1、南京大学2019年C9国际暑期学校教学安排及课程简介一、主题南京是中国首座国际和平城市,拥有特殊的和平资源。南京 大学是中国的和平学研究中心,拥有中国唯一的“联合国教科文 组织和平学教席” (UNESCO Chair on Peace Dtudies),在和 平研究、和平教育、和平活动方面作了大量开拓性工作,取得了 显著成效。本届南京大学2019年C9国际暑期学校将以“人类命运共同 体视野下的国际和平教育”为主题,依托联合国教科文组织和平 学教席平台,联合东北亚和平教育学院(NARPI),为有兴趣开 展和平友好交流,希望了解中国及其他国家历史、政治、经济、 文化对和平发展的影响,渴望共同探讨多
2、元化的和平议题的C9 学员,提供一系列主题课程、讲座及实地考察活动。二、教学安排本届暑期学校分两期开班,每期均包含主题课程和实地考察 环节,C9高校学员报名可选择其中一门课程参加。本届暑期学 校课程教学环节采用英文授课,需要学生具备一定的英文听说能 力。第一期开班时间为2019年8月8日-8月16日,8月8日报 到。第二期开班时间为2019年8月13日-8月21日,8月13日 报到。每位完成学习的学员可获得英文版和平建设培训证书,以及 中文C9暑期学校结业证书。第一期课程8.9 - 8.13两门课程可选Course 1Conflict and PeaceFrameworkFacilitator
3、 : Hiro KatanoCourse 2Theory and Practice ofPeace EducationFacilitator : Kathy Matsui大MB.亲8.14 - 8.16大MB.亲8.14 - 8.16R-E8.17 - 8.21四门课程可选Cnurcp 4Course 5mirep ACourse 3Restorative Justice for Historicalju J i nu r Optimizing Peacemaking by Ending GenerationalSpace and Facilities for Peacebuilding :t
4、he roles of the arts, ICC/Community -Based Conflict Transformatithe Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, the Comfort Women Museum, a Private Ani-War Museum.the Mei Yuan Community Center.the Nanjing Museum, and so onTraurraFac/t . .on期学根空题课科的主编A汇患琥第果”期从禹福肆研 乱倒缪T擅长白僻黎维节、创揶斯、反拓噫受、Hiro KatanoK m生表达等领域带给学员内容丰
5、富、形式多元的学习体验。C9学员将与来自不同国家和地区的学生、非政府机构职员、 公益组织成员、从事艺术工作的艺术家、和平教育者和活动家、 公益组织成员等和平爱好者共同学习。学员将在不同国家、文化、 职业、专业背景下,一同汲取和平领域相关知识、探讨多元化的 和平议题,在维护和平发展的道路上共同前行。三、报到时间地点及注意事项报到时间:第一期:2019年8月8日13: 00-17: 00第二期:2019 年 8 月 13 日 13: 00-17: 00离校时间:第一期:2019年8月17日第二期:2019年8月22日报到地点:南京大学仙林校区(南京市栖霞区仙林大道163号) 行政北楼413房间。提
6、醒:报到时请携带本人身份证、学生证。附:南京大学2019年C9国际暑期学校课程简介一、第一期课程(2019年8月9日-8月13日)Course 1. Conflict and Peace FrameworkFacilitator: Hiro Katano, Special Resources: Gaycon Kim, Resource Liu Cheng (1-2 lectures)This course will provide a framework knowledge of the peace and conflict studies to those who need introduc
7、tory provision to the field. It will focus on three major terms of the field: conflict, peace, and violence. The participants will work on defining and understanding these terms, applying them to our local and regional contexts with specific issues and cases. Throughout the course, sessions are comp
8、osed with various ways of active learning, such as group works, role plays, and communication skills exercises. Further inputs will be provided by the resource persons and in collaboration with other courses. Participants too are expected to contribute to the course as resources to each other by sha
9、ring their knowledge, experience, and reflection in class activities.课程1:冲突与和平构建主讲教师:Hiro Katano特邀嘉宾:Gayeon Kim.南京大学刘成教 授(1-2场讲座)本课程将为希望了解和平与冲突领域的学员提供基础性的框架 知识,聚焦和平领域的三个关键词,包括:冲突、和平、暴力。学员 将通过多种多样的形式,例如小组合作、沟通技巧练习、角色扮演等 方式来理解与定义三个关键词,并应用于当地及地方性的具体案例与 问题中。特邀讲师还将提供其它课程资源,本门课程也会与其它课程 联合进行学习。希望学员通过本课程学习增
10、进相互之间的交流,在课 堂活动中分享彼此对课堂活动的认识、体验和反思,从而实现资源共 享。Course 2: Theory and Practice of Peace EducationFacilitator: Kathy Matsui, Resource: SC members and Trainers Training participantsThe course seeks to introduce the participants to the fundamental knowledge base, skills and value orientations of peace educ
