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1、Problem solving is a process that is central to social work Problem solving is a process that is central to social work practice.It is used to address questions and difficulties,in practice.It is used to address questions and difficulties,in group and individually,that arise at any time during the c

2、ourse group and individually,that arise at any time during the course of social work practice.Workers appreciate the importance of of social work practice.Workers appreciate the importance of the problem-solving process and the problem-solving process and understandunderstand how to help how to help

3、 groups engage in that groups engage in that practice.practice.(问题解决是社会工作的一(问题解决是社会工作的一个核心过程,工作者要理解问题解决过程的重要性,理个核心过程,工作者要理解问题解决过程的重要性,理解如何帮助小组参与问题解决)解如何帮助小组参与问题解决)The problem-solving The problem-solving processprocess(小组中的问题解决过程)(小组中的问题解决过程)Wuhan University of Technology Liu WeihuaMain contents1.Joh

4、n Deweys model about problem-solving杜威关于问题解决的模型2.Thoroughly exploring is necessary for successful problem-solving.Perfunctory and excessive exploring are undesirable.充分的探讨对成功的问题解决是必要的.草率的和过度的探讨是不可取的.3.Initiators of problem-solving process.问题解决的发起者4.Inappropriate forms of problem-solving in group wor

5、k.团体工作中问题解决的不恰当形式5.The core features of problem solving in group practice.团体实务中问题解决的核心特征I.The importance of problem-solving process(问题解决过程的重要性)1.Values of problem-solving in group work(小组中问题解决的价值)A method to strengthen a groups social functioning(增强小组社会性功能的方法).A process that provides opportunities o

6、f mutual aid(提供相互帮助的机会的过程).2.Problem-solving process can be used to address any issue in the group(问题解决过程可以用于解决小组中的任何问题):Problems relevant to group dynamics(与小组动力有关的问题):Occasions where members bring about their owns problems to the group(成员将自己的问题带入小组的场合):3.Hints about problem-solving process from th

7、e work of John Dewey(来自杜威关于问题解决过程的窍门)1)A Problem-solving Approach(一个问题解决方法)In working with individuals,families,groups,organizations,and communities,social workers use a problem-solving approach(在与个体、家庭、小组、组织、社群开展工作时,社会工作者使用问题解决的方法).1.Identify as precisely as possible the problem or problems(尽可能准确地确

8、认问题).2.Generate possible alternative solutions(产生可能的替代方法).3.Evaluate the alternative solutions(评价可选择的方法).4.Select a solution or solutions to be used and set goals(选择一个方法使用、树立目标).5.Implement the solutions(贯彻解决方法).6.Follow up to evaluate how the solution(s)worked(后续完成对方法怎么起作用的评价).2)John Deweys model o

9、f problem-solving(杜威的模型)1.Recognition that a problem seems to exist,(确认一个问题似乎存在)2.Identification of the problem(确认问题),3.Exploration of the problem(探讨问题),4.Consideration of possible solutions to the problem,(考虑问题可能的解决方法)5.Selection of what seems to be the best solution to the problem(选择最好的解决方法),6.Imp

10、lementation of the solution(贯彻方法),7.Evaluation of the results of the solutions implementation(评价贯彻解决方法的结果).问题解决过程需要检查个人的实际经验,进行反思性思考和决策(reflective thinking and decision-making);问题解决过程将感情与理性思维过程整合起来,并且受意识和无意识因素影响。情绪影响认知。II.Steps in the problem-solving process1.Recognition that a problem seems to exis

11、t(确认一个问题似乎存在):When a problem turn up,members may feel uneasy,discomfort(当一个问题出现时,成员可能感觉不自在、不舒服).Problem is often vague,perplexing,and not well defined(问题常常是暧昧的、令人困惑的、未良好定义的).The worker and the members may have a vague sense of uneasiness because of an undefined problem.The worker may make observatio

12、n about a problem.A member may bring up a problem to a group.2.Identification of the problem(确认问题):the problem is defined.Crucial to this step is the members willingness to share directly with the group their sense that a problem may exist(关键是成员愿意和小组直接分享对于问题的认识).II.Steps in the problem-solving proce

13、ss3.Exploration of the problem(探讨问题)(探讨问题):The group engage in discussing members perceptions of what contributes to causing the problem,their feelings about it,and the reasons that they think it is a problem,etc(小组参与探讨成员对什么引起问题的认识、对问题的情绪反应、问题的原因等等).Real exploration is time consuming and uncomfortab

