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1、Privatee Enteerprisses off the intennal coontroll issuuesPulin CChangEconomiic Revview. 20088, (5)Third, the ppromottion oof priivate SMEs in thhe intternall conttrol ssystemm straategy (A) chaange mmanageement and bbusineess owwners the cconceppt of devellopmennt. Thhe majjorityy of pprivatte smaal

2、l annd meddium eenterpprisess in tthe faamily businness, the ssuccesss of thesee enteerprisses deependss larggely oon intternall conttrol oor enttrepreeneur leadeershipp atteentionn and levell of iimplemmentattion. Over the yyears, by ttradittionall Chinnese cculturre, buusinesss ownners bbelievve i

3、n Sinceerity, fratternall loyaalty ppermeaate maany asspectss of eenterpprise managgementt, strrengthhen innternaal conntrolss thatt willl affeect thhe orgganizaation the mmemberrs of distrrust, resullting in innternaal conntrol. Manyy privvate bbusineess owwners that rely on buusinesss to do buusin

4、esss bennefitss out of, rratherr thann out of thhe intternall finaanciall manaagemennt conntrol; thatt the markeet is the mmost iimporttant iinternnal coontroll willl be bbound himseelf annd staaff deeveloppment. Undeerstannding of thhe biaas, soo thatt thesse leaaders negleected the iinternnal coon

5、troll systtem onn the produuctionn and operaation activvitiess. Intternall conttrol ccan reeally becomme thee leadder off the interrnal nneeds of ennterprrise iinternnal coontroll systtem iss the key tto wheether a merre forrmalitty. Thhe intternall conttrol tto makke thee inteernal needss of tthe e

6、nnterprrise ddependds larrgely on twwo poiints: Firstt, detterminne wheether the ccompanny finnanciaal infformattion iin deccisionn-makiing; ssecondd is wwhetheer a ccompannys ffinanccial iinformmationn by pprovidding aa truee win the ttrust of thhe commmunitty. Immproveed treeatmennt of the rrisks

7、of prrivatee SMEss leadders attittude aand riisk coontroll methhods, transsform theirr attiitudess on iinternnal coontroll, intternall conttrol JJiang Hua YYi Shii, Tiggao innternaal conntrol conceepts, Jiangg enteerprisse mannagemeent coontroll systtem ammong ffinanccial ppeoplee can promoote thhe

8、bussinesss manaagemennt of Kexuee proccess aand suustainnable devellopmennt, inn ordeer to effecctivelly esttablissh andd impllementt inteernal contrrol. (B) improove thhe quaality of ennterprrise iinternnal coontroll systtem acctors. In rrecentt yearrs, thhe ideeologiical eeducattion oof thee privv

9、ate SSME acccounttants, busiiness trainning ddelayeed, soome doo not have the qqualifficatiions oof fammily mmemberrs, reelativves annd friiends was sscheduuled ffor acccountting jjobs, lack of knnowleddge off the interrnal ccontrool sysstem. Althoough tthere are ssome ccompannies iinternnal coontro

10、ll systtem, iinternnal coontroll systtem iss not comprrehenssive aand diid nott coveer alll the deparrtmentts andd perssonnell, nott to ppenetrrate tthe ennterprrise ooperatting vvariouus bussinesss fiellds annd in all ssectorrs. Laack off effeectivee inteer-secctorall coorrdinattion aand reestraiin

11、t, ooften resullted iin dissjointted maanagemment. Interrnal ccontrool sysstem iis thee corpporatee busiiness unitss or ppersonnnel iin thee busiiness formaation proceess off mutuual innfluennce annd muttual rrestriictionn of aa dynaamic mmechannism, is a contrrol fuunctioon of a varriety of meethod

12、ss, meaasuress and proceeduress in ggeneraal, itt is nnot eqquivallent tto thee reguulatioons syystem, not the ssame aas intternall manaagemennt, buut nott the organnizatiional plan. Effeectivee inteernal contrrols tto thee premmise, the kkey iss the interrnal ccontrool sysstem aas thee mainn bodyy

13、of tthe maanagerr and stafff. Maan iss the subjeect off inteernal contrrol beehavioor, faailuree of iinternnal coontroll, rissk mannagemeent, aaccounnting, prodductioon rissks arre rellated to. EEnterpprisess in tthe saame tiime immprovee the interrnal ccontrool sysstem tto deaal witth thee accoount

14、inng staaff off proffessioonal eethicss educcationn, Zenng Qiaang acccountting sstaff capaccity tto sellf-resstrainnt; too streengtheen proofessiional trainning ffor acccountting ppersonnnel tto enhhance the aabilitty to work to reeduce technnical errorrs in the aaccounnting businness pprocessses. (

15、C) improove thhe extternall enviironmeent foor entterpriise deeveloppment, imprrove tthe innternaal conntrol inputts. Ass the exterrnal eenviroonmentt for SME DDeveloopmentt of tthe pooor, tthe maain ennergy-consuuming businness eexecuttives outsiide thhe firrm, enngage in soocial relattions outsiid

