1、184251热力学与统计物理热力学与统计物理(2 2)金晓峰金晓峰金晓峰金晓峰Fudan,Mar.7,2012热学基础知识回顾热学基础知识回顾(1)(1)热力学热力学(2)(2)分子运动学分子运动学Carnots ideas QWCarnots Cycle“All reversible engines operating between the same two constant temperatures TH and TL have the same efficiency.Any irreversible engine operating between the same two fixed
2、 temperatures will have an efficiency less than this.”Carnots theorem Q1 Q1Original proof of Carnots theoremWWWW(1834)(1850)Clapeyrons Graph(1834)(1850)A careful examination shows that the new method does not stand in contradiction to the essential principle of Carnot,but only to the subsidiary stat
3、ement that no heat is lost,since in the production of work it may very well be the case that at the same time a certain quantity of heat is consumed and another quantity transferred from a hotter to a colder body,and both quantities of heat stand in a definite relation to the work that is done.Claus
4、ius ideasW=WT1Q1 Q1基于热力学第一定律的证明基于热力学第一定律的证明Clausuis statement Not possible 基于热力学第一定律的证基于热力学第一定律的证明明 熵的引入熵的引入克劳修斯克劳修斯R.ClausiusR.Clausiuse=W/QH=1-QL/QH=1-TL/THClausius deduction(1865)QL/TL=QH/TH,QH/TH-QL/TL=0(Q/T)=0 0TdQrev?TdQrev 0TdQrevT1T2T3T4T5T6T7(Q1/T1+Q2/T2)+(-Q2/T2+Q3/T3)+(-Q6/T6+Q7/T7)=0TdQd
5、S baTdQbaTdQIII)()(0)()(abTdQbaTdQIIIbbaadQSST-Irreversible:e=W/QH=1-QL/QH QH/TH(Q/T)0)()(abTdQbaTdQIIIbaTdQbaTdQIII)()(bbaadQSST-R&IRFor an isolated system:S 0“The energy of the universe is a constant.The entropy of the universe approaches a maximum.”Clausius Statement24To understand a science it i
6、s necessary to know its history.”August Comte (1789-1857)1842525 In imagination there exists the perfect mystery story.Such a story presents all essential clews,and compels us to form our own theory of the case.If we follow the plot carefully we arrive at the complete solution for ourselves just bef
7、ore the authors disclosure at the end of the book.A.Einstein1842526The solution itself,contrary to those of inferior mysteries,does not disappointed us;moreover,it appears at the very moment we expect it.27 Because so many of our key conceptual schemes seem almost“self-evident”in the light of experi
8、ence,we frequently lose sight of the fact that there is a history to physics;M.H.Shamos28that the ideas we now take for granted represent major intellectual achievements in the endless effort to understand nature,and that the origin of these ideas forms an important segment of mans cultural developm
9、ent.29 We can gain from such historical case studies important insights into the process of how real physics and theoretical physics are carried out.Such insights can convey some of the excitement and intense intellectual struggle involved in achieving new levels of physical understanding.M.LongairJ
10、ames P.Sethna The purview of science grows rapidly with time.It is the responsibility of each generation to join new insights to old wisdom,and to distill the key ideas for the next generation.31 On the one hand,there is the way in which university teachers present the subject in lecture courses and
11、 examples classes.On the other hand,there is the way in which we actually practice the discipline as professional physicists.M.Longair The pursuit of rigor involves almost inevitably abandoning the historical approach.Great ideas are more often arrived at by a combination of intuition and a judiciou
12、s disregard of niceties than by a systematic and logical development of explicitly formulated premises.A.B.Pippard But once the goal has been attained it is possible to go back over the road and see how the same end could have been reached more logically.1.1.体系与孤立体系体系与孤立体系2.2.热平衡状态热平衡状态3.3.热力学第零定律热力