1、2022年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库包过题库带答案(精练)第一部分 单选题(50题)1、按借贷协议在一定时期可以变动的利率是( )。A.固定利率B.浮动利率C.一般利率D.优惠利率【答案】: B 2、“Well done,Cassandra.”Crook said.She blushed,but accepted the ( )with good grace.A.commenceB.compromiseC.compensateD.compliment【答案】: D 3、某珠宝店被盗贼窃走价值l0000美元的钻石,经调查,作案者肯定是甲、乙、丙、丁四个中的一个,于是,让这四人作为重大嫌疑对象
2、接受审讯,这四个人的供词分别为:A.甲B.乙C.丙D.丁【答案】: A 4、The story reaches its _ in chapter ten.A.tallinessB.heightC.climaxD.top【答案】: C 5、资料:Even as rich countries seek to rid workplaces of subtle gender bias, in many developing ones discrimination remains overt. According to the World Bank, women are barred from cert
3、ain jobs in 104 countries.(1)A.Vietnams ban is a reflection of reform responding to the gender bias in job marketsB.making laws about restrictions on womens work has led to liberalisationC.more countries have taken measures to abrogate work restrictions on womenD.the ILO has led a movement to elimin
4、ate work restrictions on women【答案】: C 6、If English means endless new words,difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation,you are wrong.Havent you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language?A.language can help brain powerB.mans ability of learning a second lang
5、uageC.science on learning a second languageD.language learning and maths study【答案】: A 7、The sudden heavy rain()our holiday plan.A.damagedB.destroyedC.sabotagedD.spoiled【答案】: D 8、实验室有两瓶某物质溶液,甲瓶有100克溶液,浓度为5%,乙瓶有150克溶液,浓度为8%,从两瓶中取出相等的若干克溶液,交换倒入另一瓶,令此刻的甲乙瓶浓度相等,则取出的溶液是()。A.60B.50C.70D.80【答案】: A 9、He was
6、looking _ at the visiting salesman, who showed no signs of getting ready to leave.A.impatientlyB.impatienceC.patienceD.patient【答案】: A 10、Today,only 4 million people live and work on farms in the United States,but they produce more than enough food for 200 million Americans.They are able to do this b
7、ecause modern agriculture depends more on up-to-date machinery and scientific methods than it does on old-fashioned knowledge and human labor.A.Modern Farming in the USAB.Problems with Modern AgricultureC.Farming of TodayD.Modernization of Agriculture【答案】: A 11、马克思主义政治经济学研究的出发点是()。A.生产力B.生产关系C.物质资料生
8、产活动D.经济规律【答案】: C 12、目前,我国中央银行发行的短期债券主要为( )。A.央行回购品种B.本票C.可转让定期存单D.央行票据【答案】: D 13、资料:Human resource professionals act as mediators between an organizations management and its workers. This requires wearing many hats Its an HR administrators job to make sure that employees are working in a safe enviro
9、nment that disputes are settled, and that benefits are understood and administered properly. At the same time, HR is charged with recruiting new employees who will not only fit in personally and professionally but also help the company achieve its business goals. They also represent management when
10、negotiating for benefits with companies administering these benefits and when implementing companywide policies that will ultimately lower costs or boost profits. The needs of HR cover a wide range of tasks and,therefore, require individuals who are good with people in addition to being organized, a
11、nalytical, business-minded, and heroic multitaskers.A.to act smoothly and tactfullyB.to take on much responsibilityC.to be faced with many choicesD.to pay attention to clothing【答案】: B 14、_ you return after the rental counter closes for the evening, place your vehicles keys in the night return slot.A
12、.Because ofB.As a consequenceC.In the event thatD.Prior to【答案】: C 15、阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。A.better thanB.other thanC.rather thanD.sooner than【答案】: C 16、2020年3月1日,世界文化遗产()迎来第一次触网直播。此前居民和游客都只能远望而不能近观,在本次直播镜头中,这一区域揭开了神秘的面纱。A.龙门石窟B.莫高窟C.故宫D.布达拉宫【答案】: D 17、It was about 100 years ago_this
