1、三年级英语上册教案Unit1 hello 学习者分析:1、学生是初次接触英语,但在日常生活中已不知不觉地接触或使用了某些英语词汇。如:bye,OK等。2、也正因为初次接触,对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣,对英语学习充满好奇,教师需要呵护学生的学习积极性,鼓励学生大胆开口。教学目标:1、技能目标:(1)能听懂、会说 Hello/Hi.Goodbye/Bye.Im,。(2)通过见面时打招呼,自我介绍以及道别等情景,让学生在模仿、学习、表演的基础上达到自然交流与真实运用的目的。(3)会唱“Hello”。2.学习策略:(1)以活动为途径,渗透任务型教学,让学生在玩中学、学中玩,寓教于乐。让学生能把所学的内容
2、主动联系实践,在生活中使用英语。(2)通过小组竞争和激励性评价,让学生通过合作,形成良好的团队精神。3.情感目标:激发学生的英语学习兴趣,培养学生热爱学习的情感。4、文化意识:(1)知道英语中最简单的称谓语、问候语和告别语。(2)了解语言的使用环境。教学重点:见面打招呼、自我介绍、道别用语的会话学习,使学生在不同的情景中听懂、会说 Hello./Hi.Goodbye./Bye-Bye.Im.。教学难点:自我介绍用语I m,的发音.教学准备:课件、图片、奖品贴纸教学过程:一、热身 (Warm-up)T:Hi,boys and girls.Do you know what class we are
3、 going to have?Ss:Yes/No.T:Can you speak English?S1,S2,S3,T:Youre great!(做动作:竖大拇指表扬学生。)你们知道的英语知识真不少。T:Do you like singing?Ss:Yes.T:Lets hear it,then tell us what can you hear?T:What can you hear?S3:我听见,设计意图:因为是孩子第一次上英语课,所以采用富有吸引力的歌曲来增强他们对英语学习的兴趣。首先由孩子平时生活中所熟悉的英语入手,选用了与本节课内容相关的歌曲,让学生自我挖掘已知道的英语,消除了畏惧心
4、理,激发了他们的英语学习兴趣。二、新课展示(Presentation)1、Hello/Hi(1)听了这首英语歌,他们是怎样用英语打招呼的?(2)跟读 Hello/Hi(我们都是好朋友,见面Hello/Hi)(3)Pair work(4)“接力活动”:学生一个接一个进行问答,要求又快又好。如:S1:Hello!S2!S2:Hi!S1!Hi!S3!S3:Hi!S2!Hi!S4!,2、Bye/Goodbye(1)T:Today,Ill make some friends.Do you want to be my friends?Ss:Yes.(The teacher walks to a stude
5、nt.)T:Hello,Im Miss Yang.Whats your name?S1:Niu Yougui.T:Hello,Niu Yougui.S1:Hello,Miss Yang.(2)播放课件,通过课件呈现人物 Sarah、Mike、Wu Yifan 和 John T:Now you have many friends.Do you want to make more friends?Ss:Yes.T:What can you hear?S1:Bye,Miss White.S2:Goodbye.跟读。(我们都是好伙伴,分手Bye/Goodbye)3、Im.(1)T:Hi,kids.Lo
6、ok,this is Sarah.This is Mike.This is Wu Yifan and this is John.How to say“Hello/Hi”?S1:Hello!Im Wu Yifan.S1:Hi!Im Sarah.T:Im.(提醒并纠正 Im 的发音,应为/aim/不能读成/em/)Then the teacher walks to other students and greet them in the same way.(2)Group work 设计意图:老师与学生交朋友,旨在拉近师生间的距离,对学生适当地评价,更能消除学生的恐惧心理,鼓励他们大胆开口说英语。
7、同时,教师鼓励其他学生对该学生和老师的表现进行评价,营造一种宽松、民主的气氛。4、展示并跟读本节课的教学内容设计意图:这节课是学生的第一节英语课,因此老师应注重培养学生养成良好的英语学习习惯。让学生学会先整体感知,手指认读,既培养学生的注意力,也加强对学生认读能力的训练。三、趣味操练(Practice)1、听音传花教师先讲清规则:全班分为两大组,播放音乐,两组学生同时开始传花,当音 乐 停 止 时,两 组 各 有 一 名 学 生 拿 到 花,这 时,拿 到 花 的 学 生 就 说Hello/Hi,Im.设计意图:通过“听音传花”游戏进一步巩固本课的重点句型,让学生在玩中乐,玩中学,从而能够灵活
8、运用对话进行交流。在整个练习过程中,由扶到放,把所学的知识运用到实际生活中,让他们真正感知、体验、实践。2、学唱歌曲:Hello!四、课外活动(Add-activities)遇 到 老 师、同 学 和 家 长 时 要 用Hello/Hi打 招 呼;分 手 时 要 用Goodbye/Bye-bye 道别。设计意图:对学生提出用英语打招呼是为了进一步培养学生学英语,用英语的思想。五、评价小结(Assessment and Summary)数一数看谁身上的小贴画最多,谁就是今天的“小小外交官”。T:Lets have a look,how many stickers have you got?设计意
9、图:数贴画并评选“小小外交官司”,是对学生学习兴趣的呵护,同时也是对他的激励,让学生在学习过程中体验成功和自信,让学生在快乐中学习并学有所获。板书设计:Hello/Hi.I m,Bye/Goodbye.教学反思:本课时是学生第一次接触英语,引入相当重要。通过卡通、歌曲和游戏等多种教学方式激发学生的学习兴趣与学习愿望。本课时主要语言点是学习见面打招呼、自我介绍及道别用语。刚好教师和学生也是第一次见面,可以利用这一真实情景运用所学的语言点来操练对话,设计的几幅情景图是让学生进一步运用所学,巩固知识,实现真正的语言交流,从而使学生初步体验用英语交流的成就感和快乐。Unit2 How are you?
10、一、Teaching aims 1.会用和别人打招呼问好的句子How are you?2.会用回答别人问好的句子:Fine.或者 I m fine.3.学会表达朋友关系的句子:You are my friend.二、Key points1.Words:how,are,you,fine,thank,good,friend,Tom,and 2.Sentences:How are you?Fine,thank you.3.Song:Apple Tree4.Letters:Jj Kk Ll 三、Teaching aids 头饰、单词卡、情景挂图等。四、Games-introduction 1、Touc
