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1、2023年高中英语教师标准教案模板(精选多篇) 推荐第1篇:高中英语高中英语学法指导 概述高中英语学法指导1.上课时间一定要充分把握 2.坚持大声朗读课文,可改善自己的语音,语调 3.通过学习课文,在课余时间翻译课文 4.对于每课的语法重点,要适时总结,细致分析 5.需要背诵的课文一定要能默写 6.可选购一本符合自己能力的辅导书,每天适当练习 7.必须熟练掌握八大语法,因为无论是在英语交流还是考试中,都是重中之重。简单原则 简单好、更简单更好、最简单最好 学习英语:从简单的开始 上大学的时侯,英语老师让我们大量阅读英语。有些同学就借来原著,第一页看下来就有20几个生词,第二页还有20几个到了第

2、五页已不知道第一页所云;到了第十页已不知道前九页讲的是什么。阅读变得异常艰难和单调,体会不到有任何收获,读英语原著变成了查英语词典、记忆生词的过程,变成个苦差事。因此很少有人能坚持下去,就放弃了。其中有人又做了第二次努力,结果还是放弃。原因何在?我想它违背了循序渐进的常理。 所谓循序渐进就要求你从简单开始。学习、使用英语都要遵守简单原则。当年,我碰巧是从英语简易读物开始的。现在,书店里有好多套把原著简写成的简易读物。我先读那些用500800词简写成的读物,后来又读用8001500词简写成的读物,再后来就读用15002500词简写的作品我能读进去,因为我读懂了;读懂的感觉特别好。当一个人有了成就

3、感时自信心就诞生了,并越来越强,也就产生了更大的兴趣。外国的英语文学作品仿佛带我走进了一个不同的国家,一个不同的文化,一个不同的生活,结识了一些不同的朋友。在走入另样的文化、生活、人物,风俗的过程中就产生了一种强烈的神往,一种强烈的欲望。每时每刻都想读! 只有从简单的开始,才容易入门,才容易产生兴趣,才容易把事情进行下去。英语阅读应遵守简单原则,听、说、写都应从最简单的开始,因为简单原则有巨大的优点: 1、造就成就感,培养自信。 2、增加兴趣。 3、语言朗朗上口。 4、易于学以致用。 很多中国学生对简单的语言往往不屑一顾,只求理解而不去尝试着使用自己学到的东西。中国学生在学英语中最喜欢追求一个

4、字-难。尽管学了很多难的东西,却不会用。而事实上,简单的东西如能灵活、准确地使用才是真正重要的。比如从口语来说,人们并不是看一个人会说多么难的单词,关键在于看他能否熟练运用最简单的单词、句型、语法来表达情感、思想。英语国家人们日常生活的交流是通过有限数量的单词和简单的句型来完成的。 学会容易的东西,并把容易的东西融会贯通地加以运用才是英语学习的关键所在。 量的原则 多好,更多更好,最多最好 中国人学习英文,精读、精听、精说有余,但泛读、泛听远远不够,大量的乱说就更不够了。没有量的变化,怎么能有质的飞跃?因此,中国人学习英语在注重精的同时,必须更加注重泛。比如学习英语阅读,如果没有读到足够的数量

5、,就无法熟练地阅读英语。若要学习听力,那就大量地听各种磁带,听英语广播,看英语电视,看英文电影。如要学习英语口语,那就尽量多说英文。学习英语不能太急于求成,因为只有有了量,才能有质的飞跃。 量的积累是必须的。许多人学习英语时,往往有一种误解,认为一本书就代表一个水平。比如,当读完一本初级阅读书时,就会说我的阅读水平达到初级了,学完一本高级阅读书,便狂欢我达到高级阅读水平了。刚刚读了一本初级口语书,就认为已有初级口语水平。读了一本高级口语书,就认为已有高级口语水平。其实,英语学习有一个点线面的关系。一本书只是一个点,无数本书连成一条线,更多的线形成一个面。所谓水平就是面的问题。就拿阅读来说,首先