11、ation. The course will use a holistic framework aimed at cultivating peaceable mindsets, attitudes, behaviors, structures, and cultures in educational settings, which will include topics such as comprehensive views on addressing conflict, restorative justice approaches to discipline in schools, and
12、creating cultures of peace with administration, teachers, students, parents, and community. It will also engage the participants in a learning process that is consistent with the principles of peace, valuing the culture and identity of participants, to demonstrate that content and pedagogy should fo
13、rm one integral whole. Both the course content and process can be easily adaptable to the local contexts of participants.课程2:和平教育的理论与实践主讲教师:Kathy Matsui邀请SC成员及和平构建项目成员共同组织 活动本课程旨在帮助学员了解和平教育的基本知识、技能以及价值取 向,为开展和平活动提供基石。课程教学将运用一个整体性框架,引 导学员共同探索在身处的教育环境中如何构建和平的心态、态度、行 为、结构和文化。课程将通过丰富的形式引导学员全面认识包括:解 决冲突、
14、采用恢复性正义策略维护学校纪律,以及联合政府、教师、 学生、家长和社区共同创建和平文化等主题。学员将与正规、非正规 和非正式部门的和平教育者和活动家和培训师共同交流学习。此外, 本课程鼓励学员在学习过程中关注符合和平原则的、重视文化和身份 认同的体验,以便课程所学能很好地运用到学员所处的环境中。二、第二期课程(2019年8月17日-8月21日)Course 3. Restorative Justice for Historical HarmsFacilitator: Hiro Katano, Special Resource: Jae Young LeeRestorative justice
15、(RJ) is a new paradigm on how to make things right when wrongdoings have happened. It sees justice as not merely punishing wrongdoers, but ensuring that the voice of victims, offenders, and communities are heard and their needs are met. This course first aims to provide a basic knowledge of RJ with
16、some specific tools for its practice. Specific cases of implementation in Korea, Japan and other contexts will be introduced. The course will also make enough room for exploring the historical conflicts from restorative perspective. The participants will be encouraged to revisit the specific issues
17、of peacebuilding in their contexts from restorative viewpoints, as wc seek Asian models of RJ practice.课程3:针对历史创伤的恢复性正义主讲教师:Hiro Katano特邀嘉宾:Jae Young Lee恢复性正义(RJ)是关于如何在错误发生后纠正错误的新范式。 恢复性正义认为正义不仅是惩罚违法者,也应当倾听受害人、罪犯和 群体的声音。本课程首先运用特定的工具展示恢复性正义的基本知 识,并结合具体案例展示在实际生活中的运用方法。此外,本课程还 将介绍韩国、日本和其它地区的具体案例。本课程将开拓
18、从恢复性视 角探索历史性冲突的空间,鼓励学员从恢复性视角重新审视所处地区 有关和平建设的具体问题,共同寻求恢复性正义在亚洲的实践模式。Course 4. Optimizing Peacemaking by Ending Generational TraumaFacilitator: Tommy Lee Woon, Special Resource: Aya KasaiThe purpose of this workshop is to examine the ways generational traumas live in the body, arc passed on generation
19、al ly, and can be healed to optimize peacemaking. Through guided meditations, expressive arts, and other active learning activities participants will explore how generational traumas consciously and unconsciously interfere with peacemaking even under the best conditions. The workshop will also revie
20、w how a new understanding about the body can optimize other peacemaking efforts such as “truth and reconciliation,“ restorative justice, and non-violent communication.课程4:抚平创伤,缔造和平主讲教师:Tommy Lee Woon 特邀讲师:Aya Kasai本课程将结合工作坊的形式开展,旨在探究世代创伤根植于人心 的原因、在代际间传递的方式,以及用和平治愈创伤的路径。通过引 导性冥想、表达性艺术和其它多样的学习活动,学员将会探
21、究世代创 伤为何在最好的发展条件下仍有意无意地阻碍着和平进程。工作坊将 帮助学生通过回顾关于躯体的新理解,分析这种新理解是如何促进其 他诸如“真相与和解”、恢复性正义和非暴力沟通等方式对于优化和 平进程的努力的。Course 5. Space and Facilities for Peacebuilding: the roles of the arts, education and exhibitionFacilitators Ryozo Teruoka; Special Resource Kyoko OkumotoThis course will explore the paths to f
