1、园艺专业英语教学大纲English Course for Horticulture Major适用专业: 园艺课程编号:0901509043前修课程:大学英语学分:总学时:32一、课程性质、目的与要求课程性质:本课程是为园艺专业学生开设的专业选修课程。用英语讲授与园艺有关的基本知 识,以帮助学生查阅科技外文资料,参加英语科技讲座、会议,撰写英语科技论文,进一步 培养学生读、说、听、写的能力。课程目的:加强学生对园艺有关词汇的熟悉程度,并掌握相关的专业词汇。掌握科技英语的 基本语法特点与基本写作技巧。能流利阅读、翻译专业英语文献,并能简单地进行写作。 教学要求:要求学生能阅读有关专业的英语书刊和
2、文献,进步提高阅读英语科技资料的能 力,并能以英语为工具获取专业所需要的信息。二、教学内容理论总学时:32学时Chapter 1 House PlantsLesson 1 Houseplants Propagation from Seeds2. 5 学时基本要求:New vocabulary; Basic language points重点:New words and expressions concerning Houseplant Propagation难点:Advantages of soilless mixes; Procedures to propagate plant from s
3、eedsLesson 2 Planning the Use and Management of the SoiIs2. 5 学时基本要求:New vocabulary; Basic language points重点:New words and expressions of the use and management of the soils; Basic language points.难点:How to plan the use of the soils; how to manage the soilsLesson 3 Spring Flowering Shrubs2. 5 学时基本要求
4、:New vocabulary; Basic language points 重点:New words & expressions of spring flowering shrub;Basic language points. 难点:New words and expressions concerning the spring flowering shrub; How to prune spring flowering shrubLesson 4 Azaleas and Rhododendrons2.5 学时 基本要求:New vocabulary; Basic language point
5、s 重点:New words & expressions of spring flowering shrub; Basic language points.难点:Difference between “rhododendron and azalea”; How to buy plants of rhododendron and azalea ;How to take care of rhododendron and azaleaLesson 5 Houseplant Problems2. 5 学时 基本要求:New vocabulary; Basic language points 重点:Ne
6、w words and expressions concerning Houseplant Problems; How to solve the Houseplant Problems难点: Environmental conditions causing houseplants ail; Symptoms houseplants have; How to treat a houseplant attacked by an insect or fungusLesson 6 Finding Pests Before They Find You2. 5 学时 基本要求:New vocabulary
7、; Basic language points 重点:New words and expressions concerning pests 难点:How to find pests; Symptoms caused by the pest.Lesson 7 Language of Flowers & Herbs3 学时 基本要求:New vocabulary; Basic language points 重点:New words and expressions of flowers & herbs; Basic language points.难点:New words (including t
8、he Latin words) and expressions of plants; The different meaning of plantsLandscape Architecture2. 5学Lesson 8 Streetscapes, Square and Plazas 时基本要求:New vocabulary; Basic language points重点:New words and expressions concerning the Streetscapes, Square and Plazas难点:Characteristics of the landscape arch
9、itecture of the Spanish colonial settlements; general functions of most streetscape projectsLesson 9 Landscape Scenery2. 5 学时 基本要求:New vocabulary; Basic language points 重点:New words and expressions concerning the Landscape Scenery难点:Andrew Jackson Downings contributions to the landscape architecture
10、; environmental movementLesson 10 City Planning2. 5 学时 基本要求:New vocabulary; Basic language points 重点:New words and expressions concerning the City Planning 难点:City planning; the notion of interdisciplinary planningLesson 11 Landscape Planning2.5 学时基本要求:New vocabulary; Basic language points重点:New wor
11、ds and expressions concerning the Landscape Planning难点:Roles of the landscape designer in the U.S.A; the current landscape planning; the future of Landscape planningLesson 12 Ch i cago Botan i c Garde2学时 基本要求:New vocabulary; Basic language points 亶点:New words and expressions concerning Chicago Botan
12、ic Garden难点:The striking aspect of the Chicago Botanic Garden; the operation of the Chicago Botanic GardenLesson 13 Wonders of the Tropica I Rain Forests2 学时 基本要求:New vocabulary; Basic language points重点:New words and expressions concerning tropical rain forests难点:The wonders of the tropical rain for
13、ests三、实践环节或相关课程时实践总学时:0学四、课时分配序号章节内容理论环节时数实验时数其他环节1Chapter 1Lesson 1House Plants:Houseplants Propagationfrom Seed2.502Lesson 2Planning the Use andManagement of the Soils2.503Lesson 3Spring Flowering Shrubs2.504Lesson 4Azaleas and Rhododendrons2.505Lesson 5Houseplant Problems2.506Lesson 6Finding Pest
14、s Before TheyFind You2.507Lesson 7Language of Flowers & Herbs308Chapter 2Lesson 8Landscape Architecture:Streetscapes, Square andPlazas2.509Lesson 9Landscape Scenery2.5010Lesson 10City Planning2.5011Lesson 11Landscape Planning2.5012Lesson 12Chicago Botanic Garden2013Lesson 13Wonders of the Tropical R
15、ainForests20合计320总学分2总学时32五、建议教材与教学参考书序号书名编者出版社版本1Basic elements of landscape architectural designNorman K.BoothElsevierNew York.Amsterdam .Oxford2园艺专业英语全国八所农业高等专职教师编写陕西人民出版社高等农业院校教材3汉英-英汉林业分类词汇和用语康定中外文出版社第一版4园艺英语胡家英哈尔滨工程大学出版社第一版5园艺英语王永清中国林业出 版社第一版6园艺专业英语讲义童丽丽自编六、教学形式与考核方式1、教学形式:课堂教学与课堂讨论、辅导相结合2、考核方式:闭卷考试