6、要读大量初级书。当你读完30本初级读物书后,在你读第31本初级读物时已没有几个生词,能轻松地读懂,并进入作者所描绘的世界时,那你就可以读中级水平的读物了。仅仅读过一本初级水平的读物,基础根本没打好,就急于读一个更高水平的读物,那必然就会欲速则不达,自然不可能学好。也就是说,无论处于何等英语水平,在相应水平上的量的积累是必须的。英语听力、口语、写作的学习亦应遵循这一原则。 语言的学习是培养一种感觉,而感觉要靠数量的积累来培养。俗话说水到渠成。同样的道理,达到了一定的量,语感就产生了。这时应再把感觉上升到理念,将理念融入到自己的思维中,英语就能运用自如。请注意量的积累在基础阶段最为重要。金字塔的魅

7、力就在于它完美的建筑结构。有宽广深厚的基础,才能造就塔尖的辉煌。学好英文的道理是同样的。基础必须打牢,也只有在基础打牢的前提下,才能学好英文。 总有人问,要花多长时间才能学好英语。这问题不好回答,因为没有衡量学好英文的标准,并且学习英语的速度也因人而异。但有一点是肯定的,那就是你必须有正确的学习英文的方法。实际上,学习英语如按照正确的方法去做,你很快就 会入门。从入门到能用英语交际也就是一二年的工夫。因此,如果一直是按照正确的方法做,你很快就能学好英语。 重复原则 英语有句谚语Repetition is the mother of skills(重复是技能之母)。你可以回忆一下你学习任何一种技

8、能的过程。无论是游泳还是骑自行车,都是重复同一类动作的过程。 任何技能的获得,当然包括英语这项语言技能,均来自重复。一种事情重复多了,便产生了感觉和深刻的把握。因此,在发展英语技能时,也应该遵循重复原则。比如,在阅读时,当你读过20本初级读物后,就要在这20本中找出一本自己最感兴趣的来读10遍甚至20遍。同样的,当你读过20本中级水平的英语读物后,就应该在这20本中找出一本自己最感兴趣的来读10遍甚至20遍。学习听力和口语也要遵守重复原则。比如说,在听了20盘初级英语听力磁带后,就要在这20盘已听过的磁带中选出一盘,再把这盘磁带听上20遍。在刚开始学习英语口语时,重复原则就更为重要。因为,刚学

9、习英语口语,背诵一些英语后,就找同伴来练,反复重复已学内容。 重复原则与量的原则缺一不可,要有机地把两者统一起来。学习英语中的任一项技能:阅读、听力、口语、写作,都必须在量的原则的基础上,再反复重复。英语中一定有一些你理解的很透并且已经掌握了的单词或句型,你可以灵活自如地使用它们来交际。请注意,这些熟练掌握了的词和句型一定是你重复过无数遍的,这些被重复的东西已经变成了你的一部分,因此你能把它们运用自如了。重复是人记忆的最重要途径,重复使人准确、深刻理解事物本质、内在规律。 量的原则要求你多读多听,多说多写,强调一个泛字。而重复原则要求你将同一件事做很多遍,也就是强调一个精字。如此看来两者相互矛

10、盾。但是矛盾是必然存在的。我想世界上最好的东西一定是矛盾的。因为只有两个矛盾体,才能产生最大的动力使主体前进。好的英语学习方法也应力求矛盾的统一。既要有数量的积累,把面铺开,又要同时将一本阅读书、口语书、一盘磁带、一部电影学透彻。在量的基础上把部分内容学精,这是很重要的。 模仿原则 语言是人们在长时间的实践中形成的认同符号,其运用规则可依。孩子学语言是个模仿的过程,他们每天模仿父母、周围的人、电视等一切可以模仿的东西,并且模仿得越来越象,突然有一天,他们停止模仿了,并且逐渐形成融合自己个性特征的语言方式。 作为英语学习者,必须模仿已有的东西,不经历到位的模仿的创新意味着错误。创新源于模仿,模仿

11、是学习英语的基础,模仿是创新的基础。只有在你通过模仿,真正掌握了英语的灵魂、精髓,然后,才可能谈到自己的语言风格。 学习英语时,模仿原则是必不可少的。比如在学习语音时,要大量地重复练习音标、单词发音,朗读句子和文章。而在练习过程中,尽量模仿音标发音和单词发音,同时模仿句子的音调和节奏。模仿对学好语音至关重要。如果你要学习英语口语模仿亦很重要。在学口语时,要尽量模仿你已经读过的东西和已经听过的东西。当然,如果你模仿你已经用重复原则所读过的和所听过的,效果就会更好。如果你要学习英文写作,模仿的重要性更是显而易见。你要读各种不同类型的文章、名家的文章,重复地读过多遍而能真正理解了后,就要一丝不苟地去

