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1、中西方婚礼的不同_英文PPT Differences between traditional Chinese and Western WeddinglWedding LocationlWedding dresslWedding processeslRelated activities Wedding LocationWedding Location佳佳 The wedding ceremony hold in the hall of a hotel or in the home of the groom in China.The wedding ceremony hold in a churc

2、h or outdoor in a western country,presided by a priest.Wedding DressChinese:the dominant tone is redBride:a chaplet and official robes Bride:a chaplet and official robes(凤冠霞帔)(凤冠霞帔)Bridegroom:Bridegroom:Champion Champion robesrobes(状元服)(状元服)The bride will wear a white bridal gown and holding a bouqu

3、et.There are four trational things in western wedding.Something Old continuity with the brides family and the past.Something Newoptimism and hope for the brides new life aheadSomething Borrowedan item from a happily married friend or family member,whose good fortune in marriage is supposed to carry

4、over to the new bride.Something Bluelove,modesty,and fidelityWedding ProcessesChinese traditional wedding Step1:Proposing 做媒做媒Step2:Engagement订亲订亲Step3:Betrothal presents 聘聘礼礼Step4:meeting the bride 迎娶迎娶Step5:wedding ceremony 婚婚礼仪式礼仪式一拜天地 1 bow to the heaven and earth.二拜高堂 2 bow to their parents夫妻对拜

5、 3 bow to each otherWhen the new couple bow to the parents and serve tea to the parents,the parents would give the couple red packets with money or something valuable.wedding ceremony 婚礼仪式婚礼仪式Drinking wedlock wine1415The host declares the beginning of the ceremony.The brides father takes the bride t

6、o the groom.The host asked the guests whether there are any objection to their marriage and if each of the couple is willing to marry.Each of them recites his or her marriage vows(誓言)(誓言)and exchanges the rings.The host proclaims they become couple.主持人宣布开始的仪式。主持人宣布开始的仪式。新娘的父亲带着新娘走到新郎身边。新娘的父亲带着新娘走到新郎

7、身边。神父问客人是否有任何反对他们的婚姻神父问客人是否有任何反对他们的婚姻,如果每个这对夫妇如果每个这对夫妇愿意结婚。愿意结婚。他们两个人朗诵各自的婚姻誓言并交换戒指。他们两个人朗诵各自的婚姻誓言并交换戒指。主人宣告他们成为夫妻。主人宣告他们成为夫妻。16Before the wedding.Bachelor PartyTraditional wedding vowsTraditional wedding vowsI,(Bride/Groom),take you(Groom/Bride),to be I,(Bride/Groom),take you(Groom/Bride),to be my(

8、wife/husband),to have and to hold from my(wife/husband),to have and to hold from this day forward,for better or for worse,for this day forward,for better or for worse,for richer,for poorer,in sickness and in health,to richer,for poorer,in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish;from this day f

9、orward until love and to cherish;from this day forward until death do us part.death do us part.Exchanging Wedding Rings19Throwing the bouquet.20ReceptionA wedding reception is a party held after the completion of a marriage ceremony.The couple receives society,for the first time as spouses.It applies to any social events such as dinners,balls or tea to show hospitality(殷勤款待)to the guests.21Wedding cake DancesToasts Activities Wedding InvitationThanks for your listening!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢


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