16、e thhe firrm to expannd livving sspace, focuus on the mmarkett, runn fundds, noo timee to ttake iinto aaccounnt thee inteernal contrrol isssues. Enteerprisse to its ssurvivval annd devvelopmment, in orrder tto achhieve sociaal cappital and ggovernnment deparrtmentts havve to coorddinatee relaationss

17、 in tthe exxpendiituress. Thrrough folloow-up entreepreneeurs aand exxistinng groowing sociaal nettwork for aall kiinds oof ressourcees intto thee deveelopmeent off privvate ssmall and mmediumm busiiness and ffolloww the basicc condditionns, soo thatt busiiness leadeers wiill innvest a lott of hhuma

18、n and ffinanccial rresourrces ooutsidde thee firmm. Chaangingg funcctionss of ggovernnment deparrtmentts to improove thhe SMEE Deveelopmeent off the exterrnal eenviroonmentt, redduce tthe buusinesss andd deveelopmeent coosts, limitted reesourcces maake itt posssible to acchievee the interrnal ccontr

19、ool objjectivves. DDeveloopmentt of pprivatte smaall annd meddium eenterpprisess shouuld grraduallly immprovee the interrnal ccontrool inpputs, efforrts too incrrease the eeffecttiveneess off inteernal contrrol. (D) eestabllish aan efffectivve monnitoriing meechaniism too ensuure thhe efffectivve im

20、pplemenntatioon of the iinternnal coontroll systtem. TTo enssure eeffecttive iinternnal coontroll systtem waas impplemennted, and pperforrms weell, iit musst be overssight. Enteerprisses shhould set uup intternall audiit boddy or an innternaal conntrol self-assesssmentt systtem, tto strrengthhen thh

21、e intternall conttrol mmonitooring and eevaluaation, to ddetectt vulnnerabiilitiees andd riskks, annd On the eemergeence oof neww probblems and nnew siituatiions aand innternaal conntrol impleementaation of thhe weaak linnk in a timmely mmannerr Xiuzzheng or immproveement. To sstrenggthen superrvisi

22、oon, inncludiing thhe Govvernmeent off Chinna hass formmed a sociaal suppervission, incluuding superrvisioon andd moniitorinng sysstem ooutsidde thee enteerprisse. Hooweverr, theese moonitorring ssystemms on the pprivatte monnitoriing reesultss are not ssatisffactorry forr SMEss, Chiinas privaate en

23、nterprrises accouuntingg stanndard systeem is not pperfecct. Reeview reporrt, thhe empphasiss on ttechniical eerrorss and not ppay atttentiion too the autheenticiity off the reporrt, suubmittted faalse iinformmationn, lacck of accouuntabiility and ppunishhment. Abseence oof govvernmeent suuperviisio

24、n and ggovernnment deparrtmentts of inforrmatioon aree indeependeent, oobjecttive aaccounnting practtices of prrivatee enteerprisse freee reiin. Exxternaal oveersighht of privaate ennterprrises is thhe abssence of otther ssociall supeervisiion off abseence. Sociaal suppervission mmainlyy to aaccounn

25、ting firmss accoountinng forr the main interrmediaary aggenciees. Ass the curreent auudit oof thee busiiness commuunity not iinvolvved inn privvate eenterpprise, the law hhas noot cleearly definned annnual accouuntingg stattementts of privaate ennterprrises must be auuditedd by ccertiffied ppublicc

26、accoountannts, ttogethher wiith prrivatee enteerprisse finnanciaal mannagemeent coonfusiion, iinternnal coontroll weakkness, so tthat ccertiffied ppublicc accoountannts annd acccountiing fiirms rrelucttant tto enggage iin priivate corpoorate auditt. Onlly by strenngthenning eexternnal ovversigght, e

27、externnal ovversigght off the corpoorate presssure, and tthis ppressuure innto mootive forcee, andd urgee enteerprisses too impllementt inteernal accouuntingg conttrol ssystemm to eeliminnate tthe innternaal conntrol systeem of nominnal haappen. (V) iimprovve corrporatte govvernannce meechaniisms, c

28、learr manaagemennt ressponsiibilitties. Interrnal ccontrool by the aauthorritiess as tto achhieve managgementt objeectivees andd estaablishh a seeries of ruules, policcies, and oorganiize thhe impplemenntatioon of proceeduress, andd corpporatee goveernancce andd corpporatee goveernancce aree inseepa

29、rabble. IInternnal coontroll frammeworkk and corpoorate goverrnancee mechhanismms of the iinternnal maanagemment ccontrool sysstem aand syystem envirronmennt. Coonsideerablee partt of pprivatte SMEEs in Chinaa are indivviduall, priivate sectoor, whhile iinvesttors iin entterpriises tthat ooperattors

30、 oof cenntraliized lleaderrship is seeriouss busiiness. Owneershipp and managgementt a hiigh deegree of unnifiedd manaagemennt moddel maanagemment oof priivate SMEs lack the iinternnal biindingg. Altthoughh somee formm of pprivatte SMEEs in the eestabllishmeent off the boardd of ssupervvisorss, butt

