1、山西经济济管理干干部学院院教 案案 220099 20010学年年第二学期课程名称称Touurissm EEngllishh 课程代 码223177课 程程 类类 别别 职业业技能课课使 用用 教教材 Toouriism Engglissh授课班 级220088级旅游管管理授课教师师赵元敏敏20100年3月1日山西经济济管理干干部学院院教 案教师姓名名:赵元元敏第1次课课,计11学时课目/课课题Tourrismm Enngliish 教学目的的和要求求undeersttandd, rreciite andd prracttisee thhe ccourrse重点 难难点Intrroduucti
2、ion教学进程程(含课课堂教学学内容、教教学方法法、辅助助手段、师师生互动动、时间间分配、板板书设计计)教学内容容:Unitt 1 Resservvingg a Tabblen Typpe oof RResttaurranttsChinnesee JJapaanesse Kooreaan TThaii MMalaaysiian IIndiian Vieetnaamesse Frennch IItalliannAraabiaan MeexiccanUsefful Exppresssioonsn receeptiioniistn resservverreseervaatioonn vaccancc
3、yttablle aavaiilabblen priivatte ddiniing rooomn nonn-smmokiing secctioonDiallogA: rrosee reestaauraant,Whaat ccan I ddo ffor youu?B: IId likke tto rreseervee a tabble forr diinneer.A: ssmokkingg seectiion or nonn-smmokiing secctioon?B: wwe ppreffer to sitt inn thhe nnon-smookinng ssecttionn.A: hhow
4、 manny ppeopple aree thheree inn yoour parrty?B: ttwo.A: wwhatt tiime willl yyou be arrriviing?B: AArouund 6 pp.m.A: II amm veery sorrry,alll thhe ttablles aree reeserrvedd unntill 6 p.mm., butt wee caan ffit youu iin aat 77p.mm. , whhat aboout a ttablle ffor 7p.m. ?B: OOK, Illl ttakee itt.A: AAll r
5、igght,sirr,Whaat nnamee, ppleaase?B : Mr. annd MMrs. Roon BBlacck.A : Ronn Bllackk.B: TThatt iss riightt. IIt iis oour wedddinng aanniiverrsarry, so perrhapps yyou couuld arrrangge tto hhavee roosess onn thhe ttablle. A: YYes, I sugggesst yyou chooosee a resservve aa prrivaate dinningg rooom.B: TTha
6、tt sooundds aa goood ideea. A: AAll rigght, Mrr. RRon Blaack ,a priivatte rroomm foor ttwo thiis eevenningg att 7, wiith rosses, iss thhat rigght?A: RRighht, thaank youu veery mucch!B: tthannk yyou forr caalliing, Goood-byee!IntrroduuctiionChhoosse RResttaurrantts iin CChinna Chinnesee meealss shhou
7、lld bbe eenjooyedd _ witth eeverryonne ssharringg _. Chinnesee reestaauraant is nott suuiteed ffor _. If yyou werre tto _, youu woouldd moost likkelyy eaat aat oone of thee tyypiccal _. Chinnesee foood enjjoyss _. Genneraallyy, CChinnesee foood cann bee diividded intto _.Chiinesse ffoodd iss a perrf
8、ecct ccombbinaatioon oof _. Beijjingg foood is bassed on _andd _ cuiisinnes. Shannghaai ffoodd taastees _. Guanngdoong foood ffeatturees _aand _ flaavorrs. Resttaurrantts iin GGuanngdoong offfer speeciaaltiies succh aas _.Canntonnesee chhefss allwayys ttry to adaapt thee diishees aaccoordiing to the
9、e seeasoon-_ fllavoorinng iin ssummmer andd _ duurinng wwintter. Disshess inn Siichuuan aree nootedd foor ttheiir _, _ aand _ flaavorr.WWhenn yoou aare in Chiina, ann oppporrtunnityy too saamplle iits fammouss _ sshouuld nott bee paasseed.bbecaausee _.EEatiing outt iss _ annd vveryy poopullar in Chi
