1、1390)国家开放大学电大本科人文英语42021期末试题及答案(试卷号:盗传必窕-交际用增(共m分,国小 2分)下面的小对话,选择恰当的答谓L -lo you mind my utinx my mobile phone here?A. YrSt line it pleaseB. No of course notC , No. you aint UMC it2. How nbout having A drink?A. Good ideaB. Me tooC. Help yciursrlf3. You arc ImIc The dicu8Bion Rtnrtrd 30 minutes ngo.A.
2、 Don、blame meH. Welk I don*t knowC. I m really sorry4. - Gordon- m y I ask you u question?A. No. you mayB. Just go MhcadC I don* I know5. May I apeak to Prof. Li plense?A. Ncj you can1Theres no Prof. LiB. Im afrmd youve got the wrong number二、蜩汇和18枸(共30分.V8小岛2分)6-20 : 下面的句子,从个选顼中选出一个能增入空白处的佳选项6. The
3、planttc surgeon mny provide several plans for your facial A. reconstructB. reconstructionC. rcconntructcdWvo deliver thr gcxids within week.A , AurcB. gunrontceC taughtB. tenches(:.has taughtTotBt whiit did you do with my docummlN? I have never seen 知 ch n and disorder!A. maiisiB. mensC.t L 1 (、he*
4、wants to stay thin. he must makr a_ in her diet.A , changeK turnl run12. Yau Ahouldri * t your time like hat linh, you have to finish your schoolwork tonight.A cutB. doC. kill13. Me sounds 3。angry whenever 1 speak my A. mindB. soundC. voiceIL H I in your position. 1 would marry henA. amB. beC were15
5、 John is sensitive racial discrimination.A. withtoCat16. Dont put in thr conflict-A. ourselves已 ourselfC. we17. I dont know the park, bui its be quite beautiful.A. said鸟瘦艇C.spoken1 & Mike is beuer than Peter swimming-ntA. forC. on19. I wish TOthe position ol Socinl Worker an Advertised on Reek- com.
6、 muA. apply forB. Apply toQ apply with20. Wc*d better Mr. Dcviji.A. wait forB. waiting for( io wait for三、阅读理解(共AO分.每小聒4分)21-250:阅读下列短文.从三个选顼中逸出一个正确答案The celebration of International WomenDny (IWD) in 2011 was special ns H marked the 100th anniversary o( IWD. Th United Nations* theme for the 2011 IWD
7、 whs Equal access to education, trflining. science and technology: FJathwny to deerni work for wnnit*n1*.One hundred years hro* gender equality and women * a empowerment were kirndy radical idc/ts One hundred years later, there has been Mignifiennt progress m women* s empowerment nnd pnrticipAtion t
8、hrough determined advocacy prncticnl notion nnd enlightened policy making. However, m too many countries and sx:ietjes women 1 5 social position is still low nnd lots of women are still trapped by povertyt discriminAtionf unemployment illtterncy nnd violence.As a basic huninn right education is a ke
9、y driver of economic growth and nocial change iind ihr Basis of women 1 s empowerment-A The global economy 15 increasingly knowledge- driv5 , and requires an educated workforce able to apply the existing technology and to develop new n between education* training - sckticc and technology and the lab
10、or market is important in order to promote equal opportunity to decent employment for womcn Education23 , Which of the (ollowinx IB not Ruffered by women in society nowadays?A. povertyB- unemploymentC , family burden24. Which one in NOT mentioned in rclntion to education equnhtyw?A. pnthway to drern
11、t work for womenB. development of new scienceC. womens rmpawerment25. What in the bent title for the pAMAge?A (reating EiuaI Acx5 to EducationH. IrnrrnntionHI Womens i)ny ( llumnn RikIhm26-30 Bh文内容判Vi始出的iR句是否正.正,的写(T).fMiX的写(*).11 vc been living in the country for niorr thwn 10 yenrn. h mrntu qui th
12、r moMt ttltractive activities orr hunnnK nnd hiking. 1 enjoy aceinu whnt nnturc h 心 to offereveryday ihrniigh a Mltnplr walk down the hltlr trniL or n rclnxing drive? mIomh the country runcl with patches of Hrrrn grASM omnniriiirl with wildlife HighTinKS nl birch. nioo5t benrs. dhc Iovcji living the
13、re.27. Living tn the country in not bmy nt wIL28. , The nuthor tnke a wnlk or dnvc ulonA country roiids nlrnox! every d/iy ,29. People living in the- country usually go uhoppinR every Saturday.30. According to the author* nobody dislikes countryside life.BL耳作(2。分)31. IMiK要求先成作文.Write a pH%ngr on Haw
14、 to improve the quality of cduoitkrn You may follow the idea Ktvrit below.(I ) Prnhlcm , on the qunlity o ( vducAtion(2) Possiblr causes ol the problems(3) Your nnd nlutiDnji试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)交际用话(M1。分小H2分)1-5H:阅it下面的小对靖.班择恰当的答UL1. B2.A3&C4.H5.C二、 tflfl:与馆输(共30分网小88 2分)6-2QH: 0U读下面的句孑,从A.H、C三个选用中逸出一个施境
15、入! ?白处的佳选项,,6. B7.B8 C9.C10. BII. A12. C13. A14a C15. B16. A17. A18. Bi 19, A20, A三,浏速理耕(共40分刖小IB 4分)2l-25n: tt下列KI文,从A.H,C三个逸项中逸出一个正奥答案。2i. B22. C23. C24. H25. A26-30 :谓ttHBtt文内容判断惜出的围旬H否正,正确的可(1) .情俱的写(卜,26. T27. F28. T29. T30. F四耳作(共20分)31求叫作文作文评分标掘(DW分隙删本他停分为20分,按6个档次册分.怦分时.先根据文章的内容和讷有初步确定其所属档次然
16、后以俄凹次的&求来荷 确定或调整档次最后的分.0)律分时应注意的上?内容为,内容要点,勺心变化,同汇运用和衍法站构的冲确性培危的连 贸性漫料性以及应用文的格式耍求.评分时如辨咛婿以牧多,竹弓较於,以乍影响交际,将分数降低一个档次.(2)各档次的给分范围和要求1620 分 完全完成了试题规定的任务】覆盖所有内容要点8 语法结构.句型和词汇有变化S 语法结构和用伺椎确; 语意连贯、逻辑性强,.写作格式规范.11-15 分 较好地完成了试题规定的任务;遹彘所有内容要点) 句型和词汇有变化,沿法结构和词汇基本准确.些许错误主要是因为舞试较复杂语法结构或词汇所致1 语意基本连贯,有一定的逻辑性1610
17、分 基本完成了试题规定的任务, 曜盖所有内容要点$运用语法结构和词汇方面能满足任务的基本要求j 有一些谐法结构或词汇方 面的错误,但不影响理解| 语意连贯性及避耕性方面存在一定问题; 写作格式基本规范.3, 5分 里尽力但不足以完成试题规定的任务 仅厦盏部分主要内容,或写了 些无关内容, iff法靖构和词口用能力很弱, 有许多语法结构或伺汇方面的错误,影响了对写作内容的理( 饵慝不连贯,逻辑性方面问题较大812分 未完成试题规定的任务, 句子不完整或无法理解,语正结构或伺汇方面错误连篇,影响对写作内容的理解1语言运用能力差8 语意不清,毫无逻辑, 写作格式不规范.0分未答匙,或虽作答.但让人不知所云.