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1、 办办 公公 室室 5S5S 评评 分分 标标 准准 OfficeOffice 5S5S ScoringScoring StandardStandard部部门门(科科室室)/)/Dept.(Section)Dept.(Section):评评分分日日期期/DateDate ofof ScoringScoring:评评分分人人/ScorerScorer:NO.NO.评评分分项项目目检检查查内内容容评评价价 ScoreScore 评评 分分 原原 因因ScoringScoring ItemsItemsRequirement(RT)满满分分评评分分Reason Scored11办公地点无垃圾、纸屑及其

2、他杂物。3地面有1件杂物、纸屑等给2分,超过2件给1分。地地面面No rubbish,paper bits and other trash in working area.FloorFloor2所有垃圾分类处理。3按照ISO14000规定,垃圾分类错误,得1分,无2分The garbage is sorted disposed.23无灰尘、废纸(包括桌面和桌下的文件架)。3表面有浅灰得2分,积灰较厚或面积较广给1分。No dust and used paper(on/under the desk).办办公公桌桌4办公桌和文件柜上无食品。3针对食品、零食,有一件给1分,无2分。DeskDeskN

3、o food on desk and cabinet.5文件、纸张、工具等摆放整齐有序,没有不需要的物品。5摆放凌乱且有不需要物品给1分,采用目视管理方法(如颜色、标识、轮廓等)给4-5分。Documents,paper and tools organized neatly.No unnecessary items.36表面无灰尘。3表面有浅灰给2分,积灰较厚或面积较广给1分。No dust on the surface.文文件件柜柜7柜子上方的物品及文具摆放整齐。5放置凌乱给1分,采用目视管理方法(如颜色、标识、轮廓等)给4-5分。FilFile e CabinetCabinetThings

4、 and stationaries on the cabinet neatly put.8柜内物品有序放置,并做好适当标识。5凌乱且无标识给1分,采用目视管理方法(如颜色、标识、轮廓等)给4-5分。Goods in the cabinet neatly organized and well labeled.49钉书机、打洞机等文具共享,并摆放整齐,每个文件夹有标识。3未实现共享的或文件夹无标识给1分,无2分。办办公公用用具具Share stationery,such as stampler,punch,etc.and put in a clear placeto fetch easily.Ev

5、ery portfolio is labeled.OfficeOffice EquipmentEquipment10(电脑、打印机、复印机及其他办公机器)表面无灰尘。3表面有浅灰给2分,积灰较厚或面积较广给1分。No dust on the face of computer,printer,copy machine and otherequipments.511电脑内文件分类放置,并定期作整理。5文件无分类并杂乱放置的给1分,文件存放条理清晰易于调阅的给4-5分。Documents in computer are sorted and organized regularly.可可视视管管理理1

6、2视板(包括隔板)表面无污垢,目视鲜明,内容简单明了。5有污垢给1分,内容简单明了且采用视觉管理方法(如颜色、标识、轮廓、图表等)给4-5分。VisualVisual ManagementManagementNo dust on the visual board(include clapboard),and clear-sighted,concise content.13无过时内容。3有过时内容且超过1个月的给1分,有过时内容且在1个月内的给2分。No out-of-date contents.614在公司内佩戴胸卡,仪表整洁。31人未戴或仪表不整洁即给1分,无2分。安安全全 Wearing

7、Employee ID Card inside the company.Neat apprearance.SafetySafety15电器无老化、破损现象,消防喷淋头环不脱落,灭火器等消防器材有标识。3电器有老化现象或灭火器材无标识给1分,喷淋头环有脱落现象给2分。No aging and dispairing phenomenon of the electric machine.No droppingof the wire head of sprinkler.Fire protection were labeled.7总总体体印印象象165S工作责任到人,总体感觉清洁有序,一目了然。5Gen

8、eralGeneral ImpressionImpressionIdentify 5S responsible person.General status is clean,orderly andanythingcan see at a glance.总总分分TotalTotal60评评分分标标准准 ScoreScore StandardStandard:1.1.没没有有达达到到要要求求 N Notot achieveachieve thethe RTRT;2.2.基基本本达达到到要要求求 BasicallyBasically achieveachieve thethe RT;RT;3.3.达

