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1、上海市青浦区上海市青浦区一模一模20192019 届高三英语届高三英语青浦区青浦区 20182018 学年第一学期高三年级期终学业质量调研测试学年第一学期高三年级期终学业质量调研测试英语试卷英语试卷II.Grammar and VocabularyII.Grammar and VocabularyWayward Penguin(Wayward Penguin(企鹅企鹅)Released South of New)Released South of NewZealandZealandHe needed a little push before speeding backwardHe needed

2、 a little push before speeding backwarddown a slide.Once in the water,he held his head updown a slide.Once in the water,he held his head upforfor oneone lastlast look.look.AndAnd thenthen hehe waswas gone.gone.TheThewaywardwayward emperoremperor penguinpenguin(21)_(21)_(know)as(know)as“Happy“Happy F

3、eet”Feet”waswas backback homehome inin AntarcticAntarctic waterswatersafter a temporary stay in New Zealand.after a temporary stay in New Zealand.HappyHappy Feet wasFeet was releasedreleased into theinto the ocean south ofocean south ofNewNew ZealandZealand onon Sunday,Sunday,moremore thanthan twotw

4、o monthsmonthsafter he came ashore on a beach nearly 2,000 milesafter he came ashore on a beach nearly 2,000 milesfromfromhomehomeandandbecamebecameananinstantinstantcelebrity.celebrity.(22)_(22)_(speak)(speak)fromfroma asatellitesatellitephone,phone,WellingtonWellington ZooZooveterinarianveterinari

5、anLisaLisaArgillaArgillasaidsaidHappyHappy FeetsFeets releaserelease wentwent remarkablyremarkably smoothly.smoothly.ArgillaArgilla saidsaid crewcrew membersmembers fromfrom thethe boatboat carriedcarriedthethe penguinpenguin insideinside hishis boxbox toto thethe rearrear partpart ofof thetheship f

6、or his final send-off.ship for his final send-off.(23)_(23)_ whenwhen theythey openedopened thethe doordoor ofof thethebox,the penguin showed no interest in leaving.box,the penguin showed no interest in leaving.第第 2 2 页页/共共 28 28 页页第第 3 3 页页/共共 28 28 页页Wellington Zoo four days after he was discovere

7、d.ItWellington Zoo four days after he was discovered.Itwaswas atat thethe zoozoo(29)_(29)_ thethe birdbird waswas givengiven a ahomehome inin a a roomroom filledfilled withwith a a bedbed ofof iceice soso hehewouldnt overheat.wouldnt overheat.Now that HappyNow that Happy FeetFeet(30)_(30)_(nurse)(nu

8、rse)backbackto health,his chances are as good as they are for anyto health,his chances are as good as they are for anyother penguin in the wild.other penguin in the wild.“He“He swamswam away,away,notnot caringcaring aboutabout usus anymore,”anymore,”Argilla said.Argilla said.She paused.She paused.“A

9、nd that is a good thing,”she said.“And that is a good thing,”she said.Section BSection BA.A.shrinkingshrinkingB.B.undergoundergoC.C.presentlypresentlyD.plantationsD.plantationsE.satisfyingE.satisfyingF.F.innovativeinnovativeG.G.encourageencourageH.H.stocksstocksI.notablyI.notablyJ.invasiveJ.invasive

10、K.impactsK.impactsIs climate change consuming your favorite foods?Is climate change consuming your favorite foods?Coffee:Whether or not you try to limit yourself toCoffee:Whether or not you try to limit yourself toone cup of coffee a day,the effects of climate changeone cup of coffee a day,the effec

11、ts of climate changeon the worlds coffeeon the worlds coffee-growing regions may leave you-growing regions may leave youlittlelittle choice.choice.SouthSouth America,America,Africa,Africa,Asia,Asia,andand第第 4 4 页页/共共 28 28 页页HawaiiHawaii areare allall beingbeing threatenedthreatened byby risingrisin

