1、ideological and theoretical qualities and practical working ability, and strive to build a contingent of league cadres with positive work style and high quality. Hold a regular meeting of the party secretary every fortnightly, arrange the work of the regiment, feedback the student information. Focus
2、 on training junior high school, junior high school secretary of the regiment branch to enable them to raise A firm political conviction, diligent and diligent learning spirit and practical and innovative work style.2.1空气一、目标导学: 说出氧气、氮气、稀有气体的主要物理性质和用途。2说出稀有气体的稳定性及其主要用途。并领悟性质决定用途的逻辑思想。3阐述空气的自净能力、空气的污
3、染状况、空气污染的防治措等。重点:1、氮气和稀有气体在生产、生活中的应用;2、空气的污染与防治。难点:1、氮气和稀有气体在生产、生活中的应用;2、空气的污染与防治。教法:“361”模式 二、自学质疑(认真阅读教材P28-P31,完成下列各题。)1氮气有什么性质、有什么用途? (1)物理性质:(2)化学性质:(3)用途:2稀有气体有什么性质、有什么用途? (1)稀有气体包括哪几种?(2)稀有气体的性质:(3)稀有气体的用途:3对于空气污染,你的认识是:(1)空气的污染物:(2)空气的污染源:4你知道如何防止或控制空气的污染吗?三、合作探究(课本P30“空气质量的监测和日报”)1、空气质量日报的主
4、要内容:2、我国目前计入空气首要污染物的有:3、空气质量分级标准:四、展示点评五、课堂检测1区分氮气和二氧化碳气体,可根据它们下列性质中的 ( )A. 颜色 B.能否使火焰熄灭 C. 状态 D.能否使澄清石灰水变浑2目前很多地区空气污染指数超标,原因是( )。 A人的呼吸 B植物的光合作用 C矿物燃料的燃烧D工厂的废气3下列物质排放到空气中,不会使空气受到污染的是( )。 A燃烧煤和石油产生的废气 B化工厂排放的烟尘C机动车辆排放的尾气 D绿色植物光合作用后产物 4据报道,现在许多城市交通主干道的空气严重超标污染,其主要原因是( )A 煤燃烧所排放的废气造成;B几十万辆汽车,摩托车等排放的废气
5、造成的;C工业生产中“三废”造成的;D不断地降雨和各种污水的排放造成的;5.下列关于稀有气体的叙述中不正确的是( )A在通电时一般都能发出有色光 B都是无色无味的气体C一定不能和其他物质反应 D是空气中含量最少的气体 六、归结反思1.氧气、氮气、稀有气体的主要性质及用途:成分主要性质主要用途氧气氮气稀有气体2、空气污染:(1)成分:有害气体:二氧化硫、一氧化碳、二氧化氮等可吸入颗粒物:(2)防治:改进燃料的结构;排放前的回收利用;安装净化装置等。Strengthen the team connection, strengthen the knowledge education among th
6、e students (especially the first grade students), and promote the formation of good school spirit with the influence of the league members. All League branches should start with recommending outstanding students as the development objects of the League, take amateur league schools as the basis, cons
7、cientiously do a good job in the work of pre-league education, league membership education, League members vanguard exemplary consciousness education, excellent league members education, etc. Under the premise of ensuring the quality, the development quantity of league members will increase steadily
8、, and the ranks of league members in middle schools will be strengthened constantly. It is planned to develop a group of new league members in April and mid-October.2. Carry out the regular meeting system of the League branch, and strengthen the ideological accomplishment and the training work in th
9、e field of business. League cadres are the backbone of the work of the League, and their quality directly affects the quality of the work. Therefore, they plan to use their extracurricular activities on Wednesday to open special training and other forms of study activities. To help the regiment cadres improve their ideological quality and professional skills, improve their3