1、废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理 条例(2009年2月25日中华人民共 和国国务院令第551号公布根 据2019年3月2日国务院关于 修改部分行政法规的决定修 订)第一章总则废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例(2019修订) Regulation on the Administration of the Recovery and Disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Products (2019 Revision)制定机关:国务院发文字号:中华人民共和国国务院令第709号公布日期:施行日期:效力位阶:行政法规法规类别:电子工业管理环保综合规定Issu
2、ing Authority : State CouncilDocument Number : Order No. 709 of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of ChinaDate Issued : 03-02-2019Effective Date : 03-02-2019Level of Authority : Administrative RegulationsArea of Law : Electronics Industry Administration General Provisions on Environmental Pr
3、otectionRegulation on the Administration of the Recovery and Disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Products(Promulgated by Order No. 551 of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China on February 25, 2009; and revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council to Amend Certain
4、 Administrative Regulations on March 2, 2019)Chapter I General Provisions第二十一条 省级人民政府 生态环境主管部门会同同级资源 综合利用、商务、工业信息产业 主管部门编制本地区废弃电器电 子产品处理发展规划,报国务院 生态环境主管部门备案。地方人民政府应当将废弃电器电 子产品回收处理基础设施建设纳 入城乡规划。第二十二条取得废弃电器 电子产品处理资格,依照中华 人民共和国公司登记管理条例 等规定办理登记并在其经营范围 中注明废弃电器电子产品处理的 企业,方可从事废弃电器电子产 品处理活动。除本条例第三十四条规定外,禁 止
5、未取得废弃电器电子产品处理 资格的单位和个人处理废弃电器 电子产品。第二十三条申请废弃电器Article 21 The competent department of ecology and environment of the peoples government at the provincial level shall, in conjunction with the competent departments of comprehensive resource utilization, commerce and industry and information technology a
6、t the same level, make the local development planning for the disposal of waste electrical and electronic products, and file it with the competent department of ecology and environment of the State Council.The local peoples government shall bring the infrastructure construction for the recovery and
7、disposal of waste electrical and electronic products into its urban and rural planning.Article 22 No enterprise may engage in the disposal of waste electrical and electronic products unless it has obtained the qualification for disposing of waste electrical and electronic products, made registration
8、 according to the Regulation of the Peoples Republic of China on the Administration of Company Registration and other provisions, and expressly stated the disposal of waste electrical and electronic products in its business scope.Except as provided for in Article 34 of this Regulation, no entity or
9、individual which has not obtained the qualification for disposing of waste electrical and electronic products may dispose of waste electrical and electronic products.Article 23 To apply for the qualification fordisposing of waste electrical and electronic products, an applicant shall meet the follow
10、ing conditions:(1) Having sound facilities for the disposal of waste electrical and electronic products;Having a plan for the proper use or disposal of waste electrical and electronic products which cannot be fully disposed of;(2) Having the sorting, packing and other equipment appropriate for the w
11、aste electrical and electronic products to be disposed of; andHaving the relevant technical professionals on safety, quality and environmental protection.电子产品处理资格,应当具备下 列条件:(一)具备完善的废弃电器电子 产品处理设施;(二)具有对不能完全处理的废 弃电器电子产品的妥善利用或者 处置方案;(三)具有与所处理的废弃电器 电子产品相适应的分拣、包装以 及其他设备;(四)具有相关安全、质量和环 境保护的专业技术人员。第二十四条申请废
12、弃电器 电子产品处理资格,应当向所在 地的设区的市级人民政府生态环 境主管部门提交书面申请,并提 供相关证明材料。受理申请的生 态环境主管部门应当自收到完整 的申请材料之日起60日内完成审 查,作出准予许可或者不予许可 的决定。Article 24 To apply for the qualification for disposing of waste electrical and electronic products, an applicant shall submit a written application to the competent department of ecolog
13、y and environment of the peoples government of a districted city where it is located, and provide relevant certification materials. The competent department of ecology and environment accepting the application shall complete the examination and make a decision on approval or disapproval within 60 da
14、ys from the receipt of complete application materials.and environment of the local peoples governments at and above the county level shall strengthen the supervisory inspection of the disposal of waste electrical and electronic products in such manners as documentary examination and field inspection
15、.人民政府生态环境主管部门应当 通过书面核查和实地检查等方 式,加强对废弃电器电子产品处 理活动的监督检查。Article 26 Any entity or individual shall have the right to report a violation of this Regulation to the relevant department. The relevant department shall keep the informant confidential and timely handle the reported violation according to law.
