1、高中英语课堂写作高中英语课堂写作教学的理论与实践教学的理论与实践 绍兴市稽山中学绍兴市稽山中学 吴璇吴璇 2007,8问题的背景问题的背景v教师最深刻的感受就是:无论是教材的编排还是教法的改变,中学英语教学正越来越接近以学生为主体,活化语言教学的现代教学理念。但是,在实际操作过程中,由于师资、生源、应试等因素的制约,我们的教学离理想相去甚远。教师往往为完成教材而施教,缺乏教改的激情、探索的勇气。尤其在高中英语写作教学的策略研究方面有很大的一块空白需要去填补。教学的有关理论教学的有关理论v克拉申(Krashen)的输入假设理论认为:只要接受到足够的语言输入,而且这些输入又是可以理解的(compr
4、图。学会阅读和使用地图。v学会方向与位置的表达法。学会方向与位置的表达法。v 掌握同位语从句的用法。掌握同位语从句的用法。课前已掌握的信息和语言点v加拿大的概况.v已完成这篇游记,对加拿大的主要城市和风土人情有了一定的了解.v掌握了地理方位的表达法,初步掌握了同位语从句.纲要性复习vTo get some general information about Canada.vIts both the beginning and the background of the class.locationNorth Americapopulation31,485,000area9,984,670 sq
5、 kmofficial languagesEnglish/FrenchcapitalOttawaMain citiesToronto,Montral,Vancouver,Calgary,Qubecnatural resourceswater/woodGreat lakesSuperior,Huron,Erie,Antarioculturemulticulturalismpeoplemany races Listen to the tape and complete the following sentences.v1.It is not easy to know what a Canadian
6、 is because Canada is a mixture of many cultures and races.v2.Canada encourages people to keep their own customs/languages.v3.The two official languages in Canada are English and French.4.Native Indians and Inuit are trying to keep their languages alive.5.The speakers family is a mixture of English,
7、Native Indian and French.6.More than 80 languages are used in radio and TV programmes.7.You may find areas where many Chineses,Italians and Koreans choose to live.They are called Chinatown,Little Italy and Korean Town.After discussion,Ss include the following ideas.vThere is no such a thing as a typ
8、ical Canadian.vCanadians are many races and cultural groups,that is multiculturalism.vThere is not one particular group that is more Canadian than others.Listen to the tape and complete the followings.vChina is a very large country,with many provinces and regions.It is about 9,561,000 square kilomen
9、ters in ares,and 5,000 kilometers from east to west.vTo the north of China are Mongolia and Russia.To the north of Canada,there are no other countries,only the Arctic ice and snow.3.China has fifteen neighbouring countries,and its borders with these countries are over 20,000 kilometers long.Canada h
10、as only one neighbour to the south,the USA.4.Both countries have long rivers and many lakes as well as busy port cities on the pacific Ocean.China has the third longest river in the world,the Changjiang River,and Canada has Niagara Falls,the world famous waterfall.5.From North to South,China covers
11、5,500 kilometers.While it is snowing and freezing in Mohe on the Russian border,people in Hainan can sit on the beach in the sunshine.A Brief Introduction to Canada and CanadiansvCanada is the second largest country in the world.Its about 9,984,670 sq kilometers Correcting and SharingvIts a pair wor
12、k.The deskmatesd better exchange their writings and correct mistakes for their partner and share the wonderful structures,sentences and paragraphs.vThe teacher should invite some students to read their passage and share with all the students.vTime permitting,teacherd better share his or her won writ
13、ing with the students,maybe its better as a conclusion of this period.HomeworkvComplete and improve the writing,using appositive clauses if possible.分析与结论分析与结论 v听、说、读均可以作为写作的输入,为输出中的写作提供所需的材料与信息。学生在获得这些信息的同时,锻炼了他们的听、说、读能力,这一过程既符合英语课堂教学的目标与要求,也有利于培养和训练学生的综合能力。v无论是读写课、说写课还是听写课,其课堂时间的分配上均有一定的规律可寻.感悟与体会感悟与体会v首先,它体现了新课标最本质的理念,也就是以学生为本。在课堂教学的设计中充分体现学生的主体性,在课堂教学的实施过程中充分调动学生的学习主动性和师生互动的良好课堂学习氛围。其次,课前的任务分配及教师监控,课中的成果分享及任务拓展,都较好地把课堂内外的英语学习有机地结合起来,为学生搭建了一个良好的学习平台。Thanks a lot for your sharing!