hear you without
13、ears and can answer you without a mouth? An echo.(回声) 9. What do you know about the kings of France? They are all dead. 10. What question can you never answer 'yes; to; Are you asleep? 11. Why do some old people never use glasses? They must prefer bottles to glasses. 12. Why is the person wearin
14、g two coats while painting the house? Because the instructions on the paint can say ;Put on two coats for best results.; 13. What two words have thousands of letters in them? Post office. 14. What do workers do in a clock factory? They make faces all day. 15. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? Sixty. 英语脑筋急转弯本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第8页 共8页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页