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1、【考前技能篇 8】读后续写作的解题技巧 读后续写的命题形式为:提供一段 350 词左右的与语言材料,据该材料内容、所给两段段落开头语进行续写(150 词左右),将其发展成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节合理、完整的短文。1.创造性:即发挥想象力,该题型具有一定的开放性,考生需用自己的语言对故事情节进行内容创造;2.逻辑性:即根据已提供的关键信息,按照可能的合理的方向续写,使文章逻辑结构完整;3.丰富性:即语言能力的充分体现,词汇句法的准确与复杂程度,细节描写的生动性等都将让故事更加立体饱满。一、考情分析 1.历年真题一览表 卷别 来源 体裁 原文字数 话题 2021 年 新高考全国 I 卷 记叙

2、文 306 母亲节的礼物 浙江卷 6 月 记叙文 315 暑假打工薪水 浙江卷 1 月 记叙文 348 万圣节南瓜趣事 2020 年 全新高考全国 I 卷 记叙文 325 帮助弱者脱困 浙江卷 7 月 记叙文 330 与熊对抗脱险 浙江卷 1 月 记叙文 350 抚慰狗狗心伤 2018 浙江卷 6 月 记叙文 325 度假骑马迷路 2017 浙江卷 6 月 记叙文 348 骑行途中偶遇狼 浙江卷 11 月 记叙文 343 健忘妈妈趣事 2016 浙江卷 10 月 记叙文 335 吵架出走迷路 从上面表格中我们能够看出,读后续写通常是记叙文为主,所考察的主题为人与自然,人与动物或者人与自我。这要

3、求,我们在复习备考时,需要有针对地复习和训练。2.读后续写的评分标准 a.评分原则 1.本题总分为 25 分,按七个档次进行评分。2.评分时,主要从内容、语言表达和篇章结构三个方面考查,具体为:(1)续写内容的质量、续写的完整性以及与原文情境的融洽度。(2)所使用词汇和语法结构的准确性、恰当性和多样性。(3)上下文的衔接和全文的连贯性。3.评分时,应先根据作答的整体情况确定其所属的档次,然后以该档次的要求来综合衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。4.评分时还应注意:(1)词数少于 120 的,酌情扣分;(2)单词拼写和标点符号是写作规范的重要方面,评分时应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑,英、美拼写及

4、词汇用法均可接受;(3)书写较差以致影响交际的,酌情扣分。b.评分档次 档次 得分 评分标准 第七档 22-25 创造了丰富、合理的内容,富有逻辑性,续写完整,与原文情境融洽度高:使用了多样且恰当的词汇和语法结构,表达流畅,语言错误很少,且完全不影响理解:自然有效地使用了段落间、句间衔接手段,全文结构清晰,前后呼应,意义连贯。第六档 18-21 创造了比较丰富、合理的内容,比较有逻辑性,续写比较完整,与原文情境融洽度较高:使用了比较多样且恰当的词汇和语法结构,表达比较流畅,有个别错误,但不影响理解:比较有效地使用了语句间衔接手段,全文结构比较清晰,意义比较连贯。第五档 15-17 创造了基本合

5、理的内容,有一定的逻辑性,续写基本完整,与原文情境相关:使用了比较恰当的词汇和语法结构,表达方式不够多样性,表达有些许错误,但基本不影响理解:使用了语句间衔接手段,全文结构比较清晰,意义比较连贯。第四档 11-14 创造了基本完整的故事内容,但有的情节不够合理或逻辑性不强,与原文情境基本相关:使用了简单的词汇和语法结构,有部分语言错误和不恰当之处,个别部分影响理解:尚有语句衔接的意识,全文结构基本清晰,意义基本连贯。第三档 6-10 内容和逻辑上有一些重大问题,续写不够完整,与原文有一定程度脱节:所用的词汇有限,语法结构单调,错误较多且比较低级,影响理解:未能有效地使用语句间衔接手段,全文结构

6、不够清晰,意义欠连贯。第二档 1-5 内容和逻辑上有较多重大问题,或有部分内容抄自原文,续写不完整,与原文情境基本脱节:所使用的词汇非常有限,语法结构单调,错误极多,严重影响理解:几乎没有使用语句间衔接手段,全文结构不清晰,意义不连贯。第一档 0 未作答:所写内容太少或无法看清以致无法评判:所写内容全部抄自原文或与题目要求完全不相关。C.评分解读 总体来看,读后续写以读为辅,以写为主,其目标是考查学生的综合语言运用能力。评分标准是评分的依据和绝对标准。依据评分标准,读后续写主要考查阅读理解能力,由读到写的思维能力和语言表达运用能力三个方面。评卷时,评卷老师先根据考生所续写短文的内容和语言初步确

