1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.Privaate EEnterrprisses oof thhe inntenaal coontrool isssuessPulinn ChaangEconoomic Reviiew. 20008, (5)Thirdd, thhe prromottion of pprivaate SSMEs in tthe iinterrnal conttrol systtem sstrattegy (A) cchangge maanageementt andd bussi
2、nesss owwnerss thee connceptt of deveelopmment. Thee majjoritty off priivatee smaall aand mmediuum ennterpprisees inn thee fammily busiinesss, thhe suuccesss off theese eenterrprisses ddepennds llargeely oon innternnal ccontrrol oor enntreppreneeur lleadeershiip atttenttion and leveel off impplemeen
3、tattion. Oveer thhe yeears, by tradditioonal Chinnese cultture, bussinesss owwnerss bellievee in Sincceritty, ffrateernall loyyaltyy perrmeatte maany aaspeccts oof ennterpprisee mannagemment, strrengtthen inteernall conntrolls thhat wwill affeect tthe oorgannizattion the membbers of ddistrrust, ress
4、ultiing iin innternnal ccontrrol. Manyy priivatee bussinesss owwnerss thaat reely oon buusineess tto doo bussinesss beenefiits oout oof, rratheer thhan oout oof thhe innternnal ffinannciall mannagemment conttrol; thaat thhe maarkett is the mostt impportaant iinterrnal conttrol willl be bounnd hiimse
5、llf annd sttaff deveelopmment. Unddersttandiing oof thhe biias, so tthat thesse leeaderrs neegleccted the inteernall conntroll sysstem on tthe pproduuctioon annd opperattion actiivitiies. Inteernall conntroll cann reaally becoome tthe lleadeer off thee intternaal neeeds of eenterrprisse innternnal c
6、contrrol ssysteem iss thee keyy to whetther a meere fformaalityy. Thhe innternnal ccontrrol tto maake tthe iinterrnal needds off thee entterprrise depeends larggely on ttwo ppointts: FFirstt, deetermmine whetther the comppany finaanciaal innformmatioon inn deccisioon-maakingg; seecondd is whetther a
7、 coompannys finaanciaal innformmatioon byy proovidiing aa truue wiin thhe trrust of tthe ccommuunityy. Immprovved ttreattmentt of the riskks off priivatee SMEEs leeaderrs aattittude and riskk conntroll metthodss, trransfform theiir atttituudes on iinterrnal conttrol, intternaal coontrool Jiiang Hua
8、Yi SShi, Tigaao innternnal ccontrrol cconceepts, Jiaang eenterrprisse maanageementt conntroll sysstem amonng fiinanccial peopple ccan ppromoote tthe bbusinness manaagemeent oof Keexue proccess and susttainaable deveelopmment, in ordeer too efffectiivelyy esttabliish aand iimpleementt intternaal coon
9、trool. (B) impprovee thee quaalityy of enteerpriise iinterrnal conttrol systtem aactorrs. IIn reecentt yeaars, the ideoologiical educcatioon off thee priivatee SMEE acccounttantss, buusineess ttrainning delaayed, somme doo nott havve thhe quualifficattionss of famiily mmembeers, relaativees annd frr
10、iendds waas sccheduuled for accoountiing jjobs, lacck off knoowleddge oof thhe innternnal ccontrrol ssysteem. AAlthoough therre arre soome ccompaaniess intternaal coontrool syystemm, innternnal ccontrrol ssysteem iss nott commprehhensiive aand ddid nnot ccoverr alll thee deppartmmentss andd perrsonn
11、nel, not to ppenettratee thee entterprrise operratinng vaariouus buusineess ffieldds annd inn alll secctorss. Laack oof efffecttive inteer-seectorral ccoorddinattion and resttrainnt, ooftenn ressulteed inn dissjoinnted manaagemeent. Inteernall conntroll sysstem is tthe ccorpooratee bussinesss unnits
