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1、广东省广东省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识过关检年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识过关检测试卷测试卷 A A 卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、填入括号中最恰当的词语是()。A.再接再厉龙争虎斗B.自力更生明争暗斗C.自力更生龙争虎斗D.再接再厉明争暗斗【答案】C2、资料:The hop flower has been used in beer-making at least sincethe eighth century.Traditionally it was a preservative,but it alsoimparts flavor.To so

2、me,the taste is bitter and unpalatable,andthus many brewers use only minimal amounts.But,depending on variety,growing conditions,and other factors,hops can impart a range offlavors that connoisseurs say rivals that of wine grapes.Starting inthe nineteen-seventies,small brewers on the West Coast bega

3、ndramatically upping the amount of hops in their brews.One of theirmost popular products was the India pale ale,or L.P.A.,a brew thathas been around since the late eighteenth century.The story goesthat necessity drove the British to add large quantities of hops inorder to preserve the beer they ship

4、ped to India,to quench thethirst of the Sahibs managing the Empire there.A.The British produced large quantities of beerB.The British found one of the most popular products called the Indiapale ale,or I.P.AC.The British made Hop flower a necessity and shipped it in largequantities to IndiaD.The Brit

5、ish added more hop flower in beer【答案】D3、I never imagined that she could walk()far,7 miles per day!.A.asB.suchC.thatD.very【答案】C4、技能大赛中,刘师傅看了对手的资料后说:“如果我出场,每场比赛胜出的概率是 0.3,但黄师傅出场的话,概率就是 0.8。”于是决定,刘师傅出场 1次,黄师傅出场 2 次,完成 3 场比赛后,总计胜出 2 场就可以进入总决赛。则他们进入总决赛的概率是()。A.0.854B.0.562C.0.736D.0.688【答案】C5、某人驱车从甲地前往 3

6、0 公里外的乙地,顺风而行花了 3 个小时,从乙地沿着原路返回时用了 5 个小时,假设车速和风速都是匀速状态,则风速是()公里/时。A.5B.2C.3D.4【答案】B6、某民政局工作人员冯某利用职务便利挪用救济金 2 万元进行营利活动。冯某的行为构成何种犯罪?()A.挪用特定款物罪B.挪用公款罪C.职务侵占罪D.挪用资金罪【答案】B7、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of historythan others.HSBCs History Wall,a striking art installation at thebanks L

7、ondon headquarters,is made up of 3,743 images drawn fromthe banks archives and arranged in chronological order.A.Activities did by HSBC are better than those of Coca-colaB.New designs inspired by old products are not goodC.Young companies do better than old companies in using historyD.Consumers ofte

8、n trust old-aged companies more【答案】D8、资料:For nearly a century,Hilton Worldwide has offered businessand leisure travelers the finest in accommodations,service,amenities and value.A.CelebritiesB.Royal familiesC.Businessmen and touristsD.Rich people【答案】C9、资料:From:A.He has shopped at Fruittisom s online

9、 storeB.He has been charged incorrectly for an orderC.He has worked for FruittisomD.He has reported a late delivery【答案】D10、The FIFA World Cup soccer championship in Russia is the mostcostly ever held。Now,experts question whether there will be agood_for the Russian taxpayer。A.responseB.refundC.return

10、【答案】C11、_ some mistakes,I failed to get the promotion.A.BecauseB.Owing toC.For the sake ofD.Thanks to【答案】B12、Today,only 4 million people live and work on farms in the UnitedStates,but they produce more than enough food for 200 millionAmericans.They are able to do this because modern agricult

11、ure dependsmore on up-to-date machinery and scientific methods than it does onold-fashioned knowledge and human labor.A.modern technology has brought about a lot of troubleB.modern technology has cost farmers a lot of were put deeply in debtD.modern technology has released farmers fro

12、m heavy labor【答案】D13、Theyre not allowed contact with the outside world or anysubstances that havent been fully _.A.tidyB.packedC.infectedD.sanitized【答案】D14、资料:From:A.He has shopped at Fruittisom s online storeB.He has been charged incorrectly for an orderC.He has worked for FruittisomD.He has report

13、ed a late delivery【答案】D15、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of historythan others.HSBCs History Wall,a striking art installation at thebanks London headquarters,is made up of 3,743 images drawn fromthe banks archives and arranged in chronological order.A.Less creative by comparisonB.B

