1、第七讲:英英语写作(二)大作文往年试题:Direcctionns: wwritee a ccompoositiion oof noo lesss thhan 2250 wwordss acccordiing tto thhe ouutlinne giiven beloow.Samplle 1My Viiew oon Pllayinng Coomputter GGamess 1. 有人认为学学生打电脑脑游戏有利利于智力开开发。2. 有人认为学学生打电脑脑游戏妨碍碍学习。3. 我的观点。Samplle 2:对贫富富差距加大大现象谈谈谈看法评分标准Globaal sccorinng a. Conte
2、entb. Languuage 2分: 条理不清清,思路紊紊乱,语言言支离破碎碎或大部分分句子均有有错误,且且多数为严严重错误。5分:基本本切题。表表达思想不不清,连贯贯性差。有有较多的严严重语言错错误。8分:有些些地方表达达思想不够够清楚,文文字勉强连连贯;语言言错误较多多,其中有有一些严重重错误。11分:切切题。表达达思想清楚楚,文字连连贯,但有有少量语言言错误14分:切切题。表达达思想清楚楚,文字通通顺,连贯贯性较好,基基本上没有有语言错误误,仅有个个别小错。注:白卷,作作文与题目目毫不相关关,或只有有几个独立立的词而无无法表达思思想,给00分。严重错误语法错错误Theree aree
3、manny reeasonns caausedd thee acccidennt. The ddriveer off thee carr no in. The llife is bbecomming goodder aand ggoodeer. That day rainn biggly.The mman wwho tthrouugh tthe sstreeetThe ccar wwhichh in a faast sspeedd hitt himm. The ccar wwhichh in a faast sspeedd hitt himm. I gott thee plaace wwher
4、ee happpeneed thhe acccideent.Our ccity woulld haappenn manny trraffiic. 写作注意事事项1. 审好题,想想好再写,不不要写了又又划掉,也也不要写完完了发现字字数不够有有写,这样样整篇文章章就不联贯贯了。2. 把握好文章章的重心,一一般“我的观点点”应该是重重心。3. 注意写作的的格式缩进式或或齐头式。4. 拿不准的词词、短语或或用法应避避免使用。5. 表达要清晰晰、简洁,不不必一味追追求结构的的复杂而尽尽可能多的的使用从句句,这样文文章会显得得很罗嗦。如如:The econnomy is ddevellopinng att
5、 a sspeedd whiich iis veery ffast. 6. 注意用词和和搭配。7. 检查-s和和-ed,尽量避避免严重错错误。Choicce off Worrds1. TThreee levvels of EEngliish wwordss Engliish nnativve woords (corre) innformmal (oraal) Frencch orr Spaanishh worrds Latinn or Greeek woords (acaademiic woords) forrmal (wriittenn)Exampples Engliish Frennch
6、oor Sppanissh Lattin oor Grreekask iinquiire intterroogatee breakk seveer seeparaate fire flamme cconfllagraationn housee abodde reesideence kinglly royyal reegal manlyymalee massculiine rise mouunt asceend time agge eepochh I knoow thhat I amm awaare tthat I bellievee thaat I amm connvincced tthat
7、I havve a goodd ideea. A goood iidea occuurs tto mee. Causee giive rrise to Emphaasizeelay emphhasiss onBecauuse oof due to, owinng too Stop, endd comee to a sttop/eend Suddeenly alll off a ssuddeen Oftenn moree oftten tthan not 2. Coonnottatioon off Worrds (Engllish expllanattion)commoon, ppeasaant
8、, assaassinnate, gayy, accquirre, ddate, proopertty, eenemyy, prrobleem, iissuee 3. Geeneraal Vss Speecifiic teerms (oveerusee of geneeral termms) bbeauttifull, deeliciious, fammous,Chinaas Ennglissh小康社会、缘缘分、丞相相、风水、三三个代表孔孔子、孟子子、老子容易用错的的词1. 词性 lackk, seerve, conntactt, laast, marrry, cconceern, likee
9、2.汉语影影响 moree perrfectt, veery eexcelllentt, reeturnn bacck, rrepeaat aggain, goood meemoryy powwer, listteninng abbilitty, hhigh quallity goodds leearn the knowwledgge 常见错误(1) two pprediicatees inn onee simmple senttenceeEveryy yeaar loots oof faamilyys siit att thee froont oof TVV waiit thhis ggam
10、e afteer haave ddelicciouss meaal. Theree havve maany ppeoplle liike SSFG.My mootherr coooks ffood is vvery deliiciouus.(2) OOmisssion and overruse of BBe Nowdaay peeoplees liife llevell is arisse. Many persson aare llike watcch SFFG inn thee evee. SFG wwas aappeaared sincce 19984. SFG iis liiked by
11、 mmany peopple. How ffast timee wass gonne! SFG ccan ddividde innto sseverral ppartss. We veery bbusy.(3) CCompaaratiive ddegreeemore and moree bettterbecomme goooderr andd goooder, (4) CConjuunctiionbecauuse.soalthoough.buttWhilee(5) II verry liike SSFG. Very hatee (6) PPart of sspeecchmost of wwe
12、Chhinesse, mmake me ssurprrise, with the quicck deeveloopmennt off ecoonomiic annd soociall, In myys oppinioon, II advvice to kkeep SFG. eatinng goood, drinnkingg goood, pplayiing ggood; good playys, ggood lookk, goood uuse; I thiink iit duues tto thhe deeveloopmennt, Letss anaalysiis annd diiscovve
