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1、2022年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库包过题库及解析答案第一部分 单选题(50题)1、中央银行在市场中向商业银行大量卖出证券,从而减少商业银行超额存款准备金,引起货币供应量减少、市场利率上升,中央银行动用的货币政策工具是()。A.公开市场业务B.公开市场业务和存款准备金率C.公开市场业务和利率政策D.公开市场业务、存款准备金率和利率政策【答案】: A 2、Italy calls an emergency meeting to save the ancient city of Pompeii()falling down.A.onB.offC.fromD.against【答案】: C 3、关于法

2、定利率与市场利率关系的说法。错误的是()。A.法定利率对市场利率有重要的影响B.市场利率随法定利率的变化而变化C.市场利率与法定利率变化完全一致D.市场利率是确定法定利率的重要依据【答案】: C 4、资料:We all know that lack of sleep affects our memory along with other cognitive abilities. Sitting in the office sleep deprives its difficult to remember your own name, let along the ever-lengthening

3、to-do list.A.The memory distortionB.The amount of sleepC.The short-term memoryD.The ability to recall long list【答案】: B 5、资料:New York and London may rule the roost, but other financial hubs in America and Europe have managed to carve out useful specialist niches for themselves. Chicago, for instance,

4、 has consolidated its position as the worlds derivatives center, and Houston, the largest city in Texas, is home to Americas biggest energy firms and has spawned an active cluster of energy traders and hedge funds.A.New York is the worlds largest financial hubB.Houston is the worlds biggest center f

5、or energy trading and hedge fundsC.The Europe has as many financial centers as the United StatesD.Different financial centers have different specialist features【答案】: D 6、All kinds of techniques and medicines _ to extend human beings live in recent years.A.have been developedB.are being developedC.we

6、re developedD.develop【答案】: A 7、Passage 4A.The more money we have,the more stress we haveB.Money can be of great helpC.We should try our best to earn moneyD.Money is helpful in some way,but we should make full use of it【答案】: D 8、投资银行的最核心业务之一是( )。A.证券经济与交易业务B.收购兼并业务C.风险投资业务D.证券发行与承销业务【答案】: D 9、Was it

7、in the school reading room()you found the missing book?A.whoB.thatC.whichD.when【答案】: B 10、6101126-5121322=()。A.0B.2C.1D.3【答案】: A 11、That car is my property;you _ use it without my permission.A.needntB.might notC.may notD.mustnt【答案】: D 12、Facing the board of directors,he didnt deny()breaking the agre

8、ement.A.himB.itsC.hisD.It【答案】: C 13、Josh graduated with his masters degree in space studies and planetary sciences,but after years of working odd jobs and barely_,he decided to go back to get his teaching license。A.putting on the back burnerB.breaking new groundC.making ends meetD.proving his mettle

9、【答案】: C 14、资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission

10、 (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling.A.ParisB.the United StatesC.EnglishD.New York City【答案】: B 15、I believe you have _ some important points in the re

11、port.A.left offB.left behindC.left outD.left alone【答案】: C 16、信用的基本特征是()。A.平等的价值交换B.无条件的价值单方面让渡C.以偿还为条件的价值单方面转移D.无偿的赠与或援助【答案】: C 17、资料:Business,academic and civic leaders in Cambridge have warned that one of Britains major economic growth cities is under threat unless the government acts quickly to r

12、estore trust post-Brexit.A.Because of the uncertaintyB.Because the economic slowdown after Britian leaving the EUC.Because the increasing,difficulty of finding of finding a job in BritainD.Because they may lose legal status after Brexit【答案】: D 18、Passage 6A.stupidB.politeC.considerateD.annoying【答案】:

13、 D 19、下列是美国作家的是()。A.歌德B.马克?吐温C.福楼拜D.巴尔扎克【答案】: B 20、资料:Actually, any sale is a gift until you get paid. But exporters are especially concerned, since their buyers might be 10,000 miles away!A.CynicalB.SubjectiveC.CriticalD.Objective【答案】: B 21、 期货交易与现货交易的不同之处在于()。A.风险较小的合约B.不需要交保证金的合约C.实物交割率低的合约D.交易所并