31、 the real corpoorate goverrnancee insttitutiions aare noot in placee, thee lackk of aauthorrizatiion annd suppervission. Some cost savinngs off privvate SSMEs ooften do noot sett the interrnal ccontrool ageenciess or hhypothheticaal narrrow cconnottationn of iinternnal coontroll. 民营中小企业内内部控制问题题研究蒲林昌




35、有效为前前提,其关键键是作为内控控制度主体的的经理和员工工.“人”是内部控制制行为的主体体,企业内部部控制失效,经经营风险、会会计风险的产产生,均与之之有关.企业业在完善内部部控制制度的的同时,应对对会计人员进进行职业道德德教育,增强强会计人员自自我约束能力力;加强对会会计人员的业业务培训,以以提高工作能能力,减少会会计业务处理理的技术差错错. (三)改改善企业发展展的外部环境境,提高内部部控制投入.由于民营中中小企业发展展的外部环境境较差,企业业负责人主要要精力耗费在在企业之外,搞搞社会关系、拓拓展企业外部部生存空间,抓抓市场、跑资资金,无暇顾顾及内部控制制问题.企业业为了其存活活与发展,为




39、管管理目标而建建立的一系列列规则、政策策和组织实施施程序,与公公司治理及公公司管理密不不可分.内部部控制框架与与公司治理机机制的关系是是内部管理监监控系统与制制度环境的关关系.我国民民营中小企业业中相当一部部分属于个体体、私营性质质,企业的投投资者同时就就是经营者,企企业领导集权权现象严重.所有权与经经营权高度统统一的管理模模式使民营中中小企业管理理缺乏内部约约束性.有的的民营中小企企业形式上虽虽然也建立了了董事会、监监事会,但真真正的法人治治理机构并未未到位,缺乏乏授权与监管管.有些民营营中小企业为为节减开支,往往往不设置内内控机构或虚虚设,内部控控制的内涵也也较窄.On the inter

40、rnal ccontrool sysstem iin ChiinaLi MinggMarket Moderrnizattion.22007, (22)3. Streengtheen thee inteernal contrrol syystem shoulld reggulatee the main conteent In estaablishhing tthe soocialiist maarket econoomic ssystemm and deepeen thee proccess oof acccountiing reeform in ennterprrises to coomply

41、 with accouuntingg stanndardss shouuld bee baseed on the rrealitty of the uunits to esstabliish annd impprove accouuntingg and strenngthenn theiir ownn setss of aaccounnting policcies aand acccountting mmanageement contrrol syystem. Of tthese accouuntingg poliicies and aaccounnting contrrol syystem

42、shoulld be made to thhe proovisioons off thiss writtten ttext nnot onnly heelp ennterprrises underrstandd the persoonnel matteers off dailly acccountiing pooliciees andd methhods. Also conduucive to a coherrent ccorporrate aaccounnting policcies. (A) cleaarly ddefineed ecoonomicc and businness ddeal

43、 wwith tthe diivisioon of respoonsibiilitiees andd procceduraal metthods Enteerprisses iinternnal orrganizzationn is tthe ennterprrise tto plaan ecoonomicc actiivity. Orgaanizattionall founndatioon forr commmand aand coontroll. Thee coree probblem iis thaat a rreasonnable divission oof ressponsiibil

44、itties. In geenerall econnomic and bbusineess adddresss of eeach wwhole proceess, oor in the wwhole proceess a few iimporttant llinks are pprovidded too two deparrtmentts or two oor morre deppartmeents, two oor divvisionn of rresponnsibillity oover tthe sttaff pplayedd the role of muutual contrrol.

45、ssuch aas monney reemittaance ddocumeent prrocureement, provvides for tthe prrocureement managgers, pleasse filll outt a siingle paraggraph. Suppply pllannerr (or supplly deppartmeent), pleasse revview tthe ammount of coontentt and colleectionn unitts shaall coomply with Taiwaan andd Taiwwan arre th

46、ee samee and planss, acccountaants, paraggraph one, pleasse revview tthe coontentts andd prepparatiion off paymment vvoucheers affter ccheckiing prrocureement budgeet. Wiith thhe finnal cllearannce byy the cashiier shhall ccompleete Lii remiittancce vouucher settllementt (casshier open the rremittta

47、nce settllementt docuumentss, butt alsoo audiited bby thee accoountinng staaff), beforre andd afteer thee deall is ssubjecct to divission ffour. The pprocurrementt of rremitttancess reimmburseement businness pproviddes too Afteer purrchasiing maanagerrs repportedd compplete the bbill. Delivvery oof

48、gooods too trannsporttationn perssonnell. Stoorekeeeper aaccepttance quanttity, the qqualitty of inspeectorss and accouuntantts auddit innspecttion iinvoicces, bbills and aaccepttance certiificattes, ppreparrationn of jjournaal vouucherss for reimbbursemment. (B) cleear diivisioon of assetts andd custtody oof reccords Requuiremeents aas monney maanagemmen


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