10、ina, soo, iit iis oofteen nneceessaaryto _. Yoou wwilll soomettimees ssee shoort linnes of peooplee _att soome fammouss reestaauraantss.SuppplemmenttCCookkingg meethoods煎、炸、烘烘、烤、烧烧烤、烤烤炙、煮煮、炖、蒸蒸、焖、煨煨、腌frydeeep ffrybakkerroasstbbarbbecuueggrilllboillsttewsteeambraaiseesiimmeerppikccle卤味 pot-steewedd f
11、oowl or meaat wwithh saalt andd fiive kinnds of spiicess orr inn sooy ssausse卤 thicck ggravvy oof mmeatt, eegg anddstaarchh uusedd aas aa saausee drresssingg foor nnooddless,ettc.打卤面 nooddless wiith thiick graavy教学方法法:讲授授法,讨讨论法,启启发法辅助手段段:幻灯灯片作业布置置Reviiew andd prreviiew主要参考资料料实用旅旅游英语语,杨杨华,中中国人民民大学出出版
12、社导游英英语,朱朱华,高高等教育育出版社社课后自我我总结分分析The couursee deemannds morre ttraiininng aand praactiice山西经济济管理干干部学院院教 案教师姓名名:赵元元敏第1次课课,计11学时课目/课课题Tourrismm Enngliish教学目的的和要求求undeersttandd, rreciite andd prracttisee thhe ccourrse重点 难难点Intrroduuctiion教学进程程(含课课堂教学学内容、教教学方法法、辅助助手段、师师生互动动、时间间分配、板板书设计计)教学内容容:Unitt 2 Recc
13、eivvingg GuuesttsUsefful Exppresssioonsn by tthe winndowwn on thee aiisleen neaar tthe banndn in thee coorneern waitterwaiitreessn guesstn lounngen diniing halllDiallog 1 Goodd evveniing,Laddiess annd GGenttlemmen. Weelcoome! Goood eevenningg, DDo yyou havve aa taablee foor ffivee? Do yyou havve aa
14、reeserrvattionn? No,II amm affraiid wwe ddont. I amm soorryy. BBut we donnt havve aany vaccantt taablees aat ppressentt. WWoulld yyou pleeasee waait a ffew minnutees iin tthe louungee ovver theere? Ill lett yoou kknoww ass sooon as a ttablle iis rreaddy. How lonng ddo yyou thiink we willl hhavee too
15、 waait? Withhin tenn miinuttes,I tthinnk. Ok, whaatevver youu saay. May I hhavee yoour namme ppleaase,sirr? Yes ,Wiilliiamss. Thaank youu,Mrr. WWillliamms. Wouuld youu foolloow mme, pleeasee!(tten minnutees llateer)II soorryy too haave keppt yyou waiitinng,NNow we havve aa taablee byy thhe wwinddow
16、forr yoou. Youu arre vveryy luuckyy too siit ttherre tto eenjooy tthe vieew oof tthe lakke.WWoulld yyou pleeasee coome thiis wway?(In thee diininng hhalll aggainn) Sounnds nicce,tthannk yyou! Pleaase takke yyourr seeatss.heeres tthe mennu. Its NNumbber 1, youur wwaittresss wwilll bee wiith youu riig
17、htt awway. Goodd evveniing,Laddiess annd GGenttlemmen. Weelcoome to ourr reestaauraant. Doo yoou hhavee a resservvatiion? Yes ,wee haave gott aa reeserrvattionn. Whatt naame? The namme iis AAnn. Lett mee seee.OOK,tthiss waay,PPleaase.thiis iis yyourr taablee inn thhe ccornner.Thaank youu, bbut I ddo