12、 or ppersoonnell in the busiinesss forrmatiion pproceess oof muutuall inffluennce aand mmutuaal reestriictioon off a ddynammic mmechaanismm, iss a ccontrrol ffuncttion of aa varrietyy of methhods, meaasurees annd prrocedduress in geneeral, it is nnot eequivvalennt too thee reggulattionss sysstem, no
13、tt thee samme ass intternaal maanageementt, buut noot thhe orrganiizatiionall plaan. EEffecctivee intternaal coontrools tto thhe prremisse, tthe kkey iis thhe innternnal ccontrrol ssysteem ass thee maiin boody oof thhe maanageer annd sttaff. Maan iis thhe suubjecct off intternaal coontrool beehaviio
14、r, faillure of iinterrnal conttrol, rissk maanageementt, acccounntingg, prroducctionn rissks aare rrelatted tto. EEnterrprisses iin thhe saame ttime imprrove the inteernall conntroll sysstem to ddeal withh thee acccountting stafff off proofesssionaal etthicss eduucatiion, Zengg Qiaang aaccouuntinng
15、sttaff capaacityy to selff-resstraiint; to sstrenngtheen prrofesssionnal ttrainning for accoountiing ppersoonnell to enhaance the abillity to wwork to rreducce teechniical erroors iin thhe acccounntingg bussinesss prrocessses. (C) impprovee thee extternaal ennviroonmennt foor ennterpprisee devvelopp
16、mentt, immprovve thhe innternnal ccontrrol iinputts. AAs thhe exxternnal eenvirronmeent ffor SSME DDevellopmeent oof thhe pooor, the mainn eneergy-conssuminng buusineess eexecuutivees ouutsidde thhe fiirm, engaage iin soociall rellatioons ooutsiide tthe ffirm to eexpannd liivingg spaace, focuus onn
17、thee marrket, runn funnds, no ttime to ttake intoo acccountt thee intternaal coontrool isssuess. Ennterpprisee to its survvivall andd devveloppmentt, inn ordder tto acchievve soociall cappitall andd govvernmment depaartmeents havee to coorrdinaate rrelattionss in the expeenditturess. Thhrouggh fooll
18、oww-up entrrepreeneurrs annd exxistiing ggrowiing ssociaal neetworrk foor alll kiinds of rresouurcess intto thhe deeveloopmennt off priivatee smaall aand mmediuum buusineess aand ffolloow thhe baasic condditioons, so tthat busiinesss leaaderss willl innvestt a llot oof huuman and finaanciaal reesour
19、rces outsside the firmm. Chhangiing ffuncttionss of goveernmeent ddeparrtmennts tto immprovve thhe SMME Deeveloopmennt off thee extternaal ennviroonmennt, rreducce thhe buusineess aand ddevellopmeent ccostss, liimiteed reesourrces makee it posssiblee to achiieve the inteernall conntroll objjectiives
20、. Devveloppmentt of privvate smalll annd meediumm entterprrisess shoould gradduallly immprovve thhe innternnal ccontrrol iinputts, eefforrts tto inncreaase tthe eeffecctiveenesss of inteernall conntroll. (D) estaablissh ann efffectiive mmonittorinng meechannism to eensurre thhe efffecttive impllemen
21、ntatiion oof thhe innternnal ccontrrol ssysteem. TTo ennsuree efffectiive iinterrnal conttrol systtem wwas iimpleementted, and perfformss welll, iit muust bbe ovversiight. Entterprrisess shoould set up iinterrnal audiit boody oor ann intternaal coontrool seelf-aassesssmennt syystemm, too strrengtthe
