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1、高级英语第 2 册修辞练习第 1 课Point the rhetorical devices used in the following sentencesPoint the rhetorical devices used in the following sentences can batten down and ride it out.(Metaphor )and rain now whipped the house.(Metaphor )away from the windows.(Elliptical sentence )therainseeminglydrivenrightthrou

2、ghthewalls.(Simile )8:30,power failed.(Metaphor )outthebackdoortothecars.(Ellipticalsentence )children went from adult to adult like buckets ina firebrigade.(Simile )8theelectricalsystemshadbeenkilledbywater.(metaphor )on the stairs.(elliptical sentence )wind sounded like the roar of a train passing

3、 a few yards away.(simile )11.A moment later,the hurricane,in one mighty swipe,liftedthe entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet thoughthe air.(personification )12it seized a 600,000-gallon Gulfport oil tank and dumped itmiles away.(personification )poles and 20-inch-thick pines cracked lik

4、e guns as the windssnapped them.(simile )vacationers at the luxurious Richelieu Apartments therehelda hurricane party to watch the storm from their spectacularvantage point.(Transferred epithet )15.Up the stairs-into our bedroom.(Ellipticalsentence )world seemed to be breaking apart.(Simile )17.Wate

5、r inched its way up the steps as first floor outsidewalls collapsed.(Metaphor )ofclothingfestoonedthestandingtrees.(Metaphor )19and blown-down power lines coiled like black spaghetti overthe road.(simile )20household and medical supplies streamed in by plane,train,truck and car.(metaphor ),meanwhile

6、,had raked its way northward across Mississippi,droppedmorethan28inchesofrainintoWest.(metaphor )高级英语第 2 册修辞练习第 2 课PutPut outout thethe rhetoricalrhetorical devicesdevices usedused inin thethe followingfollowing sentencessentences1The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth,like a de

7、relict building-lot.(simile )reallythesamefleshasyourself(rhetoricalquestion )3.Do they even have names (rhetorical question )4.Or are they merely a kind of undifferentiated brown stuff,about as individual as bees or coral insects(rhetoricalquestion )5.and then they sink back into the nameless mound

8、s of thegraveyardandnobodynoticesthattheyaregone.(euphemism )6.sore-eyed children cluster everywhere in unbelievablenumbers,like clouds of flies.(simile )7.In the bazaar huge families of Jews,all dressed in thelong-black robe and little black skull-cap,are working indarkfly-infestedboothsthatlooklik

9、ecaves.(simile )8.Instantly,from the dark holes all round,there was afrenzied rush of Jews.(transferred )9.Still,awhiteskinisalwaysfairlyconspicuous.(synecdoche )10.What does Morocco mean to a Frenchman An orange grove ora job in Government service(elliptical sentence )anEnglishmanCamels,castles,pal

10、mtrees,ForeignLegionnaires,brass trays,and bandits.()12.Long lines of women,bent double like inverted capital Ls,worktheirwayslowlyacrossthefields,(simile )13.All of them are mummified with age and the sun,and all ofthem are tiny.(metaphor )14.Thiskindofthingmakesonesbloodboil,.(hyperbole )15.How mu

11、ch longer can we go on kidding these people How longbeforetheyturntheirgunsintheotherdirection(rhetorical question )16.And really it was like watching a flock of cattle to seethe long column,a mile or two miles of armed men,(simile )17while the great white birds drifted over them in theoppositedirec

12、tion,glitteringlikescrapsofpaper.(simile )18.But there isone thought which everywhite man thinks whenhe sees a black army marching pastEvery white man therehad this thought I had it,so had the other onlookers,so had the officers on their sweating chargers and thewhite .Os(repetition)高级英语第 2 册修辞练习第 3

13、 课PutPut outout thethe rhetoricalrhetorical devicesdevices usedused inin thethe followingfollowing sentencessentences1.and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders orleaps and sparkles or just glows(mixed metaphor(simile metaphor)2.The fact that their marriages may be on the rocks,or that