12、模仿。模仿得越像越好,这是英语学习最基本的常识。 我的一位朋友英语口语很棒,当他谈到学口语的秘诀时,他总是说外国人怎么说,我就怎么说;外国人怎么写,我就怎么写。真可谓一语道破天机! 对于模仿原则,可以选择英文电影学习,因为英文电影有真实语境、生活的方方面面,用看电影学英语工具:能飞英语学习软件,就可以做到对电影剧本深入的理解,可以做到每句台词精写,同角色演员一起模仿练习口语,对口语提升效果非常明显! 兴趣原则 兴趣是最好的老师,学习英语首先要有兴趣并努力发展这一兴趣。如果你对英语没有兴趣,那就不会有持续的干劲和动力,英语学习将很难坚持下去。反之,一旦你对英语有了兴趣并努力地发展这一兴趣,那么,

13、你就会不知不觉地去做,带着强烈的欲望去读英语,听英语,说英语,写英语。你就会主动地找人去练英语,找一切可以提高你英语的机会去提高你的英语水平。不知不觉中你的英语就会提高。不知不觉中你就把英语学会了。所以兴趣对学好英语有举足轻重的作用。 然而,尽管知道兴趣的重要性,但很少有人有意识、有步骤地去培养和发展自己对英语的兴趣。 推荐第2篇:高中英语说课稿 教案 高中英语全英文说课稿模板(精品) Interpretation Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.Its my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my l

14、eon with you. I have been ready to begin this representation with five parts.Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching aims, the important and difficult points, the studying methods, and the teaching procedure. Part 1 Teaching Material The content of my leon is New Senior English for China Boo

15、k_ Unit_.This unit is about_ (topics).By studying of this unit, well enable students to know_ and develop the interest in_.At the same time, let the students learn how to_ (functional items).From this leon, it starts_(structures).(As we all know, reading belongs to the input during the proce of the

16、language learning.The input has great effect on output, such as speaking and writing.) Therefore, this leon is in the important position of this unit.If the Ss can master it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit. Part 2 Teaching Aims According to the new standard curriculu

17、m and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), and after studying the teaching material, the teaching aims are the followings: 1.Knowledge objects (语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题) (1)The Ss can master the usage of the important words and expreions. (2)The Ss can use the _ (grammar) in the proper situation. (3)The Ss can und

18、erstand the content of the leon, talk about _ (information) and get their own idea about _.2.Ability objects (技能目标:听,说,读,写) (1) To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing (2) To guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies. (3(3) To improve the students reading abili

19、ty, especially their skimming and scanning ability. (4) To train the Ss abilities of studying by themselves and cooperating .3.Emotion or moral objects (情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野) (1)By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest in _and set up self-confidence in _. (2)Teach the Ss_, put the mor

20、al education in the language study.Part 3 the Important and Difficult Points Based on the requirement of the syllabus. The important points are_ such as _.The difficult points are_ for example_.Part 4 Teaching Methods As is known to us all, a good teaching method requires that the teacher should hel

21、p Ss develop good sense of the English language.For achieving these teaching aims, (after the analysis of the teaching material and teaching aims,) I will use the following methods according to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论) . 1.Communicative Approach(交际教学法) 2.Whole La

22、nguage Teaching(整体语言教学法) 3.Task-based Language Teaching (任务教学法) 4.Total Situational Action (情景教学) a “scene activity” teaching method , it establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss.At the same time, CAI (电脑辅助教学) can provide a real situation with its sound and picture

23、, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English.Part 5 Teaching Procedure Step 1.Lead-in.(_min) _ Purpose of my design: (1) to catch Ss attention about the cla/topic/paage. (2) To set up suspense/develop interest in _. Step 2.Pre-reading Task 1.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla wor

24、k; _min) Let Ss _ Task 2.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _min) _ Now, lets see what happened to the_/ lets check whether it is right or not.Purpose of my design: (1) to get to know something about the _.(2) To have a better understanding about the importance of _.Step 3.While-read

25、ing Task 1.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _min) Skimming: Ss should read the material fast to find out the main idea/topic sentence for each paragraph. Para 1 _ Para 2 _ Para 3 _ Task 2.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _min) Scanning: Listen to the tape part by