22、n the inteernall conntroll monnitorring and evalluatiion, to ddetecct vuulnerrabillitiees annd riisks, andd On the emerrgencce off neww prooblemms annd neew siituattionss andd intternaal coontrool immplemmentaationn of the weakk linnk inn a ttimelly maannerr Xiuuzhenng orr impproveementt. Too strren
23、gtthen supeervission, inccludiing tthe GGoverrnmennt off Chiina hhas fformeed a sociial ssuperrvisiion, inclludinng suupervvisioon annd moonitooringg sysstem outsside the enteerpriise. Howeever, theese mmonittorinng syystemms onn thee priivatee monnitorring resuults are not satiisfacctoryy forr SMEE
24、s, CChinaas pprivaate eenterrprisses aaccouuntinng sttandaard ssysteem iss nott perrfectt. Reevieww repport, thee empphasiis onn tecchniccal eerrorrs annd noot paay atttenttion to tthe aautheenticcity of tthe rreporrt, ssubmiittedd fallse iinforrmatiion, lackk of accoountaabiliity aand ppunisshmennt
25、. AAbsennce oof goovernnmentt supperviisionn andd govvernmment depaartmeents of iinforrmatiion aare iindeppendeent, objeectivve acccounntingg praacticces oof prrivatte ennterpprisee freee reein. Exteernall oveersigght oof prrivatte ennterpprisees iss thee abssencee of otheer soociall supperviisionn
26、of abseence. Soccial supeervission mainnly tto acccounntingg firrms aaccouuntinng foor thhe maain iinterrmediiary agennciess. Ass thee currrentt auddit oof thhe buusineess ccommuunityy nott invvolveed inn priivatee entterprrise, thee laww hass nott cleearlyy deffinedd annnual accoountiing sstateemen
27、tts off priivatee entterprrisess musst bee audditedd by certtifieed puublicc acccounttantss, toogethher wwith privvate enteerpriise ffinannciall mannagemment conffusioon, iinterrnal conttrol weakknesss, soo thaat ceertiffied publlic aaccouuntannts aand aaccouuntinng fiirms reluuctannt too enggage in
28、 pprivaate ccorpooratee auddit. Onlyy by streengthheninng exxternnal ooverssightt, exxternnal ooverssightt of the corpporatte prressuure, and thiss preessurre innto mmotivve foorce, andd urgge ennterpprisees too impplemeent iinterrnal accoountiing ccontrrol ssysteem too eliiminaate tthe iinterrnal c
29、onttrol systtem oof noominaal haappenn. (VV) immprovve coorporrate goveernannce mmechaanismms, cclearr mannagemment respponsiibiliitiess. Innternnal ccontrrol bby thhe auuthorritiees ass to achiieve manaagemeent oobjecctivees annd esstabllish a seeriess of rulees, ppoliccies, andd orgganizze thhe im
30、mplemmentaationn of proccedurres, and corpporatte goovernnancee andd corrporaate ggoverrnancce arre innsepaarablle. IInterrnal conttrol frammeworrk annd coorporrate goveernannce mmechaanismms off thee intternaal maanageementt conntroll sysstem and systtem eenvirronmeent. Conssiderrablee parrt off pr
31、iivatee SMEEs inn Chiina aare iindivviduaal, pprivaate ssectoor, wwhilee invvestoors iin ennterpprisees thhat ooperaatorss of centtraliized leaddershhip iis seeriouus buusineess. Owneershiip annd maanageementt a hhigh degrree oof unnifieed maanageementt moddel mmanaggemennt off priivatee SMEEs laack
32、 tthe iinterrnal bindding. Altthouggh soome fform of pprivaate SSMEs in tthe eestabblishhmentt of the boarrd off supperviisorss, buut thhe reeal ccorpooratee govvernaance insttituttionss aree nott in placce, tthe llack of aauthoorizaationn andd supperviisionn. Soome ccost saviings of pprivaate SSMEs
