1、Nadia SanchezName of the Case:Belk et al v.United States“v.”?“et al”?Who is the plaintiff?Who is the defendant?PlaintiffThe party who initiates a lawsuit byfiling a complaint with the clerk of the courtagainst the defendant(s)demanding damages,performance and/or court determination ofrights.Defendan
2、tThe party sued in a civil lawsuit orthe party charged with a crime in a criminalprosecution.AppellantThe party who appeals a trial courtdecision he/she/it has lost.RespondentParty who has won at the trialcourt level,but the loser(appellant)hasappealed the decision to a higher court.Alsothe appellee
3、.ProsecutionA common term for the governments side in acriminal case.ProsecutorThe government attorney charging and tryingthe case against a person accused of a crime.Appeal v.to ask a higher court to reverse the decision of a trial court after final judgment or other legal ruling.n.the name for the
4、 process of appealing,as in he has filed an appeal.Law Reports or ReportersSeries of books that contain judicial opinions from a selection of case law decided by courts.CitationName of the case as well as the volumenumber,the report series and the pagenumber of a case.Example:Smith v.Smith,35 L.Ed.2
5、d 147Understanding of the factsUnderstanding of the arguments Understanding of the result and reasoning Preliminary part 1.CaptionSmith v.JonesUnited States v.Jones2.Name of the Court 3.Case citation4.Date of the Decision5.Author of the OpinionBody of the opinion1.Facts2.Law ReasoningHolding:decisio
6、n of the courtDicta:Latin for remark,a comment by a judge in a decision.3.DispositionThe courts final determination of a lawsuit or criminal charge.AffirmReverseRemand4.Concurring and/or Dissenting Opinions What are the difficulties that you face when reading a case?10 questions P.9.Facts Legal Issu
7、e Decision Rule-ReasoningFurman v.Georgia,408 U.S.238(1972)Furman v.Georgia,408 U.S.238,240(1972)/at 240.Cooper v.Pate,382 F.2d.443(7thCir.1967)Howard v.United States,864 F.Supp.1019(D.Colo.1994)Name of the CaseCitationName of the CourtFactsLegal Issue DecisionRationale:Reasoning,Rule Dissenting OpinionThank you!