1、Xiaoping tXiaoping theory aheory and tnd the important thoughe important thoug ht of the tht of the t hree rehree represepresents and the scints and the sci entificentific OutlOutlookook onon development.Such changdevelopment.Such chang es were maes were ma de,ide,is conducivs conducive to implemee
2、to impleme nting tnting the innovatihe innovationon of Marxism inof Marxism in ChiChina,ena,espespecially thecially the sci scientificentific conceconcept of devept of developmelopment thent the strategic taskstrategic task of arming theof arming the whole pawhole party,play grassrty,play grass root
3、sroots organizatiorganizations ions in prn promoting tomoting the sciehe scientific Outlook on deventific Outlook on deve lopmelopment intnt into the grasso the grassoots loots level,and to imevel,and to im plement tplement the important role.Thirhe important role.Thir d,how tod,how to use tuse theh
4、e contecontentsnts of the neof the new Constitw Constit ution guiution guidingding party buiparty buildilding through stng through st udyiudying theng the esseessence of thence of the newnew ConstitutiConstitution,ton,the flexiblhe flexible applie application of the essence of the Constitcation of t
5、he essence of the Constit ution inution in party buildiparty buildi ng,and I tng,and I t hink think the key to grasping the key to grasping t he following:the following:t o cato catch the discich the disci pline,focus on strengtpline,focus on strengt henihening theng the partys r partys r ules aules
6、 and regnd regulationsulations binding.binding.o o strictly observstrictly observ e and carrye and carry out the partysout the partys polpoliticalitical discidisciplipline,ene,ensurensure the the centralism acentralism andnd unityunity of the wholeof the whole party.Party caparty.Party ca dres,edres
7、,espespecially lecially leadiading cang cadres,dres,botboth doers,h doers,but alsobut also have a strong sehave a strong se nsense of polof political awareitical awareness toness to dry linedry line,line,line,not lack,not lack of ability toof ability to workworkbecome a talker;become a talker;hard w
8、hard work isSkillork isSkill,political,political directidirection,unable ton,unable t o understand wheo understand whe n confn confuseused.Flag of the CPCd.Flag of the CPC CentralCentral Committee and theCommittee and the Committees re Committees re quirquirements iements into Departments request,to
9、 a holistinto Departments request,to a holisti c and concertedc and concerted efforts,subjeefforts,subje ct to the overallct to the overall situatisituation.Son.Second,caecond,cadres adres andnd strive tostrive to play anplay an exemplary roleexemplary role of party members and caof party members an
10、d ca dresdres of hardworkingof hardworking and cle and clean,an,emphaemphasizes lead,shift,lesizes lead,shift,le d.d.LeaLead is tod is to adhere to adhere to set an example,tset an example,t o lead by exampleo lead by example,de,deal with tal with t he relatihe relationship betweonship betwe en ien
11、indivindividualduals and parties,reals and parties,real lead r lead role shift is iole shift is i n orn order toder to strengthestrengthen the sen the se nsense of responsibility,creatiof responsibility,creati ng a fighting forng a fighting for ce;lece;lead iad is to as to adhere tdhere to strio str
12、ict requirements,ct requirements,strict management astrict management a nd strind strict supervict supervi sion.Tsion.Three cathree catchch basibasis and strive to enhance the combat effectivenesss and strive to enhance the combat effectivenessof theof the party orgaparty organization.To anization.T
13、o a ccording tccording to Constito Constitution on grassution on grass rootsroots party of requirementparty of requirement s,to implementation goods,to implementation good basibasic system,for members for,rc system,for members for,r egardless of party positionsegardless of party positionshas morhas
14、more hige high,admih,administrative terms has morenistrative terms has more big,abig,any wny when arehen are to has to has OrganizatiOrganizationon conceconcept,activept,active parti participate icipate i n norganization activitieorganization activitie s,conscis,consciously aously accept party of su
15、peccept party of supe rvision;torvision;to do basedo based sex work,mad sex work,ma nagement good membernagement good member s,servis,service goce good memberod members,grasss,grass roots party toroots party to using members organiusing members organi zation receivezation receive d turned,ad turned,
16、a nd members thought rend members thought re porteported,and party of Conference and duesd,and party of Conference and duespaypay,opportunities,master members of basi,opportunities,master members of basi c situatic situation,on,care members life.care members life.Four to focus aFour to focus a nd wn