9、达到到要要求求 AchieveAchieve thethe RT;RT;4.4.超超过过要要求求 ExceedExceed thethe RTRT;5.5.非非常常优优秀秀 ExcellentExcellent CS-MOS-CL-09-01-02/Rev.03ShanghaiShanghai YFJCYFJC3 3 OfficeOffice 5S5S ScoringScoring StandardStandard部部门门(科科室室)/)/Dept.(Section)Dept.(Section):能能源源设设备备管管理理部部 评评分分日日期期/DateDate ofof ScoringScor

10、ing:05.01.28:05.01.28评评分分人人/ScorerScorer:NO.NO.评评分分项项目目检检查查内内容容评评价价 ScoreScoreScoringScoring ItemsItemsRequirement(RT)满满分分评评分分11办公地点无垃圾、纸屑及其他杂物。32地地面面No rubbish,paper bits and other trash in working area.FloorFloor2所有垃圾分类处理。33The garbage is sorted disposed.23无灰尘、废纸(包括桌面和桌下的文件架)。33No dust and used pa

11、per(on/under the desk).办办公公桌桌4办公桌和文件柜上无食品。33DeskDeskNo food on desk and cabinet.5文件、纸张、工具等摆放整齐有序,没有不需要的物品。55Documents,paper and tools organized neatly.No unnecessary items.36表面无灰尘。33No dust on the surface.文文件件柜柜7柜子上方的物品及文具摆放整齐。55FilFile e CabinetCabinetThings and stationaries on the cabinet neatly p

12、ut.8柜内物品有序放置,并做好适当标识。54Goods in the cabinet neatly organized and well labeled.49钉书机、打洞机等文具共享,并摆放整齐,每个文件夹有标识。32办办公公用用具具Share stationery,such as stampler,punch,etc.and put in a clear placeto fetch easily.Every portfolio is labeled.OfficeOffice EquipmentEquipment10(电脑、打印机、复印机及其他办公机器)表面无灰尘。33No dust on

13、the face of computer,printer,copy machine and otherequipments.511电脑内文件分类放置,并定期作整理。55Documents in computer be sorted and organized regularly.可可视视管管理理12视板(包括隔板)表面无污垢,目视鲜明,内容简单明了。55VisualVisual ManagementManagementNo dust on the visual board(include clapboard),and clear-sighted,concise content.13无过时内容。

14、33No out-of-date contents.614在公司内佩戴胸卡,仪表整洁。33安安全全 Wearing Employee ID Card inside the company.Neat appearance.SafetySafety15电器无老化、破损现象,消防喷淋头环不脱落,灭火器等消防器材有标识。33No aging and dispairing phenomenon of the electric machine.No droppingof the wire head of sprinkler.Fire protection were labeled.7总总体体印印象象165

15、S工作责任到人,总体感觉清洁有序,一目了然。55GeneralGeneral ImpressionImpressionIdentify 5S responsible person.General status is clean,orderly andanything cansee at a glance.总总分分TotalTotal6057评评分分标标准准 ScoreScore StandardStandard:1.1.没没有有达达到到要要求求 N Notot achieveachieve thethe RTRT;2.2.基基本本达达到到要要求求 BasicallyBasically achi

16、eveachieve thethe RT;RT;3.3.达达到到要要求求 AchieveAchieve thethe RT;RT;4.4.超超过过要要求求 ExceedExceed thethe RTRT;5.5.非非常常优优秀秀 ExcellentExcellent CS-MOS-CL-09-01-02/Rev.03长长春春旭旭阳阳富富奥奥江江森森汽汽车车座座椅椅骨骨架架有有限限责责任任有有限限公公司司 评评 分分 原原 因因Reason ScoredScore 1-More than two rubbish,paper bits or clouts,etc.Score 2-One rubb

17、ish,paper bits or clouts.Score 1-The garbage is sorted wrong according to ISO14000 requirment.No score 2.Score 1-Heavy or large dimension dust on the surface.Score 2-Shallow dust on the surface.Score 1-Have food.No score 2.Score 1-Goods disheveled put and unnecessary goods on the table.Score 45-Use

18、visual managememt such as color,label and outlines.Score 1-Heavy or large dimension dust on the surface.Score 2-Shallow dust on the surface.Score 1-Goods disheveled put.Score 45-Use visual managememt such as color,label and outlines.Score 1-Portfolio disheveled put and dont have label.Score 45-Use v

