1、Dating in America:Dating in America:From Seeing to dating:Hang out (Date with someone else)Open date (Date with someone else)l“I am seeing her right now,but she is not my girlfriend”l“I love you”“Commitment”第1页/共7页The last phase:Exclusive date(Girlfriend or Boyfriend )Be serious about the relationsh
2、ip.第2页/共7页 Dating in China:l Easy to say love or making commitmentl Facing pressure from parental pressure,the price of a marriage,etc.l Family usually have a say COMMON 第3页/共7页New Trend:A personal convenient introductory system Criterion :Age range,gender,location.Online DatingOnline Dating第4页/共7页Tips for DatingTips for Dating01AVOIDTHEEX-FACTOR01AVOIDTHEEX-FACTOR02FOCUSONYOURPARTNER02FOCUSONYOURPARTNER03HIDEYOURPHONE03HIDEYOURPHONE04TAKEENOUGHMONEY04TAKEENOUGHMONEY05AVOIDPERSONALQUESTIONS05AVOIDPERSONALQUESTIONS第5页/共7页 LOGOThank You!第6页/共7页感谢您的观看!第7页/共7页