16、第二十六条任何单位和个 人都有权对违反本条例规定的行 为向有关部门检举。有关部门应 当为检举人保密,并依法及时处 理。Chapter IV Legal Liabilities第四章法律责任Article 27 Where, in violation of this Regulation, a producer of electrical and electronic products, a consignee of imported electrical and electronic products, or an agent thereof fails to state such infor
17、mation as content of toxic or hazardous substances and prompts on recovery and disposal on the produced or imported electrical and electronic products or in the product instructions according to the relevant provisions, the market regulation department of the local peoples government at or above the
18、 county level shall order it to correct within a prescribed time limit and impose a fine of not more than 50,000 yuan on it.第二十七条违反本条例规 定,电器电子产品生产者、进口 电器电子产品的收货人或者其代 理人生产、进口的电器电子产品 上或者产品说明书中未按照规定 提供有关有毒有害物质含量、回 收处理提示性说明等信息的,由 县级以上地方人民政府市场监督 管理部门责令限期改正,处5万 元以下的罚款。第二十八条违反本条例规 定,未取得废弃电器电子产品处 理资格擅自从事废弃电
19、器电子产 品处理活动的,由县级以上人民 政府生态环境主管部门责令停 业、关闭,没收违法所得,并处 5万元以上50万元以下的罚款。第二十九条违反本条例规 定,采用国家明令淘汰的技术和 工艺处理废弃电器电子产品的, 由县级以上人民政府生态环境主 管部门责令限期改正;情节严重 的,由设区的市级人民政府生态 环境主管部门依法暂停直至撤销 其废弃电器电子产品处理资格。第三十条 处理废弃电器电 子产品造成环境污染的,由县级 以上人民政府生态环境主管部门 按照固体废物污染环境防治的有 关规定予以处罚。Article 28 Whoever, in violation of this Regulation, e
20、ngages in the disposal of waste electrical and electronic products without obtaining the qualification for disposing of waste electrical and electronic products shall be ordered by the department of ecology and environment of the peoples government at or above the county level to suspend operation o
21、r close down, its or his illegal gains shall be confiscated, and it or he shall be fined not less than 50,000 yuan nor more than 500,000 yuan.Article 29 Where anyone, in violation of this Regulation, disposes of waste electrical and electronic products by technologies and processes which have been e
22、xpressly eliminated by the state, the competent department of ecology and environment of the peoples government at or above the county level shall order it to correct within a prescribed time limit; if the circumstances are serious, the competent department of ecology and environment of the peoples
23、government of a districted city shall, according to law, suspend or even revoke its qualification for disposing of waste electrical and electronic products.Article 30 Whoever causes environmental pollution due to the disposal of waste electrical and electronic products shall be punished by the compe
24、tent department of ecology and environment of the peoples government at or above the county level according to the relevant provisions on the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid wastes.Article 31 Where, in violation of this Regulation, a disposing enterprise fails to establish
25、 an information management system for data on waste electrical and electronic products, fails to report the basic data and relevant information according to the relevant provisions, reports false basic data or relevant information, or fails to keep the basic data according to the prescribed period,
26、the competent department of ecology and environment of the peoples government of a districted city where it is located shall order it to correct within a prescribed time limit, and may impose a fine of not more than 50,000 yuan on it.Article 32 Where, in violation of this Regulation, a disposing ent
27、erprise fails to establish a daily environment monitoring system, or fails to carry out daily environment monitoring, the competent department of ecology and environment of the peoples government at or above the county level shall order it to correct within a prescribed time limit, and may impose a
28、fine of not more than 50,000 yuan on it.第三十一条违反本条例规 定,处理企业未建立废弃电器电 子产品的数据信息管理系统,未 按规定报送基本数据和有关情况 或者报送基本数据、有关情况不 真实,或者未按规定期限保存基 本数据的,由所在地的设区的市 级人民政府生态环境主管部门责 令限期改正,可以处5万元以下 的罚款。第三十二条违反本条例规 定,处理企业未建立日常环境监 测制度或者未开展日常环境监测 的,由县级以上人民政府生态环 境主管部门责令限期改正,可以 处5万元以下的罚款。第三十三条违反本条例规 定,有关行政主管部门的工作人 员滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞
29、弊,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事 责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给 予处分。Article 33 Where, in violation of this Regulation, any staff member of a relevant competent administrative department abuses power, neglects duties, or practices favoritism, which constitutes a crime, the staff member shall be subject to criminal liability; or which
30、 does not constitute a crime, the staff member shall be subject to administrative sanctions according to law.Chapter V Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 34 Upon the approval of the peoples government at the provincial level, a ground for the centralized disposal of waste electrical and electronic prod
31、ucts may be established. The ground for the centralized disposal of waste electrical and electronic products shall have sound facilities for the centralized disposal of pollutants, ensure its conformity with the pollutant emission standards and the technical standards for the prevention and control
32、of environment pollution by solid wastes as formulated by the state or local governments, and comply with the relevant provisions of this Regulation.The ground for the centralized disposal of waste electrical and electronic products shall conform to the national and local industrial park planning, b