17、d work hard tork hard to resolve.Comrao resolve.Comra des,tdes,the above is whe above is w hat I give you ghat I give you g uidauidance ince in then the new Constitnew Constitution.Hope every Memution.Hope every Mem ber of theber of the party to paparty to pass the tss the tutor,utor,deedeepenpen ou
18、r understanding of theour understanding of the ConstitutiConstitution in ton in the partys ghe partys guidiuiding ideng ideology aology advancidvancing with tng with the times,conscihe times,consci ously link theirously link their own town t hinkihinking and practing and practice,after careful stce,
19、after careful st udy,read audy,read andnd carefully understacarefully understa nd,tnd,think,relate,ahink,relate,applypply what theywhat they have learned.have learned.Not only runs through tNot only runs through t he mass lihe mass line of thene of the party Constitutiparty Constituti on to lon to l
20、earn the new eearn the new e ducational praducational pra ctice all tctice all the time,but alhe time,but al so toso to harharvestvest as a good starting point to las a good starting point to l earn,stearn,study audy and wnd work to do better in the future,aork to do better in the future,a nd strive
21、 tond strive to create a necreate a new situatiw situation for school eon for school e ducationducation contribute theircontribute their河北省重点实验室建设与管理办法第一章总则第一条为加强河北省重点实验室(以下简称实验室)的建设,规范实验室运行管理,制定本办法.第二条实验室是区域科技创新体系的重要组成部分,依托高等院校、科研院所和具有原始创新能力的企业及其它机构建立,代表河北省的科研学术水平、实验水平和科研管理水平,是组织开展高水平基础研究和应用基础研究、聚集
23、nk you very much.Thank you very much.-TheThe ConstitutiConstitution Party ron Party rules aules address theddress the series realseries really is a qualifiedly is a qualified party members eparty members e arlier this yearlier this ye ar,allar,all party members to tparty members to t he Cehe Central
24、 seriesntral series of party ruleof party rule s,and address of thes,and address of the party Constitutiparty Constituti on,on,be qualifiedbe qualified party members learparty members lear n educatin education ison is an importantan important decisi decision.XI Jion.XI Jinping,Secretary Generalnping
25、,Secretary General chairechaired a Politburo meeting id a Politburo meeting i n Febrn February,were devuary,were devoted to eoted to educational prducational pr ogrammes and made aogrammes and made a n importan important speech recent speech rece ntly personally approvedntly personally approved spes
26、pecific prcific programmes,many important instructiogrammes,many important instructi ons.On Aprilons.On April 6,13t6,13th,15th,the Central and auth,15th,the Central and aut onomous regional partyonomous regional party Committee,the municiCommittee,the munici pal party Committee helpal party Committe
27、e hel d educatid educational symonal symposiposium,and related matters Forum,and related matters Forspespecific deplcific deployment,weoyment,we heldheld on Mon Marcharch 4,Hongshan4,Hongshan districtdistrict party workiparty worki ng Conference also proposed tng Conference also proposed t o carry o
28、ut thiso carry out this activity.All together tactivity.All together t his forum today,main purpose is this forum today,main purpose is t o study and implemeo study and impleme nt in depthnt in depth General SeGeneral Secretary XI Jicretary XI Jinpinping on twng on two important io important i nstru
29、ctions for learning enstructions for learning e ducation,studying aducation,studying a nd implnd implementing tementing t he Cehe Central and autonomntral and autonom ous regious regionon Party CommitteParty Committeand municiand municipal partypal party Committee two spiritCommittee two spirit ual
30、educatiual education Symposium,arraon Symposium,arra ngements forngements for districtdistrict wiwide learde learning ening education.The follducation.The foll owiowing,I wng,I woulould like to stress four points,mainly talk about leard like to stress four points,mainly talk about learning and doini
31、ng and doi ng issue,and strive to makeng issue,and strive to makepeople really figurepeople really figure out why,wout why,what to learhat to lear n and how they ln and how they l earn,wearn,what to do,how to do it,eventhat to do,how to do it,event ually reaually reacheched little success,id little
32、success,i s also leadis also leading a lesson inng a lesson in party lectparty lecture.ure.After both leaders and theAfter both leaders and the cadrecadres,regardles,regardless ofss of Branch SeBranch Secretary or ancretary or an ordiordinary party membenary party membe r,to implr,to implement certa
33、iement certai n boundarien boundarie s educatis education give a Party leon give a Party le cture requirement,cture requirement,practipractice speace speaking,speak much fanfare,innovation way,down to Eartking,speak much fanfare,innovation way,down to Earth,ensurih,ensuringng educatieducationalonal
34、succesuccess.First,you knowss.First,you know pay special attentipay special attenti on ton to educatio education aon and to rend to resolsolutely overcome slutely overcome sl uggish tuggish thinkihinking,ang,and boredom two study and boredom two study a ndnd education,possibly quite a few comrades,s
