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1、2121 世纪大学英语读写教程(第四册)课后答案世纪大学英语读写教程(第四册)课后答案TEXT AII1.He defines greatness as the lasting contributionwhich a person makesor has made to human civilization.2.The example of Churchill shows the importance ofpersistence anddedication in achieving greatness.3.Firstborns and only children tend to make go

2、odleaders in times ofcrisis,butmiddle-bornchildrenarebetterpeacetime leaders.4.A 20th century politician should be an effectivepublic speaker and asocial person.5.Intelligence seems to be less important than otherfactors,such as theability to communicate effectively.6.The ability to overcome traditi

3、onal ways of thinkingis also crucial.7.They simply don t devote the amount of timerequired.8.The study showed that enjoying one s work is thebest form ofmotivation.2IV1.chat 2.acknowledge 3.motivated 4.charcteristic5.despite 6.influential 7.cited 8.obstacle9.intrinsic 10.criteria 11.obsession 12.inn

4、ate13.contribution(s)14.contemporary15.submitted16.moraleV1.left behind 2.rise above 3.made history4.were endowed with5.put up with 6.going nowhere 7.focuses on8.be built eupwith11.takecharge12.set.apartVIefficiency emergencyfluency frequencyproficiency tendencyurgency sufficiency1.fluency 2.profici

5、ency 3.emergency 4.Efficiency5.tendency 6.frequency3VII1.For some students,its not that they dont put inenough time itsthat they dont have good study habits.2.Children perform differently at school.Its not thatthey have differentIQs its that they are brought up in differentenvironments.3.The company

6、 is not very productive.Its not that itsstaff arenttalenteditsthattheirenergyhasntbeenchanneled effectively.4.Im really sorry.Its not that I dont want to go to thecinema with you its that I have to finish my paper tonight.5.You have a stomachache.Its not that the foodwas bad itsprobably that you hav

7、e too much stress from yourwork.VIII1.President Wilson didnt try to bring the US back toeconomic andpoliticalnations.2.Computers dont teach students ingroups.Instead,they can help them learn effectivelyaccording to their different needs.3.We shouldnt focus on minor points.Instead,weshould try to sol

8、ve the problem of the greatesturgency at present.4.He dosent get anybody else to help him.Instead,he likes to attend to everything himself.5.Teaching success shouldnt be measured by thescores the students receive on tests.Instead,itshould be measured by whether the students haveinternalized the abil

9、ity and desire to learn.IXBCBADDCABADABCAXisolation.Instead,hebelievedininternational cooperationthrough an association of西蒙顿说,如果事业上取得巨大成就者具有什么共性的话,那就是一种持续不断地追求成功的动力。“人们往往认为他们天生具有一些超常非凡的东西,”他解释道。“但研究结果表明,有的伟人并没有惊人的智力。有的只是程度上的差异而已。伟大是建立在大量的学习、实践和献身精神的基础之上的。”他举出二战时期的英国首相温斯顿?丘吉尔作为一个永不放弃的冒险者的典范。丘吉尔在全国上下

10、士气最为低落的时候被推上台,并出色地领导了英国人民。在 1940 年盟军敦刻尔克大撤退之后的一次演讲中,他的话激励了全国人民,“我们绝不会衰退、失败。我们将坚持到底我们永远不会屈服。”5XI1.Americans tend to define people by the jobs theyhave/do.Suchcharacteristicsastheirfamilyandeducationalbackgrounds areconsidered less important.2.His uncompromising personality explains why hecould no lon

11、ger putup with his employer and eventually submitted hisresignation.3.If you really want to learn English well,you mustput in a lot of timeand energy,or youll go nowhere.The same can besaid of othersubjects.4.Some actors fame is built on their innate beauty,but despite hisshort stature,Dustin Hoffma

12、n rose above and it ishis excellent actingthat set him apart.5.After he took charge,we discovered that therewere strikingdifferences between him and his predecessor.Hehad the drive andpassion,came up with many new ideas,andfocused his work on how toraise our morale.6.Deng Xiaoping made history when

