IBM管理咨询-企业电力学习解决方案(英文DOC 32页)13485.docx

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《IBM管理咨询-企业电力学习解决方案(英文DOC 32页)13485.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《IBM管理咨询-企业电力学习解决方案(英文DOC 32页)13485.docx(58页珍藏版)》请在taowenge.com淘文阁网|工程机械CAD图纸|机械工程制图|CAD装配图下载|SolidWorks_CaTia_CAD_UG_PROE_设计图分享下载上搜索。

1、IBM Business Consulting ServicesFloriida PPowerr & LLightt On Deemandd Leaarninng EnnviroonmenntDeveloped forJune 22, 2004Florida Power & LightITablee of ConttentssExecuutivee Summmaryy3Our UUnderrstanndingg4Our SSoluttion5The VValuee of Our Capaabiliitiess7The VValuee of Our Toolls8Witneess SSystee

2、ms eQuallity Now and eQuaalityy Prooduceer11Our OOngoiing RRelattionsship withh Flooridaa Powwer & Ligght13IBMss Ownn Leaarningg Traansfoormattion Storry14Respoonse to RRFP QQuesttionss16Priciing23Assummptioons25Cliennt Reefereencess andd Citatioons26IBM BBusinness Termms annd Coondittionss32 Coppyr

3、igght 22004 IBM (unppubliishedd). AAll rrightts reeservved.If noot ottherwwise exprresslly goovernned bby thhe teerms of aa wriittenn connfideentiaalityy agrreemeent eexecuuted by tthe ppartiies, the infoormattion pressenteed heereinn is IBM Conffidenntiall infformaationn andd shaall oonly be ddiscl

4、losedd to thosse emmployyees who havee a nneed to kknow of iits cconteents, shaall nnot bbe diiscloosed to tthirdd parrtiess or outsside Florrida Poweer annd Liight, andd shaall nnot bbe duupliccatedd, ussed, or ddiscllosedd in wholle orr in partt forr anyy purrposee othher tthan to eevaluuate thiss

5、 prooposaal foor thhe coontemmplatted bbusinness arraangemment withh IBMM witthoutt thee exppresss wriittenn connsentt of Inteernattionaal Buusineess MMachiines Corpporattion (IBMM). TThis propposall is valiid foor 900 dayys froom thhe daate oon thhe coover.Execuutivee Summmaryy The FFloriida PPower

6、r & Ligght CCompaany (FPL) E-LLearnning Requuest for Propposall iniitiattes tthe ppurchhase of a simuulatiion ssoftwware packkage to aalloww thee carre ceenterr traaininng deeparttmentt thee abiilityy to creaate ccall typee simmulattion traiiningg viaa e-llearnning moduules thatt willl bee useed too

7、 coaach CCustoomer Servvice Reprresenntatiives. IBM is rrecommmendding thatt itss prooprieetaryy toool, CConteent PProduucer, be usedd as the web-baseed trrainiing aauthooringg conntentt devveloppmentt andd conntentt mannagemment engiine, and is aalso resppondiing aat a broaader and moree strrateggi

8、c llevell.FPL iis cuurrenntly in tthe iinitiial pphasee of a thhree-phasse miigrattion, a rroll-out thatt is antiicipaated to rrequiire uup too fouur yeears befoore ffull beneefitss cann be achiievedd. Inn thee firrst sstagee, FPPL iss deffininng thhe caare ccenteer leearniing sstrattegy, leaarninng

9、 teechnoologyy staandarrds; e-leearniing ddevellopmeent mmethoodoloogiess, annd beeginnning the re-ppurpoosingg of exisstingg matteriaals tto weeb-baased traiiningg/e-llearnning mediia.IBM ppropooses a thhree-pronnged soluutionn to meett FPLLs reequirremennt foor ann On Demaand llearnning enviironmm

10、ent: toools, inteegrattion, andd serrvicees. Toolss: Instaall IIBM CConteent PProduucer as tthe “mmasteer” wweb-bbasedd traaininng auuthorring tooll andd conntentt mannagerr / rrepossitorry foor shhareaable conttent objeects. Instaall IIBM SSimullatioon Prroduccer aas apppliccatioon-baased simuulati

11、ion ttool Instaall eeQuallity Now fromm Wittnesss as the minii-Leaarninng Maanageementt Sysstem for Caree Centter eemplooyeess Instaall eeQuallity Prodducerr as voicce-baased simuulatiion ttoolInteggratiion: Integgratee eQuualitty Noow wiith FFPL SSAP TTrainning and Evennts mmodulle annd HRR datta b

