1、翻译中的常见错误汉译英造成汉译英常见错误的原因错综复杂,但就其原因主要有两个:一是运用英语知识的实践能力差,尽管道理和规则记得很熟,但由于练习较少,动笔时容易出错;二是受汉语的影响,常见的错误往往是用英语套用汉语的表达方式,习惯说法和思维模式等。生搬硬套型错误这类错误就是把汉语表达的意思逐词照搬地直译成英语。美中不足Both America and China are insufficient(正:a fly in the ointment)嫁祸于人Marry the misfortune to another.(正:shift the misfortune onto sb.else)范例欢迎
2、你来到英语角活动。Welcome you to join our English corner activities.You are welcome to join our English corner.Welcome to join our English corner.逻辑型错误在用英语表达汉语原文的意思时,时间的先与后,执行者与承受者之间的关系,非谓语动词的逻辑主语与住句的主语,比较句的排除与包括,代替词和名次的性与数的一致等都存在着一个逻辑问题。时间先后不合逻辑对不起,我没看见你。误:Sorry I dont see you.正:Sorry I didnt see you.范例从图书馆
3、借来的那本书已找到。The book which was borrowed from the library had been found.The book which had been borrowed from the library was found.不定式的逻辑主语问题虽然不定式没有语法上的主语,但有逻辑主语。不定式的逻辑主语与句子的主语要一致。为了在搞科研中取得成功,需要坚持不懈。误:To succeed in a scientific research project,persistence is needed.正:To succeed in a scientific resea
4、rch project,one needs to be persistent.范例要做出决定,应该考虑各种因素。To make a decision,everything must be taken into consideration.To make a decision,you must take everything into consideration.这本书需要翻译成英语The book is required to put into English.The book is required to be put into English.分词的逻辑主语问题分词的逻辑主语必须与句中的主
5、语相一致。否则便成为悬垂分词。老虎在笼子里,因此我不怕。误:Being in a cage,I was not afraid of the tiger.正:The tiger being in a cage,I was not afraid of it.范例看着窗外,他想起了自己的童年。Looking out of the window,thoughts of his childhood came to him.Looking out of the window,he thought of his childhood.听到这消息时,他满眼是泪。Hearing the sad news,his
6、eyes were filled with tears.When he heard the sad news,his eyes were filled with tears.不合乎逻辑的比较指在译成英语的句子中形成了非等同物之间的比较,如:你们班的女生比我们班的更活跃。误:The girls in your class are more active than our class.正:The girls in your class are more active than those in our class.语法型错误常见的语法错误有:名词单复数变化错误;冠词、介词错用漏用;比较级、最高级错
7、用或不一致;主谓关系不一致、主从关系混乱、非谓语动词及虚拟语气表达错误等。他本来想多给你一点帮助的,只是他太忙了。误:He wanted to give you more help,but he has been so busy recently.正:He would have given you more help,but he has been so busy recently.范例许多人不但不植树,反而砍树。误:Many people not only dont plant trees but also cut trees.正:Many people dont plant trees,i
8、nstead,they cut trees.他们刚要走过街角就听到了枪声。They were just turning the corner,when they heard the noise of a shot.Just as they were turning the corner,they heard the noise of a shot.语义结构型错误由于容易受到汉语字面说法的干扰,汉译英时要特别重视语义结构(也可称为词语搭配),比如:吃药是take medicine,但吃苹果是eat apple.从他的话音里,我能听出东西来。I can hear something from th
9、e tone of his voice.I can tell something from the tone of his voice.范例我能看出你的心事。误:I can see your mind.正:I can read your mind.通过不断实践学习英语知识。误:Study knowledge of English by constant practice.正:Acquire knowledge of English by constant practice.英译汉常见错误望文生义型错误如果孤立地理解词语的意思,忽视上下文对语义的制约作用,遇到多义词或词组时,有时会信手拈来自己熟
10、悉的意思放到译文中,从而造成译文扭曲,让人无法理解。Fight shy of the theoretical method of approach to the learning of English.误:从理论上讲,学英文的方法就是要战胜害羞。正:学英语要避免只讲理论(而不去实践)。fight shy of 是习语,意为回避、躲避。范例This failure was the making of him.误:这次失败是他造成的。正:这次失败是他成功的基础。They made an example of the boy.误:他们以这个男孩为榜样。正:他们惩罚这个男孩以儆他人。He tried
11、to seem angry,but his smile betrayed him.误:他试图看上去是生气的,但是他的笑容背叛了他。正:他假装生气的样子,可是他的笑容暴露了他的真实情感。语法关系混淆性错误Any literate person on the face of the globe is deprived if he does not know English.误:地球上任何有文化的人,如果不懂英语将被剥夺很多东西。正:世界上任何有文化的人,如果不懂英语就算不上受过良好教育的人。句中的deprived=underprivileged,意为所受教育少的,是系表结构,不是被动语态。范例He
12、 stole her a watch.他为她偷了一块表。It was not that he had plenty of money.那并不是因为他有很多钱。A man parked his car on a little bridge overlooking a picturesque,arid gully and took out his camera.一名男子把车停放在一座小桥上,小桥下面是一条美丽干涸的峡谷,这个人拿出相机准备拍照。逻辑型错误Ive served in nine presidential appointed offices,but nothing has as toug
13、h and complex as this.”said Elliot Richardson.误:“我曾担任过九个总统任命的职务,没有哪一次像这样棘手和复杂,”埃利奥特尼查森说。正:“总统任命的职务我担任过九个,没有哪一次这样棘手和复杂”,埃利奥特尼查森说。范例Albert Einstein,who developed the theory of relativity,arrived at this theory through mathematics.误:阿伯特爱因斯坦发展了相对论,他是通过数学得出这一理论的。正:阿伯特爱因斯坦创立了相对论,他是通过数学得出这一理论的。缺乏背景知识造成的错误T
14、he sun sets regularly on the Union Jack these days,but never on the English language.误:现在太阳从英国国旗上有规律地落下,但是英语却不是这样。正:现在,英国已经不是个“日不落”帝国了,但是,英语却广泛流行使用着。范例When you are down,you are not necessarily out.当你遇到挫折时,并不一定丧失成功的机会。He tugged heavy hand baggage down endless airport corridors.他推着沉重的随身行李,走过环形的机场走廊。Individualism is the core of social values in the United States.个人的价值是美国社会文化准则的核心。