1、高高中中英英语语掌掌握握写写作作技技巧巧,增增添添表表达亮点达亮点 山东省高考英语作文各档次的给分范围和要求山东省高考英语作文各档次的给分范围和要求第一档(优秀)第一档(优秀)26分分-29分分 紧紧扣扣主主题题;覆覆盖盖所所有有要要点点,内内容容充充实实;语语法法结结构构多多样样,词词汇汇丰丰富富,有有效效使使用用连连接接成成分分,显显示示出出较较强强的的语语言言运运用用表表达达能能力力;语语言小错不超过言小错不超过4个,不能有一处大错。个,不能有一处大错。第二档(良好)第二档(良好)22分分-25分分 紧紧扣扣主主题题,覆覆盖盖所所有有要要点点,内内容容较较充充实实,语语言言有有少少量量错
2、错误误,但基本不影响意思表达;大错不超过但基本不影响意思表达;大错不超过3个。个。第三档(一般)第三档(一般)18分分-21分分 紧紧扣扣主主题题,基基本本覆覆盖盖所所有有要要点点,能能够够表表达达基基本本内内容容;语语言言错错误已影响了部分意思的表达,但多数句子基本正确。误已影响了部分意思的表达,但多数句子基本正确。Dear Tom,It has been a long time since I met you last time.I miss you very much.How are you?Im very grateful to you for your help with my En
3、glish when I studied in your country.I wouldnt speak English so fluently now without you.So now I cant thank you enough.By the way,do you keep in touch with Mr.Smith?Is he fit?Im very concerned about him.If you could visit him,please remember me to him.Furthermore,would you mind making me know how t
4、o contact him?Eventually,Im glad to tell you our Spring Festival,the most important one in China,is coming.And I remember you once told me you like China.Would you like to come here and enjoy the Chinese traditional customs and culture?I will expect your coming.Best wishes!Yours,Li HuaGroup I like r
5、eading while my brother likes watching television.I like reading while my brother enjoys watching television.Group There will be an increase in the number of peoples jobs There will be an increase in the number of jobs for people in Beijing.availableGroup It will have an important effect on the deve
6、lopment of Beijing.It will have a(n)effect on the development of Beijing.Group It is very useful to practise English every day.It is to practise English every day.of great value/of great help/of great importancesignificant/far-reaching/profound/vitalof great/vital useGroup 5 He told me that the ques
7、tion was now being discussed.He told me that the question was now .Group 6Suddenly I had a good idea.Suddenly I a good idea.A good idea me.came up withoccurred tounder discussion.under repair/control/consideration/constructionGroup 7He has decided to be a teacher when he grows up.He has to be a teac
8、her when he grows up.Group 8 Last Sunday we had a good time in the parkLast Sunday we in the parkenjoyed ourselves/had funmade up his mind/determinedAt noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine.Then we had a short rest.Then we sang and danced.We played happily.At noon we had a picnic lunch in the s
9、unshine.After a short rest,we had great fun singing and dancing.have fun doing2.他站在那儿,什么也不干。他站在那儿,什么也不干。He stood there doing nothing.He stood there and(he)did nothing.3.人们说人们说中国每年有中国每年有成千上万成千上万的人的人死于吸烟死于吸烟.People say that tens of thousands of people die from smoking every year in China.(宾语从句)(宾语从句)T
10、ens of thousands of people are said to die from smoking every year in China.(被动语态)(被动语态)Its said that tens of thousands of people die from smoking every year in China.(主语从句)(主语从句)4.4.青岛是一个美丽的城市青岛是一个美丽的城市,它它有百年的历史有百年的历史.Qingdao is a beautiful city and it has a history of one hundred years.(并列句)(并列句)Q
