1、Details Decide Everything 细节的实质 (Nature of Detail)不把细节当回事的人(Those who do not care details),对工作缺乏认真的态度,(lack careful attitude towards work)对事情只能是敷衍了事。(and do the job perfunctorily)他们在工作中缺乏工作热情,永远不能把事情做好。(will not fulfill the job successfully)细节的实质 (Nature of Detail)而考虑到细节、注重细节的人,(whereas those who at
2、tach great importance on details)不仅对待工作认真,将小事做细,(would do the job carefully and wholeheartedly)而且注重在做事的细节中找到机会,(and they try to get opportunity from details)从而使自己走上成功之路。(only those could make it at last)密斯凡德罗是20世纪世界四位最伟大的建筑师之 一,在被要求用一句最概括的话来描述他成功的原因时,他只说了五个字“魔鬼在细节”。他反复强调的是,不管你的建筑设计方案如何恢弘大气,如果对细节的把握不
3、到位,就不能称之为一件好作品。细节的准确、生动可以成就一件伟大的作品,细节的疏忽会毁坏一个宏伟的规划。(One of the greatest architectures Ludwig Mies van der Rohe summarized his success as”Ghost lies in details”and he emphasized that only details would tell the article as greatest or worst.从小事做起 Begin with details “每一个大问题里,都有一系列的小问题露面。”There are a se
4、ries of small problems hidden in a serious one.“中国有13亿人口,不管多么小的问题,只要乘以13亿,那就成为很大很大的问题,这是中国领导人任何时候都必须牢牢记住的。”“If every small problem was multiplied by 1.3 billion,it would be an undoubtedly big problem.”we should bear this in mind.就拿上海的地铁为例。上海的地铁一号线是由德国人设计的,看上去并没有什么特别的地方,直到中国人自己设计的二号线投入运营才知道其中有那么多的细节被
5、二号线忽略了。结果二号线运营成本远远高于一号线,似乎至今仍未实现收支平衡。现将二号线忽略的细节罗列于下,给大家一个参考。Take Shanghais metro for example.Line 1 was Take Shanghais metro for example.Line 1 was designed by Germans and seems nothing special at designed by Germans and seems nothing special at all,but after line 2 was all,but after line 2 was desi
6、gned by we Chinese designed by we Chinese and put into operation.We lost a large sum of and put into operation.We lost a large sum of money due to the neglect of details.Even so far,money due to the neglect of details.Even so far,we havent kept balance.Here is a list.we havent kept balance.Here is a
7、 list.1 1、三级台阶、三级台阶(“three steps”)(“three steps”)地铁一号线的每一个室外出口都不是和地面齐平的,要进入地铁口,必须要踏上三级台阶,然后再往下进入地铁站。不要小看这三级台阶,在下雨天它可以阻挡雨水倒灌,从而减轻地铁的防洪压力。事实上一号线内的那些防汛设施几乎从来没有动用过,与之相较地铁二号线曾发生过雨天被淹的惨剧。“3 steps”is the largest difference between line 1 and 2.Because of the neglect of“3 steps”line 2 was once got submerged
8、.2 2、转弯、转弯 (corner)(corner)地铁一号线的每一个出口都会转一个弯,不会直接通到室外,而二号线显然没有注意到这一点。这一个转弯大大减少了地铁站台和外部的热量交换,从而减轻了空调的压力,使得一号线的电费大大小于二号线。There is every corner on each exit of line 1 but line 2 neglected this which led to the over consumption of electricity.3 3、地面装饰线、地面装饰线 (decoration on floor)(decoration on floor)一号线
9、的站台最外边采用金属装饰,里面又用黑色大理石嵌了一条边,在里面铺设同一色彩地砖。这样的装饰,使所有的人都会下意识地站在地砖所在的范围内,保证了乘客的安全。而二号线地面全部用同色的地砖铺成,稍不注意就会过于靠近轨道,使得地铁公司不得不安排专门的人员来提醒乘客。(Different colors were used in line 1 to remind passengers of danger but line 2 choose the same ones.This would waste time and efforts to inform passengers additionally.惨痛
10、的教训告诉我们惨痛的教训告诉我们:(we get lesson:)(we get lesson:)成功没有捷径要说捷径那就是把每一个细节都做到尽善尽美,当无数个尽善尽美的细节得以完成时才可以积累出巨大的成就There is no short cut to success,If there is,That is doing every details wholeheartedly,After we get perfect details,We would have great achievement.“天下大事,必作于细;天下难事,必成于易天下大事,必作于细;天下难事,必成于易.”-荀子荀子Details shall be the path to success祝愿大家祝愿大家:身体健康身体健康 工作顺利工作顺利!Wish everyone healthy and happy!