7、定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。阅卷老师在阅卷时,主要考虑以下内容:1.与所给短文及段落开头语的衔接程度;2.内容的丰富性;3.应用语法结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性;4.上下文的连贯性。二、七大黄金原则 读后续写诗阅读和写作相结合的考查形式,旨在考察学生的综合运用能力。续写思路和以往的高考英语命题作文不同,读后续写要求考生首先要读懂已有信息,不仅要读懂字面含义,还要理清文章的脉络和关系。续写这篇短文时,考生需要明白故事的发展进程、前因后果、地理位置变化、人物情感等。在此基础上,考生顺着文章的思路,根据线索,发挥想象,对其后的情节进行合理预测,并用英语表达出来。针

8、对读后续写的题型特点,我们可以按照以下的方式进行备考:1.不增加人物。由考纲样题及近 5 年高考真题中所给的段落首句可知,续写的故事情节发展都是由原文的人物所推进,因此,强行增加人物有可能会偏离情节发展。2.不增加旁支情节。题目要求“考生根据所给情节进行续写”,旨在延续原材料的故事情节,并不是要发展新情节。3.不用过多对话。在续写中展示对话,虽能丰富内容和语言,增强语篇的连贯性,但使用过多的对话,会显得篇幅累赘且很难在限定的词数里把整个后续的情节发展补充完整。4.不用负能量结局。结局设计绝对不能负能量。内容应该积极向上,能增长知识或传播正能量。如样题的结尾,我们可以有两种设定:这个年轻人就是银

9、行抢劫者,而 Arthur 因此成为一个大英雄;或者Arthur 误会了这个年轻人是银行抢劫犯,但最终警察们还是表扬了他见义勇为的行为。5.不在文末设置悬念。题目要求是“使之构成一篇完整的短文”,若在文末设置悬念,就会给人一种还没结束的感觉,这样的故事是不完整的。6.不偏离原文主题。续写的情节应时刻围绕着短文的主题去推进,如上面的样题,由续写第二段首句提到的“警察局”可推测,我们可以围绕勇气及正义的主题去进行续写。7.不违背逻辑常理。情节和细节的想象要合理,符合生活常识及具有逻辑性。三、能力培养策略 1.精读策略 读后续写,顾名思义,先读后写,所以读懂原文很重要。那么,读原文需要注意以下两点?


11、性,以确保续写内容和原文有高度的融洽度。2.构思策略 构思续写环节主要从以下两个方面来构思:根据文章后面的要求,再次快速回读短文,抓住文章的思路。结合段首的提示语,最终确定续写段落的思路,同时结合文章划线词语提示,确定续写段落的内容。紧扣段落开头语提示信息。读后续写重在内容,考生所构思的内容是否合情合理,是否前后连贯直接关系到得分的高低。所以在读懂全文情节和人物性格的基础上,还需要读懂两段落的开头语。通常开头语把续写内容限定在一定的范围内,规定了续写的情节发展走向。考生不可天马行空,肆意发挥。合理拓展情节。拓展情节包括故事的主要情节设计,与段落开头语和原文的衔接程度,段落中句子与句子的前后逻辑

12、和衔接以及情绪或情感细节的融洽程度等等。学生在构思情节时,这些要素都要充分考虑到。不然很容易写“走题”。3.习作策略 读后续写时一个复杂的语言学习,模仿和运用的积极构建过程。因此,必须要努力在续写中延续作者的语言表达特色。在形成初稿后,有必要对原文进行毁读,进一步感知作者对语言特色,并对初稿进行精雕细琢。行文习作时需要注意以下几点:扩大阅读量。续写短文多以个人故事,人物介绍,短片小说,童话,剧本等为主,在平时多训练中 学生应该大量读相关原著或者文章,培养语感的同时,可以积累相关素材,以供平时训练时放写,从而达到在考试时根据内容创造性的构思,达到创写的目的。在考试时,也可以吧原文的关键表达画出来