14、e smaller in sizeC.Become more majesticD.Nothing different【答案】A16、Whats corrosion?Its a chemical_in which metal istransformed into salt and oxides.A.reactB.actionC.reactionD.response【答案】C17、资料:The following passage is the introduction about one of theMonsell international financial products.Accordin

15、g to thepassage,there will be 5 questions.You should read carefully,thenselect the right answer.A.Together with Primary Chequing,you can own 20 accountsB.If you make 32 transaction,a fee of$1.4 will be chargedC.You will be able to save up to$240.5 a month on feesD.You can sell to$5,000 U

16、.S.per transaction)atpreferred exchange rate【答案】C18、资料:The movement of consumers from public social media toprivate messaging has been so rapid that Business Insider reportedthat the combined usage of the top four messaging apps now exceedsthe combined usage of the top four social media apps。Falling

17、 dataprices,cheaper devices,and improved features are helping propelthis growth。A.People are tired of social mediaB.Apps improved featuresC.People are demanding for real communicationD.Cheaper data and devices【答案】A19、某砖厂计划 20 天生产 30000 块砖,现在已生产的块数可以装 2 辆卡车,已知每盒装 6 块砖,每箱装 40 盒,每辆卡车装 50 箱,照这样计算,还要生产几天

18、才能全部完成?()A.4 天B.6 天C.8 天D.10 天【答案】A20、The teacher tried to_the trouble makers by pairing them with awell behaved partner.A.break offB.break downC.break inD.break up【答案】D21、甲午战争以后,外国轮船沿长江最远可以到达()。A.南京B.九江C.汉口D.重庆【答案】D22、下列说法不正确的是()。A.鲁迅是中国现代文学的奠基人B.郭沫若的女神是现代文学史上第一篇白话文C.田汉是中国现代戏剧的奠基人D.巴金是现代家族小说的开拓者【答案

19、】B23、维护文件的高度严密性是指()。A.公文的保密性B.公文语言结构的严密C.公文行文文字_严密D.施行办法的严密【答案】B24、下列四组世界文学名著中属于美国作家作品的一组是()。A.悲惨世界红与黑B.假如给我三天光明百万英镑C.雾都孤儿简爱D.钢铁是怎样炼成的战胜与和平【答案】B25、资料:What if you were told there was a way you may strengthenyour cognitive skills and heighten your intelligence,and all you hadto do was was learn to str

20、ike up basic conversations in anotherlanguage?A.Strengthen your cognitive skillsB.Improve your basic conversationsC.Begin to learn a foreign languageD.Talk with others as often as possible【答案】C26、2 月 9 日,国家主席习近平在北京以视频方式主持中国-中东欧国家领导人峰会,并发表题为()的主旨讲话。A.凝心聚力,继往开来携手共谱合作新篇章B.凝心聚力,勇往直前携手共谱合作新篇章C.凝心聚力,继往开来携

21、手共谱和平新篇章D.凝心聚力,继往开来携手共谱发展新篇章【答案】A27、New employees should spent more of their time on_duties.A.exceptionalB.professionalC.intentionalD.additional【答案】B28、中国是世界上()的国家。A.森林资源最丰富B.植物种类最多C.微生物种类最多D.动物种类最多【答案】D29、有一笔国债,5 年期,溢价 20%发行,票面利率 10%,单利计息,到期一次还本付清,其到期收益率是()。A.4.69%B.4.23%C.5.23%D.4.57%【答案】D30、资料:De

22、mystifying how social and human-like robots work is vitalso that we can understand and shape how they will affect our future,Dr Hatice Gunes will tell the Hay Festival next week.(1) is not meaningful for robots to have the appearance of humanB.people who make the appearance of robots very human-

23、like should beblamedC.people need to pay more attention to the development ofrobotsfunctionsD.the appearance of robots has become more and more emotional【答案】C31、The chewable substance called chicle(糖胶)had_untilThomas Adams added licorice and sold it as gumballs.A.hardly flavoredB.any flavor hardlyC.

24、flavor hardly noneD.hardly any flavor【答案】D32、资料:Business,academic and civic leaders in Cambridge havewarned that one of Britains major economic growth cities is underthreat unless the government acts quickly to restore trust post-Brexit.A.Because of the uncertaintyB.Because the economic slowdown aft

25、er Britian leaving the EUC.Because the increasing,difficulty of finding of finding a job inBritainD.Because they may lose legal status after Brexit【答案】D33、资料:Do you want to see the world?Then plan to visit the SilverPoseidon Cruises Career Fair on Tuesday,November 15 from 9 4p.m.or Wednesday.