22、ace and overcome painful collective memory together among Northeast Asians. It also explores how grassroots creativity can impact to make peace in spaces like museums. The course contents include understanding of diversified collective memory of pain and creation of structures of “history. It also c
23、overs tools and modes of expression of creativity for peace and roles of the media such as the arts and communication to mobilize people to create culture of peace in the Northeast Asian community. How do we educate and exhibit painful history in order to fully understand and deepen the meanings of
24、peace in the region? The course will be meaningful and fruitful by each participant bringing, sharing and exchanging creativity for peace and passion for peaceful coexistence of Northeast Asia. We arc open to anyone who wishes to overcome historical peacelessness, who dreams to create peaceful coexi
25、stence of Asia and beyond, and who simply enjoys creativity for peace.课程5:和平建设的空间与工具:艺术、教育和展览的作用 主讲教师:Ryozo Teruoka 特邀讲师:Kyoko Okumoto本课程旨在探索东北亚人面对和克服痛苦的集体记忆的途径。课 程还将探讨艺术与基础创造力是怎样在博物馆这样的空间内缔造和 平的。课程内容包括对多元化集体记忆中苦痛历史的理解,以及对这 些历史记忆的重新解构。同时,课程还将介绍表达和平创造力的工具 和模式,以及诸如艺术和传播等媒介的作用,以鼓励人们在东北亚共 同体中营造和平文化。为了充分
26、理解和深化东北亚地区的和平意义, 我们将探索如何帮助民众了解,以及如何向他们展示本地区历史记忆 的方式。欢迎所有热爱和平,对博物馆、艺术、展览感兴趣,致力于 缔造亚洲及其它地区和平未来的朋友加入课程。Course 6.Communitv-Based Conflict TransformationFacilitator: Hong Soek Kim, Special Resource: SC membersIn this class, we will explore three different aspects of community. First, we will look at “gro
27、up dynamics“ as a foundational level. Every group forms their group dynamic, and creates their own rules, structures and patterns of their systems. Some dynamics are healthy, but some are not. In this session, participants will increase their understanding of group dynamics, and how to emphasize hea
28、lthy dynamics and reduce unhealthy ones. Second, we will leam about making healthy organizations by learning how to sense and analyze organizational dynamics and culture, followed by how to leverage healthy organizational culture. This will be focused on workplace or learning community (i.c. univers
29、ity) contexts, depending on participants. Third, we will learn about different approaches to build healthy community al local and global levels. We will then apply these approaches to our own community and make action plans for beyond the course timeline. We will explore different types of community
30、 forms and examples, and we will learn from their structure, communication and especially their way to solve conflicts.课程6:以共同体为基础的冲突转化主讲教师:Hong Soek Kim邀请SC成员共同组织活动在本课程中,我们将探索共同体的三个方面。第一,我们将以“团 体动力学做基础展开学习,每个共同体都会形成自己的“团体动力”, 并创建他们系统的规则、结构和模式,我们将学会识别哪些动态是健 康的,哪些是不健康的。在课程中,学员将增强他们对团体动力的理 解,学会如何增加健康动
31、力、减少不健康动力。第二,我们将通过学 习如何感知和分析组织的动力及文化,以及如何利用健康的组织文 化,来了解建立健康的组织,课程将结合学员身处的实际情况来开展 学习。第三,我们将从地方以及全球层面来探索构建健康有益的共同 体的不同方式,继而将这些方法应用于我们自己的团体,并制定课程 之外的活动计划。课程将带领学员学习了解不同类型的共同体形式和 案例,以及它们的结构和交流方式,特别是汲取解决冲突的方式。(具体课程及主讲教师信息详见:)三、实地考察(2019年8月14日-8月16日).第一天(8月14日)地点:南京民间抗日战争博物馆、南京利济巷慰安所旧址陈列馆.第二天(8月15日)地点:南京大屠杀纪念馆、南京夫子庙.第三天(8月16日)地点:梅园社区中心、南京博物院等在实地考察环节中学员们将共同考察南京市历史文化保护区,开 展公益活动及南京社区服务项目体验,并与经历过战乱年代,历史、 政治、社会和文化冲突人进行对话。实地考察环节仅限选修课程的学 生参加,该环节不可单独参加,具体行程安排以实际为准。