12、g airairtemperaturestemperatures andand unstableunstable rainfallrainfall patterns,patterns,whichwhichinvite disease and _32_ species to live on the coffeeinvite disease and _32_ species to live on the coffeeplantplant andand ripeningripening beans.beans.TheThe result?result?SignificantSignificantcu

13、ts in coffee yield and less coffee in your cup.It iscuts in coffee yield and less coffee in your cup.It isestimated that,if current climate patterns continue,estimated that,if current climate patterns continue,halfhalfofofthetheareasareas_33_33_suitablesuitableforforcoffeecoffeeproduction wont be by

14、 the year 2050.production wont be by the year 2050.Tea:When it comes to tea,warmer climates andTea:When it comes to tea,warmer climates andunstableunstable quantityquantity ofof waterwater fallingfalling toto earthearth arentarentonly _34_ the wonly _34_ the worlds teaorlds tea-growing regions,theyr

15、egrowing regions,theyrealso messing with its distinct flavor.For example,inalso messing with its distinct flavor.For example,inIndia,India,thethe IndianIndian MonsoonMonsoon hashas broughtbrought moremoreintenseintense rainfall,rainfall,makingmaking teatea flavorflavor weaker.weaker.RecentRecentrese

16、archresearchcomingcomingoutoutofofthetheUniversityUniversityofofSouthamptonSouthampton suggestssuggests thatthat tea-producingtea-producing areasareas ininsome places,_35_ East Africa,could decline by assome places,_35_ East Africa,could decline by asmuch as 55 percent by 2050 as the quantity of wat

17、ermuch as 55 percent by 2050 as the quantity of waterfallingfalling toto earthearth andand temperaturestemperatures change.change.TeaTeapickers are also feeling the _36_ of climate change.pickers are also feeling the _36_ of climate change.DuringDuring harvestharvest season,season,increasedincreased

18、 airair temperaturestemperaturesare creating an increased risk of heatstroke for fieldare creating an increased risk of heatstroke for fieldworkers.workers.第第 5 5 页页/共共 28 28 页页Seafood:Seafood:ClimateClimate changechange is is affectingaffecting thethe worldsworldsaquacultureaquaculture asas muchmuc

19、h asas itsits agriculture.agriculture.AsAs airairtemperaturestemperatures rise,rise,oceansoceans andand waterwayswaterways absorbabsorbsome of the heat and _37_ warming of their own.some of the heat and _37_ warming of their own.The result is a decline in fish population,includingThe result is a dec

20、line in fish population,includinginin lobsterslobsters(who(who areare cold-bloodedcold-blooded creatures),creatures),andandsalmon(whose eggs find it hard to survive in highersalmon(whose eggs find it hard to survive in higherwaterwater temperature).temperature).WarmerWarmer waterswaters alsoalso _38

21、_38_toxic marine bacteria,like Vibrio,to grow and causetoxic marine bacteria,like Vibrio,to grow and causeillnessillness inin humanshumans wheneverwhenever ingestedingested withwith rawrawseafood,like oysters or sashimi.seafood,like oysters or sashimi.AndAnd thatthat _39_39_“crack”“crack”youyou getg

22、et whenwhen eatingeatingcrabcrab andand lobster?lobster?It It couldcould bebe silencedsilenced asas shellfishshellfishstruggle to build their calcium(struggle to build their calcium(碳碳)carbonate shells,)carbonate shells,a a resultresult ofof oceanocean acidificationacidification(absorb(absorb carbon

23、carbondioxide from the air).According to a study,scientistsdioxide from the air).According to a study,scientistspredicted that if over-fishing and rising temperaturepredicted that if over-fishing and rising temperaturetrendstrends continuedcontinued atat theirtheir presentpresent rate,rate,thethe wo

24、rldsworldsseafood _40_ would run out by the year 2050.seafood _40_ would run out by the year 2050.III.Reading ComprehensionIII.Reading ComprehensionSection ASection AMichael Wang was a senior at James Logan HighMichael Wang was a senior at James Logan High第第 6 6 页页/共共 28 28 页页School,School,US,US,bac