11、h and say/Jump and say Aims:单词输出,Let the students open their mouths。Built links between the sound and spelling of the words.Rules:Teacher chooses one word,the students should touch it and speak out the word.2、High and low voice Aims:Words input,Imitating the teacher,correcting the pronunciation。Rule
12、s:Teacher speaks loudly,then the students repeat it softly.3、Flash cards Aims:Review the words.Rules:Teacher shows the cards quickly,then the students should speak out the words quickly.4、Sentence Solitaire Aims:Speak out the sentences.Rules:One student speaks the first word,then another student spe
13、aks the next one as quickly as possible.5、Jump to the cards.Aims:Review the words.Rules:Teacher puts the cards on the floor.Teacher speaks one word,then the student jumps to the word and speaks it out.6、What s missing?Aims:Speak out the words.Rules:Teacher hides one of the card,then the students sho
14、uld tell the teacher which one is missing.Unit 3 Good morning!课程目标一、知识和能力目标本单元要求学生掌握英文字母AH,能认读其印刷体和手写体字母的大小写等四种形式。书写(大写和小写,笔顺,笔画)基本合乎要求。能看,听,说本单元所列的日常交际用语,重点学会打招呼,并做到语音语调正确。二、过程和方法目标教师要尽量用英语组织教学。充分利用课堂的40 分钟,不讲或少讲汉语,尽量给学生创造英语情景。教师可以用手势,表情,动作等示意,帮助学生听懂课堂用语和日常交际用语,第一次介绍某个用语时,说英语,加译文及手势,以后可酌情省去译文,最后只说英
15、语,逐步让学生听懂。三、情感态度和价值观目标万事开头难,首先利用这个单元培养学生们对英语的兴趣,因为兴趣是最好的老师。学情分析体会打招呼用语的奥妙所在,做到灵活运用。1Good morning/afternoon/evening:适用于比较正式客气的场合,双方都应说Good morning/afternoon/evening!例如:A:Good morning,Miss Zhao早晨好,赵老师。B:Good morning,MrWang早晨好,王校长。2Morning:适用于比较熟悉的朋友之间或比较繁忙的情况下。3Hello:是最广泛、最简单的打招呼语,显得亲切自然。例如:A:Hello,Ka
16、te你好,凯特。B:Hero,Li Lei 你好,李雷。4Hi:在现代英语中,Hi 比 Hello 用得更多,显得更随和。例如:A:Hi,Han Meimei你好,韩梅梅。B:Hi,Lucy你好,露西。教学准备tape recorder,multi medium Step 1:Introduction Begin by greeting the class with a smile and good morning!Now,introduce the words“teacher”and“class”by using gestures Repeat this several times and
17、have the class repeat after youStudents Can answer as a whole groupAs rows and as individuals Repeat“I am your teacher and you are the class”several times Now,introduce the class to the instructions:Class,please sit down and class,please stand up by using actions and gesturesThey can practice this s
18、everal times Step 2:Leadin You may want t0 leave the class again to introduce the usual Good morning routineSay Good morning class Help students respond with Good morning Point to yourself and say Im Miss,Mr Have them repeat Explain the terms Miss and Mrin ChineseRepeat this a few times with rows an
19、d individuals or try a“back-chain”drill:Miss,Mr(Ss repeat)Morning,MissM r(Ss repeat)Good morning,Miss,Mr(Ss repeat)Step 3:Practice Say:Stand up,please!(Ss stand up)Leave the classroom,return and say Good morning,class!Help the students respond with Good morning,Miss,MrSay Sit down,please Now let s s
20、tart the lesson Step 4:Presentation and activity Now point to yourself and say My name is Miss Mr.I am your teacher Find a student you know and say your name is(Beth)Then ask What is your name?Help them respond with My name is .When the student answers,respond with Hel lo Nice to meet you!Repeat thi