18、nt tthinnk iit iis qquieet eenouugh neaar tthe bannd pplattforrm.Diallog 2 Goodd evveniing,Laddiess annd GGenttlemmen. Weelcoome to ourr reestaauraant. Doo yoou hhavee a resservvatiion? Yes ,wee haave gott aa reeserrvattionn. Whatt naame? The namme iis AAnn. Lett mee seee.OOK,tthiss waay,PPleaase.th
19、iis iis yyourr taablee inn thhe ccornner.Thaank youu, bbut I ddont tthinnk iit iis qquieet eenouugh neaar tthe bannd pplattforrm. I amm soorryy, ttherre wwilll bee a perrforrmannce durringg thhe mmeall tiime.butt iff yoou wwoulld llikee too chhangge, youu arre mmoree thhan wellcomme tto ddo sso.wwe
20、hhavee a vaccantt prrivaate dinningg rooom. OK.II accceppt iit. Pleaase takke yyourr seeatss. herees thee meenu. IIlll bee baack in a ffew minnutees tto ttakee yoour ordder.Intrroduuctiion Foodd annd EEatiing Etiiqueettee (PPagee 266) The makkingg meethood oof jjiaoozi or Kniife-chooppeed nnooddless
21、Stage 1 NounVerbToolto prepare stuffingground meatvegetable eggseasoningMinceChopcutmix withstirfood processorchopping board cleavercutting board kitchen knifeStage 2 NounVerbToolto make doughflour waterdough(paste)Putadd to beatblenddrenchkneadBasinchopsticksStage 3 NounVerbToolto roll out wrappers
22、long sausagessections balls dry flourround, flat, even wrappersform intocut sprinkle roll out rolling pin Stage 4 NounVerbToolto wrap dumplingone half the other halfthe upper facepleats (flowerlike folds)fill withbring up to meet seal knead tablespoon Stage 5 NounVerbToolto cook dumplingleftovers bo
23、il shovelcoverladle sth out of frypotshovelstrainer ladlefrying pan Stage 6 NounVerbToolto serve dumplingsauseflavorput into dissolveeatshallow bowlssaucerbowlSuppplemmenttseasoningtastequalityshapeoilvinegarsoy saucerice winetable salt sugar MSGspring onion coriander galic ginger allspice aniseedRe
24、d(hot) pepper(chilli)Chinese red pepperwhite pepper black peppercurry mustard gravytomato saucesalad dressingscream cheese butter honey jam delicious tasty flavored acid sweetbitterhotsaltymild bland Lightheavypungentrawraremedium-raremediummedium-wellwell-Doneover donetendertoughChewycrumblysmoothf
25、reshstalesquareroundrectangularcubiccurvedhollowstraightirregular-shapedshoe-shapedboat-shaped教学方法法:讲授授法,讨讨论法,启启发法辅助手段段:幻灯灯片作业布置置Reviiew andd prreviiew主要参考资料料实用旅旅游英语语,杨杨华,中中国人民民大学出出版社导游英英语,朱朱华,高高等教育育出版社社课后自我我总结分分析The couursee deemannds morre ttraiininng aand praactiice山西经济济管理干干部学院院教 案教师姓名名:赵元元敏第2次课课
26、,计22学时课目/课课题Tourrismm Enngliish教学目的的和要求求undeersttandd, rreciite andd prracttisee thhe ccourrse重点 难难点Intrroduuctiion教学进程程(含课课堂教学学内容、教教学方法法、辅助助手段、师师生互动动、时间间分配、板板书设计计)教学内容容:Unitt 3 Takkingg Orrderrs fooodUsefful Exppresssioonsn ordeern servvern speeciaalsspeccialltyn tryytaasteehaaven reccommmenddreeco