33、 ofteen doo nott sett thee intternaal coontrool aggenciies oor hyypothheticcal nnarroow coonnottatioon off intternaal coontrool. 民营中小企企业内部控控制问题研研究蒲林昌经济纵横.20088,(5)三、促进民民营中小企企业建立内内控制度的的策略(一)转变变企业所有有者的管理理与发展观观念.民营营中小企业业中家族式式企业居多多,这些企企业内部控控制的成败败很大程度度上取决于于领导或企企业家的重重视和执行行程度.长长期以来,受受中国传统统文化的影影响,企业业主笃信以以诚待
37、教教育,增强强会计人员员自我约束束能力;加加强对会计计人员的业业务培训,以以提高工作作能力,减减少会计业业务处理的的技术差错错. (三三)改善企业业发展的外外部环境,提提高内部控控制投入.由于民营营中小企业业发展的外外部环境较较差,企业业负责人主主要精力耗耗费在企业业之外,搞搞社会关系系、拓展企企业外部生生存空间,抓抓市场、跑跑资金,无无暇顾及内内部控制问问题.企业业为了其存存活与发展展,为了取取得社会资资本不得不不在与政府府部门的协协调关系方方面发生大大量支出.通过创业业者已有的的和后续不不断发展的的社会关系系网络获取取各种资源源成为民营营中小企业业创业和后后续发展的的基本条件件,这样,企业
41、企业业中相当一一部分属于于个体、私私营性质,企企业的投资资者同时就就是经营者者,企业领领导集权现现象严重.所有权与与经营权高高度统一的的管理模式式使民营中中小企业管管理缺乏内内部约束性性.有的民民营中小企企业形式上上虽然也建建立了董事事会、监事事会,但真真正的法人人治理机构构并未到位位,缺乏授授权与监管管.有些民民营中小企企业为节减减开支,往往往不设置置内控机构构或虚设,内内部控制的的内涵也较较窄.On thhe innternnal ccontrrol ssysteem inn ChiinaLi MiingMarkeet Moodernnizattion.20077, (222)3. Stt
42、renggthenn thee intternaal coontrool syystemm shoould reguulatee thee maiin coontennt In esstabllishiing tthe ssociaalistt marrket econnomicc sysstem and deeppen tthe pproceess oof acccounntingg refform in eenterrprisses tto coomplyy witth acccounntingg staandarrds sshoulld bee bassed oon thhe reeal
43、itty off thee uniits tto esstabllish and imprrove accoountiing aand sstrenngtheen thheir own setss of accoountiing ppoliccies and accoountiing mmanaggemennt coontrool syystemm. Off theese aaccouuntinng pooliciies aand aaccouuntinng coontrool syystemm shoould be mmade to tthe pproviisionns off thiis
44、wrritteen teext nnot oonly helpp entterprrisess unddersttand the perssonneel maatterrs off daiily aaccouuntinng pooliciies aand mmethoods. Alsoo connduciive tto a coheerentt corrporaate aaccouuntinng pooliciies. (A) cleearlyy deffinedd ecoonomiic annd buusineess ddeal withh thee divvisioon off ressp
45、onssibillitiees annd prroceddurall metthodss Entterprrises innternnal oorgannizattion is tthe eenterrprisse too plaan ecconommic aactivvity. Orgganizzatioonal founndatiion ffor ccommaand aand ccontrrol. The coree prooblemm is thatt a rreasoonablle diivisiion oof reesponnsibiilitiies. In ggenerral ee
46、conoomic and busiinesss adddresss of eachh whoole pproceess, or iin thhe whhole proccess a feew immporttant linkks arre prrovidded tto twwo deeparttmentts orr twoo or moree deppartmmentss, twwo orr divvisioon off ressponssibillity overr thee staaff pplayeed thhe roole oof muutuall conntroll. suuch a
47、as mooney remiittannce ddocumment proccuremment, proovidees foor thhe prrocurremennt maanageers, pleaase ffill out a siinglee parragraaph. Suppply pplannner (or ssupplly deeparttmentt), ppleasse reevieww thee amoount of cconteent aand ccolleectioon unnits shalll coomplyy witth Taaiwann andd Taiiwan
48、are the samee andd plaans, accoountaants, parragraaph oone, pleaase rrevieew thhe coontennts aand pprepaaratiion oof paaymennt vooucheers aafterr cheeckinng prrocurremennt buudgett. Wiith tthe ffinall cleearannce bby thhe caashieer shhall comppletee Li remiittannce vvouchher ssettllemennt (ccashiier oopen the remiittannce ssettllemennt doocumeents, butt alsso auuditeed