12、aases Partnner wwith IBM Knowwledgge Faactorries (on and off-shorre) tto ouut-taask rre-puurpossing and proggrammming of eexistting traiiningg to e-coontennt foormatt (weeb-baased and virttual-classsrooom trrainiing)Serviices: Compllete an ee-Leaarninng Sttrateegy aand AArchiitectture aliggnmennt re

13、evieww FPL CCare Centter TTrainning Deveelopeers ppartiicipaate iin 1-weekk traaininng cooursee on usinng Coontennt Prroduccer aand SSimullatioon Prroduccer IBM KKnowlledgee Facctoryy to workk witth FPPL trrainiing ddevelloperrs too cusstomiize ttempllatess andd co-deveelop the firsst cooursee Provi

14、ide CChangge Maanageementt suppportt to faciilitaate ttranssitioon off botth thhe Caare Centter eend-uuserss andd traaininng teeam tto neew e-learrningg moddel Identtify beneefitss andd retturn on iinvesstmennt prrojecctionns too suppportt bussinesss caase ffor ccare centter ttrainning trannsforrmat

15、iion eefforrts, and tracck beenefiitsIBM bbelieeves thatt by folllowinng thhis aapprooach, FPLL cann draamatiicallly accceleeratee thee impplemeentattion of ppropoosed learrningg sysstem, whiile rreduccing the costts off traaininng FPPLs Caree Centter rrepreesenttativves wwith our propposedd solluti

16、oon.IBM hhas uused the poweer off e-LLearnning to ttranssformm itsself, andd prooducee savvingss in the hunddredss of milllionss of dolllars. By uusingg thee samme appproaach aand ttoolss, IBBM caan asssistt FPLL in enteeringg thee Futture of LLearnning.Our UUnderrstanndinggIn orrder to pproviide cc

17、onsiistennt exxcelllent custtomerr serrvicee, annd too acccelerrate the speeed too prooficiiencyy of its caree cennter reprresenntatiives, FPLL wisshes to ttranssformm itss exiistinng appproaach tto trrainiing tto ann On Demaand llearnning enviironmment. FPL is ccurreentlyy in the inittial phasse of

18、f a tthreee-phaase mmigraationn, a rolll-outt thaat iss antticippatedd to requuire up tto foour yyearss beffore fulll bennefitts caan bee achhieveed. IIn thhe fiirst stagge, FFPL iis deefiniing tthe ccare centter llearnning straategyy, leearniing ttechnnologgy sttandaards; e-llearnning deveelopmment

19、 methhodollogiees, aand bbeginnningg thee re-purpposinng off exiistinng maateriials to wweb-bbasedd traaininng/e-learrningg meddia.FPL ccurreentlyy empployss appproxiimateely 11300 peopple aas Caare CCenteer Reepressentaativees inn twoo calll ceenterrs (MMiamii andd Wesst Paalm BBeachh). FFPL mmanag

20、ges tthe ccare centter pproceessess usiing ssoftwware toolls frrom AAvayaa, Bllue PPumpkkin aand WWitneess SSysteems. On tthe ccorpooratee levvel, FPL has deplloyedd leaarninng maanageementt sysstemss (LMMS) ffrom Platteau to ssuppoort ttheirr nucclearr gennerattion faciilitiies, and the SAP Learrni

21、ngg Sollutioon too suppportt thee ballancee of the enteerpriise. Theyy aree currrenttly iinstaallinng ann insstancce off Doccumenntum for docuumentt mannagemment. FPLss oveerarcchingg goaal iss to deplloy aan Onn Demmand learrningg envvironnmentt to suppport its 13000 carre ceenterr reppreseentattiv

22、ess. Thhe Onn Demmand learrningg envvironnmentt willl suupporrt thhe caare ccenteer reepressentaativees nnew hhire traiiningg, emmployyee ddevellopmeent, and justt-in-timee leaarninng neeeds. Beloww is the IBM summmary of mmajorr reqquireementts foor thhe ovveralll caare ccenteer Onn Demmand learrni

23、ngg sollutioon: Integgratiion wwith FPLs exxistiing ccare centter ssoftwware Integgratiion wwith FPLs exxistiing ccorpooratee leaarninng innfrasstruccturee Integgratiion wwith FPLs SAAP Poortall The aabiliity tto deeployy a ccourssewarre ussing a leearniing oobjecct moodulee The aabiliity tto reeuse

