1、2019 年暑假幼小衔接数学测试卷(100 分)姓名:一、看谁算得又对又快(10 分)3+5=4+3=8-4=7-2=6+2=2+8=9-8=5-3=4+4=3+7=10-2=7-6=1+8=5+2=10-8=8-6=4+2=6+4=9-6=6-4=二、填相邻数(6 分)()15()32()()()25()8()()()18()29()三、在1821里填上“”“”或“”(8 分)2315241211181620163017282428四、分解与组合(8 分)81079()434()65()6()325528()()()()四、完成下列竖式计算(18 分)15+21=12+24=14+31=38
2、-14=46-21=37-26=五、看图列算式并计算(8 分)+=+=六、算一算,凑十法(8+8=八、算一算,连一连(七、算一算,借十法(12-8=9 分)6+9=5 分)8+29-47+25+37-59 分)15-9=9210587+5=13-8=九、数一数,填一填(九、数一数,填一填(4 4 分)分)十、解决问题(15 分)1、玩具店进了 5 个,又进了 4 个个个个个个个 个个,玩具店一共有多少个?2、池塘里有 10 只,一会儿游走了 3 只,池塘里还有多少只?3、飞机场停了 4 架,又飞回来了 6 架,现在飞机场一共停了多少架?“”At the end,Xiao Bian gives
3、you a passage.Minand once said,people who learn tolearn are very happy people.In every wonderful life,learning is an eternal theme.Asa professional clerical and teaching position,I understand the importance ofcontinuous learning,life is diligent,nothing can be gained,only continuous learningcan achi
4、eve better self.Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevantknowledge,can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprisedevelopment and innovate to meet the needs of the market.This document is alsoedited by my studio professionals,there may be errors in the document,if there areerrors,please correct,thank you!