25、kback inin 2012.2012.AccordingAccording toto TheThe NewNewYorker,Yorker,hehe waswas confidentconfident thatthat hehe couldcould getget intointo ananIvy League university,such as Harvard or Yale.HeIvy League university,such as Harvard or Yale.Hehad a high GPA,_41_ at debating and co-foundedhad a high

26、 GPA,_41_ at debating and co-foundeda math club.He was also a talented pianist._42_,a math club.He was also a talented pianist._42_,hishis dreamdream universitiesuniversities turnedturned himhim down.down.HisHis lesslesstalentedtalentedclassmates,classmates,whowhowerewereHispanicHispanicororAfrican-

27、American,were admitted into these schools.African-American,were admitted into these schools.It It mademade himhim wonderwonder if if hehe waswas _43_43_ becausebecause hehewas Asian.was Asian.On Oct 15,a lawsuit against Harvard brought onOn Oct 15,a lawsuit against Harvard brought onbehalf of Asian-

28、American students like Wang began.behalf of Asian-American students like Wang began.StudentsStudentsforforFairFairAdmissionsAdmissions(SFFA),(SFFA),a aUSUSnon-profitnon-profit organization,organization,_44_44_ HarvardHarvard forfor usingusingracialracialbalancingbalancinginintheirtheiradmissionsadmi

29、ssionsprocess.process.Harvard has denied the _45_.The university saysHarvard has denied the _45_.The university saysthat it considers many factors when _46_ whetherthat it considers many factors when _46_ whethera a studentstudent shouldshould bebe admitted,admitted,includingincluding academicacadem

30、icperformanceperformanceandandextracurricularextracurricularactivities.activities.Harvard added that the number of Asian-AmericansHarvard added that the number of Asian-Americansadmittedadmitted toto thethe schoolschool hadhad greatlygreatly increasedincreased sincesince2010.2010.“Race“Race alonealo

31、ne is is nevernever thethe reasonreason a a studentstudent is is_47_47_ admission,”admission,”WilliamWilliam Lee,Lee,a a lawyerlawyer forfor第第 7 7 页页/共共 28 28 页页Harvard,told the Guardian.“And race is never theHarvard,told the Guardian.“And race is never thereason a student is denied.”reason a studen

32、t is denied.”HarvardHarvard is is notnot thethe onlyonly universityuniversity toto havehave beenbeenaccusedaccused ofof _48_48_ againstagainst Asian-Americans.Asian-Americans.InInSeptember,September,thethe USUS JusticeJustice DepartmentDepartment beganbegan toto_49_49_whetherwhetherYaleYaleUniversit

33、yUniversitydiscriminatesdiscriminatesagainstagainst Asian-Americans.Asian-Americans.TheThe casecase hashas _50_50_ a alongstandinglongstandingdebatedebateoveroveraffirmativeaffirmativeactionactionpolicies(policies(平权法案政策平权法案政策)that allow universities to use)that allow universities to userace as a fa

34、ctor when considering applications.Therace as a factor when considering applications.Thepoliciespolicies_51_51_benefitbenefitAfrican-AmericanAfrican-AmericanandandLatino students in an effort to make up for centuriesLatino students in an effort to make up for centuriesofofracialracialdiscrimination,

35、discrimination,accordingaccordingtotoTimeTimemagazine.magazine.AccordingAccording toto TheThe NewNew YorkYork Times,Times,thetheSFFASFFA wantswants thethe useuse ofof racerace inin thethe admissionsadmissionsprocess to be ended,_52_ that it causes inequality.process to be ended,_52_ that it causes i

36、nequality.“People should be judged on character and _53_,”“People should be judged on character and _53_,”However,in a statement,Harvard said that _54_However,in a statement,Harvard said that _54_thetheraceracecriterioncriterionwouldwould“reduce“reducestudestudentsnts opportunities to live and learn

37、 in a diverse campusopportunities to live and learn in a diverse campusenvironment”.environment”.AlthoughAlthough thethe casecase hashas justjust begun,begun,thethe _55_55_judgmentjudgment“could“couldinfluenceinfluenceadmissionsadmissionstotoUSUS第第 8 8 页页/共共 28 28 页页universitiesuniversities forfor y