21、s activity several times,first with students you know and then with othersHelp them to respond with Nice to meet you,tooExplain the Word“too in ChineseStep 5:Practice Get the students to practice the f0llowing dialogue in pairs S1:Good morningS2:Good morningI m(Ben)Whats your name?Sl:My name is(Dale
22、)Nice to meet you!S2:Nice to meet youtooCall out several pairs of students to give their performancePraise their efforts as much as possible Help the slower students with patience Step 6:Presentation Do activity 1a:Look at the pictureFind the small letters for these big letters First present letters
23、 a-h,and get the students to repeat these lettersCall the students to attention the letter C si:notsei:H/e?/not/e?/Step 7:Listening and writing Get the students to listen to the tape and finish the task list on the bookMake sure all the students know what they should do Have the students watch the t
24、eacher writing the letters on the blackboard,then ask them to follow the teacher and write down these letters on their exercise booksLet the students know the diffences between the big letters and the small lettersStep 8:Games time Let the students do some letters games to enjoy your lesson,the foll
25、owing is the instruction抢读字母游戏:教师将全班分成若干小组,然后逐个出示字母卡片,学生们举手抢答。教师让最先举手的学生读出该字母,读对的给该组记lO 分,得分最多的组为优胜组。Step 9:Homework Copy the conversation and letters.(Do entering famous school)Step 1:Leadin Do free talk:Greet students and ask them to greet each other.Play a role game.Ask students to collect inform
26、ation about their idols such as Bill Gates,Thomas Edison,Jacky Cheng and so on and write their names down.Get them act as their idols and introduce themselves to their partners.The following is sample:T:Good morning,My name is Bill Gates.S:Good morning,I m Jacky Cheng.T:Nice to meet you,Jacky.S:Nice
27、 to meet you,too.Bill.Encourage the students to care what kind of English they can find in the street or in the other ways.Show the students some CDs and ask them if they know what it is.Repeat with the other things.And add some more things such as DVD and KFC.Train the students to care the things h
28、appening around them,such as:ID means identification card.OK means all right.Then get them to finish the exercise on the screen.Go on doing the above step to ask them to list more about the abbreviation.(See the powerpoint)Step 2:Pairwork Let students work in pairs to practice the dialogue on 3a Get
29、 them to act it out after practicing.Do 3bMake sure all the students know the answers correctly.Let the students try their best to remember how to pronounce all the names.Let the students try Step 3:Practice Play the tape and ask the students to sing after it in chorus and individual.Give them a cha
30、nce to perform Praise their efforts as much as possible Help the slower students with patience.Step 4:Homework Copy the letters and the new words and finish off the workbook.(Do entering famous school)Step 1:Lead-in Begin the class with singing the song of“Good morning”together.Free talk.Ask:Hi!Good
