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1、Draft 2(Stage 32)Page 1Draft December 2003June 2002prEN 1998-4:200XEUROPEAN STANDARDprEN 1998-4:2003NORME EUROPENNEEUROPISCHE NORMDecember 2003UDCDescriptors:Doc CEN/TC250/SC8/N387English versionEurocode 8:Design of structures for earthquake resistancePart 4:Silos,tanks and pipelinesCalcul des struc

2、tures pour leur rsistanceaux sismesAuslegung von Bauwerken gegenErdbebenPartie 4:Silos,rservoirs et rseaux detuyauteries Teil 4:Silos,Tankbauwerke undRohrleitungenDraft No 2CENEuropean Committee for StandardisationComit Europen de NormalisationEuropisches Komitee fr NormungCentral Secretariat:rue de

3、 Stassart 36,B-1050 Brussels 2003 Copyright reserved to all CEN membersRef.No.EN 1998-4:2003(E)EUROPEAN PRESTANDARD prEN 1998-4Draft 2(Stage 32)Page 2Draft December 2003June 2002prEN 1998-4:200XPRNORME EUROPENNEEUROPISCHE VORNORMDoc CEN/TC250/SC8/N322English versionEurocode 8:Design of structures fo

4、r earthquake resistancePart 4:Silos,tanks and pipelinesDRAFT No 1(Stage 32)June 2002CENEuropean Committee for StandardizationComit Europen de NormalisationEuropisches Komitee fr NormungCentral Secretariat:rue de Stassart 36,B1050 BrusselsDraft 2(Stage 32)Page 3Draft December 2003June 2002prEN 1998-4

5、:200X CEN 2002 Copyright reserved to all CEN membersRef.No ENV 1998-4Draft 2(Stage 32)Page 4Draft December 2003June 2002prEN 1998-4:200XContents1GENERAL.11.1SCOPE.11.2NORMATIVE REFERENCES.111.2.1General reference standards.21.3ASSUMPTIONS.21.4DISTINCTION BETWEEN PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS RULES.21.

6、5TERMS AND DEFINITIONS.21.5.1Terms common to all Eurocodes.21.5.2Additional terms used in the present standard.21.6SYMBOLS.21.7S.I.UNITS.222GENERAL RULES.332.1SAFETY REQUIREMENTS.332.1.1General.332.1.2Damage limitation state.332.1.3Ultimate limit state.332.1.4Reliability differentiation.442.1.5Syste

7、m versus element reliability.552.1.6Conceptual design.552.2SEISMIC ACTION.662.3ANALYSIS.772.3.1Methods of analysis.772.3.2Behaviour factors.882.3.3Damping.882.3.3.1Structural damping.882.3.3.2Contents damping.882.3.3.3Foundation damping.992.3.4Interaction with the soil.992.3.5Weighted damping.992.4S


9、e limitation state.14143.5.2Ultimate limit state.14143.5.2.1Global stability.14143.5.2.2Shell.15153.5.2.3Anchors.15153.5.2.4Foundations.15154SPECIFIC RULES FOR TANKS.16164.1COMPLIANCE CRITERIA.16164.1.1General.16164.1.2Damage limitation state.16164.1.3Ultimate limit state.16164.2COMBINATION OF GROUN

10、D MOTION COMPONENTS.17174.3METHODS OF ANALYSIS.17174.3.1General.17174.3.2Behaviour factors.17174.3.3Hydrodynamic effects.18184.4VERIFICATIONS.1818Draft 2(Stage 32)Page 5Draft December 2003June 2002prEN 1998-4:200X4.4.1Damage limitation state.18184.4.1.1Shell.18184.4.1.2Piping.19194.4.2Ultimate limit

11、 state.19194.4.2.1Stability.19194.4.2.2Shell.19194.4.2.3Piping.19194.4.2.4Anchorages.19194.4.2.5Foundations.20204.5COMPLEMENTARY MEASURES.20204.5.1Bunding.20204.5.2Sloshing.20204.5.3Piping interaction.20205SPECIFIC RULES FOR ABOVE-GROUND PIPELINES.21215.1GENERAL.21215.2SAFETY REQUIREMENTS.21215.2.1D

12、amage limitation state.21215.2.2Ultimate limit state.22225.2.3Reliability differentiation.22225.3SEISMIC ACTION.22225.3.1General.22225.3.2Earthquake vibrations.23235.3.3Differential movement.23235.4METHODS OF ANALYSIS.23235.4.1Modelling.23235.4.2Analysis.23235.4.3Behaviour factors.24245.5VERIFICATIO

13、NS.24246SPECIFIC RULES FOR BURIED PIPELINES.26266.1GENERAL.26266.2SAFETY REQUIREMENTS.26266.2.1Damage limitation state.26266.2.2Ultimate limit state.26266.2.3Reliability differentiation.27276.3SEISMIC ACTION.27276.3.1General.27276.3.2Earthquake vibrations.28286.3.3Modelling of seismic waves.28286.3.

