1、读后续写:人与动物类Parti :经典例文 (小狗救人)1Part2:人与动物故事构造套路4套路一:可爱型动物故事情节4套路二:凶猛型动物故事情节7套路三、主题升华句11Part3:人与动物场景素材积累11Part4: 灵活应用17例1:人与麻雀17Part5:高考真题再现19真题1::小狗找到新的玩伴【2020年1月浙江卷】 19真题2:拍照北极熊遇险【2020年7月浙江卷】 23从历年高考的读后续写话题中可以看出人和动物的话题备受命题者 青睐。试题文本一般从两个角度展开,一个就是人和动物和谐相处,要么是 人类帮助动物解决问题,要么是动物帮助人类解决问题;另外一个就是, 人类与动物产生冲突,
2、尤其遇到勇猛高大的动物,遇到危险,首先沉着冷 静与动物周旋,后来向别人求助,之后成功脱险的故事。例如:人狼大战: 骑车旅途遭遇狼wolf追赶,脱险经历(2017年6月浙江高考);人熊大战: 北极探险者给北极熊拍照,遭遇polar bear追赶的惊险经历(2020年6月 浙江高考);人狗和谐:父母决定给Poppy买一条小狗作伴,帮助Poppy 摆脱孤独和想念的故事(2020年1月浙江高考);人猫和谐:作者的丈夫 从讨厌猫到向猫求助,赶走土拨鼠的故事(2021年3月临沂市一模)。Parti :经典例文(小狗救人)Just as many families do at a point, Cather
3、ine chose to add a new family memberdown us (想要撕裂我们)with flames blazing in its eyes (怒火在他的眼里燃烧) owing to the dreadful spray. (2020.7 高考浙江卷).然后它袭击了 Mac的自行车后部,撕开了他的帐篷包。Then it attacked the back of Macs bike, tearing open his tent bag (撕开他的帐篷袋).(2017 年 6 月高考浙 江卷)4 . Mac的一个朋友挑了一些生肉扔给狼。狼对他得到的很满意,跑进了树林。On
4、e of Macs friends picked out some raw meat and threw it to the wolf. Satisfied with what he got (对他得到的很满意),the wolf ran into the woods. (2017 年 6 月高考浙江卷)4、狼:1.淡黄色的眼睛眯了起来。黑色的嘴唇绷紧了。两套两英寸的锋利牙齿暴露出来。狼突然颤抖起来。它的牙齿喀啦一声,从喉咙里发 出痛苦的叫声。Pale-yellow eyes narrowed. Black lips tightened. Double sets of two-inch sha
5、rp teeth were exposed (露出它那两排两英寸宽的利牙),Suddenly the wolf trembled. Its teeth clacked, and a painful cry rose from its throat (它的牙齿咔嚓 响,从它的喉咙里发出一声痛苦的喊叫).2狼的头沉到地上,悲伤的黄色眼睛看着我们。The wolfs head sank to the ground, sad yellow eyes looking at us (黄色的眼睛悲伤地看着我们).3.那只狼的太生气了,一直咆哮,猛烈地敲窗户。So angry was the wolf tha
6、t it kept roaring (那只狼的太生气 / , 一直咆哮)and smacking the window violently. (2020.7高考浙江卷)套路三:主题升华设计可爱型动物主题:陪伴、珍爱生命、自然和谐、忠诚等。凶猛型动物主题:难忘的经历、获得教训、感谢他人救助等。1 . EUi和我吸取了教训:当心一只牙痛的熊。Elli and I learned our lesson (学至U个教训):Be aware of a bear with a toothache.(2020.7高考浙江卷).尽管秋风凛冽,但他们的家里充满了爱与团聚的温暖。Despite the chill
7、 autumn wind, their home was filled with thewarmth of love and reunion (充满爱和团聚的温暖).(2020年1月高考浙江卷)2 .那天下的雨是一场奇迹,拯救我们的农场,就像我儿子拯救了一条生命一样。 The rain that came that day was a miracle(那天下的雨是场奇迹),saving our farm, just like my boy saved a life.3 .狼似乎感觉好多了,慢慢抬起头,轻轻地吻了吻Becky的手,好像在表示感谢。 多么温暖的一幕啊! Appearing to b
8、e feeling better, the wolf slowly raised his head and gave a gentle kiss to Beckys hand as if to express thanks (好像在表达感谢). What a warm scene!Part3 :人与动物场景素材积累 (01)Paragraph 1:Harry turned and ran from the pond. Wait fbr me! It wont be long/5 he exclaimed to me. Desperate and hopeless, I closed my ey
9、es, praying this was all a dream. And even worse, the water was so cold it felt like millions of needles werestabbing me. How I wished that I could fly out of the icy water like a bird! After what seemed to be ages, Herry returned to the pond, with a long oak branch in his hand.As I grabbed hold of
10、one end of the branch, my brother started to drai the other with every last ounce of his strength. Thank goodness, I was able to climb out of the ice hole and then we galloped home.Paragraph 2:The moment I crashed through the kitchen door, sobbing, mum rushed over. Oh, my God! Where have you been?”