14、their love affairs have been broken or even that they gotout of bed on the wrong side is simply not a concern.(metaphor )3.Suddenlythealchemyofconversationtookplace.(-)4.Theglowoftheconversationburstintoflames.(-)5.WehadtraveledinfiveminutestoAustralia.(hyperbole )6.The conversation was on wings.(me

15、taphor )we ought to think ourselves back into the shoes of theSaxon peasant(-)7.8.we are still the heirs to it(-)TheElizabethansblewonitasonadandelionclock,(simile )9.10.and its seeds multiplied,and floated to the end of theearth(-)11.Ihaveanunendingloveaffairwithdictionaries.(-)12.-butitoughtnottob

16、eanultimatum.(-)13.the kings English slips and slides in conversation(-)14.When E.M Foster writes of“the sinister corridor of ourage,”we sit up at the vivid of the phrase,the force andeven terror in the image.(-)15.Otherwise one will bind the conversation,one will not letitflowfreelyhereandthere.(al

17、literationmetaphor )16.We would never have gone to Australia,or leaped back in timeto the Norman Conquest.(metaphor )高级英语第 2 册修辞练习第 4 课Point out the rhetorical devices in the following sentencesPoint out the rhetorical devices in the following sentences1.We observe today a victory of party but a cel

18、ebration offreedom,symbolizinganendaswellasabeginning,signifyingrenewalaswellaschange.(parallelstructure)2.To our sister republics south of our border,we offer aspecial pledge:to convert our good words into good deeds,in new alliance for progress,to assist freeman and freegovernmentsincastingoffthec

19、hainsofpoverty.(repetition)3.bring the absolute power to destroy other nations underthe absolute control of all nations.(repetition)4.Let both sides explore,Let both sides formulate,Letboth sides seek,Let both sides unite,(parallelstructure)5.Let us never negotiate out of fear,but let us never feart

20、o negotiate.(parallel structure)6.To those old allies,To those new states,To thosepeoples,To our sister republics south of our border,To that world assembly,To those nations (parallelstructure )7.to enlarge the area in which its writ may run(metaphor)thatstaysthehandofmankindsfinalwar(synecdoche )8.

21、9.those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of thetiger ended up inside.(metaphor)10.But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the preyof hostile powers.(metaphor)11.And let every other power know that this hemisphere intendsto remain the master of its own house.(metaphor)12.to pr

22、event it from becoming merely a forum for invective,tostrengthenitsshieldofthenewandtheweak.(metaphor)13.And if a beachhead of co-operation may push back the jungleof suspicion,(metaphor )14.The energy,the devotion which we bring to the endeavor willlight our country and all who serve it,and the glo

23、w fromthat fire can truly light the world.(metaphor)15.If a free society cannot help the many who are poor,it cannotsave the few who are rich.(antithesis )16.and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing ofthese human rights to which this nation has always beencommitted,and to which we are com

24、mitted today at home andaround the world(repetition)17.16.Let the word go forth from this time and place,to friendand foe alike,(alliteration)18.that the torch has been passed to a new generation ofAmericans,(metaphor)19.For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish allforms of human povert

25、y and all forms of human life.(repetition)20.And yet the same revolutionary belief for which our forbearsfought is still at issue around the globe,the belief thatthe rights of mancome not from the generosity of the statenut from the hand of God.(repetition)21.Can we forge against these enemies a gra

26、nd and globalalliance,North and South,East and West,that can assurea more fruitful life for all mankind(rhetorical question)22.Willyoujoininthehistoriceffort(rhetoricalquestion )23.Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead ofbelaboringthoseproblemswhichdivideus.(antithesis )24.United,the

27、reislittlewecannotdoinahostofco-operative ventures.Divided,there is little we cando,(antithesis)高级英语第 2 册修辞练习第 9 课1.The air of morning was so clear that the snow still crowningthe Eighteen Peaks burned with white-gold fire across themiles of sunlit air,under the dark blue of sky(metaphor)2.If you ca