19、isual managememt such as color,label and outlines.Score 1-Not sharing stationery or no label on portfolio.No score 2.Score 1-Heavy or large dimension dust on the surface.Score 2-Shallow dust on the surface.Score 1-No classification of Files and files disheveled put.Score 45-Files are organized neatl

20、y and easy to get.Score 1-Have dirt.Score 45-Concise content and Use visual managememt such as color,label and outlines.Score 1-Out-of-date content exceeding more than one month.Score 2-Out-of-date content within one month.Score 1-One person dont wear ID card or dont appear neatly.No score 2.Score 1

21、-Aging phenomenon of the electric machine or no label on fire protections.Score 2-Dropping of the wire head of sprinkler.95%OfficeOffice 5S5S ScoringScoring StandardStandard评评分分人人/ScorerScorer:评评分分标标准准 ScoreScore StandardStandard:1.1.没没有有达达到到要要求求 N Notot achieveachieve thethe RTRT;2.2.基基本本达达到到要要求求 B

22、asicallyBasically achieveachieve thethe RT;RT;3.3.达达到到要要求求 AchieveAchieve thethe RT;RT;4.4.超超过过要要求求 ExceedExceed thethe RTRT;5.5.非非常常优优秀秀 ExcellentExcellent 3 3 OfficeOffice 5S5S ScoringScoring StandardStandard部部门门(科科室室)/)/Dept.(Section)Dept.(Section):工工装装制制造造部部 评评分分日日期期/DateDate ofof ScoringScoring

23、:05.02.28:05.02.28评评分分人人/ScorerScorer:NO.NO.评评分分项项目目检检查查内内容容评评价价 ScoreScoreScoringScoring ItemsItemsRequirement(RT)满满分分评评分分11办公地点无垃圾、纸屑及其他杂物。32地地面面No rubbish,paper bits and other trash in working area.FloorFloor2所有垃圾分类处理。33The garbage is sorted disposed.23无灰尘、废纸(包括桌面和桌下的文件架)。33No dust and used paper

24、(on/under the desk).办办公公桌桌4办公桌和文件柜上无食品。33DeskDeskNo food on desk and cabinet.5文件、纸张、工具等摆放整齐有序,没有不需要的物品。55Documents,paper and tools organized neatly.No unnecessary items.36表面无灰尘。33No dust on the surface.文文件件柜柜7柜子上方的物品及文具摆放整齐。55FilFile e CabinetCabinetThings and stationaries on the cabinet neatly put.

25、8柜内物品有序放置,并做好适当标识。54Goods in the cabinet neatly organized and well labeled.49钉书机、打洞机等文具共享,并摆放整齐,每个文件夹有标识。32办办公公用用具具Share stationery,such as stampler,punch,etc.and put in a clear placeto fetch easily.Every portfolio is labeled.OfficeOffice EquipmentEquipment10(电脑、打印机、复印机及其他办公机器)表面无灰尘。33No dust on the

26、 face of computer,printer,copy machine and otherequipments.511电脑内文件分类放置,并定期作整理。55Documents in computer be sorted and organized regularly.可可视视管管理理12视板(包括隔板)表面无污垢,目视鲜明,内容简单明了。55VisualVisual ManagementManagementNo dust on the visual board(include clapboard),and clear-sighted,concise content.13无过时内容。33N

27、o out-of-date contents.614在公司内佩戴胸卡,仪表整洁。33安安全全 Wearing Employee ID Card inside the company.Neat appearance.SafetySafety15电器无老化、破损现象,消防喷淋头环不脱落,灭火器等消防器材有标识。33No aging and dispairing phenomenon of the electric machine.No droppingof the wire head of sprinkler.Fire protection were labeled.7总总体体印印象象165S工作

28、责任到人,总体感觉清洁有序,一目了然。55GeneralGeneral ImpressionImpressionIdentify 5S responsible person.General status is clean,orderly andanything cansee at a glance.总总分分TotalTotal6057评评分分标标准准 ScoreScore StandardStandard:1.1.没没有有达达到到要要求求 N Notot achieveachieve thethe RTRT;2.2.基基本本达达到到要要求求 BasicallyBasically achieve

29、achieve thethe RT;RT;3.3.达达到到要要求求 AchieveAchieve thethe RT;RT;4.4.超超过过要要求求 ExceedExceed thethe RTRT;5.5.非非常常优优秀秀 ExcellentExcellent CS-MOS-CL-09-01-02/Rev.03长长春春旭旭阳阳富富奥奥江江森森汽汽车车座座椅椅骨骨架架有有限限责责任任有有限限公公司司 评评 分分 原原 因因Reason ScoredScore 1-More than two rubbish,paper bits or clouts,etc.Score 2-One rubbish