11、she said in surprise. Youre completely wet.” Its Harrys fault! I complained to her through my chattering teeth. When I told her what had happened to me, her eyes were wide with horror. All of a sudden, she took my arm, pulled me into the bathroom and then gave me a warm bath. After that, mum dressed
12、 me in a warm coat, wrapped me in a blanket and poured me a cup of hot milk. She sat next to me, smiling, relieved that I was all right. Sure enough, my brother was criticized by mum for his lack of safetyawareness.Sam arrived very early the next morning. He rang the doorbell and politely waited for
13、 Mrs. Proudfoot to answer. Then he could hear Roland barking and whining inside, frantic to get out. Sam stood by the door, debating with himself whether to walk the unfriendly dog to help his best friend. After a while, the door flung open and Mrs. Proudfoot came out, greeting him with a beaming sm
14、ile. Surprisingly, the lazy dog grinned up at him and wagged his tail, eager to go out with him. Mrs. Proudfoot put a leash on the dog, stroked his glossy head and said, “Have a good time, dear!” Without saying goodbye, Sam and the dog danced around and then dashed out of the house.Paragraph 2:A mon
15、th later, Mrs. Proudfoot was delighted to find Roland fit and energetic.Obviously, Sams efforts paid off-Roland was healthy and active. But what pleased her most was that Sam, together with the other kids, would stay with her on weekends, chatting and laughing. Besides, they would help her clean up
16、the yard. From then on, laughter filled her house and she no longer felt lonely. Then came the moment Sam had been looking forward tothe day he was paid for his work. What a big surprise!Tears of gratitude welled up in Barrys eyes as he knew what Sam had done for him.Sam just stood there, smiling, g
17、lad that he could wholeheartedly support his friend when he was in trouble.Paragraph 1:All of a sudden, Betty felt something touching the bottom of her foot. What was that? She wondered. A sea fish? Before she could get on the surfboard, it bumped her in the foot once again. She suddenly had the fee
18、ling that an enormous fish, bigger than her, was circling around her. A chill feeling crept up her spine as she thought of the joke Uncle Mark played on her. And then Betty saw it: a gray triangle fin sticking up through the water, heading right for her. It was a shark, a massive shark that was swim
19、ming around, not far away from her. For a split second, her heart practically skipped a beat.Paragraph 2:“Help! Help!” Betty screamed in horror. Hearing the terrible scream for help, Uncle Mark instantly realized that something bad was happening. Without thinking, he swam as quickly as he could towa
20、rds Betty and yelled, “Get out! But Betty seemed stuck, too scared to move. At the very moment, the sharks jaws opened wide, showing rows of razor-sharp teeth. With all his might, Uncle Mark stabbed it in the mouth with his surfboard, scaring the monster away. And then he grabbed hold of Bettys arm
21、and dragged her to the beach. All this took only a few minutes, but Bettywould never forget the frightening experience.Paragraph 1:He was sentenced to be torn by a lion in the public arena (竞技场).The terrifying day finally arrived. All the people in the city went there to see the brutal fight between
22、 the poor slave and a bloodthirsty beast. When Aedrodes appeared in the arena, they began to cheer and hoot. All eyes were on him, and time seemed to stop. Overcome by a stab of fear, he almost collapsed to the ground, his heart pounding and his knees shaking. And then came a furious roar and the gr
23、eat lion charged at him with its flaming eyes and gaping jaws. Desperate andhopeless, the slave closed his eyes and dropped his sword, thinking that he was done for.Paragraph 2:However, the lion didnt act as most had imagined. Much to their surprise, the savage beast stopped short, knelt down and th