28、nt lick em,join em.(metaphor)Omelas sounds in my words like a city in a fairy tale,longago and far away,once upon a time.(simile)3.4.The crowds along the racecourse are like a field of grassand flowers in the wind.(simile)5.the profession was a dance(metaphor)their high calls risinglike the swallows

29、 crossingflights over the music and the singing(simile)6.7.Thefacesofsmallchildrenareamiablysticky.(transferred-epithet)8.in the benign grey beard of a man a couple of crumbs ofrich pastry are entangled(transferred-epithet)高级英语第 2 册修辞练习第 10 课1.we had reached an international stature that would forev

30、erprevent us from retreating behind the artificial walls ofa provincial morality or the geographical protection of ourtwo bordering oceans.(metaphor)2.The war acted merely as a catalytic agent in this breakdownof the Victorian social structure.(simile)3.this one lasted until the money ran out,until

31、the crashof the world economic structure at the end of the decadecalled the party to a halt and forced the revelers to soberup and face the problems of the new age(metaphor)4.Their homes wereoften uncomfortable to them;they hadoutgrown town and families.(metaphor)5.After the war,it was only natural

32、that hopeful youngwriters,theirmindsandpensinflamedagainstwar,Babbittry,and“Puritannical”gentility,should flock tothe traditional artistic center.(metaphor)6.As it became more and more fashionable throughout thecountry for young persons to defy the law and conventionsand to add their own little matc

33、hsticks to the conflagrationof“flamingyouth.,”it was Greenwich Village thatfanned the flame(metaphor)7.Younger brothers and sisters of the war generation,nowbegan to imitate the manners of their elders and play withthe toys of vulgar rebellion.(metaphor)8.but since the country was blind and deaf to

34、everything savethe glint and ring of the dollar,there was little remedyfor the sensitive mind but to emigrate to Europe where“they do things better.”(personification;metaphor;metonymy)9.Greenwich Village set the pattern.(metonymy)slightest mention of the decade brings nostalgic10.Therecollection to

35、the middle-aged and curious questions bythe young.(transferred-epithet)11.Civilization in the United States,written by“thirtyintellectuals”under the editorship of J.Harold Stearns,was the rallying point of the sensitive persons disgustedwith America.(metaphor)高级英语第 2 册修辞练习第 11 课1.Somecancerintheirch

36、aracterhaseatenawaytheirEnglishness.(metaphor)2.Against this,at least superficially,Englishness seems apoor shadowy show-a faint pencil sketch besides a posterin full color(simile;metaphor)3.It must have some moral capital to draw upon,and soon itmay be asking for an overdraft.(metaphor)4.As it is t

37、hey are like a hippopotamus blundering in and outof pets tea party.(simile)5.Bewildered,they grope and mess around because they havefallen between two stools,the old harsh discipline havingvanished and the essential new self-discipline either notunderstood or thought to be out of reach.(metaphor)6.Y

38、es,Englishness is still with us.But it needs reinforcement,extra nourishment,especially now when our public life seemsready to starve it(metaphor)7.There are English people of all ages,though far more underthirty than over sixty,who seem to regard politics as a gamebut not one of their games-polo,le

39、t us say.(simile)8.Otherwise they could soon learn,in the worst way,that heavyhands can fall on the shoulders that have been shrugging awaypolitics.(Synecdoche)9.Englishness cannot be fed with the east wind of a narrowrationality,the latest figures of profit and loss,aconstant appeal to self-interest.(metaphor)10.But we do not have to go on like that,to enter a Common Marketof national character.(metaphor)11.,America has shown us too many desperately worriedintoearlyexecutivesdroppinggraves,(transferred-epithet)12.,whether they are wearing bowler hats or ungovernable mopsof hair,(metonymy)


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