26、November 16 from 5 9 p.m.We are lookingfor food service,entertainers,and maintenances staff to work aboardour many vessels.Free travel is just the beginning when you work forSilver Poseidon Cruises.A.By sending an e-mailB.By going to the WebsiteC.By calling Ms.RuizD.By visiting the corporate

27、office【答案】B34、Clarkson Library will be closed for renovations from May 3 toJuly 15,_ which time the collection will not be open to thepublic.A.withB.betweenC.duringD.while【答案】C35、资料:When we see well,we do not think about our eyes very often.It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how

28、 importantour eyes are.A.astigmaticB.far-sightedC.suffering from cataractsD.near-sighted【答案】D36、Brands are strategic_that provide an organization with amainly competitive advantage.A.belongingsB.propertyC.assetsD.assessment【答案】C37、Recently,Xiangning started to communicate with Mike,the contactperson

29、 of Monsell.A.admittedB.acceptedC.receivedD.announced【答案】A38、绩效评价中运用的评价标准属于比较法的是()。A.等级择一法B.行为锚定量表法C.排序法D.行为对照表法【答案】C39、下列哪个选项不在世界四大文明古国之列?()A.巴比伦B.雅典C.埃及D.印度【答案】B40、资料:Many people think of internal control as a means ofsafeguarding cash and preventing fraud.Although internal control isan important

30、factor in protecting assets and preventing fraud,thisis only a part of its roles.Remember that business decisions arebased on accounting data and the system of internal control providesassurance of the dependability of the accounting data used in makingdecisions.A.internal accounting controlsB.inter

31、nal financial controlsC.administrative controlsD.external controls【答案】C41、Passage 4A.a form of gamblingB.a way of making money quicklyC.useful and necessaryD.old-fashioned【答案】C42、资料:Why is Salt Bad for You?A.had a high blood pressureB.ate too muchC.had a cold and a sore throatD.was sensitive to salt

32、【答案】C43、Passage 3A.Relieve stressB.Nothing specialC.Bring financial impactsD.Both A and C【答案】D44、Compared()circuits built from separate components ICs arevery much smaller,lighter,cheaper and more reliable.A.ofB.withC.toD.for【答案】B45、As they had run out of sugar,they used honey as a(n)_for it.A.excha

33、ngeB.assistanceC.substituteD.preference【答案】C46、资料:(四)A.Approach to financial educationB.Americans financial skillsC.Reform on financial educationD.Lessons of financial crisis【答案】A47、打开 Word 文档一般是指()。A.把文档的内容从内存中读出并显示出来B.把文档的内容从磁盘调入内存并显示出来C.为打开的文档开设一个新的空的文档窗口D.显示并打印文档的内容【答案】B48、多数鱼类背部发黑、腹部发白,其原因是()。A

34、.长期进化形成的保护色B.背部比腹部接受光线多,导致色素沉淀C.背部比腹部黏膜厚,吸收光线多D.背部鱼鳞多,吸收光线多【答案】A49、Although some of these projects have been recently completed,themajority of projects will _ in the fall of 2019.A.initiateB.originateC.manipulateD.commence【答案】D50、资料:Italys next government,a coalition between thepopulistFive Star Mov

35、ement and the far-right Northern League,isgiving investors plenty to worry about.Leaked plans,hastilyabandoned,suggested it might want to leave the euro or ask theEuropean Central Bank to forgive 250bn($292bn)of Italian debt.But less attention has been paid to what it might mean for Italianbanks,and

36、 in particular for their biggest burden:non-performingloans(NPLs).Over 185bn of NPLs were outstanding at the end of2017,the most for any country in the European Union.(1)A.The increasing use of out-of-court settlement for collateral acrossthe EUB.The GACS which may not be renewed after SeptemberC.Th

37、e new trading platform for trading NPLsD.The laws that guarantee cross-border operations【答案】B多选题(共多选题(共 2020 题)题)1、关于互换业务,下列叙述正确的有()。A.最常见的利率互换是固定利率与浮动利率之间进行转换B.货币互换仅交换货币本金不交换货币利息C.当利率看涨时,可将浮动利率债务类金融工具转换成固定利率金融工具D.货币互换本金的交易方式是在协议生效日双方按约定汇率交换人民币与外币的本金,在协议到期日双方再以相同汇率、金额进行一次本金的反向交换【答案】ACD2、公元 843 年,查理曼