33、e coordinated with the local planning for land use and urban and rural planning, and speed up the realization of industrial upgrade.第五章附则第三十四条经省级人民政 府批准,可以设立废弃电器电子 产品集中处理场。废弃电器电子 产品集中处理场应当具有完善的 污染物集中处理设施,确保符合 国家或者地方制定的污染物排放 标准和固体废物污染环境防治技 术标准,并应当遵守本条例的有 关规定。废弃电器电子产品集中处理场应 当符合国家和当地工业区设置规 划,与当地土地利用规划和
34、城乡 规划相协调,并应当加快实现产 业升级。第三十五条本条例自2011 年1月1日起施行。Article 35 This Regulation shall come into force on January 1, 2011.第一条 为了规范废弃电器 电子产品的回收处理活动,促进 资源综合利用和循环经济发展, 保护环境,保障人体健康,根据 中华人民共和国清洁生产促进 法和中华人民共和国固体废 物污染环境防治法的有关规 定,制定本条例。第二条本条例所称废弃电 器电子产品的处理活动,是指将 废弃电器电子产品进行拆解,从 中提取物质作为原材料或者燃 料,用改变废弃电器电子产品物 理、化学特性的方法减
35、少已产生 的废弃电器电子产品数量,减少 或者消除其危害成分,以及将其 最终置于符合环境保护要求的填 埋场的活动,不包括产品维修、 翻新以及经维修、翻新后作为旧 货再使用的活动。第三条 列入废弃电器电 子产品处理目录(以下简称 目录)的废弃电器电子产品 的回收处理及相关活动,适用本 条例OArticle 1 For purposes of regulating the recovery and disposal of waste electrical and electronic products, promoting the comprehensive resource utilization
36、 and the development of circular economy, protecting the environment, and safeguarding the human health, this Regulation is formulated according to the relevant provisions of the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Promoting Clean Production and the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Pr
37、evention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes.Article 2 The term disposal of waste electrical and electronic products” as mentioned in this Regulation refers to such activities as disassembling waste electrical and electronic products, extracting substances therefrom as raw materia
38、ls or fuel, reducing the quantity of existing waste electrical and electronic products by means of changing the physical or chemical properties of such products, reducing or eliminating their hazardous elements, and finally putting them at the landfills meeting the requirements for environmental pro
39、tection, but excludes such activities as product repair and refurbishment and reuse of such repaired or refurbished products as secondhand goods.Article 3 This Regulation shall apply to the recovery, disposal and other relevant activities of waste electrical and electronic products listed in the Cat
40、alogue of Waste Electrical and Electronic Products for Disposal (hereinafter referred to as the“Catalogue).The competent department of comprehensive resource utilization of the State Council shall, in conjunction with the competent departments of ecology and environment, industry and information tec
41、hnology, etc. of the state council, formulate and adjust the Catalogue, report it to the State council for approval, and implement it after it is approved by the State Council.Article 4 The competent department of ecology and environment of the State Council shall, in conjunction with the competent
42、departments of comprehensive resource utilization and industry and information technology of the State Council, take charge of working out the policies and measures for the recovery and disposal of waste electrical and electronic products and coordinating the implementation thereof, and take charge
43、of supervising and administering the disposal of waste electrical and electronic products. The competent department of commerce of the State Council shall take charge of administering the recovery of waste electrical and electronic products. The competent departments of public finance, market regula
44、tion, taxation, customs, etc. of the State Council shall take charge of the relevant administrative work within their respective functions.国务院资源综合利用主管部门会 同国务院生态环境、工业信息产 业等主管部门制订和调整目 录,报国务院批准后实施。第四条国务院生态环境主 管部门会同国务院资源综合利 用、工业信息产业主管部门负责 组织拟订废弃电器电子产品回收 处理的政策措施并协调实施,负 责废弃电器电子产品处理的监督 管理工作。国务院商务主管部门 负责废弃电
45、器电子产品回收的管 理工作。国务院财政、市场监督 管理、税务、海关等主管部门在 各自职责范围内负责相关管理工 作。第五条 国家对废弃电器电 子产品实行多渠道回收和集中处 理制度。Article 5 The state shall adopt a system of multichannel recovery and centralized disposal of waste electrical and electronic products.Article 6 The state shall adopt a qualification approval system for the disp
46、osal of waste electrical and electronic products. The competent department of ecology and environment of the peoples government of a districted city shall take charge of examining and approving the qualifications of the enterprises disposing of waste electrical and electronic products (hereinafter r
47、eferred to as the disposing enterprises).Article 7 The state shall establish a fund for the disposal of waste electrical and electronic products to provide subsidies for the expenses for recovering and disposing of waste electrical and electronic products. The producers of electrical and electronic
48、products, the consignees of imported electrical and electronic products and their agents shall, according to the relevant provisions, perform their obligation of payment to the fund for the disposal of waste electrical and electronic products.The fund for the disposal of waste electrical and electro
49、nic products shall be brought into the budget management. The specific measures for its levy, use and management shall be formulated by the department of public finance of the State Council in conjunction with the competent departments of ecology and environment, comprehensive resource utilization, and industry and information technology of the Stat