26、part to finish _. Task 3.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _min) Scanning: Guide Ss to read the material carefully and take some important notes, then answer the following questions. Task 4.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _min) Scanning: Ask Ss to read the materia

27、l carefully and find out the correct answers to finish the following chart. Purpose of my design: Enable students to understand the given material better by using different reading skills.And proper competition can arouse the Ss interest in English learning. “Task-based” teaching method is used here

28、 to develop the Ss ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.Step 4.Post-reading Task 1.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _min) (接task3)Ask Ss to close books and finish the summary according their notes. (接task4)Retell the story /Sum up the

29、 paage in Ss own words according to the chart. Task 2.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _min) Discu _with other group members and then choose a reporter to share their opinions about _ with the whole cla. Purpose of my design: I think If the Ss can finish this task well, they will b

30、enefit a lot in their spoken English.Most Ss can take their parts in the activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English study. Step 5.Homework 1._ 2._ Purpose of my design: Homework is so important and neceary for to master the knowledge they learned after cla.It will check whether th

31、e Ss achieve the teaching aims. 英语说课稿(英文版) 8B Unit 3 Online Travel Reading Around the world in eight hours Good afternoon, everyone.Now Ill say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 3 Reading Part A.Around the World in Eight Hours.Ill prepare to say the leon from three parts. Part One: Analysis of the Teach

32、ing Material (一) Status and Function This is an important leon in this book.Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their society sense.It can help students to attain “four skills” request of listening, sp

33、eaking, reading and writing.Therefore this leon is in the important position of the teaching material.3.Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.(二) Analysis of the students Most studen

34、ts are interested in computer games.So this topic can greatly attract their interests.It can accelerate them to learn English and geography well.After learning this leon, they will know English and geography are as important as computer .Without much knowledge ,you wont be able to learn computer wel

35、l. (三)Teaching aims and Demands 1.Knowledge objects To understand the aim of an educational CD-ROM and what the character can do To infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledge.To master the Paive voice.2.Ability objects To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking, reading and

36、writing.To train the students how to use their own words to expre their ideas.Ability objects (1) To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.(2) To train the Ss ability of working in pairs. (3) To develop the Ss abilities of communication by learning the useful structure

37、s. 3.Moral objects (1) Through different teaching methods to make students be interested in study.(2) Dare to expre their opinions in English. (3) Love to know more knowledge about Olympic Games.Make an effort to contribute to Beijing Olympics. (四)Teaching key and Difficult point 1.Key points To rev

38、iew the Present perfect tense.To learn the Paive voice.To tell more about the CD-ROM.To retell how the game is played To understand the whole paage and answer teachers questions 2.Difficult points: The Paive voice.To retell how the game is played Key points: (1).Be able to expre words,phrases and se

39、ntences in English. (2).Know about the history of the Olympics and amazing Olympic athletes.2.Difficult points: Be able to talk about Olympics in oral English. (五) Teaching Equipment Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, Software: PowerPoint and so on.They will be needed in this leon. Part Two: The T

40、eaching Methods 1.Communicative teaching method 2.Audio-visual teaching method 3.Task-based” teaching method As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the En

41、glish language.So in this leon Ill mainly use “Communicative” teaching method, “Audio-visual” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method.To use these methods are helpful to develop the students abilities. Part Three: Studying Procedures Step 1 Arouse students interest by telling them that they

42、 are going to read about a new educational CD-ROM.Explain that the game is set in different countries and involves a tour around the world Step 2 Tell students that the first paragraph of the reading paage explains the background to the game .Listen to the tape.Ask some questions to check understand

43、ing, e.g.Whats the name of the new educational CD-ROM? What can it help you to do? Who is the designer? Step 3 Tell students that the second paragraph of the reading paage introduces the main character of the game .Ask some questions to check understanding, e.g.Who is the main character of the game?

44、 How old is he? What does he like doing? What was he doing when he fell asleep? Step 4 Tell students that the third and fourth paragraphs of the reading paage, on page41, explain how the game is played.Ask them to read the rest of the reading paage on page 41 Step 5 Ask some questions to check understanding, e.g.How can you earn a point? What will happen if you have earned a point? What will happen if you have earned enough points? How many levels does the game have? How long does it take you to fini


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