13、ry the mainn facctorss leaadingg thee chaangess.To meen, wwomenn jusst liiked clotthes. theey liike iit liike mme liike iit. two wweekss passt choosse, cchoicce, ssucceeed, succcess, succcesssful, diee, deead, deatth(7) CChoicce off worrdsThe wwholee fammily asseemblee to havee a ddinneer. congrratu
14、llate Spriing FFestiival, aboliish (stopp, giive uup) SSFG, sit bbehinnd thhe TVV to lookk SFGG, Many peopple ffall in llove withh wattchinng SFFG. We caan ellect otheer prrograams tto seee. celebbratee SFGG witth boomb,standd in the shaddow/sshadeemosquuito bitee/stiingIts a gaay meeetinng/paarty(8
15、) PPhrassesin alll inn; onne haand, anotther handd, thhird handd; att onee hannd, aat seecondd hannd, aat laast hhand; in one handd, frrom ootherr hannd; llast but not the lastt, laast bbut nnot mmost; on my oopiniion; A cooin hhas ttwo hhandss (cooins). Evverytthingg hass twoo hannds (coinns). (9)
16、SSpelllingWe caant caanslee (caancerr, caanclee) itt. SFG iis waatcheed byy holle woord. happyynesss, incluude (ing) SF, Eveery sstudeent iincluude mme ennjoyss Poor peopple mmaybee verry anngry (hunngry). eat tthe ssoap (souup); BeneffitiaalDriveedDispiiteI willl addopt to tthe ccampuus liife联贯1. 并
17、列:and, as welll as on thhe onne haand on the otheer haand for oone tthingg. for anotther firsttly.seccondlly.thiirdlyyfinaallysubseequenntly, thhen, theereaffter, aftterwaard, in tthe ffolloowinggat fiirst, innitiaally, orriginnallyy at laast, eveentuaally2. 递进进:Moreoover, Furthhermoore,In addditiio
18、n, Addittionaally What is mmoreBesiddesApartt froom3. 转折折ButYet HowevverNeverrthellessWhileeWhereeasOn thhe coontraaryIn coontraast4. 结果果SoThereeforee,ThusHenceeAs a resuult (conssequeence)Conseequenntly5. 原因因Becauuse (of) Due tto Owingg to On thhe acccounnt off In viiew oof Thankks too On thhe grro
19、undds thhat6. 假设设If.Givenn thaat Proviided thatt Unlesss On thhe coondittion of As (sso) llong as 7. 其他他(1) Senteence adveerbs: abssoluttely, altternaativeely, currrentlly, uundouubteddly, certtainlly, cconseequenntly, subbsequuentlly , obviiouslly (2) PPP: iin geeneraal, oon avveragge, iin faact, i
20、n eeffecct, iin thheoryy, inn praacticce, iin reealitty, iin paarticcularr,(3) AAdv sspeakking: gennerallly sspeakking, brooadlyy speeakinng, sstricctly speaakingg, thheoreeticaally speaakingg (4) ppreciiselyy beccausee, maainlyy beccausee, meerelyy beccausee, onnly bbecauuse段落用语Beginnningg:With the
21、 deveelopmment of As iss welll knnown to We alll knnow tthat As wee alll knoow As a provverb sayss, As a sayiing ggoes As foor somme peeoplee holld thhe oppinioon thhat. Whhile otheers arguee (maaintaain) thatt Everyy coiin haas twwo siides. It haas meeritss andd demmeritts.It haas prros aand ccons.
22、 Suppportters and oppoonentts DevellopmeentRecennt reesearrchess havve prrovenn/shoown/iindiccatedd thaat My arrgumeents/reassons/ideaas wiill bbe liistedd as folllows: In thhe foollowwing paraagrapph, II willl Firsttly, secoondlyy, annd fiinallly Why iis itt thaat.EndinngAll iin alllIn a wordd In c
23、ooncluusionnIn shhortIn suummarry To suum uppTo suummarrize In brrief 其他用语be deeeplyy roooted in be inn favvor oof be oppposeed too It gooes wwithoout ssayinng thhat The ppast twennty yyearss saww/wittnesss Chancces aare No woonderr It iss likkely thatt As tiime ggoes by When it ccomess to As illlus
24、ttrateed/shhown in tthe cchartt/tabble面试:面试的教授授专业领域域涵盖所有有现有学科科(人文科科学、社会会科学、技技术科学、自自然科学、学学生德育五五大类),每大类组组随机抽取取1人,组成一个个面试五人人小组。面面试前,教授们将将审阅考生生的各种资资料,包括考生生们所提交交的入学申申请材料和和水平测试试成绩等。面面试时,由教授对对学生一对对一面试,每名学生生都要“连闯五关关”,与5位专家面面对面交谈谈,累计面试试时间超过过1个小时。专专家组将从从学生博学学、社会实实践、兴趣趣、创新能能力、时政政了解、思思想性等多多方面考察察学生的综综合素质,并依据面面试结果作作出是否录录取的建议议。英语面试试试题2005复复旦:根据据男女就业业表格,给给speaaker写一份报报告。2006复复旦:谈谈谈你所希望望的大学生生活的一天天2006交交大:根据据twinns,idennticaal,docttor,fun编一个故故事