24、 and repuurposse exxistiing FFPL ttrainning conttent Suppoort oof SCCORM 1.2 or ggreatter, AICCC andd IMSS metta taagginng The aabiliity tto vaalidaate llearnning and tracck sccoress at the e-leearniing mmodulle leevel Proviide ssearcch caapabiilitiies Suppoort ffor aall sstanddard mediia tyypes Req

25、uiiremeents for the learrningg devveloppmentt toools, LMS and LMCSS inccludee: Rapidd e-llearnning deveelopmment capaabiliitiess Robusst siimulaationn cappabillitiees foor apppliccatioon siimulaationn, caall ssimullatioon wiith vvoicee reccogniitionn. Brancchingg capaabiliitiess to suppport dynaamic

26、 scennarioos baased on uusers reesponnse Randoomizeer caapabiilitiies (diffferennt sccenarrios everry tiime uuser logss in) Suppoort ffor aa minnimumm of 10 cconcuurrennt coontennt deevelooperss Suppoort ffor tthirdd parrty cconteentThe rrequiiremeents abovve arre a summmary of tthe rrequiiremeents

27、listted iin thhe RFFP. AAs IBBM annd FPPL coontinnue ddiscuussioons tto fuurtheer deefinee thee carre ceenterr On Demaand llearnning soluutionn, otther requuiremmentss mayy beccome appaarentt as partt of the due diliigencce prrocesss.Our SSoluttionIBM ppropooses a thhree-pronnged soluutionn to meett

28、 FPLLs reequirremennt foor ann On Demaand llearnning enviironmment: toools, inteegrattion, andd serrvicees. IBM beliievess thaat FPPL caan drramatticallly aaccelleratte thhe immplemmentaationn of the propposedd leaarninng syystemm, whhile reduucingg thee cossts oof trrainiing FFPLss Carre Centter rr

29、epreesenttativves wwith our propposedd sollutioon. IBM bbelieeves FPL alreeady ownss mucch off thee inffrasttructture detaailedd in RFP and thatt FPLL cann meeet thhe Caare CCenteer reepressentaativees leearniing rrequiiremeents and savee monney bboth in tthe sshortt andd lonng-teerm bby maakingg a

30、ssmalll invvestmment new calll cennter softtwaree froom Wiitnesss Syystemms annd inntegrratinng thhe sooftwaare wwith FPLs exxistiing CCare Centter ssoftwware, SAPP leaarninng maanageementt sysstem, andd SAPP entterprrise porttal.IBM aalso recoommennds tthat FPL mmigraate tto a stanndarddizedd SCOOR

31、M ccomplliantt rappid ee-leaarninng deeveloopmennt pllatfoorm uusingg IBMMs CConteent aand SSimullatioon Prroduccer ssoftwware.IBM iis teeaminng wiith WWitneess SSysteems ffor tthis soluutionn beccausee of FPLs exxistiing iinvesstmennt inn Wittnesss sofftwarre too hellp itt mannage the FPL caree cen

32、nterss. IBM sugggestss thaat FPPL puurchaase eeQuallity Now and eQuaalityy Prooduceer frrom WWitneess SSysteems. We reecommmend thatt eQuualitty Noow seerve as tthe llearnning manaagemeent ssoftwware and thatt eQuualitty Noow bee inttegraated withh FPLLs eexistting SAP Traiiningg andd Eveents moduul

33、e aand HHR daatabaases. IBMM alsso reecommmendss thaat FPPL puurchaase eeQuallity Prodducerr froom Wiitnesss Syystemms. The eQuaalityy Prooduceer apppliccatioon wiill aalloww FPLL to captture and creaate ee-leaarninng siimulaationns off acttual custtomerr conntactts auudio for use as ttrainning.eQua

34、llity Now and eQuaalityy Prooduceer foocus on iimproovingg thee cusstomeer exxperiiencee, ass welll ass inccreasse joob saatisffactiion aand rretenntionn amoong aagentts. OOrgannizattionss aree impplemeentinng cuustommer iinterractiion rrecorrdingg sofftwarre, ssuppllemennted by aa dynnamicc leaarni

35、nng ennviroonmennt, tto heelp aalignn theeir ppeoplle, pproceessess andd tecchnollogiees foor inncreaased perfformaance and proffitabbilitty. eeQuallity and eQuaalityy Prooduceer quuicklly adddresss skkill defiiciennciess witth e-learrningg bassed oon acctuall perrformmancee wwithoout tthe ttime-con