13、he declaredChinas reform andopening-up policy.Despite tremendous obstacles,he made lastingcontributions to our countrys modernization with hisunrelentingefforts.67.Why could someone with a genius IQ be leftbehind by a hardworkingpersonwithanaverageIQ?Ithastobeacknowledged that besidesones IQ,many ot

14、her factors have much to do withones achievements.8.This teacher is really remarkable in first motivatingher students so shecan really teach them something.Its not that she istalented,its thatshe focuses completely or drawing their full attentionin class.第二单元TEXT AII1.He got no thanks for returning

15、a wallet,though hedeserved to.2.Hewants toshowhowmuchpeopleneedgratitude to keep up aspirit of kindness and cooperation.3.She saved up for two years,went to Normandy inperson,and gaveher sons gold wristwatch to the woman.4.Hesendashortrecordingexpressinghisappreciation of the authorsthoughtfulness a

16、nd sent it to the author.75.A patient whose life was saved by a bloodtransfusion came backagain and again to donate his blood anonymouslyso that more patientscould be saved.6.He does it by citing W.H.Hudsons gratitude for hiswifes day-to-dayheroism.7.Those people who do little things for us all year

17、round.8.It can make people take infinite pains with theirwork.9.Gratitude is needed all the time and none of uscan give too much ofit.III1.intention 2.sincere 3.glaring 4.sore5.trace 6.render 7.denial 8.proof9.tribute 10.conventional 11.generous 12.gratitude13.slammed 14.agreeableIV1.caught/took my

18、fancy 2.a mistake on Johns part3.take for granted 4.think twice85.saved up 6.referred to7.boast about 8.took pains with9.refrain from 10.something of11.in one way or another 12.fed upV1.altitude 2.aptitude 3.attitude 4.longitude5.fortitude 6.mulitiude 7.latitude 8.solitudeVI1.coordination 2.coexist

19、3.co-workers 4.co-owners5.co-authored8.copilotVII1.no sacrifice for the education of the young was toogreat2.No price is too high to pay in order to save theirlives3.cannot be too careful in performing an experiment94.They cannot praise him too much5.can not be overemphasized6.cannot be overestimate

20、dVIIIBACDD BABCD BADCAIX一些人不愿表达感激之情,因为他们觉得这不会受欢迎。我的一个病人在出院几个星期后回到医院感谢他的护士。“我没有更早地回来,”他解释说,“是因为我猜想你们对于人们的感激一定厌烦得要命。”“正好相6.Cooperation7.Coeducation反,”她回答说,“我很高兴你来。很少有人意识到我们多么需要鼓励,我们从那些鼓励我们的人身上获得了多大的帮助。”我们所给予的感激永远不会过多。因为我们身边的人在构筑他们的人生哲学时所依据的正是这些微笑、我们所表示的感谢和我们表示欣赏的各种小小的示意动作。X1.He glared at John and was

21、annoyed by his refusalto cooperate.102.Johns sincere speech shows his gratitude to thepeople who renderedhim generous help when he was in difficulty.3.He is something of a stamp collector.The fact thatonce he saved upfor two years to buy a rare stamp is proof of it.4.The beauty of these roses could

22、not be overstated.They took/caughtall the visitors fancy in one way or another.5.At first he took it for granted that they should buildmore highways inthisarea.Thenacarefulcalculationoftheexpenditure compelled himto think twice before he made the final decision.6.Each time he receives a gift from me

23、,no matterhow small,my friendBill never fails to acknowledge it.7.The journalist has decided to trace the young manreferred to in theold couples letter,which is a tribute to the youngmans effort atimproving their living conditions.8.Though he was fed up with the salesmen whoknocked at his doorand bo