24、en lickedthe slaves hands and feet. He behaved like a pet dog. And then he let out a low roar, as if whispering to his fHend, Didnt you recognize me?” Indeed, it was the very lion the slave had helped in the forest. Sighingwith relief, the slave stroked his neck gently, tears of gratitude welling up
25、 in his eyes. So moved were people by the story that they begged the master to set free the slave and the lion. One good turn deserves another, and in the end, Androcles, the slave, became a free man.I entered the shop, and one of the salesmen came to me. I couldn!t believe my eyes. Surely, it was m
26、y long-lost friend, Arthur, always wearing a warm smile. What a coincidence that Arthur would appear in front of me when I had trouble! I thought.For a second, I stared at him in disbelief, my mouth hanging open. In the meanwhile Tom instantly recognized me and he gave me a huge hug. What brings you
27、 here?” he asked with a puzzled expression on his face. So I told him that my car got a flat tire and that considering the poor road condition, it might broke downon my way back home. Knowing what had happened to me, he said that he would be glad to give me a hand again.Paragraph 2:After a while, th
28、ey quickly drove a pick-up truck to my car and started it. After listening to the sound of the engine, Arthur told me that there was nothing wrong with it. And then they started to fix the tire and we chatted happily. Arthur told me that the thank-you note from me inspired him to live a meaningful l
29、ife by helping others. Soon afterwards, he got the tire fixed. He got up, wiped the sweat from his face and wished me a pleasant journey. I couldnt thank him enough. Many years have passed, but I will never forget the lesson Arthur taught me: Life is meaningful when you can give a hand to those in t
30、rouble.Paragraph 1:A few minutes later, the bear headed back to our camp. He exposed his sharp teeth, snarling at us, as he ran forward. And again the furious creature stood on his back legs and began to snap at the fence like a demon.It seemed that his mouth was dripping with blood and his eyes wer
31、e red with rage. At the sight of it, I could feel a flicker of fear flooding over me, and EHis was stunned, her mouth hanging open. It was only then that my mind began to race. Once again, I plucked my courage to blast him with pepper spray, but without success. Then all of a sudden, came a crash of
32、 the fence falling down.Paragraph 2:At that very moment, the helicopter arrived. It landed in a clearing, not far from our camp, and the loud noises from the rescue helicopter scared the bear. For an instant, he froze, but after a while, he started to charge at us again. Ellis!” I shrieked, Look out
33、!” We immediately stepped aside, spun round and galloped towards the helicopter. The moment we were into the helicopter, we collapsed, gasping with relief. As it took off, we could see the bear was hungrily eating the bread we had made. What a hungry bear! After we returned home safe and sound, we r
34、ealized that something should be done for bears.(07)Paragraph 1:Looking over my shoulder, I stared into the flashing lights of a truck. A familiar figure leaped out, rushed towards me and waded into the water. Thank goodness, it was Joe who came to my rescue. However, the water was running so rapidl
35、y that he had to go back. Frightened and a little angry, I could hardly help shedding tears. HowI wished that my husband were like a superman who could save me from disaster. But, after a while, it turned out that Joe returned with one end of a rope in his hand and the other end tied to the truck. H
36、e struggled to throw the rope to me and shouted, Catch!Open the door!”Paragraph 2:I screamed that I couldnt make it. At that moment, the sound of the raging water outside grew louder, and the car rocked more violently. Worse still, the water came up to Joes waist and he almost lost his footing in th
37、e water. After several vain attempts,Joe realized that there was no chance to make it. He put every ounce of strength into getting close to me and said soothingly, Dont panic, honey! Im here. With Joes help, I burst the door open, and Joe immediately tied the rope around my waist. The moment we pull