14、准确地了解不同的场景下,苏选用的词汇也是不一样的。学生在注重词汇和句式的高端的同时,还需要仔细检查,所使用的语言是否有误。切不可违了追求高级,而忽略了使用场景。重视书写。写作不是客观题,它是老师主管评判分数的题型。所以书写很重要。如果一篇文章字迹潦草,书写不规范,那么一定会给阅卷老师留下不好的印象,第一感觉不好的话,语言句式再高级,老师也不一定能第一眼看见。这样不仅得不到高分,连最基本的分数都不一定得到。所以学生在平时进行书写训练时很有必要的。四、写作流程:读编造 第 1 步:读出原故事的六要素 (相当于抓住原故事的主题和重点)操作步骤:(1)边读边想象场景,在大脑屮构造画面、拍电影。(2)边

15、读边用中文把主要情节写下来。(可以避免反复看原文而浪费时间)(3)主要情节即“记叙文六要素”:人物、时间、地点、起因、经过、结果(谁在什么时间、什么地方,因为什么、做了什么、最终怎样。)第二步:编依据原文中的六要素,用中文编新故事 原则:时间/地点/人物不变,起因/经过/结果顺承)操作步骤:(1)编情节:根据两段的首句,猜测故事发展的脉络。(可用正负法,结局一定是正向的,符合社会主义价值观;如果有标题,最后一定要点题)(2)编细节:为续写的两个自然段各想 4-5 句话(用中文记下 4-5 个要点。)第三步:造 翻译&造句 三、真题及样题 2020 年 7 月,浙江高考 阅读下面短文,根据所给情

16、节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。One fall,my wife Elli and I had a single goal:to photograph polar bears.We were staying at a research camp outside“the polar bear capital of the world”-the town of Churchill in Manitoba,Canada.Taking pictures of polar bears is amazing but also dangerous.Polar bears-like all wild an

17、imals-should be photographed from a safe distance.When Im face to face with a polar bear,I like it to be through a camera with a telephoto lens.But sometimes,that is easier said than done.This was one of those times.As Elli and I cooked dinner,a young male polar bear who was playing in a nearby lake

18、 sniffed,and smelled our garlic bread.The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp,which was surrounded by a high wire fence.He pulled and bit the wire.He stood on his back legs and pushed at the wooden fence posts.Terrified,Elli and I tried all the bear defense actions we knew.We yelled at the bea

19、r,hit pots hard,and fired blank shotgun shells into the air.Sometimes loud noises like these will scare bears off.Not this polar bear though-he just kept trying to tear down the fence with his massive paws(爪子).I radioed the camp manager for help.He told me a helicopter was on its way,but it would be

20、 30 minutes before it arrived.Making the best of this close encounter(相遇),I took some pictures of the bear.Elli and I feared the fence wouldnt last through 30 more minutes of the bears punishment.The camp manager suggested I use pepper spray.The spray burns the bears eyes,but doesnt hurt them.So I a

21、pproached our uninvited guest slowly and,through the fence,sprayed him in the face.With an angry roar(吼叫),the bear ran to the lake to wash his eyes.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;2.至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph1:A few minutes later,the bear headed back to ou

22、r camp._ Paragraph2:At that very moment,the helicopter arrived._【解析】本文主要讲述了人与熊对抗,之后成功脱险的故事。主人公的感情线变化为:兴奋渴望惊恐放松。剧情线以主人公如何与北极熊周旋并成功摆脱它展开。由第一段的段首提示句可知:几分钟后,熊又回到营地。接下来可通过场景渲染,描写当时令人颤栗惊恐的画面,例如“Roars and screams pierced the silence with needle-like shrillness.”这不仅合理地描写了熊的反应,也描绘出让人战栗的场景。由第二段的段首提示句可知:此时,直升机

23、到了。如果想要进行续写两段的合理衔接,第一段的结尾可描写成“After thoroughly scrutinizing the area,the bear trotted forward a few steps.”这样可以营造出危急的场景。“我们”看到直升机的到来,感到绝处逢生的喜悦,可以以人物心理描写作为第二段的开头,重点描写喜极而泣的状态,例如“My heart leaped with joy as I knew we were likely to be saved.”最后,结尾部分需要迅速收束,并说明成功逃脱的结局。关于画线词:Elli 作为女主人公,是续写内容中应该出现的画线词,noi