14、4Permanent soil movements.28286.4METHODS OF ANALYSIS(WAVE PASSAGE).28286.5VERIFICATIONS.28286.5.1General.28286.5.1.1Buried pipelines on stable soil.29296.5.1.2Buried pipelines under differential ground movements(welded steel pipes)(.29296.6DESIGN MEASURES FOR FAULT CROSSINGS.2929ANNEX A(INFORMATIVE)

15、SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF SILOS.3131ANNEX B(INFORMATIVE)SEISMIC ANALYSIS PROCEDURES FOR TANKS.3737ANNEX C(INFORMATIVE)BURIED PIPELINES.6767Draft 2(Stage 32)Page 6Draft December 2003June 2002prEN 1998-4:200XForewordThis document(EN 1998-4:200X)has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC250 Structural E

16、urocodes,the secretariat of which is held by BSI.This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard,either bypublication of an identical text or by endorsement,at the latest by MM-200Y,andconflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by MM-20YY.This document su

17、persedes ENV 1998-4:1997.CEN/TC 250 is responsible for all Structural Eurocodes.Background of the Eurocode programmeIn 1975,the Commission of the European Community decided on an action programmein the field of construction,based on article 95 of the Treaty.The objective of theprogramme was the elim

18、ination of technical obstacles to trade and the harmonisation oftechnical specifications.Within this action programme,the Commission took the initiative to establish a set ofharmonised technical rules for the design of construction works which,in a first stage,would serve as an alternative to the na

19、tional rules in force in the Member States and,ultimately,would replace them.For fifteen years,the Commission,with the help of a Steering Committee withRepresentatives of Member States,conducted the development of the Eurocodesprogramme,which led to the first generation of European codes in the 1980

20、s.In 1989,the Commission and the Member States of the EU and EFTA decided,on thebasis of an agreement1 between the Commission and CEN,to transfer the preparationand the publication of the Eurocodes to CEN through a series of Mandates,in order toprovide them with a future status of European Standard(

21、EN).This links de facto theEurocodes with the provisions of all the Councils Directives and/or CommissionsDecisions dealing with European standards(e.g.the Council Directive 89/106/EEC onconstruction products-CPD-and Council Directives 93/37/EEC,92/50/EEC and89/440/EEC on public works and services a

22、nd equivalent EFTA Directives initiated inpursuit of setting up the internal market).The Structural Eurocode programme comprises the following standards generallyconsisting of a number of Parts:EN 1990 Eurocode:Basis of structural designEN 1991 Eurocode 1:Actions on structuresEN 1992 Eurocode 2:Desi

23、gn of concrete structures 1 Agreement between the Commission of the European Communities and the European Committee forStandardisation(CEN)concerning the work on EUROCODES for the design of building and civilengineering works(BC/CEN/03/89).Draft 2(Stage 32)Page 7Draft December 2003June 2002prEN 1998

24、-4:200XEN 1993 Eurocode 3:Design of steel structuresEN 1994 Eurocode 4:Design of composite steel and concrete structuresEN 1995 Eurocode 5:Design of timber structuresEN 1996 Eurocode 6:Design of masonry structuresEN 1997 Eurocode 7:Geotechnical designEN 1998 Eurocode 8:Design of structures for earth

25、quake resistanceEN 1999 Eurocode 9:Design of aluminium structuresEurocode standards recognise the responsibility of regulatory authorities in eachMember State and have safeguarded their right to determine values related to regulatorysafety matters at national level where these continue to vary from

26、State to State.Status and field of application of EurocodesThe Member States of the EU and EFTA recognise that Eurocodes serve as referencedocuments for the following purposes:as a means to prove compliance of building and civil engineering works with theessential requirements of Council Directive 8

27、9/106/EEC,particularly EssentialRequirement N1-Mechanical resistance and stability-and Essential RequirementN2-Safety in case of fire;as a basis for specifying contracts for construction works and related engineeringservices;as a framework for drawing up harmonised technical specifications for const

28、ructionproducts(ENs and ETAs)The Eurocodes,as far as they concern the construction works themselves,have a directrelationship with the Interpretative Documents2 referred to in Article 12 of the CPD,although they are of a different nature from harmonised product standards3.Therefore,technical aspects

29、 arising from the Eurocodes work need to be adequately considered byCEN Technical Committees and/or EOTA Working Groups working on product 2 According to Art.3.3 of the CPD,the essential requirements(ERs)shall be given concrete formin interpretative documents for the creation of the necessary links

30、between the essential requirements andthe mandates for hENs and ETAGs/ETAs.3 According to Art.12 of the CPD the interpretative documents shall:a)give concrete form to the essential requirements by harmonising the terminology and thetechnical bases and indicating classes or levels for each requiremen

31、t where necessary;b)indicate methods of correlating these classes or levels of requirement with the technicalspecifications,e.g.methods of calculation and of proof,technical rules for project design,etc.;c)serve as a reference for the establishment of harmonised standards and guidelines for European