38、的孙子缔结凡尔登条约,三分帝国。这次分割奠定了后来哪几个国家的基础?()A.德国B.法国C.英国D.意大利【答案】ABD3、某注册会计师负责对新叶公司 2008 年度财务报表进行审计。在测试公司内部控制时,在确定控制测试的范围时,该注册会计师通常考虑的因素有()。A.总体变异性B.在风险评估时拟信赖控制运行有效性的程度C.控制的预期偏差D.控制的执行频率【答案】BCD4、商业银行的职能包括()。A.信用中介B.信用创造C.支付中介D.金融服务【答案】ABCD5、公共财政的特征()。A.公共性B.非盈利性C.强制性D.法制性【答案】ABD6、一般来说,账户的基本结构具体包括的内容有()。A.账户

39、的名称B.记录经济业务的日期C.摘要和凭证的编号D.增加、减少的金额及余额【答案】ABCD7、商业银行营销的 4P 是指()。A.产品B.计划C.价格D.促销E.渠道【答案】ACD8、在日常工作和生活中,银行从业人员应当恪守有关内幕信息和内幕交易的禁止性规定,做到()。A.不在不当时间和地点谈论工作话题B.不以明示或暗示的方式向不应该知道该项信息的内部人员提及内幕信息C.不违反有关规定,将内幕信息以明示或暗示的方式告知自己的亲友D.按照内部秘密信息保管规定妥善保管涉及内幕信息的文件或电子文档【答案】ABCD9、下列关于投资基金的说法,正确的有()。A.是一种集合投资方式B.体现了一种股权关系C


41、B.长期准备金C.应付债券D.汇兑收益【答案】ABC15、银行业从业人员的下述行为明显违反了有关信息保密规定的有()。A.向与业务无关的人员或其他组织透露客户的个人信息B.出于好奇或其他目的向其他同事打听客户的个人信息和交易信息C.不妥善保管或销毁填有客户信息的单据、凭证等D.将客户信息用于未经客户许可的目的【答案】ABCD16、下列关于网桥和交换机的说法,正确的是()。A.网桥在网络层完成数据帧接收、转发与地址过滤功能,用于实现多个局域网之间的数据交换B.网桥转发数据的依据是 MAC 地址表C.交换机以软件方式实现多个端口的并发连接D.网桥的端口以共享存储空间方式来连接【答案】BD17、在人


43、解决签约用户使用中的故障问题【答案】ABC19、下列各项中,属于财务费用核算内容的有()。A.利息支出B.汇兑损失C.现金折扣D.商业折扣【答案】ABC20、下列各项中,()不属于马克思主义新世界观创立需要确立的关键。A.剩余价值论B.阶级斗争理论C.无产阶级历史使命说D.科学的实践观【答案】ABC大题(共大题(共 1010 题)题)一、材料:我国大学生的创业,始于 1997 年。当时国内大学生发现发达国家的大学毕业生中有不少人选择自己创业,于是引入这个新概念。清华大学于 1998年率先举行大学生创业计划大赛,随后,首届“挑战杯”全国大学生创业计划竞赛于 1999 年举办;清华大学还于 200

44、0 年允许大学生休学创业,由此渐渐掀起大学生创业高潮,不少高校在校内办创业讲座、搞创业计划大赛。但是,教育部 2004 年的一项报告透露,全国 97 家开张比较早的学生企业。赢利的仅占7,学生创办的公司,5 年内仅有 30能够生存下去。2005 年的另一统计则表明创业企业失败率高达 70以上,大学生创业成功率只有 23,远低于一般企业。以上各项调查可能由于种种原因存在误差,但反映出一个共同事实:大学生创业成功率低。为支持大学生创业,各级政府及相关部门纷纷出台优惠政策,大学生自主创业可享受到税费减免、贷款贴息、政策培训,甚至无偿使用办公场地等政策,受到广大高校毕业生的欢迎共青团中央:建立“青年就