31、 morning,Tom.Or Morning,Dale.etc.Let the students get used to speaking English in class,even after class,Encourage the students to speak English as much as possible Say out all the letters in English while you are pointing the letters or things in the classroomMake sure all the students know what yo
32、u are saying and what it is in English.Speech Cassette la of section B Play the tape and ask the students to listen to it carefully,then act it out,also do the task of lb on the book Next get the students to write down the small letters for each word(abbr.)Step 2:Pairwork Get the students to practis
33、e the dialogue by pointing out the things they know how to say in English Ask the students to exchange the roles Let them fill in the missing letter of each word in pairs.Step 3:Listen and repeat List out the letter A on the blackboard and encourage the students to say out what other words a1so make
34、 the same pronunciation Give them some tips.Present the other letters the same as the 1etter ALet the students follow the chant after the tape.Step 4:Homework Finish off the workbook(Do entering famous school)Unit 4 What s this?【教学目标】(一)知识目标:1、能够听、说、认读本课的生词:pencil,pen,bag,book。2、能听懂,会读会用句子:Whats thi
35、s?What s that?Its a(二)能力目标:1、能用灵活运用句型“Whats this?Whats that?”询问物品的名称,并掌握相关单词和句型,能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话,完成一定的交际任务。2、让学生能在现实生活中灵活运用所学句型。(三)情感目标1、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立学习英语的自信心。2、培养学生的合作交流能力。【教学重点】1.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子:Whats this?/What s that?Its a.2、能在日常生活中利用实物进行问答。【教学难点】1、熟练掌握用英文询问物品名称的单词和句子,能在实际生活中灵活运用。2、培养学生用英语思维的能力,
36、及大胆用英语交流的能力。【教学过程】I Warmer 1.Greeting.Sing the song“A rainbow”.2.Revision.3.The Ss try to introduce the pictures with“This is a”II Leading and presentation 1.Look at the cartoon and answer questions.Look at the cartoon and try to answer the questions:1.How many stationary are there?2.What are they?2
37、.Have the Ss look at the cartoon.3.Have the Ss answer the questions.bag,pencil,pen,book 4.Use the CAI to learn the word”bag”.(The teacher shows the card and have the Ss try to read.)(The teacher put the card on the blackboard.)Then the teacher asks a student“What s this?”(Point to a bag.)The student
38、 answers with“Its a”.Ask and answer in pair.S1:Whats this?S2:It s a bag.S1:Whats that?S2:It s a bag.5.Use the CAI to learn the other words in the same way.6.Then have the Ss try to read the words in groups.7.Play a game.Use the CAI to practice the words they learnt.The teacher clicks on“Start”.Have
39、the Ss to read out the words quickly.8.Have a match.Look at the play and complete the dialogue.III Text teaching The text T:Open your books.a)Listen,point.b)Listen,point and repeat.c)Practice in groups.d)Have a student try to read the dialogue.IV Task-fulfilling A.The chant e)Listen the chant.f)List
40、en,point and repeat.g)Teach the chant.h)Say the chant together.B.Listen,color and act.1.Listen and color.2.Check the answers.3.Act it out with the structure“Whats this?What s that?Its a ”in groups.V Consolidation T:What did we learn?Have the Ss try to answer.Homework1、Activity Book exercise1.2、Read