32、technical approvals.The Eurocodes,de facto,play a similar role in the field of the ER 1 and a part of ER 2.Draft 2(Stage 32)Page 8Draft December 2003June 2002prEN 1998-4:200Xstandards with a view to achieving a full compatibility of these technical specificationswith the Eurocodes.The Eurocode stand

33、ards provide common structural design rules for everyday use forthe design of whole structures and component products of both a traditional and aninnovative nature.Unusual forms of construction or design conditions are notspecifically covered and additional expert consideration will be required by t

34、he designerin such cases.National Standards implementing EurocodesThe National Standards implementing Eurocodes will comprise the full text of theEurocode(including any annexes),as published by CEN,which may be preceded by aNational title page and National foreword,and may be followed by a National

35、annex(informative).The National annex may only contain information on those parameters which are leftopen in the Eurocode for national choice,known as Nationally Determined Parameters,to be used for the design of buildings and civil engineering works to be constructed inthe country concerned,i.e.:va

36、lues and/or classes where alternatives are given in the Eurocode,values to be used where a symbol only is given in the Eurocode,country specific data(geographical,climatic,etc.),e.g.snow map,the procedure to be used where alternative procedures are given in the Eurocode.It may also contain decisions

37、 on the application of informative annexes,references to non-contradictory complementary information to assist the user toapply the Eurocode.Links between Eurocodes and harmonised technical specifications(ENs and ETAs)for productsThere is a need for consistency between the harmonised technical speci

38、fications forconstruction products and the technical rules for works4.Furthermore,all theinformation accompanying the CE Marking of the construction products which refer toEurocodes shall clearly mention which Nationally Determined Parameters have beentaken into account.Additional information specif

39、ic to EN 1998-4 4 See Art.3.3 and Art.12 of the CPD,as well as clauses 4.2,4.3.1,4.3.2 and 5.2 of ID 1.Draft 2(Stage 32)Page 9Draft December 2003June 2002prEN 1998-4:200XThe scope of EN 1998 is defined in 1.1.1 of EN 1998-1:2004.The scope of this Part ofEN 1998 is defined in 1.1.Additional Parts of

40、Eurocode 8 are listed in EN 1998-1:2004,1.1.3.EN 1998-4:200X is intended for use by:clients(e.g.for the formulation of their specific requirements on reliability levelsand durability);designers and constructors;relevant authorities.For the design of structures in seismic regions the provisions of th

41、is European Standardare to be applied in addition to the provisions of the other relevant parts of Eurocode 8and the other relevant Eurocodes.In particular,the provisions of this European Standardcomplement those of EN 1991-4,EN 1992-3,EN 1993-4-1,EN 1993-4-2 and EN 1993-4-3,which do not cover the s

42、pecial requirements of seismic design.National annex for EN 1998-4This standard gives alternative procedures,values and recommendations for classeswith notes indicating where national choices may be made.Therefore the NationalStandard implementing EN 1998-4 should have a National Annex containing al

43、lNationally Determined Parameters to be used for the design of buildings and civilengineering works to be constructed in the relevant country.National choice is allowed in EN 1998-4:200X through clauses:ReferenceItemDraft 2(Stage 32)Page 1Draft December 2003June 2002prEN 1998-4:200X1 GENERAL1.1 Scop

44、e(1)PThis standard aims at providing principles and application rules for the seismic designof the structural aspects of facilities composed of above-ground and buried pipeline systemsand of storage tanks of different types and uses,as well as for independent items,such as forexample single water to

45、wers serving a specific purpose or groups of silos enclosing granularmaterials,etc.This standard may also be used as a basis for evaluating the resistance ofexisting facilities and to assess any required strengthening.(2)PThis standard includes the additional criteria and rules required for the seis

46、mic designof these structures without restrictions on their size,structural types and other functionalcharacteristics.For some types of tanks and silos,however,it also provides detailed methodsof assessment and verification rules.(3)P This standard may not be complete for those facilities associated

47、 with large risks to thepopulation or the environment,for which additional requirements shall be established by thecompetent authorities.This standard is also not complete for those construction works whichhave uncommon structural elements and which require special measures to be taken andspecial st

48、udies to be performed to ensure earthquake protection.In those two cases the presentstandard gives general principles but not detailed application rules.(4)The nature of lifeline systems which often characterises the facilities covered by thisstandard requires concepts,models and methods that may di

49、ffer substantially from those incurrent use for more common structural types.Furthermore,the response and the stability ofsilos and tanks subjected to strong seismic actions may involve rather complex interactionphenomena between of soil-structure and stored material(either-fluid or granular)interac

50、tion,not easily amenable to simplified design procedures.Equally challenging may prove to be thedesign of a pipeline system through areas with poor and possibly unstable soils.For thereasons given above,the organisation of this standard is to some extent different from that ofcompanion Parts of EN 1


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