14、le(真正的探讨是耗费时间的、不舒服的).It is liable to rush this step(易于匆忙完成这一步).4.Consideration of possible solutions to the problem(考虑可(考虑可能的问题解决方法)能的问题解决方法):Members are encouraged to think of every possible solutions without censoring(鼓励成员思考每一种可能的解决方法、不要审查).Considering a range of alternative solutions and not seiz

15、ing too quickly and prematurely on one solution is important(考虑每一种可选择的解决方法,不要过快、过早地抓住一个解决方法).II.Steps in the problem-solving process5.Selection of the best solution(选择最好的解决方法):Conflict may arise from group(小组中可能产生矛盾).Values,norms of behavior,experiences,external factors all influence the selection(价

16、值观、行为规范、经验、外部因素都影响选择).Sometimes the best alternative is not obvious(有时最好的方法并不明显).Conflict may emerge during this stage.The group need to think ahead and appraise the probable consequences of the alternative solutions that are under consideration(小组需要提前思考和评价每一种被考虑的方法的可能结果).6.Implementation of the sol

17、ution(贯彻解决方法):Determining the course of action,clarifying the roles of worker and members,carrying out the actual activities are the tasks(决定行动方针、澄清工作者和成员的角色、实施实际的活动和任务).7.Evaluation of the results(评价结果):Evaluating whether the solution is effective.III.Initiators of the problem-solving process(问题解决过

18、程的发起者)1.Initiation of the process by the worker(工作者发起问题解决)The willingness of workers to make observations to the group about problems is key.Sometimes workers hesitate to bring an issue into the group.In fact,no worry is needed.Still ask the group to discuss it when the group reject an observation m

19、ade by the worker.Ultimately,it is up to the group to make decisions.2.Initiation of the process by a member(成员发起问题解决):The member may be disdained or be put on the spot by others.Other members probably discount its validity.Workers intervene in two ways:support the member and ask the group to give a

20、ttention and not discount it.IV.Explore thoughtfully and thoroughly to understand problems(深思熟虑、彻底地探讨以理解问题)1.Thorough exploration of a problem is particularly important in the effective use of the problem-solving process(彻底探讨问题在有效使用问题解决过程时特别重要).2.Why sometimes skimp exploration(为什么有时吝啬探讨):Some pract

21、itioners may be uncomfortable with the ambivalence,differences,and uncertainties that exploration often accelerates(人们可能对由探讨而加速的矛盾两极情感、差异、不确定性会感觉不舒服).Exploring is time-consuming.To bring certainty to an issue,or to decrease anxiety,or to avoid conflict,or to get busy with a task,or to feel a sense o

22、f accomplishment,workers may avoid or shortcut exploration by the group(为使一个问题确定、减少焦虑、回避冲突、忙于任务、有成就感,工作者可能回避或缩短探讨过程).3.The antithesis of cursory consideration is excessive exploration(草率考虑的对立面是过多的探讨).The worker should guide the group to find solutions when appropriate(恰当的时候工作者应指导小组找到解决方法).V.Mutual a

23、id is the central feature(相互帮助是核心特征)1.If problem-solving process is skillfully applied,mutual aid between members can be activated.2.Mutual aid is different from mere advice giving,aggregational therapy of individuals,group casework(相互帮助不同于仅仅给建议、个体的集中治疗、群体的个案工作).Aggregational therapy and a hot seat

24、approach do not utilize the potential of the small group.The rush to solutions and the instant advice results in the receiver feeling that the other group members do not really understand.3.What characterizes mutual aid in the problem-solving process when it is used to address an individual issue ra

25、ised by one member is the application of that issue by all members to their own experiences and situations.VI.Skills in solving an individuals issue1.The steps and skills of the problem-solving process 1)One member raises One member raises 2)a problem,issue,or a problem,issue,or 3)situation of conce

26、rn.situation of concern.2)The problem is 2)The problem is identified by the identified by the individual and the group.individual and the group.Steps(步骤)Skills(技巧)Encourage members to expresstheir owns problems and payattention to others description.Clarifying perplexity or uneasiness VI.Skills in s