45、业创业见习基地”4083 个,提供见习岗位 121646 个:与银监会合作,提供农村小额贷款,以创业带动就业;与团省委合作全面建立促进青年就业创业基地,解决创业资金瓶颈问题。上海:投资 5000 万元,设立“大学生创业投资接力基金”。该项基金将像“接力棒”一样对大学生创业企业进行扶持,帮助企业快速成长。福建:建立 10 个高校毕业生创业培训基地,扶持 100个高校毕业生创业项目。为 1000 名有创业意向的高校毕业生提供系统的创业辅导,组织 1 万名高校毕业生参加创业培训。青岛:拨款 1000 万元,设立“青岛市高校毕业生创业扶持基金”。云南:每年将安排 1 亿元资金支持自主创业。重庆:大学生

46、创业可贷款 100 万元,小额贷款政府全贴息。在各级政府支持大学生创业的优惠扶持政策的推动下,各地出现了多种形式的创业案例:吉林省辽源市的东北袜业纺织工业园最近出台了一个“零投资”的创业计划,为大学生开办袜厂提供场地、资金和设备,有创业就以分期付款的方式偿还投资。这一计划吸引了很多大学生参与,但也有大学生表示,做袜子、卖袜子没有多少知识含量,属于大材小用,自己不会去干。彭良柱大学毕业后,回乡创业当上“猪倌”。3 年时间,他的猪场初具规模。如今资产已达到 400 多万。他说“大学生有知识,接受新事物快,只要放下架子到基层吃苦,总会有回报”。请结合上述资料谈谈怎样才能提高大学生自主创业的成功率。【

47、答案】第一,各级政府及相关部门要积极出台优惠政策,如税费减免、贷款贴息、政策培训等,支持大学生创业。第二,加大财政投入,安排创业专项基金,全面建立促进青年就业创业基地,解决大学生创业资金瓶颈问题。第三,积极对大学生进行创业技能培训,开展各种创业经验交流会,提高大学生创业技能和素质。第四,加强宣传教育,帮助大学生转变观念,鼓励大学生到基层锻炼,从实践中学习创业本领。二、甲、乙两国有企业与另外 9 家国有企业拟联合组建设立“光中有限责任公司”(以下简称光中公司),公司章程的部分内容为:公司股东会除召开定期会议外,还可以召开临时会议临时会议须经代表 12 以上表决权的股东,12以上的董事或 12 以

48、上的监事提议召开。在申请公司设立登记时,工商行政管理机关指出了公司章程中规定的关于召开临时股东会议方面的不合法之处。经全体股东协商后,予以纠正。1996 年 3 月,光中公司依法登记成立,注册资本为 1 亿元,其中甲以工业产权出资,协议作价金额 1200 万元;乙出资 1400 万元,是出资最多的股东。公司成立后,由甲召集和主持了首次股东会会议,设立了董事会。1996 年 5 月,光中公司董事会发现,甲作为出资的工业产权的实际价额显著低于公司章程所定的价额,为了使公司股东出资总额仍达到 1 亿元,董事会提出了如下解决方案:由甲补足差额,如果甲不能补足差额,其他股东不承担任何责任1997 年 5

49、 月,公司经过一段时间的运作后,经济效益较好,董事会制定了一个增加注册资本的方案,方案提出将公司现有的注册资本由 l 亿元增加到 15 亿元。增资方案提交股东会讨论表决时,有 7 家股东赞成增资,7 家股东出资总和为 5830 万元,占表决权总数的 417。股东会通过增资决议,并授权董事会执行。2001 年 3 月,光中公司因业务发展需要,依法成立了海南分公司。海南分公司在生产经营过程中,因违反了合同约定被诉至法院,对方以光中公司是海南分公司的总公司为由要求光中公司承担违约责任。要求:根据上述事实及公司法律制度的有关规定,分别回答下列问题:(1)光中公司设立过程中订立的公司章程中关于召开临时股

50、东会议的规定有哪些不合法之处?说明理由。(2)光中公司的首次股东会会议由甲召集和主持是否合法?为什么?(3)光中公司董事会作出的关于甲出资不足的解决方案的内容是否合法?说明理由。(4)光中公司股东会作出的增资决议是否合法?说明理由。(5)光中公司是否应替海南分公司承担违约责任?说明理由。【答案】(1)光中公司设立过程中订立的公司章程中关于召开临时股东会会议的提议权的规定不合法。公司法第 40 条规定:“股东会会议分为定期会议和临时会议。代表 110 以上表决权的股东。13 以上的董事,监事会或者不设监事会的公司的监事提议召开临时会议的,应当召开临时会议。”光中公司的章程规定代表 12 以上表决


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