24、asted about their products every day,herefrained fromslamming the door in their face.第三单元TEXT AII1.He changed his perspective and observed peoplewho did not havesmallpox.2.He wants to give a good example of lateralthinking.3.He compares the human brain to a computer andthe change of onespoint of vie

25、w to the reprogramming of the computer.4.It is to fight it.5.He calls it vertical thinking.6.He used the technique of lateral thinking.7.The key is to make a shift in emphasis instead offighting the problemhead-on.8.They should change their point of view and regardthemselves as theirbodys keeper.9.V

26、ery often lateral thinking yields much betterresults than verticalthinking.10.It is approaching the target from a sideways pointof view instead of12approaching it directly.III1.tactic 2.utmost 3.structure 4.slack 5.significance6.head-on 7.dead end 8.erased 9.framework10.vertical;vertical11.ceased 12

27、.flaw 13.implies 14.affirmedIV1.wound up being 3.take in 5.take over2.pulling on 4.in effect 6.ended up teachingV1.approach 2.fought 3.cure 4.pressured5.focus 6.approach 7.program 8.experienced9.switch 10.escape 11.fail 12.escaped13VIassistant accountant servant dependant attendantcontestant defenda

28、nt consultant inhabitant occupant1.attendant2.servant3.consultans4.contestant5.accountant6.occupants 7.assistant 8.inhabitants 9.dependants10.defendantVII1.of use2.of great importance3.of great/critical/extreme significance4.of little value5.of marked benefit6.of invaluable help14VIII1.should have t

29、old me at once2.2.should have told me beforehand3.3.should have left the company long ago4.never should have happened5.should have left thirty minutes ago6.should have phonedIXCDBDA BBDBB CABDCX一般西方人解决问题的方法是与之搏斗。“进展越困难,硬汉子越向前”这句话便代表了这种解决问题的积极进取的态度。不管是什么问题,不管可以用来解决问题的方法是什么,我们西方人的思维方式所产生的框架总是搏斗。德 博诺医生

30、称之为纵向思维;即那种传统的、按顺序的、亚里士多德式的逻辑思维,坚定地从一步移到下一步,就像玩具积木一块搭在另一块之上。当然,它的缺陷是,如果在任何时刻其中一步没有达到,或者一块积木没有放对,那么整个结构就会15坍塌。事情就会陷入僵局,沮丧、紧张和搏斗的情绪就会笼罩心头。横向思维,德 博诺医生说,是对事物进行思考的一种新方法一种完全避免这种拼搏,用一种完全出人意料的方式解决问题的方法。XI1.Tom was hung up on the problem but could donothing about it untilhe learnt to solve it with different

31、tactics.2.Lateral thinking has helped him to advance hisnew theory which hadseemed to reach a dead end.3.The framework of our latest construction plan hasbeen affirmed bythe local government.Whether it will be carried outon time is of theutmost significance to the development of thiscoastal city.4.W

32、hile trying to find a solution to the problem,Edward reached animpasse in his thinking,but later he changed hispoint of view andsolvedtheprobleminanentirelyunexpectedfashion.5.Many people believe that computer labs willeventually take over fromthe libraries and students who want to take in newknowle

33、dge will endup learning everything in the computer lab.6.Yesterday his car crashed into a truck almosthead-on.If he does notstop driving so carelessly,I am sure he will wind upin the emergency16room of a hospital.7.There is a flaw in the structural design of thepainting.Why dont youerase the vertica

34、l lines and simplify it a little bit?8.John should have given up smoking a long timeago.After all,healthis of the utmost importance to everybody.第四单元TEXT AII1.The IQs among the students were within thenormal range.172.The study showed that a teachers positive viewand high expectationsof students con

35、vinces them that they are gifted andenables them to dobetter than average work.3.She did not see this as evidence that the studentwas not bright orcapable,but rather viewed it as one day 抯 poorperformance,anexception to a normally good pattern of work.4.It is hard to describe exactly,but her tone wa