38、ed ourselves out of the water, the car was washed away. What a narrow escape! I hugged Joe tightly, happiness and love welling up inside me.Part4 :灵活应用例1:人与麻雀阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的 短文。Its getting hot. Its time to put on lighter clothes and open up the windows. I cant wait to do so. Yeste
39、rday, an unforeseen visit to the kitchen happened during the brief time we were out. Two daring sparrows (麻雀)had risked landing on our territory to enjoy the freshness in our sink and some other breadcrumbs (面包屑)on our kitchen counter.Actually, sparrows are everywhere. The tiny, gray -and brown bird
40、s are found on every continent except Antarctica, flying or jumping around cities, picking up leftover food on side-walks, andsometimes chasing with nativebird species. These smallcreatures have adapted toto pet dogs.living alongside humans- similar to sense it as an unwanted visitor into your comfo
41、rt zone, or you might receive it as a lovely angel of life. I chose the second option, with no hesitation while my husband preferred driving them away. After all, Fve never come to stop to feel the relationship with sparrows.When you come across suchsudden callers, you are likelyI recalled when I wa
42、s a little girl living in the city, I lived in an apartment with a flat roof viewed from our kitchen window. Every day my mom and I would go out to feed the sparrows. She taught me how to call them with a clicking sound she made with her tongue. I have loved sparrows ever since. So every day in my s
43、pare time, I cant stop observing and celebrating their dance from our window. I stuffed them with the leftovers on our tablecloth after every meal. And I have provided them with every kind of bases and stands of our house.Undoubtedly, they feel at ease in our backyard. And that has led them to gathe
44、r up courage and slide into our kitchen, bedroom or even reading room. Perhaps because they have the feeling that we don* t consider them trouble makers, but friendly neighbors. But I am slightly worried about their droppings (粪便).注意:1 .续写词数应为150左右;.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。One day, they left some dropping
45、s in my husbands reading room.About two weeks later, I heard my husband calling Oh, my God!”【参考答案】One day, they left some droppings in my husbands reading room. They happened to dirty his important work reports on the desk. He was so angry that he asked me to close the windows. I immediately did a t
46、horough cleaning and promised that the doors and windows of the reading room will be closed tightly, and the sparrows cant break in again. My husband kept silent, and at last he calmed down. I know he is a caring person, who always loves animals.About two weeks later, I heard my husband calling “Oh,
47、 my God !” Thinking something similar happened again, I ran over to have a look. He was looking out of the window and said excitedly, “Look! What a surprise! There are three eggs in the sparrow!s nest! They !re going to have babies of their own!” He was happy, like a child and unconsciously opened t
48、he closed window. After that, there are always breadcrumbs on the window platform of the reading room.【解析】本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读所给文章可知,在作者生活之处有许多麻雀, 作者欢迎它们的到来,在后院为它们准备了食物和落脚处,作者将它们当成了友 好的邻居,只是有点担心它们的粪便。【详解】续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:有一天,它们在我丈夫的书房里留 下了一些粪便,所以应该写粪便落在书桌上给丈夫带来的尴尬和懊恼,要详细描 述丈夫的动作和心理,与作者的反应及应对措施等。第二段开头是:大约
49、两周后, 我听到我丈夫说:“哦,天哪!”本段应该写丈夫的感叹、作者的好奇,并描述事情 的原委,以及丈夫对于麻雀态度的转变等等。要注意所续写短文的词数应为150 左右,按要求完成写作任务。【点睛】本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:do a thorough cleaning, break in, run over, have a look 等高级词汇;结果状语从句,如 He was so angry that he asked me to close the windows;宾语从句,如 I immediately did a thorough cleaning and promised that the doors and windows of the reading room will be closed tightly, and the sparrows ca