27、mmmenndattionnsn apppetiizerrn maiin ccourrsen sidde ddishhn dessserrtDiallog Goodd evveniing, arre yyou reaady to ordder noww?(MMay I ttakee yoour ordder noww?) Yes. Whatt doo yoou wwantt too sttartt wiith? I thhinkk Ill tryy shherrry.aand forr thhe mmainn cooursse, er whhats yyourr reecommmenndatt
28、ionn? I reecommmennd ffrieed cchicckenn whhichh iss ouur sspecciallty,whyy doontt yoou ttry it? I doontt caare forr chhickken.I wwoulld llikee thhe bbeeffsteeak folllowwed by a ppiecce oof TTiraamissu ccakee. How wouuld youu liike youur mmeatt coookeed? Mediium,pleeasee. WWhatt siide dissh wwithh th
29、he ssteaak? A siide sallad andd yoour chooicee off a bakked pottatoo orr stteammed ricce. Illl haave thee stteakk wiith thee saaladd annd rricee. Veryy goood, siir. Andd woouldd yoou llikee soome veggetaablees tto ggo wwithh yoour steeak? Oh, yess. WWhatt doo yoour reccommmendd? We hhavee a daiily c
30、heefss sppeciial friied pottatooes OK. Makke iit ppeass annd ccarrrotss annd ffrieed ppotaatoees , plleasse. Anytthinng eelsee? No, thaat wwilll doo. So tthatts beeefstteakk,meediuum, witth ssidee saaladd, ssteaamedd riice folllowwed by a ppiecce oof TTiraamissu ccakee, aand peaas, carrrotts, friied
31、 pottatooes, annd aa gllasss off shherrry.AAm II riightt? Yes. Jusst aa moomennt, pleeasee. YYourr diishees wwilll bee reeadyy riightt awway.Intrroduuctiion中文菜名名: “麻婆婆豆腐”原不规规范英文文译名:beaancuurdmaddebbyaapoockmmarkkedwomman(满满脸雀斑斑的女人人制作的的豆腐)对外国游客惊吓指数:中文菜名名:虎皮皮尖椒”原不规规范英文文译名:ShaarpChiiliinTiggerSkiin(用用虎
32、皮包包裹的辣辣椒)对对外国游游客惊吓吓指数:中文菜名名:“红烧狮狮子头”原不规规范英文文译名:ReddLiionHeaad(红红狮子头头)对外外国游客客惊吓指指数:中文菜名名:“夫妻肺肺片”原不规规范英文文译名:Husbbandd annd WWifees Lunng(丈丈夫和妻妻子的肺肺片)对对外国游游客惊吓吓指数:中文菜名四喜丸子驴打滚原不规范英文译名FourgladmeatballsRollingDonkey正式公布布的中中文菜单单英文译译法包包括中餐餐和西餐餐菜名译译法,对对常见的的20000余个个菜品、主主食小吃吃、甜点点、酒类类的名字字做了英英文的翻翻译,在在日前正正式公布布的中中
33、文菜单单英文译译法中中,其中中中餐有有冷菜1123道道、热菜菜10557道、主主食小吃吃3911道,西西餐头盘盘类9道、汤汤类144道、主主盘799道、面面包277种,甜甜点及其其他西点点96种;中国酒酒95种,洋洋酒1550种,进进口葡萄萄酒1449种,饮饮料2335种。一、 以主主料为主主、配料料为辅的的翻译原原则1、 菜肴肴的主料料和配料料主料(名名称/形状)+ wiith + 配配料如:白灵菇菇扣鸭掌掌 Muushrroomms wwithh Duuck Webbs 2、 菜肴肴的主料料和配汁汁主料 + wiith/in + 汤汤汁(SSaucce)如:冰冰梅凉瓜瓜 Biitteer
34、MMeloon iin PPlumm Saaucee二、 以烹烹制方法法为主、原原料为辅辅的翻译译原则1、 菜肴肴的做法法和主料料做法(动动词过去去分词)+主料(名称/形状)如:火爆腰花 Sauted Pig Kidney2、 菜肴肴的做法法、主料料和配料料做法(动动词过去去分词)+主料料(名称称/形状)+ 配料料如:地瓜瓜烧肉 Stteweed DDiceed PPorkk annd SSweeet PPotaatoees3、 菜肴肴的做法法、主料料和汤汁汁做法(动动词过去去分词)+主料料(名称称/形状)+ wiith/in +汤汁汁如:京酱酱肉丝 SSauttedd Shhredddedd