11、ingdao is a beautiful city,which has a history of one hundred years.(非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句)Qingdao is a beautiful city with a history of one hundred years.(with+宾语)宾语)Qingdao is a beautiful city(dating back to/dating from)one hundred years ago.(非谓语)非谓语)Voices from experts 阅阅卷卷老老师师在在评评阅阅时时最最注注重重的的是是文文章章中中
13、自己己熟熟悉悉的的词词汇汇和和句句式式,尽尽量量避避免免错错误误的的出出现现。一一篇篇文文章章即即便便用用的的词词汇汇再再高高级级、语语法法结结构构再再复复杂杂,若若是是满满篇篇小小错错,阅阅卷卷老老师师也也不不会会给给文章一个较高档次的分值的。文章一个较高档次的分值的。the China Pavilion 20102010年年世世博博会会将将于于5 5月月1 1日日-10-10月月3131日日上上海海召召开开,请请根根据据以以下下要要点描述上海有关情况。(请用一句话描述每一个要点)点描述上海有关情况。(请用一句话描述每一个要点)1 1、上上海海是是一一座座有有着着700700多多年年历历史史
14、的的城城市市,占占地地面面积积为为63406340平平方方公公里里,是我国最大的城市。是我国最大的城市。2 2、上海位于黄埔江畔、上海位于黄埔江畔 ,交通便利。,交通便利。3 3、中中国国馆馆由由中中国国国国家家馆馆、中中国国地地区区馆馆、港港澳澳台台馆馆三三部部分分组组成成,是是世博园中世博园中最引人注目最引人注目的建筑。的建筑。4 4、上海、上海市民市民正正积极准备迎接积极准备迎接全世界人民的到来。全世界人民的到来。参考词汇:参考词汇:世博园:世博园:the Expo Site 中国馆中国馆:the China Pavilion 中国国家馆中国国家馆:theChineseNationalP
15、avilion 中国地区馆中国地区馆:the ChineseProvincesPavilion 港澳台馆港澳台馆:the Pavilion0fHongKong、MacaoandTaiwan市民:市民:citizen 1 1、上上海海是是一一座座有有着着700700多多年年历历史史的的城城市市,占占地地面面积积为为63406340平方公里,是我国平方公里,是我国最大的最大的城市。城市。Shanghai,the largest city of China,which covers an area of 6,340 square kilometers,has a history of more th
16、an 700 years.2 2、上上 海海 位位 于于 黄黄 埔埔 江江 畔畔 ,交交 通通 便便 利利。Shanghai lies on the Huangpu River,making/which makes it convenient for people to arrive.Shanghai lies on the Huangpu River with a convenient transportation.3 3、中中国国馆馆由由中中国国国国家家馆馆、中中国国地地区区馆馆、港港澳澳台台馆馆三部分三部分组成组成,是世博园中最引人注目的建筑是世博园中最引人注目的建筑 。The Chin
17、a Pavilion,the most attractive building in the Expo Site,is made up of/consists of/comprises the Chinese National Pavilion、the Chinese Provinces Pavilion and Hongkong,Macao andTaiwan.4 4、上海市民正、上海市民正积极准备迎接积极准备迎接全世界人民的到来。全世界人民的到来。Shanghai citizens are doing what they can to welcome the people from all
18、 over the world.Shanghai citizens are doing all/everything they can to welcome the people from all over the world.陕西卷陕西卷 假假定定你你是是李李华华。在在一一个个英英文文网网络络论论坛坛上上,你你看看到到一一个个名名叫叫Grown-up 中中学学生生发发帖帖(post)寻寻求求帮帮助助。请请根根据据帖帖子子内内容容、写作要点和要求回帖。写作要点和要求回帖。Grown-up Post at 18-5-20:08 1Hi,everyone,Im 17 years old and I
19、 am going to university this autumn.But my mother continues to treat me as a seven-year old kid.What should I do?TOP(last topic/next topic)+Reply+New 写作要点:写作要点:1、告告诉诉Grown-up要要理理解解父父母母;2、给给Grown-up 提提出出解解决决问题的具体建议。问题的具体建议。Version 1Hello,Grown-up,Im sorry to know that you have difficulty in getting a
20、long with your mother.But I can understand you just because the problem you are facing is very common among our teenagers Version 2Hello,Grown-up,After reading your post,I understand your trouble because Im also a boy of your age.Its necessary to do something to solve the problem between you and you
21、r mother.Here are some suggestions for you.范文开头句范文开头句 范文结尾句范文结尾句Version 1I believe you will send us the good news that you are expecting before long if you follow my advice.Version 2Good luck to you!Version 3Try your best and Im sure you will get on well with your parents.好好的的开开头头和和好好的的结结尾尾会会首首先先吸吸引
