1、大学生实用英语写作课程简介课程英文名College Practical English Writing课程代码P0153830学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程大学英语适用专业非英语专业内容简介 (中文)本课程是面向全校已通过大学英语四级的非英语专业学生的一门实践性课程, 利用多层次、多模态的教学资源开展翻转课堂、推行混合式教学,适应互联网时代 多元的学生群体个性化、移动化和碎片化的学习方式,加强跨文化意识,提高批判 性思维能力。本课程的学习过程覆盖核心概念、关键性写作技巧、常用写作技巧、中西方文 化和思维方式差异等五个部分,旨在帮助学生理解写作过程与思维模式之间的关联 性;
2、了解五段式短文的结构特点;掌握学术信函、求职简历、论文摘要、研究报告 的写作方法以及常见写作技巧在各类文体中的应用。内容简介 (英文)College Practical English Writing is a practical course provided for non-English majors after passing CET4, making use of multi-layered and multi-modal resources, implementing flipped classroom and blended teaching, which satisfies t
3、he needs for individualized, mobilized and fragmented learning in new era, aiming to strengthen inter-cultural awareness and critical thinking ability.This course covers 5 parts including core concepts, key techniques, other useful techniques, language study and EFL advice, which helps the learners
4、understand the correlation between writing process and thinking patterns, get familiar with the features of classic five-paragraph structure, grasp the methods in writing academic correspondence, resume, abstract and research paper and the integrated application of writing techniques in different genres.执笔人审定人制定时间2018年4月