30、,paper bits or clouts.Score 1-The garbage is sorted wrong according to ISO14000 requirment.No score 2.Score 1-Heavy or large dimension dust on the surface.Score 2-Shallow dust on the surface.Score 1-Have food.No score 2.Score 1-Goods disheveled put and unnecessary goods on the table.Score 45-Use vis

31、ual managememt such as color,label and outlines.Score 1-Heavy or large dimension dust on the surface.Score 2-Shallow dust on the surface.Score 1-Goods disheveled put.Score 45-Use visual managememt such as color,label and outlines.Score 1-Portfolio disheveled put and dont have label.Score 45-Use visu

32、al managememt such as color,label and outlines.Score 1-Not sharing stationery or no label on portfolio.No score 2.Score 1-Heavy or large dimension dust on the surface.Score 2-Shallow dust on the surface.Score 1-No classification of Files and files disheveled put.Score 45-Files are organized neatly a

33、nd easy to get.Score 1-Have dirt.Score 45-Concise content and Use visual managememt such as color,label and outlines.Score 1-Out-of-date content exceeding more than one month.Score 2-Out-of-date content within one month.Score 1-One person dont wear ID card or dont appear neatly.No score 2.Score 1-Ag

34、ing phenomenon of the electric machine or no label on fire protections.Score 2-Dropping of the wire head of sprinkler.95%OfficeOffice 5S5S ScoringScoring StandardStandard评评分分人人/ScorerScorer:评评分分标标准准 ScoreScore StandardStandard:1.1.没没有有达达到到要要求求 N Notot achieveachieve thethe RTRT;2.2.基基本本达达到到要要求求 Basi

35、callyBasically achieveachieve thethe RT;RT;3.3.达达到到要要求求 AchieveAchieve thethe RT;RT;4.4.超超过过要要求求 ExceedExceed thethe RTRT;5.5.非非常常优优秀秀 ExcellentExcellent 3 3 OfficeOffice 5S5S ScoringScoring StandardStandard部部门门(科科室室)/)/Dept.(Section)Dept.(Section):工工装装制制造造部部 评评分分日日期期/DateDate ofof ScoringScoring:05

36、.03.30:05.03.30评评分分人人/ScorerScorer:NO.NO.评评分分项项目目检检查查内内容容评评价价 ScoreScoreScoringScoring ItemsItemsRequirement(RT)满满分分评评分分11办公地点无垃圾、纸屑及其他杂物。32地地面面No rubbish,paper bits and other trash in working area.FloorFloor2所有垃圾分类处理。33The garbage is sorted disposed.23无灰尘、废纸(包括桌面和桌下的文件架)。33No dust and used paper(on

37、/under the desk).办办公公桌桌4办公桌和文件柜上无食品。33DeskDeskNo food on desk and cabinet.5文件、纸张、工具等摆放整齐有序,没有不需要的物品。55Documents,paper and tools organized neatly.No unnecessary items.36表面无灰尘。33No dust on the surface.文文件件柜柜7柜子上方的物品及文具摆放整齐。55FilFile e CabinetCabinetThings and stationaries on the cabinet neatly put.8柜内

38、物品有序放置,并做好适当标识。54Goods in the cabinet neatly organized and well labeled.49钉书机、打洞机等文具共享,并摆放整齐,每个文件夹有标识。32办办公公用用具具Share stationery,such as stampler,punch,etc.and put in a clear placeto fetch easily.Every portfolio is labeled.OfficeOffice EquipmentEquipment10(电脑、打印机、复印机及其他办公机器)表面无灰尘。33No dust on the fa

39、ce of computer,printer,copy machine and otherequipments.511电脑内文件分类放置,并定期作整理。55Documents in computer be sorted and organized regularly.可可视视管管理理12视板(包括隔板)表面无污垢,目视鲜明,内容简单明了。55VisualVisual ManagementManagementNo dust on the visual board(include clapboard),and clear-sighted,concise content.13无过时内容。33No o