27、olving an individuals issue1.The steps and skills of the problem-solving process 3)Individuals problem is 3)Individuals problem is explored.Understanding explored.Understanding problem can arouse problem can arouse empathy in members.empathy in members.4)The experiences of the 4)The experiences of t

28、he other members related to other members related to the issue are explored.the issue are explored.5)Identifying possible 5)Identifying possible solutions.solutions.Steps Skills Help to overcome uneasinessNurturing empathy between membersEncourage members to integrate the problem with their owns sim

29、ilar experiencesFind as more as possible solutionsVI.Skills in solving an individuals issue1.The steps and skills of the problem-solving process Steps Skills 6)Help the individual to decide on and implement a solution7)The individual implementsthe solution8)Follow up with the implementation and eval

30、uateSupport;anxiety relief;rehabilitating social functioningDeal with failure;Evaluating skills.Decision-skills;role-playing;rehearsing.VI.Skills in solving an individuals issue2.A fine line must be maintained between spending too little or too much time in discussion of the issue(维持在花太少时间与太多时间于问题讨论

31、的精确界限).3.Empathy is the essential quality in gauging the timing of the third and fourth steps of the process(同理心是测量第三步与第四步时间选择的必要品质).Members must give advice with empathy(成员必须用同理心提建议).4.When members relate this issue to their own experiences,then the potential of mutual aid is actualized.5.The core

32、features of problem-solving in group work(小组工作中问题解决的核心特征):overall involvement of members(成员全面卷入);mutual aid(相互帮助);use of group process(使用小组过程);collaborative problem-solving(合作的问题解决)VII.Strengths and mutual aid(相互帮助与力量)It is the quality of mutual aid that occurs during the groups problem-solving proc

33、ess that is at the heart of effective group work.The ability of members to gain from each other,to consider,to understand,to appreciate,and to build upon each others experiences,situations,problems,dilemmas,points of view,strengths,and weaknesses is crucial to social work with groups.Such ability,pu

34、t into motion,nurtured,and enhanced by the worker,is the unique power of group work.VIII.心理学对问题解决的研究一、对有效的问题解决策略的看法1、一些心理学家认为与特定的问题领域相联系:例如数学领域的只能用于数学领域、艺术领域有艺术领域的策略。2、另一些心理学家认为存在一般的问题解决策略,可以用于所有领域:例如阅读理解能力、工作记忆广度、信息加工能力等 使用一般的问题解决技能还是特定问题领域的技能取决于需要解决的问题是否是熟悉的、具有相关的知识。二、一般问题解决策略与一些通用技能 Derry,Gallini

35、等提出以下五个步骤的策略:1、确认问题和机会(identify problems and opportunities):运用批判性思维找到一个可以解决的问题、并开启问题解决过程。2、说明目标和表征问题(define goals and represent the problem)表征问题:注意相关信息、理解问题的言语表述、激活正确的图式来理解、抓住关键词;使用图片、图表、符号、文字等表征问题设定目标:VIII.心理学对问题解决的研究3、探讨可能的策略(explore possible strategies)两类通用解决程序:1)算法:根据一步一步的规则达到问题解决。这些规则往往与特定领域联系。

36、运用算法时,如果缺乏条理、乱碰解决问题,那么表明认知发展水平还没有达到形式运算阶段、没有能力系统地解决各种可能性。2)启发法:手段-目的分析(分解成小目标、缩小差距和减少弯路)、逆向搜索、类比思维3)用言语表述问题解决计划、并给出理由4、预期结果和行动(anticipate outcomes and act):选择行动并预期结果5、回顾与学习(look back and learn):寻找关于解决问题方法的支持或否定证据建立一套检查程序、或根据常识估计三、专家知识的启发:从给定信息中发现更有意义的模式、准确理解问题、更大容量的工作记忆、监控自己的问题解决过程Exercises 1.Which

37、of the outward behaviors described in the following statements suggest that the group can progress from the exploration stage to the stage of seeking solutions when the group are solving a members problem?A.Many questions about the problem have been asked of.B.Members relate this problem with their

38、own experiences,feelings,or problems.C.Members actively participate in discussing this problem.D.Members become silent.Exercises2.Which is the right among the following judgments about problem-solving in group social work?A.Each person is unique,an individuals experiences cant be applied to other members.B.Allotting time sequentially to group members to talk about their concerns one by one is a format of group work.C.Empathy between members determines whether members benefit from solving others problems.D.The worker should not bring uncertain issues to group.


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