1、 Character&CharacterizationKinds of Character Roles in the Novel1.Hero/Heroine 主角 -The chief/central character of a literary work Hero/Heroine Carrying Connotation Protagonist 主人公 Sounding Neutral Protagonist Antagonist 反面角色,对立面 -The rival or opponent against whom the protagonist/hero is contending.
2、2.Main/Major Character -One in close and dynamic relation with the hero/heroine.(Close relation does not necessarily mean good relation.)3.Minor Character -One in remote and static relation with the hero.(Not all minor characters are unimportant.)4.Foil(Character)陪衬 -One that helps enhance the inten
3、sity of the hero by strengthening or contrasting.Degrees of Development1.Round Character 圆形人物-The complex multidimensional character with the capacity to grow and change.Round CharacterizationA character who is complex and has many sides or traits with unpredictable behavior and a fully developed pe
4、rsonality.Antagonists are usually a round characterization.Example:Like The Green Goblin(Norman Osborn)另一类圆活人物,则企图表现人心的复杂多变,一如动态的塑造,不但免除僵化,令人厌烦之病,而且可以是应任何情节的应球,令人有新奇变化之感,甚至角色在小说中成长,有自主能力去改变结局似的,比方说红楼梦中的宝玉,在裙钗中翻滚,在大官园中流连,爱恨迭起,悲喜无常,最后以出家勘破,作为回归太虚的醒悟之途。Complex in temperament and motivation;Represented
5、with subtle particularity;As difficult to describe with any adequacy as a person in real life.Eg:Hamlet-A typical round character2.Flat Character 扁平人物-One who embodies or represents a single characteristic or trait,or at most a very limited number of such qualities.据Forster的说法,小说中的人物可分成扁平(Flat)人物与圆活
6、人物(Round)。扁平人物有时又被称为类型(types)或漫画人物(caricatures),通常是依循着一个单纯的理念或性质而被创造出来,所以又被归类为静态人物(static),故地展现一项性能特征,比较被动,对任何环境变迁,只是持着一种态度,这样的人物在求易认易记,比方说琼瑶小说(一般言情)中的男女主角似乎总是美丽、潇洒,多情易感,任凭时移境迁,此爱不渝。而鲁迅阿Q正传中的阿Q由于遭遇任何困厄、皆以精神胜利法泰然处之,似乎也是平面人物常用以做讽刺性描述的代表。Flat CharacterizationA character who has one or two sides,represe
7、nting one or two traitsoften a stereotype.Flat characters help move the plot along more quickly because the audience immediately understands what the character is about.Example:Like a geeky science professorType Character 类型化人物 Stock Character 小丑角色One-dimensional Character单一角色 Caricature 漫画人物漫画人物-wh
8、en distorted to create humor Presented without much individualizing detail;Remaining“stable”or unchanged in outlook and dispositions from the beginning to the end of a work.Eg:Detective StoryAdventure NovelFarce Comedy-In above works,the protagonist usually is a flat character.1.Dynamic Character-Ex
9、hibiting some kind of change as the story progresses.2.Static Character-Remaining the same from the beginning of a work to the end.Dynamic CharacterizationA character who experiences an essential change in personality or attitude.Protagonists are almost always dynamic.Example:Stitch,from Lilo andSti
10、tch Static CharacterizationA character who does not change or develop beyond the way in which she or he is first presented.Example:Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird.Characterization 人物塑造-The process by which an author creates,develops,and presents a character.CharacterizationHow a writer reve
11、als a characters personalityDirect Characterization:Author tells us what the character is like(e.g.deceitful,honest,evil,kind)Indirect Characterization:Physical descriptionWords&thoughtsOther characters thoughts&commentsCharacters actionsMethods of CharacterizationCharacterization1.Through the use o
12、f names;2.Through appearance;3.By the author;-By telling.人物构造法(methods of characterization)基本尚可分为说明(telling)或表演(showing)二种方式Telling的方式如:命名:这是描写小说人物性格最简单的方式,比如黑旋风李逵(黑大汉、又粗暴)浪里白条(白大汉、张顺)、宋江唤做及时与(扶弱济贫、仗义疏才),透过这些绰号可以点醒人物个性特质,而命名中的谐音,如贾宝玉之贾假谐音,岸玉假作真时,真亦假,宝玉与顽石,冥顽与通灵的虚实交错。而红楼一开头就由甄士隐、贾雨村搪塞作者创作经历,甄士隐是故将真事隐
14、如赋彩,转盼多情之外,作者还以西江月二阙词加以批示:无故寻愁觅恨,有时似傻如狂。纵然生得好皮囊,腹内原来草莽。潦倒不通庶务,愚顽恰读文章。行为偏僻性乖张,那管世人毁谤。富贵不知乐业,贫穷难耐凄凉。可怜辜负好时光,于国于家无望。天下无能第一,古今不肖无双。寄言纨裤与膏梁,莫效此儿形状。一方面,作者似有意寄寓教化之效,可是更多的目的在补充外表形象描写的不足,甚至为宝玉一生作一个精灵的提点-我们无法以世俗工业去看他,反而要为他敞开一条痴傻狂傲的人生路径。Characterization4.Through dialogue;5.Through action;-By showing.showing的方式
16、的说),见贾蓉逛来,站不是坐不是,有了钱拿不禁喜的眉开眼笑,粗鄙直率的说瘦死的骆驼比马还大呢,却可见人物透过表演方式的突出。Analyzing Character1.Who is the protagonist of the work and who(or what)is the antagonist?Describe the major traits and qualities of each.2.What is the function of the works minor characters?3.Identify the characters in terms of whether t
17、hey are flat or round,dynamic or static.4.What methods does the author employ to establish and reveal the characters?Are the methods primarily of showing or telling?5.Are the actions of the characters properly motivated and consistent?6.Are the characters of the work finally credible and interesting
18、?Astronomers Wife Katherine Ames Mrs.Ames is the focus of the story.She is married to an astronomer whose distant,overly intellectual nature has caused her to resent him.She is the astronomers only real link with the day-today world,but she means little to him beside that.Longing for someone who is
19、not wholly immersed in the life of the mind,she is intrigued by and attracted to the plumber,who stands for everything physical.Mr.Ames/The AstronomerThe astronomer is married to Mrs.Ames.The narrator of the story says of the astronomer that“he was a man of other things,a dreamer.”He spends his life
20、 examining the heavens and attempting at all times to remain as high above the earth as possible Mrs.Ames says that he likes being“on the roof or on the mountains.Hes been up on the tops of them many times.”He never physically appears in the story,and readers only hear from him once when he yells th
21、at there is a problem for Mrs.Ames to solve.For Mrs.Ames,he is“the mind of all mankind.”The PlumberThe plumber is the astronomers diametric opposite.Where the astronomer prefers to be up high,the plumber goes down into the pipes below the ground.He is described by his physical attributes,and at one
22、point the narrator suggests that he is“brutal,”clearly playing on the animal meaning of the word“brute.”Mrs.Ames is attracted to him for his physicality,but at the same time he pays attention to her,looks her in the eye when he speaks to her,and treats her politely and pleasantly.At the end of the s
23、tory,he speaks of a cow he once owned who lost her cud.“I made her another in no time,”he tells Mrs.Ames,“out of flowers and things and whatnot.”In a sense,Mrs.Ames is that cow,and the plumber wants to give her back an important element of her life an engagement with the physical world that she has lost.