40、ut-of-date contents.614在公司内佩戴胸卡,仪表整洁。33安安全全 Wearing Employee ID Card inside the company.Neat appearance.SafetySafety15电器无老化、破损现象,消防喷淋头环不脱落,灭火器等消防器材有标识。33No aging and dispairing phenomenon of the electric machine.No droppingof the wire head of sprinkler.Fire protection were labeled.7总总体体印印象象165S工作责任到

41、人,总体感觉清洁有序,一目了然。55GeneralGeneral ImpressionImpressionIdentify 5S responsible person.General status is clean,orderly andanything cansee at a glance.总总分分TotalTotal6057评评分分标标准准 ScoreScore StandardStandard:1.1.没没有有达达到到要要求求 N Notot achieveachieve thethe RTRT;2.2.基基本本达达到到要要求求 BasicallyBasically achieveach

42、ieve thethe RT;RT;3.3.达达到到要要求求 AchieveAchieve thethe RT;RT;4.4.超超过过要要求求 ExceedExceed thethe RTRT;5.5.非非常常优优秀秀 ExcellentExcellent CS-MOS-CL-09-01-02/Rev.03长长春春旭旭阳阳富富奥奥江江森森汽汽车车座座椅椅骨骨架架有有限限责责任任有有限限公公司司 评评 分分 原原 因因Reason ScoredScore 1-More than two rubbish,paper bits or clouts,etc.Score 2-One rubbish,pa

43、per bits or clouts.Score 1-The garbage is sorted wrong according to ISO14000 requirment.No score 2.Score 1-Heavy or large dimension dust on the surface.Score 2-Shallow dust on the surface.Score 1-Have food.No score 2.Score 1-Goods disheveled put and unnecessary goods on the table.Score 45-Use visual

44、 managememt such as color,label and outlines.Score 1-Heavy or large dimension dust on the surface.Score 2-Shallow dust on the surface.Score 1-Goods disheveled put.Score 45-Use visual managememt such as color,label and outlines.Score 1-Portfolio disheveled put and dont have label.Score 45-Use visual

45、managememt such as color,label and outlines.Score 1-Not sharing stationery or no label on portfolio.No score 2.Score 1-Heavy or large dimension dust on the surface.Score 2-Shallow dust on the surface.Score 1-No classification of Files and files disheveled put.Score 45-Files are organized neatly and

46、easy to get.Score 1-Have dirt.Score 45-Concise content and Use visual managememt such as color,label and outlines.Score 1-Out-of-date content exceeding more than one month.Score 2-Out-of-date content within one month.Score 1-One person dont wear ID card or dont appear neatly.No score 2.Score 1-Aging

47、 phenomenon of the electric machine or no label on fire protections.Score 2-Dropping of the wire head of sprinkler.95%OfficeOffice 5S5S ScoringScoring StandardStandard评评分分人人/ScorerScorer:评评分分标标准准 ScoreScore StandardStandard:1.1.没没有有达达到到要要求求 N Notot achieveachieve thethe RTRT;2.2.基基本本达达到到要要求求 Basical

48、lyBasically achieveachieve thethe RT;RT;3.3.达达到到要要求求 AchieveAchieve thethe RT;RT;4.4.超超过过要要求求 ExceedExceed thethe RTRT;5.5.非非常常优优秀秀 ExcellentExcellent 办办 公公 室室 5S5S 评评 分分 标标 准准 OfficeOffice 5S5S ScoringScoring StandardStandard部部门门(科科室室)/)/Dept.(Section)Dept.(Section):工工装装制制造造部部 评评分分日日期期/DateDate ofo

49、f ScoringScoring:05.04.29:05.04.29评评分分人人/ScorerScorer:NO.NO.评评分分项项目目检检查查内内容容评评价价 ScoreScoreScoringScoring ItemsItemsRequirement(RT)满满分分评评分分11办公地点无垃圾、纸屑及其他杂物。33地地面面No rubbish,paper bits and other trash in working area.FloorFloor2所有垃圾分类处理。32The garbage is sorted disposed.23无灰尘、废纸(包括桌面和桌下的文件架)。33No dus

50、t and used paper(on/under the desk).办办公公桌桌4办公桌和文件柜上无食品。33DeskDeskNo food on desk and cabinet.5文件、纸张、工具等摆放整齐有序,没有不需要的物品。55Documents,paper and tools organized neatly.No unnecessary items.36表面无灰尘。33No dust on the surface.文文件件柜柜7柜子上方的物品及文具摆放整齐。55FilFile e CabinetCabinetThings and stationaries on the cab


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