24、ses,pictures,fence,spray 与熊有关,也在两段续写内容中出现。最终,两人回归安全状态,因此画线词 safe 也可自然而然地出现在续写内容中。由此划分画线词,可迅速锁定需使用的画线词范围,辅助构思。【范文】A few minutes later,the bear headed back to our camp.Roars and screams pierced the silence with needle-like shrillness.The noises turned Elli and I pale with horror.I feared that the gian

25、t would destroy our whole fence.He roared repeatedly,shattering what was left of the silence.Elli seized this opportunity to take some pictures of the bear.The animals noises echoed all around us.We betrayed our feelings by huddling together,shivering with fear.After thoroughly scrutinizing the area

26、,he trotted forward a few steps.At that very moment,the helicopter arrived.My heart leaped with joy as I knew we were likely to be saved.Elli used pepper spray again to buy us enough time.But this time the bear became more alert.He regarded us with the merciless necessity of hunger,so we throw all t

27、he food we have.He then turned away and started devouring.As we were climbing the rope ladder,Elli prayed like thousand times to show thankfulness of being safe and sound.2020 年,新高考全国 I 卷,山东 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。The Meredith family lived in a small community.As the economy was in dec

28、line,some people in the town had lost their jobs.Many of their families were struggling to make ends meet.People were trying to help each other meet the challenges.Mrs.Meredith was a most kind and thoughtful woman.She spent a great deal of time visiting the poor.She knew they had problems,and they n

29、eeded all kinds of help.When she had time,she would bring food and medicine to them.One morning she told her children about a family she had visited the day before.There was a man sick in bed,his wife,who took care of him and could not go out to work,and their little boy.The little boy-his name was

30、Bernard-had interested her very much.“I wish you could see him,”she said to her own children,John,Harry,and Clara.“He is such a help to his mother.He wants very much to earn some money,but I dont see what he can do.”After their mother left the room,the children sat thinking about Bernard.“I wish we

31、could help him to earn money,”said Clara.“His family is suffering so much.”“So do I,”said Harry.“We really should do something to assist them.”For some moments,John said nothing,but,suddenly,he sprang to his feet and cried,“I have a great idea!I have a solution that we can all help accomplish(完成).”T

32、he other children also jumped up all attention.When John had an idea,it was sure to be a good one.“I tell you what we can do,”said John.“You know that big box of corn Uncle John sent us?Well,we can make popcorn(爆米花),and put it into paper bags,and Bernard can take it around to the houses and sell it.

33、”注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右:2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。When Mrs.Meredith heard of Johns idea,she thought it was a good one,too._ With everything ready,Bernard started out on his new business._【答案】When Mrs.Meredith heard of Johns idea,she thought it was a good one,too.So,they went to the local supermarket together.

34、They bought a bag of corn and some special bags for popcorn.When they got home,they made a lot of popcorn and put it in the special bags.With the popcorn,they went to Bernards home.They told Bernard how to sell the popcorn.Bernard and his parents were very grateful.And the Meredith family also felt

35、very happy to help this family.With everything ready,Bernard started out on his new business.He took the popcorn around to the houses and sold all his popcorn.He earned a lot of money.Then,he wanted to be self-dependent.Therefore,he asked Mrs.Meredith to teach him how to make popcorn.After that,not

36、only did he sell popcorn,but he also added cream and salt to the popcorn to make it taste better.Bernard grew up to be a remarkable man.He did not forget the help of Merediths family,and he also did what he could to help those in need.【解析】本文是根据短文进行续写,使之成为一个完整的故事。1.认真读懂所给提供的材料:善良的 Meredith 一家住在一个小社区里

37、,他们想帮助一个贫困的家庭。那家的男主人生病卧床,女主人要照顾丈夫、无法外出赚钱,家中的小男孩 Bernard 也做不了什么事情,生活十分困难。后来,Meredith 的孩子想出了一个主意-制作爆米花,让 Bernard 去卖爆米花。2.根据所给材料确定文章主题:Meredith 如何通过制作和卖爆米花帮助 Bernard 一家摆脱困境的。3.续写部分和前面的文章衔接得上,并且与原文情节发展和人物性格相一致,故事情节的向后延续发展要合乎情理。4.根据第一段首句When Mrs.Meredith heard of Johns idea,she thought it was a good one,