14、不提供结算服务【答案】: C 22、下列能够计入我国当年GDP的是()。A.制衣厂购入的10万元棉花B.某人买了一辆价值10万元的旧房C.某企业当年生产而没有卖掉的10万元产品D.一个在美国工作的华人收入10万元【答案】: C 23、 下列不属于银行流动负债的是( )。A.向中央银行借款B.同业拆入C.系统内款项存放D.发行的银行次级债券【答案】: D 24、 ( )是指对未来现金流量以恰当的折现率进行折现后的价值,是考虑货币时间价值因素等的一种计量属性。A.现值B.公允价值C.重置成本D.历史成本【答案】: A 25、According to some()by some scholars,l

15、ung cancer is caused mainly by smoking.A.rockB.researchC.scheduleD.Rumor【答案】: B 26、资料:Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Ye

16、t a very young child or even an animal, such as a pingeon can learm to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted.A.How to describe peoples personatitiesB.How to distinguish peoples facesC.How to distinguish people both inward and outwardD.How to differ good people from bad people【答案】: C

17、27、资本主义条件下的借贷资本()。A.是从职能资本运动中分离出来的一种生息资本B.是货币资本C.是高利贷资本D.是职能资本【答案】: A 28、科学发展观,第一要义是发展,核心是以人为本,基本要求是全面、协调、可持续,根本方法是()。A.改革开放B.统筹规划C.总揽全局D.统筹兼顾【答案】: D 29、资料:It seems simple enough. Take all the line-forming and paper-filling busy work of the government, and put it all up on the Internet. Now, in orde

18、r to report a pot-hole, pay your property tax, complain to an official or cast a vote, just log on and hit a few buttons. Goodbye bureaucracy, hello e-cracy?A.disagreeableB.mixedC.cautiousD.negative【答案】: B 30、资料:Even as rich countries seek to rid workplaces of subtle gender bias, in many developing

19、ones discrimination remains overt. According to the World Bank, women are barred from certain jobs in 104 countries.(1)A.Vietnams ban is a reflection of reform responding to the gender bias in job marketsB.making laws about restrictions on womens work has led to liberalisationC.more countries have t

20、aken measures to abrogate work restrictions on womenD.the ILO has led a movement to eliminate work restrictions on women【答案】: C 31、下列不属于衍生工具的是()。A.期货B.股票C.掉期D.期权【答案】: B 32、资料:No matter how carefully you pick the members on your team,you may still end up with a negative employee.These workers dont ne

21、cessarily fall into the category of “toxic,”but theyre just kind of a drag with their cynical, pessimistic worldview.If you re dealing with a negative employee,here are 3 steps to take.A.Help solve the workplace disputes for the negative employeeB.Put the negative employee in a suitable working posi

22、tionC.Have the negative employees colleagues to avoid arguments with him/herD.Support the negative employee to go through challengses outside the office【答案】: C 33、Fossil fuels are and will be still _ for at least the next two-three decades at relatively low costs.A.productiveB.convenientC.renewableD

23、.available【答案】: D 34、资料:Rahul Chadha, co-chief investment officer for Hong Kong-based Mirae Asset Global Investments, has a few charts he is particularly fond of when it comes to telling a story about investing in China.A.We should resist the trend of automationB.The growth of the economy and techno

24、logy brings prosperityC.Technology is double-edged since some jobs will be eliminatedD.The development of technology is devastating【答案】: C 35、资料:Procrastination comes in many disguises. We might resolve to tackle a task, but find endless reasons to defer it. We might prioritize things we can readily

25、 tick off our to-do list- answering emails, say- while leaving the big, complex stuff untouched for another day. We can look and feel busy. while artfully avoiding the tanks that really matter. And when we look at those rolling, long untouched items at the bottom of our to-do list, we cant help but

26、feel a little disappointed in ourselves.A.Make the costs of action feel smallerB.Make the reward larger than the immediate pain of doing itC.Make the benefits of action feel biggerD.All the above【答案】: D 36、微观经济学要解决的核心问题是()。A.资源的配置B.资源的利用C.资源的用逢单一D.国民收入决定【答案】: A 37、科学发展观,第一要义是发展,核心是以人为本,基本要求是全面、协调、可持

27、续,根本方法是()。A.改革开放B.统筹规划C.总揽全局D.统筹兼顾【答案】: D 38、Land is a major social and political issue, very explosive and very much inclined to _ a lot of conflict in different parts of the country.A.provokeB.irritateC.inspireD.hoist【答案】: A 39、Josh graduated with his masters degree in space studies and planetary

28、sciences,but after years of working odd jobs and barely_,he decided to go back to get his teaching license。A.putting on the back burnerB.breaking new groundC.making ends meetD.proving his mettle【答案】: C 40、2020年3月30日,联合国发表新闻公报,宣布()将为联合国成立75周年活动提供视烦会议及数字通信工具。A.阿里巴巴B.华为公司C.百度公司D.腾讯公司【答案】: D 41、甲在2016年1