38、earsyears toto come,”come,”accordingaccording toto AlAlJazeera,a Qatar-based TV station.Jazeera,a Qatar-based TV station.41.41.A.crazyA.crazyB.amazedB.amazedC.giftedC.giftedD.slowD.slow42.42.A.BesidesA.BesidesB.FortunatelyB.FortunatelyC.C.UndoubtedlyUndoubtedlyD.HoweverD.However43.43.A.rejectedA.rej



41、rocessedA.processedB.infectedB.infectedC.fueledC.fueledD.broughtD.brought第第 9 9 页页/共共 28 28 页页51.51.A.necessarilyA.necessarilyB.equallyB.equallyC.C.traditionallytraditionallyD.unintentionallyD.unintentionally52.52.A.consideringA.consideringB.debatingB.debatingC.C.annoyingannoyingD.arguingD.arguing53

42、.53.A.academicsA.academicsB.strengthB.strengthC.benefitC.benefitD.moralitiesD.moralities54.54.A.droppingA.droppingB.settingB.settingC.C.implementingimplementingD.imposingD.imposing55.55.A.officialA.officialB.existentB.existentC.gradualC.gradualD.eventualD.eventualSection BSection B(A)(A)JackJack Lon

43、don,London,one ofone of AmericasAmericas majormajor writerswriters ofofadventureadventure tales,tales,waswas bornborn inin CaliforniaCalifornia inin 1876.1876.DuringDuring hishis life,life,LondonLondon workedworked atat manymany jobs.jobs.HisHisbroadbroadlifelifeexperiencesexperienceswouldwouldbecom

44、ebecomethethebackground for his writing.background for his writing.LondonLondon lovedloved toto read.read.AsAs a a teenager,teenager,hehe spentspentmanymany hourshours educatingeducating himselfhimself atat thethe Oakland,Oakland,California,public library.He attended college at theCalifornia,public

45、library.He attended college at theUniversityUniversity ofof CaliforniaCalifornia atat Berkeley,Berkeley,butbut hehe stayedstayedfor only six months.He thought Berkeley was“notfor only six months.He thought Berkeley was“not第第 10 10 页页/共共 28 28 页页livelylively enough”enough”andand wantedwanted toto dod

46、o somethingsomething moremoreexciting.exciting.LondonLondon wrotewrote storiesstories aboutabout workingworking peoplepeople andandthethe hardhard timestimes theythey hadhad makingmaking a a living.living.HeHe knewknewtheirtheir problemsproblems firstfirst hand.hand.HeHe workedworked asas a a sailor

47、,sailor,farmer,factory employee,railroad worker,and goldfarmer,factory employee,railroad worker,and goldprospector,to name just a few of his many jobs.prospector,to name just a few of his many jobs.London grew up near the waterfront in Oakland.London grew up near the waterfront in Oakland.He loved t

48、he water.When he was fifteen years old,He loved the water.When he was fifteen years old,hehe boughtbought a a smallsmall sailboatsailboat calledcalled a a sloop.sloop.LaterLater hehesailedsailed toto JapanJapan onon a a schooner,schooner,whichwhich is is a a muchmuchlargerlarger sailingsailing boat.

49、boat.LikeLike manymany peoplepeople ofof thethe time,time,LondonLondon caughtcaught thethe KlondikeKlondike GoldGold RushRush Fever.Fever.InIn1897,he headed for Alaska.He didnt find gold,but1897,he headed for Alaska.He didnt find gold,buthehe discovereddiscovered somethingsomething eveneven moremore

50、 valuable.valuable.HeHediscovereddiscovered thatthat peoplepeople enjoyedenjoyed listeninglistening toto thethestoriesstories hehe mademade upup withwith hishis vividvivid imagination.imagination.LondonLondon entertainedentertained thethe minersminers withwith storystory afterafterstory.story.Later,


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