41、the dialogue after class.Unit 5 I have a bag 一、教学目标1.知识目标:能够听、说、认、读本课六个生词English book,math book,Chinese book,story-book,notebook,schoolbag,会运用句型 How many,do you have?I have,.能听懂 Let s do 口令并作出相应的动作;以及掌握under,on,in,near的运用和判断。并通过创设真实情境来运用及交流;学唱歌曲“Booksand pencils”。2.技能目标:能综合运用所学语言进行交流,将新学词汇运用于句型中,发展学
42、生自主学习的能力。3.情感目标:通过本课的学习使学生乐于听、说英语,乐于模仿,积极参与,培养学生的合作精神。二、教学重难点重点:掌握单词 English book,math book,Chinese book,story-book,notebook,schoolbag,做到能听、说、认、读。难点:1、math中的 th 发音及 English,math,Chinese 等单词与 book 的连读2、将新学词汇运用于句型How many,do you have?I have,中,联系生活来运用及交流。3、根据指令熟练地做出相应动作,以及掌握under,on,in,。三、教学过程Step1.War
43、m-up/Revision 1.Sing a song“In the classroom”(在轻松愉悦的气氛中进入课堂)2.Revision T:Today,I m very happy to learn with you.In unit1,we learnt some words about classroom.Look at the picture.This is our classroom.What can you see in it?S1:Window S2:Door.S3:PictureT:Great.You master well.Everyday we must carry a
44、thing to go to school,what is this?Ss:Pen,pencil,(引导学生答出 schoolbag板书课题)【设计思路】通过对旧知识的复习了解学生对于知识的掌握情况,并且慢慢引导学生进入本单元的课题。Step2.Presentation Task1:New words and sentence structure T:This is my schoolbag.What s in it?Can you guess?Ss:Pencil-case,pen,ruler,eraser,English bookT:Ok,let s see.(拿出英语书)S:English
45、 book!An English book!(出示英语书的单词卡片,学读单词)T:(拿出一本语文书)Whats this?S:Chinese book.T:A Chinese book.(出示语文书的单词卡片,学读单词)T:(顺手从书包里拿出一本数学书)Boys and girls.Look!S:Math book.A math book!(对此学生不太熟悉所以可以相对的提醒),并用手指指向舌齿,示意学生注意观察老师的发音部位。)T:(继续掏出不同的书,引出notebook a notebook,story-book a story-book)再拿出一本故事书引导:two story-book
46、s T:Boys and girls.How many books do I have?Lets count.T&S:1,2,3,4,5,6.I have 6.An English book,a Chinese book,a math book,a notebook and two story books.T:How many books do you have?S:I havePlay the flash of Part A(学生跟读引导学生们正确的发音,并对新知的一个巩固。)【设计思路】通过猜的活动引导学生积极思考,在一个比较真实的情境中呈现新知。使用 flash 动画让学生更直观的学习书
47、本的知识而且通过模仿来纠正学生的发音。)Task2:Practice and Game 1.Show some pictures about the new words and ask the Ss to say.2.Listen and find(给一些同学单词卡片和各种书的图片,其他同学读出各种书的名称,而要求持有图片以及卡片的同学快速的上讲台找到自己的好朋友)【小结 1】通过看、听、找让学生对各种书名快速掌握。3.Practice and imitate Show the sentence structure“How manydo you have?I have.”and ask the
48、 Ss to use the sentence structure to make a dialogue.For example:A:I have many books.B:How many English books do you have?A:I have an English book.How many pens do you have?B:I have【小结 2】巩固并学会运用“How many do you have?I have .”的句型。【设计思路】通过图片、游戏让学生对本堂课的内容有了更进一步的掌握,在练习与模仿中引导学生不要出现错误在自然而然中理解句型并掌握其用法。Unit
49、8 what color is it 教学目标通过本单元的 学习,学生应会描述物品,主要通过对十种颜色的描绘来认识物品。通过人的穿着,学会描述人的特点。如:in the red coat。学会介词短语做后置定语修饰人或物。如:the one on the black bike,the one in a red coat,the man in the green car等。词汇学习掌握 red colour yellow blue white green brown orange light one which want 理解 purple grey sweater 交际用语 学习What co
50、lour is it?Its red/green,What colour are they/these/those?Theyre blue/red,Whos that boy/man.?Which one/man?The man in/on/behind the,The one in the red coat.Cant you see?Come here.Whats that over there?The one in/on,whats/whatre,It looks nice.语法学习1对颜色提问及问答2which 构成的特殊疑问句的用法。3one和 ones 做代词的用法。4初步了解否定疑