36、ssuminng haasslees off exppensiive ccoursse deeveloopmennt. To faaciliitatee thee rappid ddevellopmeent aand ddeplooymennt off e-llearnning conttent IBM recoommennds tthat FPL migrrate to IIBM CConteent PProduucer for the deveelopmment of ee-leaarninng coontennt. CConteent PProduucer provvidess alll

37、 FPLLs rrequiiremeents for e-leearniing cconteent ddevellopmeent wwhilee proovidiing iit wiith aa tooolsett thaat caan drramatticallly rreducce thhe tiime aand ccost assoociatted wwith prodducinng SCCORM comppliannt e-learrningg couursewware. Conntentt Prooduceer wiill pproviide FFPL ttrainners and

38、SME the abillity to ddevellop rrobusst, wweb-bbasedd couursewware eiitherr as a teeam oor inndiviiduallly, usinng a workkfloww, teemplaate-bbasedd metthodoologyy. Conttent Prodducerr alsso brringss mosst off thee LCMMS fuunctiionallity thatt FPLL is seekking.To crreatee simmulattionss nott asssociaa

39、ted captturinng Caare Centter ccustoomer conttactss IBMM prooposees thhat FFPL uuse IIBM SSimullatioon Prroduccer. Simuulatiion PProduucer is rrapidd devveloppmentt toool thhat wwill alloow FPPL too quiicklyy creeate SCORRM coompliiant simuulatiions thatt leaarnerrs caan viiew ppassiivelyy or use as

40、 rreinfforceementt acttivattes tthat can be sscoreed annd thhe reesultts caapturred iin thhe FPPL Wiitnesss orr SAPP LMSS. Siimulaationn Prooduceer allso pproviides FPL tremmendoous pproduuctivvity enhaancemmentss by autoomatiicallly doocumeentinng eaach sstep in tthe pproceeduree forr posssiblle ex

41、xportt to Micrrosofft Woord in Tablle foormatt wwith screeen ccaptuures, buttton imagges, and numbberedd desscripptionns off thee steeps. Thiss feaaturee eliiminaates the timee asssociaated withh thee creeatioon off sepparatte paaper-baseed trrainiing ddocummentaationn by alloowingg thee expportiing

42、 oof thhe caapturres aassocciateed wiith tthe ssimullatioon wiith aa cliick oof a singgle bbuttoon.IBM rrecommmendds thhat FFPL Caree Centter cconteent ddevellopmeent sstafff perrsonnnel ppartiicipaate iin a one-weekk traaininng cooursee on IBM Conttent and Simuulatiion PProduucer. Thee onee-weeek c

43、ooursee willl heelp eensurre thhat FFPL ttrainning perssonneel poossesss thhe skkillss theey neeed tto beegin the proccess of ddevellopinng coourseewaree to suppport the FPL On DDemannd leearniing eenvirronmeent.To suupporrt FPPLs trannsitiion tto ann On Demaand llearnning enviironmment IBM proppose

44、ss thaat IBBM woorks withh Carre Ceenterr keyy staakehoolderrs annd trrainiing ppersoonnell to valiidatee FPLLs ttrainning and channge mmanaggemennt sttrateegiess forr impplemeentinng itts Onn Demmand learrningg envvironnmentt. We bbelieeve tthat we ccan hhelp FPL idenntifyy bennefitts annd reeturnn

45、 on inveestmeent pprojeectioons tto suupporrt thhe buusineess ccase for caree cennter traiiningg traansfoormattion. We can alsoo worrk wiith FFPL tto deeveloop meethoddologgies thatt cann draamatiicallly shhorteen itts foour-yyear deplloymeent sscheddule and reduuce tthe ccostss of deveelopiing aand

46、 ddeplooyingg traaininng coontennt ussing variious traiiningg moddalitties. To fuurtheer suupporrt FPPLs trannsforrmatiion tto ann On Demaand llearnning enviironmment, we proppose thatt FPLL parrtnerr witth IBBM Knnowleedge Facttory. The IBM Knowwledgge Faactorry caan heelp FFPL tto ree-purrposee an

47、dd repprogrram eexistting traiiningg matteriaals iinto SCORRM coompliiant e-coontennt foor thhe weeb-baased and virttual-classsrooom trrainiing. The IIBM KKnowlledgee Facctoryy is a deedicaated teamm of insttructtionaal deesignn proofesssionaals tthat focuus soolelyy on the deveelopmment of llearnning conttent. IBMM hass Knoowleddge FFactooriess loccatedd t


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