22、引阅阅卷卷老师的注意。老师的注意。1.开头要紧扣主题,开门见山。开头要紧扣主题,开门见山。2.尽量用一到两句话引出主体部分。尽量用一到两句话引出主体部分。3.结尾要短但要具有鼓舞、激励或建设性。结尾要短但要具有鼓舞、激励或建设性。如如果果中中间间内内容容抓抓住住要要点点表表述述正正确确,再再恰恰当当地地使使用用一一些些过过渡渡性性词词语语,使使文文章章结结构构严严谨、自然流畅,文章的总体档次就上去了。谨、自然流畅,文章的总体档次就上去了。Voices from experts09年全国各地高考范文开头句统计年全国各地高考范文开头句统计09江西江西Everyone knows that a go
23、od mood is very important for us whoever we are or wherever we are.09湖南湖南1How eager Im to share my experience of my first class in the middle school.09湖南湖南2I cant wait to tell you my experience of my first class as a teacher.09福建福建Im very glad to receive our letter asking for my advice on how to lea
24、rn Chinese well.09湖北湖北Im writing to you for the mobile phone I bought on 20th April,2008 at Tele Mall.09全国全国Thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street.Here is something about it.09重庆重庆Im a Chinese student from Xin Hua Middle School,and I have learnt your website is collecting
25、topics.09年全国各地高考范文结尾句统计年全国各地高考范文结尾句统计 09全国全国1Try your best,and Im looking forward to your outstanding performance.09江苏江苏To make matter even worse,it might also have a bad influence on our health.09北京北京Are you happy for me?Im looking forward to hearing from you.09安徽安徽1Boys and girls,lets communicate
26、with our parents right now and create a harmonious family.09安徽安徽2As for me,we children should communicate with our parents more frequently to let them know that we have grown up and need more respect.Im sure they will understand us.09湖北湖北Take into account all these factors above,I require the compan
27、y should have a change of it for me as soon as possible.What have you got from the lesson?Practice makes perfect 1.Finish the passage above paying attention to the skills in writing.2.Try to sum up many more skills in writing in different ways and share them with your classmates.Thanks for your kind
28、 attendance!中中国国每每年年都都会会有有几几十十万万起起交交通通事事故故,许许多多人人都都因因此此而而丧丧生生。据据有有关关部部门门统统计计,中中国国的的交交通通事事故故还还在在成成倍倍地地上上升升。请请针针对对这这一一社社会会问问题题谈谈谈谈造造成成这这种种状状况况的的主主要要原原因因并并提提出出解解决决的的方方法法。注意:注意:1、词数、词数120-150;2、可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;、可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;3、参参考考词词汇汇:drunk driving醉醉酒酒驾驾驶驶;the speed limit限速限速?Extended No one could have fai
29、led to notice the fact that thousands of people lost their lives annually in China,owing to several hundred thousand traffic accidents.A survey conducted in showed that the car accident are still on the rise at a very high rate.A number of factors account for the high increase of the traffic acciden
30、ts.Firstly,the fast growing number of private cars contribute to severe traffic jams,making it more likely for car accidents to happen.Secondly,drunk driving may be a deadly killer.Thirdly,some drivers ignore the speed limit and drive too fast.version Faced with this severe problem,the government sh
31、ould take firm/urgent action to decrease the traffic accidents.In my personal opinion,it would be a good idea to develop adequate public transportation which is effective and punctual.Meanwhile,we should appeal to people to follow traffic rules,and get tough with drunk drivers.Last but not least,drivers should stick to the speed limit and drive safely.Only in this way can we create a harmonious world and enjoy a happier life.