36、sassured and she did notexpressanynegativequalitiessuchasirony,putdowns and/or irritation.5.This shows that positive expectation can beeffective even on mice,who do not,of course,understand human language.6.Labeling means thinking of people in terms of thegeneral prejudiceswhich we have about their

37、nationality,their race,ortheir gender,ratherthan thinking of them as individuals.7.Labels define a broad,heterogenerous group toospecifically.They areusually prejudicial,non-inclusive,and often racist orsexist.8.This example shows how labeling can create asense of guilt in aperson who does not do wh

38、at is expected,evenwhen he follows histalents and is quite successful.IV181.breed 2.accordingly 3.racial 4.homogeneous5.inclusive 6.welfare 7.deceiving 8.irritation9.variables 10.uncover 11.irony 12.verbal13.readily16.superiorV1.in terms of 2.due to 3.measures/lives up to 4.asoftenas not5.consisted

39、of 6.go through with 7.in reality 8.in partVI1.unfolded 2.unpacked 3.undo 4.unbend5.unfastende 6.unload 7.undressing 8.unlockedVII191.transmit 2.transforming;transferring 3.transcribed4.transplanting 5.transfer 6.transparentVIII1.AS the example in the text makes clear2.As i mentioned earlier/As(was)

40、mentioned earlier3.As is known all14.indifference15.certainty;certainty4.as(is)agreed on in the contract5.as had been originally plannedIX1.They would rather overwork themselves to makelife better for oursake than spend their hard-earnedmoney onthemselves2.would rather read a best-seller than chat w

41、ithothers3.would rather confine yourself in the library than goout to meet andtalk with local people4.would rather give up my short-term interest thanlet it slip away5.would rather not tell our parents what 抯 in ourminds than sit down20and communicate with them like friendsXBDADB ACADA BBACBXI某个学生的成

42、绩达不到老师的期望是常有的事。当这种情况发生时,那个学生面对的不是失望、愤怒或恼怒。相反,老师认为这是一次例外,一件偶然的事情,倒霉的一天,一次暂时的失误而学生相信了她,并消除了疑虑。下一次,他更加努力了,决心做到老师知道他能做到的事。很难精确地确定老师传达的信息:“我期待着最好的成绩,”中到底是哪一部分告诉了孩子。它的一部分包括显示信心的平和语调,言语上的耐心,及没有讽刺、贬低和恼怒等消极因素。期待着最好成绩的老师满怀信心地提问,因为她知道她得到的答案将是正确的,而孩子也感受到了那种信心。XII1.Schools should avoid deciding who is superioron

43、ly in terms of21students exam results and treating them accordingly.Instead,a goodeducational system should enable every student tomeasure up to goodstandards as well-rounded people.2.As often as not,when college students havequestions after class,their teachers are not readily available except duri

44、ngoffice hours.This isdue to teachers busy academic research,ratherthan their indifferenceto the students.3.This class consists of forty students,most ofwhom used to be labeledaverage in terms of English level.But as this teacherhas never shownany verbal impatience,the students have reactedpositivel

45、y to histeaching methods and lived up to his expectations.4.Teaching is becoming increasingly demanding inthe United States,due in part to the diversity of students racialbackground and thecomplexity of educational technologies that requireadditional training.5.TheEnglishare,asoftenasnot,labeledcons

46、ervative.Obviously thislabel is prejudiced.In reality,Britain is not verydifferent from otherEuropeancountriesintermsofnationalcharacteristics.The British arepolite,neat,orderly and confident.6.Some young people grow up with a strong desirefor independence.They would rather try hard to go through li

47、fe on theirown than turn totheir parents for help with a sense of guilt.7.Your friend treats you sincerely,so you shouldrespond accordingly22and mustn 抰 deceive him or talk about his setbackswithirony(ironically).8.The neighbors irritation/annoyance was due to thenoise they made.However,because of reassurances that they wouldstop working atnight,they went through with the decoration of thisapartment.


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