29、月1日当着两个儿子的面立了一份口头遗嘱,2016年2月18日,大儿子为稳妥起见,将遗嘱内容以书面形式记录下来,后因大儿子不孝,老人欲将所有财产都留给小儿子,于2016年7月9日重新以书面的形式更改了遗嘱内容。试问,甲去世后,哪份遗嘱可以生效()A.口头遗嘱B.2016年7月9日立的遗嘱C.2016年2月18日立的书面遗嘱D.以上都无效,按法律规定继承【答案】: B 42、下列历史人物中,存在师生关系的有()个。A.0B.1C.2D.3【答案】: C 43、为满足同一设备项目的融资需要,由政府贷款与出I21贷款共同组成的贷款,称之为()。A.银团贷款B.混合贷款C.直接贷款D.间接贷款【答案】:

30、 B 44、资料:Business,academic and civic leaders in Cambridge have warned that one of Britains major economic growth cities is under threat unless the government acts quickly to restore trust post-Brexit.A.To create more job positions for foreign talentsB.To comfort existing foreign talentsC.To attract

31、new talentsD.To stimulate local economy【答案】: B 45、2012年5月13日,中华人民共和国政府、日本国政府及大韩民国政府关于促进、便利 和保护投资的协定于( )正式签署。A.北京B.首尔C.东京D.上海【答案】: A 46、资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. Th

32、at was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of

33、 schooling.A.She decided to further her education in ParisB.serious eye problem shopped herC.She couldnt get admitted to medical schoolD.It was difficult for her to start a practice in the United States【答案】: B 47、Passage2A.adjustableB.comfortableC.self-evidentD.self-righting【答案】: D 48、初唐四杰指的是( )。A.王

34、绩、王勃、杨炯、卢照邻B.沈佺期、宋之问、王勃、骆宾王C.王勃、杜审言、陈子昂、杨炯D.王勃、杨炯、卢照邻、骆宾王【答案】: D 49、资料:The movement of consumers from public social media to private messaging has been so rapid that Business Insider reported that the combined usage of the top four messaging apps now exceeds the combined usage of the top four social

35、 media apps。Falling data prices,cheaper devices,and improved features are helping propel this growth。A.People make fun of each other on these appsB.It would make the social media disappearC.You need to put private information on them all the timeD.It builds connection with your real friends【答案】: D 5

36、0、The latest research indicates that stress,as an _ to deal with it,is a direct contributor to heart disease.A.inabilityB.illegalnessC.unconsciousnessD.unwillingness【答案】: A 第二部分 多选题(50题)1、计算产权比率需用到的是()。A.负债总额B.所有者权益C.利润D.资产【答案】: AB 2、商业银行的现金资产主要包括()。A.活期存款B.库存现金C.在中央银行存款D.存放同业存款【答案】: BCD 3、下列( )案件可以

37、由中级人民法院管辖。A.国际贸易行政案件B.国内企业认为韩国某企业出口到中国的纸价格太低,是为了占领中国市场的倾销行为,向国内贸易主管部门提出倾销调查,贸易主管部门作出了对韩国该企业征收100%关税的决定,该企业不服提起诉讼C.反补贴行政案件D.因为城市规划变更的影响,某小区的自有绿地以及公园被强制拆迁,该小区居民不服拆迁决定,提起诉讼,小区居民约为400户【答案】: ABCD 4、根据商业银行合规风险管理指引,下列属于合规风险管理体系基本要素的有()。A.合规管理部门的组织结构和资源B.合规风险管理计划C.合规政策D.合规风险识别和管理流程E.合规培训和教育制度【答案】: ABCD 5、下列

38、属于中国银监会对资本不足银行干预措施的有( )。A.下发监管意见书B.要求商业银行在接到中国银监会监管意见书的2个月内,制订切实可行的资本补充 计划C.要求商业银行制订切实可行的资本维持计划,并限制商业银行介入部分高风险业务D.要求商业银行限制固定资产购置【答案】: ABD 6、利率违规行为的表现形式有( )。A.擅自提高存、贷款利率B.擅自降低存、贷款利率C.变相提高或降低存、贷款利率D.擅自以高利率发行债券【答案】: ABCD 7、各银行营业机构在业务上尤其应当做到“三公开”,“三公开”是指()。A.公开业务处理的手续B.公开银行经办业务的种类C.公开业务规范D.公开金融政策纪律【答案】:

39、 ABD 8、 中国某企业与新加坡某公司拟在中国组建一家具有法人资格的中外合作经营企业,双方草签了合同。合同约定的以下事项中,哪些是符合我国法律规定的?()A.合作企业的注册资本是100万元,其中外方占22%,中方占78%B.外方出资中包括一套价值10万元的设备,于合作企业取得营业执照后3个月内运抵企业所在地C.中方出资中的30万美元为现金,由中方向银行借贷,合作企业以设备提供担保D.合作企业头5年的利润分配,中外双方各按50%比例进行分配【答案】: BD 9、大额可转让定期存单最早产生于美国。美国的Q条例规定商业银行对活期存款不能支 付利息,定期存款不能突破一定限额。20世纪60年代,美国市

40、场利率上涨,高于Q条例规 定的上限,资金从商业银行流入金融市场。为了吸引客户,商业银行推出可转让大额定期存 单。购买存单的客户随时可以将存单在市场上变现出售。A.可变利率定期存单B.熊市定期存单C.欧洲或亚洲美元存单D.扬基定期存单【答案】: ACD 10、下列属于双激励法中的保健因素的是( )。A.政策和管理B.技术监督C.工作条件D.成就和责任【答案】: ABC 11、关于亲和需要的说法,正确的有()。A.亲和需要是ERG理论强调的三种核心需要之一B.亲和需要的一个重要目标是建立良好的人际关系C.亲和需要强的人在组织中更容易受他人影响D.亲和需要的一个重要特点是不在乎别人的感受E.对于出色

41、的管理者而言,亲和需要太强未必是件好事【答案】: BC 12、下列属于商业银行监事会监督内容的有( )。A.银行会计事务B.银行业务活动C.国有资产保值增值D.履行社会责任【答案】: AB 13、关于马尔科夫分析法的说法,正确的有()。A.该方法的关键是确定出人员转移率矩阵表B.该方法的基本思想是根据过去人事变动的规律推测人事变动的趋势C.该方法的基本假设是在一定时期内从某一职位转移人数比例是不固定的D.该方法认为所使用的人员转移比例的周期越短,预测的准确性越高E.该方法进行分析的第一步是制作人员变动表【答案】: AB 14、金融市场上的非存款性金融机构主要包括( )。A.信用合作社B.保险公

42、司C.退休养老基金D.投资银行E.投资基金【答案】: BCD 15、下列关于理财业务特点的表述中正确的有()。A.商业银行理财业务不占用或者很少用银行资本B.理财业务的主要风险如信用风险、市场风险等均由委托投资人承担C.非保本理财产品会耗用银行资本金D.商业银行在尽责履行合约义务的前提下不对客户资产价值减损承担责任E.银行理财业务是“轻资本”业务【答案】: ABD 16、以爱国主义为核心的民族精神是()。A.中华民族生命机体中不可分割的重要成分B.中华民族生生不息、发展壮大的强大精神动力C.社会主义核心价值体系的重要内容D.社会主义公民道德建设的重点【答案】: ABC 17、定期储蓄存款种类包

43、括()。A.整存整取B.通知存款C.存本取息D.零存整取【答案】: ACD 18、WindowsXP中关闭程序的方法有多种,下列叙述中正确的是()。A.用鼠标单击程序屏幕右上角的“关闭”按钮B.在键盘上,按下Alt + F4组合键C.打开程序的“文件”菜单,选择“退出”命令D.按下键盘上的ESC键【答案】: ABC 19、财产清查结果处理的要求是()。A.分析产生差异的原因和性质,提出处理建议B.积极处理多余积压财产,清理往来款项C.总结经验教训,建立健全各项管理制度D.及时调整账簿记录,保证账实相符【答案】: ABCD 20、下列机构类型中属于银监会监管对象的是()。A.中央银行B.政策性银行C.信托公司D.投资咨询公司【答案】: BC 21、我国金融机构贷款管理责任制主要包含()。A.行长(经理、主任)负责制B.审贷分离制度C.分级审批制D.信贷工作岗位责任制【答案】: ABCD 22、关于存款准备金,下面说法正确的有( )。A.存款准备金分为法定存款准备金和超额存款准备金B.不良贷款率越高,存款准备金率越低C.央行提高存款准备金率时,货币供应量减少D.2004年,我国开始实行差别存款准备金制度【答案】: ACD 23、纳


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