38、too.(当Meredith太太听到 John 的主意时,她也认为这是个好主意)可以针对如何实现制作爆米花这个提议展开构思;根据第二段首句 With everything ready,Bernard started out on his new business.(一切准备就绪后,Bernard 开始了他的新生意)可以针对 Bernard 如何通过卖爆米花让家庭摆脱困境展开构思。5.续写的语言要尽可能与原文的语言保持风格上的一致。文章时态以一般过去时为主。应使用自己熟悉的句型和短语进行写作,考生要注意尽可能使句子的表达形式多样化,适当的使用一些高级句式和高级词汇,以提高书面表达的档次和可读性。

39、作文要层次清晰,要点全面,表达流畅,切合题干要求,句子结构准确,适当补充信息,使篇章结构连贯。2020 年 1 月,浙江高考 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。“Im going to miss you so much,Poppy,said the tall,thin teenager.He bent down to hug his old friend goodbye.He stood up,hugged his parents,and smiled,trying not to let his emotions(情绪)get the better of him.Hi

40、s parents were not quite able to keep theirs under control.They had driven their son several hours out of town to the university where he would soon be living and studying.It was time to say goodbye for now at least.The family hugged and smiled through misty eyes and then laughed.The boy lifted the

41、last bag onto his shoulder,and flashed a bright smile.”I guess this is it,“he said.”Ill see you back home in a month,okay?His parents nodded,and they watched as he walked out of sight into the crowds of hundreds of students and parents.The boys mother turned to the dog,“Okay,Poppy,time to go back ho

42、me.”The house seemed quiet as a tomb without the boy living there.All that week,Poppy didnt seem interested in her dinner,her favorite toy,or even in her daily walk.Her owners were sad too,but they knew their son would be back to visit.Poppy didnt.They offered the dog some of her favorite peanut but

43、ter treats.They even let her sit on the sofa,but the old girl just wasnt her usual cheerful self.Her owners started to get worried.What should we do to cheer Poppy up?asked Dad.“Weve tried everything.”“I have an idea,but it might be a little crazy,“smiled Mom.”Without anybody left in the house but u

44、s,this place could use a bit of fun.Lets get a little dog for Poppy.It didnt take long before they walked through the front door carrying a big box.Poppy welcomed them home as usual,but when she saw the box,she stopped.She put her nose on it.Her tail began wagging(摆动)ever so slowly,then faster as sh

45、e caught the smell.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;2.至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Para 1.Dad opened the box and a sweet little dog appeared._ Para 2.A few weeks later,the boy arrived home from university._【答案】Para 1.Dad put the box on the ground and opened the top.A s

46、hiny little wet nose popped up.Then two fluffy paws.Next the box tipped over sideways,and out tumbled a mass of wiggly golden silliness.Poppy was amazed.She wagged furiously.She barked with joy.She smiled,her tongue lolling out as she investigated the surprise.The little pup was not shy and immediat

47、ely starting yipping and jumping around the older dog.“That didnt take long,”remarked Mom,as both dogs went roaring around the house in an impromptu game of chase.Dad laughed.Para 2.A few weeks later,the boy arrived home from university.He had missed Poppy and was looking forward to seeing her.When

48、he bent down to give her a big hug,he fell over in surprise as a small golden cloud came racing up to lick his face too.“Oh my gosh,who is this?”he exclaimed.His parents laughed at the look of shock on his face.“Thats Pee-wee,”said Dad.“I cant believe you got yourselves a puppy!”“We didnt,”replied M

49、om.“This puppy is for Poppy!”【解析】这是一篇读后续写作文。通过阅读所给文章可知,文章讲述了男孩要去上大学,和自己的狗 Poppy道别。而没有了男孩在家里,Poppy 也非常想念男孩,于是男孩父母决定给 Poppy 买一条小狗作伴。续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:爸爸打开盒子,一条可爱的小狗出现了。所以后文应该是描写买来的小狗的样子以及这两只狗的相处情况;第二段开头是:几个星期后,男孩从大学回到家里。本段应该写男孩回到家以后看到两条狗的反应,以及父母告诉男孩这条狗是买给 Poppy 的。续写时要求使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语增加了写作难度,我们要熟悉所

50、给划线词语,恰当的时候加以运用。最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。按要求完成写作任务。2018 年 6 月浙江卷 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。It was summer,and my dad wanted to treat me to a vacation like never before.He decided to take me on a trip to the Wild West.We took a plane to Albuquerque,a big city in the state of


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