35、 Poork in Sweeet Beaan SSaucce三、 以形形状、口口感为主主、原料料为辅的的翻译原原则1、 菜肴肴形状或或口感以以及主配配料形状/口口感 + 主料料如:玉玉兔馒头头 Raabbiit-SShapped Manntouu脆皮鸡 Criispyy Chhickken2、 菜肴肴的做法法、形状状或口感感、做法法以及主主配料做法(动动词过去去分词)+ 形状/口感 + 主料 + 配料如:小炒炒黑山羊羊 Saauted Sliicedd Laamb witth PPeppper andd Paarslley四、 以人人名、地地名为主主,原料料为辅的的翻译原原则1、 菜肴肴的创始
36、始人(发发源地)和和主料人名(地地名)+ 主料料如:麻婆婆豆腐 Mappo TTofuu (SSauttedd Toofu in Hott annd SSpiccy SSaucce)广广东点心心 Caantoonesse DDim Summ2、 介绍绍菜肴的的创始人人(发源源地)、主主配料及及做法做法(动动词过去去式)+ 主辅辅料+ + 人人名/地名 + Sttylee如:北京京炒肝 SStewwed Livver, Beeijiing Styyle北京炸酱酱面 NNooddless wiith Soyy Beean Passte, Beeijiing Styyle五、 体现现中国餐餐饮文化化
37、,使用用汉语拼拼音命名名或音译译的翻译译原则1、具有有中国特特色且被被外国人人接受的的传统食食品,本本着推广广汉语及及中国餐餐饮文化化的原则则,使用用汉语拼拼音。如:饺子子 Jiiaozzi 包子子 Baaozii 馒头头 Maantoou 花卷卷 Huuajuuan烧麦 SShaoomaii2、具有有中国特特色且被被外国人人接受的的,使用用地方语语言拼写写或音译译拼写的的菜名,仍仍保留其其拼写方方式。如:豆腐腐 TTofuu 宫保保鸡丁 Kunng PPao Chiickeen杂碎 CChopp Suuey馄饨 WWontton3、中文文菜肴名名称无法法体现其其做法及及主配料料的,使使用汉语
38、语拼音,并并在后标标注英文文注释。如如:佛跳跳墙 FFotiiaoqqianng-Steeameed AAballonee wiith Shaarks FFin andd Fiish Maww inn Brrothh 锅贴 Guootiee (PPan-Friied Dummpliingss)窝头 Wottou (Stteammed Corrn BBun) 蒸饺 Steeameed JJiaoozi (Stteammed Dummpliingss)油条 Youutiaao (Deeep-FFrieed DDouggh SSticcks)汤圆 Tanngyuuan (Gllutiinouus R
39、Ricee Baallss)咕噜肉 Gullaorrou (Swweett annd SSourr Poork)粽子 Zonngzii (GGluttinoous Ricce WWrapppedd inn Baambooo LLeavves)元宵 Yuaanxiiao(Gluutinnouss Riice Ballls forr Laanteern Fesstivval)驴打滚儿儿 Ldaggunrr- Gluutinnouss Riice Rollls Stuuffeed wwithh Reed BBeann Paastee 艾窝窝 AAiwoowo (Stteammed Ricce CCa
40、kees wwithh Swweett Sttufffingg)豆汁儿 DDouzzhirr (FFermmentted Beaan DDrinnk)六、 可数数名词单单复数使使用原则则菜单中的的可数名名词基本本使用复复数,但但在整道菜中中只有一一件或太太细碎无无法数清清的用单单数。如:蔬菜菜面 Nooodlles witth VVegeetabbless葱爆羊肉肉 Saauted Lammb SSlicces witth SScalllioon七、 介词词in和witth在汤汤汁、配配料中的的用法1、 如主主料是浸浸在汤汁汁或配料料中时,使使用inn连接。如:豉汁汁牛仔骨骨 Stteamme
41、d Beeef RRibss inn Bllackk Beean Sauuce2、 如汤汤汁或蘸蘸料和主主料是分分开的,或或是后浇浇在主菜菜上的,则则用wiith连连接。如:海鲜鲜乌冬汤汤面 JJapaanesse NNooddle Souup wwithh Seeafoood八、 酒类类的译法法原则进口酒类类的英文文名称仍仍使用其其原英文文译法,国国产酒类类以其注注册的英英文为准,如如酒类本本身没有有英文名名称的则则使用其其中文名名称的汉汉语拼音音。Suppplemmenttn 正餐diinneer、早早餐brreakkfasst、午午餐luunchh、晚餐餐suppperr、小吃吃snaa
42、ck、盒盒饭Chhineese takke-aawayyn 粮食foood graain、粗粗粮cooarsse ffoodd grrainn、细粮粮reffineed ffoodd grrainnn 大米riice、小小米miilleet、糯糯米 ssticcky ricce、高高粱soorghhum、小小麦whheatt、麦麸麸糠braan、谷谷壳糠chaaff、莜莜麦naakedd oaats、荞荞麦buuckwwheaat、燕燕麦oaats、玉玉米coorn、谷谷子grrainn、面粉粉floourn 米饭riice、粥粥gruuelconngeee 、馒馒头stteammed breead、花花卷stteammed rolll、包包子stteammed stuuffeed bbun、烧烧饼cllay oveen rrollls 、馅馅饼piie 、油油饼deeep-friied piee、油条条deeep-ffrieed ddouggh ssticck、点点心diim-ssumpasstryyliightt reefreeshmmentts、米米线riice-floour nooodlee、面条条nooodlee、饺子子dummpliingss教