35、aying educatieducation,possibly quite a few comrades,saying education every yeon every year,almost every year fool fool,I feelar,almost every year fool fool,I feel that witthat wit h this ih this in mind who may be many.If carryin mind who may be many.If carryi ng this ing this idea in midea in mind
36、,wnd,what does that does t hat tell,how thehat tell,how the politipolitical consciousness is not strong andcal consciousness is not strong andnot see tnot see the pulsehe pulse of the situatiof the situation,on,no,tno,the Rip van Wihe Rip van Wi nkle,lostnkle,lost or confuseor confused in td in the
37、end do not khe end do not k nownow whats goiwhats going on.To realize two a learng on.To realize two a lear ning praning practice actice activities activities and end education is the education is the e ducation of theducation of the partys mass lipartys mass li ne,threene,three three specialthree s
38、pecial education was aeducation was a notnother importaher important practint practice in imce in implementplementing the requirementsing the requirements of strictly admiof strictly admi nistering tnistering the party.Comrade XI Jinpihe party.Comrade XI Jinpi ng pointedng pointed out:the deout:the
39、de ploymentployment of doing eof doing education,is toducation,is to promote the innerpromote the inner party education from critical few their exparty education from critical few their ex pansion ipansion into the vast numnto the vast num ber of party members,extendiber of party members,extendi ng
40、from the concentrated eng from the concentrated e ducation to regulducation to regul ar education.After 18,Central Committee of the party mustar education.After 18,Central Committee of the party musthandle party,strictly administerihandle party,strictly administeri ng theng the party,and has carriep
41、arty,and has carrie d out the partys mass lid out the partys mass li ne educatine educati on praon practice actice and thrend threthrthree speee special ecial educatiducation,but focuson,but focus on the leadion the leading cang cadres adres above the county level.The two study and educatibove the c
42、ounty level.The two study and educati on,ion,is carried os carried o ut in the wut in the wholhole party and all thee party and all the party members.Tparty members.T his is imhis is implementeplemented strictly ad strictly administeridministering the party,an imng the party,an im portant meaportant
43、 mea sure tosure toXiaoping tXiaoping theory aheory and tnd the important thoughe important thoug ht of the tht of the t hree rehree represepresents and the scints and the sci entificentific OutlOutlookook onon development.Such changdevelopment.Such chang es were maes were ma de,ide,is conducivs con
44、ducive to implemee to impleme nting tnting the innovatihe innovationon of Marxism inof Marxism in ChiChina,ena,espespecially thecially the sci scientificentific conceconcept of devept of developmelopment thent the strategic taskstrategic task of arming theof arming the whole pawhole party,play grass
45、rty,play grass rootsroots organizatiorganizations ions in prn promoting tomoting the sciehe scientific Outlook on deventific Outlook on deve lopmelopment intnt into the grasso the grassoots loots level,and to imevel,and to im plement tplement the important role.Thirhe important role.Thir d,how tod,h
46、ow to use tuse thehe contecontentsnts of the neof the new Constitw Constit ution guiution guidingding party buiparty buildilding through stng through st udyiudying theng the esseessence of thence of the newnew ConstitutiConstitution,ton,the flexiblhe flexible applie application of the essence of the
47、 Constitcation of the essence of the Constit ution inution in party buildiparty buildi ng,and I tng,and I t hink think the key to grasping the key to grasping t he following:the following:t o cato catch the discich the disci pline,focus on strengtpline,focus on strengt henihening theng the partys r
48、partys r ules aules and regnd regulationsulations binding.binding.o o strictly observstrictly observ e and carrye and carry out the partysout the partys polpoliticalitical discidisciplipline,ene,ensurensure the the centralism acentralism andnd unityunity of the wholeof the whole party.Party caparty.
49、Party ca dres,edres,espespecially lecially leadiading cang cadres,dres,botboth doers,h doers,but alsobut also have a strong sehave a strong se nsense of polof political awareitical awareness toness to dry linedry line,line,line,not lack,not lack of ability toof ability to workworkbecome a talker;bec
50、ome a talker;hard whard work isSkillork isSkill,political,political directidirection,unable ton,unable t o understand wheo understand whe n cn confonfuseused.Flag of the CPCd.Flag of the CPC CentralCentral Committee and theCommittee and the Committees re Committees re quirquirements iements into Dep