1、新人教版 B1U2 explore Peru (探秘秘鲁)reading and thinking详案主题语境:人与社会一一探索秘鲁语篇类型:说明文(百科全书和旅游手册)语篇分析:本文的主要内容是介绍秘鲁和其旅游地,共有两种文本类型:百科全书和旅游手册, 都属于说明文,但其特点不同。百科全书语言正式,用词准确精炼,概括性地介绍了秘鲁的地理 和历史。而旅游手册语言比较轻松,更加亲切,用第二人称的形式拉近了与读者之间的距离,主 要介绍了四个旅游地的时间、交通、住宿和活动。教学目标:1 .区分并概括两种文本类型的特点;.梳理出四篇旅游宣传手册的基本信息并讨论四个旅游地;.学习旅游手册的写作方法;.为
2、自己的家乡写出简短的旅游手册。教学步骤:步骤活动1Lead- in Free talk:It seems that everyone likes travelling, right?Have you ever travelled abroad?If you have a chance, which country would you like to go?1 have a friend who es from peru and she remends us to go there.Shall we learn the country together?对话导入IIPre- reading Wa
3、tch a video and take notesHere s a video she sent to me called wele to peru.观看视频,完 成任务,也可 以小的口头 输出,为阅读 做好准备IIIWhilereading Look through the two texts and tell the type of the text. read the texts and try to plete the chart.浏览两篇文本,对号入座,并且归纳encyclopediabrochureIV .Post- readingLanguageformalInformal其特
4、点; 阅读百科全 书找到基本 信息;阅读旅游手 册,完成表 格;讨论你最喜 欢哪一个,和 自己喜好结 4口 /为什么旅游 手册可以吸 引到你呢? 从四个方面 分析一下,为 后面的输出 做准备。也可以衔接 情境,给那个 秘鲁的朋友 发送一份旅 游手册。PictureMapBeautiful scenerypersonthirdSecondcontentGeography, history and languageTraveling plans and guides Read the encyclopedia and finish your mind map. Read the brochure
5、and fill in the table. Then discuss thequestion below with a partnerAmazonrainforestMacho picchuCUSCOLaketiticacaNumber of daysTransportAcmodationActivityWhich tour would you like to go? Why?Work in groups, read the brochure and analyze them from four aspects.1. Elements: number of days, transport,
6、acmodation, and activity2. sentences3. vocabulary4. personchoose one of the tourist places in our hometown and write a brochure.Summary1)两种文本的区别2)旅游宣传手册的构成3)写了一份旅游手册从外国文化 过渡到本 文化,为自己 的家乡宣传。 最后带领学 生总结本堂 HomeworkFinish the exercises on the book and transform your brochure into an invitation letter课,也可以在 开头告诉他 们学习目标, 最后check