13、beautiful clock was madeA.NeitherB.sinceC.thenD.when【答案】: A 18、Despite his Catholic background, Kennedy also became a strong advocate of_rights and later, a supporter of same-sex marriage.A.wasteB.removalC.autonomyD.abortion【答案】: D 19、货币流通规律是()。A.关于流通中所需货币量的规律B.关于货币本质的规律C.关于通货膨胀的规律D.关于通货紧缩的规律【答案】: A
14、 20、To meet the ethical requirements, the participants were informed that their involvement in the study was voluntary and that their personal privacy would be treated_.A.confidentiallyB.proudlyC.confidentlyD.secretly【答案】: A 21、属于南宋的作者是( )。A.苏轼B.周邦彦C.范成大D.雎景臣【答案】: C 22、Passage 2A.close hitB.heavy lo
15、ssC.narrow escapeD.big mistake【答案】: C 23、某商场节日促销期间,为了吸引人气将某商品统一标价,售价在标价基础上打八折,平均下来,每件商品亏损4元,已知该商品的标价是成本的1.2倍,则在促销期间,1059元最多能购买()件这种商品。A.13B.11C.12D.10【答案】: B 24、根据我国宪法的规定,下列有关公民基本权利的宪法保护的表述,哪一个是正确的?()A.切公民都有选举权和被选举权B.宪法规定了对华侨、归侨权益的保护,但没有规定对侨眷权益的保护C.宪法对建立劳动者休息和休养的设施未加以规定D.公民合法财产的所有权和私有财产的继承权规定在宪法“总纲”
16、部分【答案】: D 25、资料:Your Company Logo and Contact InformationA.the transfer of key staffB.an extensive survey of all employeesC.the help of Jamine AnsonD.some meeting with the staff of Plant Operations【答案】: A 26、资料:Special needs students can not only learn from regular education teachers, but can partic
17、ipate in collaborative learning with mainstream students as well. Collaborative learning allows students to work together in groups to complete lessons and assignments. A.Task mastering students work on a teacher-assigned taskB.It involves four-person teamsC.Each student in the group acts as an “exp
18、ert”D.teacher-assigned task is divided into equal parts【答案】: A 27、从融资角度看,下列属于间接融资工具的是()。A.银行承兑汇票B.企业债券C.商业票据D.公司股票【答案】: A 28、银行是在经济发展过程中产生的,其发展的根本动力是()。A.经济发展中的投融资需求和服务性需求B.经济发展中对货币的需求以及对衍生信用的需求C.社会发展中居民及机构对财富保值增值的需求D.社会生产力发展到一定阶段的必然产物【答案】: A 29、以“甲和乙不都是律师”为前提,再增加( )为一个前提,就可以有效地推出结论“乙不是律师。A.甲是律师B.如果
19、甲不是律师,则乙是律师C.甲不是律师D.如果甲是律师,则乙不是律师【答案】: A 30、实行混业经营集中监管的国家,对银行机构业务经营的范围( )。A.实行严格的限制B.实行一定程度的限制C.基本没有限制D.完全没有限制【答案】: B 31、This argument sounds reasonable,but()its incorrect.A.fortunatelyB.actuallyC.naturallyD.obviously【答案】: B 32、资料:Our goal with the new MacBook was to do the impossible: engineer a fu
20、ll-size experience into the lightest and most compact Mac notebook ever. That meant reimagining every element to make it not only lighter and thinner but also better. The result is more than just a new notebook. Its the future of the notebook. And now, with sixth-generation Intel processors, improve
21、d graphics performance, faster flash storage, and up to 10 hours of battery life. MacBook is even more capable.A.Bigger screenB.Faster flash storageC.Longer battery lifeD.Clear representation【答案】: A 33、资料:Changing careers is becoming more popular. Not just because there are more career options avail
22、able, but also out of necessity. As new industries arise, others die. Its up to you to figure out if your career is still going to be around in the next 5-10 years. Some studies say we could have as many as nine careers in our professional lifetime. Which begs the question: do you know what it takes
23、 to successfully change career lanes repeatedly?A.You need to be consistent in your careerB.Changing career lanes efficiently and effectively needs more effortC.It will be hard for you to change career lanes efficiently and effectivelyD.You will change career lanes easily【答案】: C 34、在Word主窗口的右上角,可以同时
24、显示的按钮是()。A.最小化、还原和最大化B.最大化、还原和关闭C.最小化、还原和关闭D.最大化和还原【答案】: C 35、按照我国商业银行资产负债比例管理规定,人民币存贷款比例应小于等于( )。A.70%B.75%C.80%D.85%【答案】: B 36、按照光的波长,从长到短排序正确的一项是()。A.红外光、紫外光、可见光B.紫外光、可见光、红外光C.可见光、红外光、紫外光D.红外光、可见光、紫外光【答案】: D 37、 对被审计单位长期挂账的()应采取函证查询、电话查询等方法进行逐户核对。A.现金B.货币资金C.银行存款D.往来账项【答案】: D 38、资料:Western busine
25、ss visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business. But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.A.UnbiasedB.Slightly criticalC.Fully supportiveD.Paradoxical【答案】: B 39、中断处理时,要求保留现场的原因是( )。A.为了保证不丢失数据B.为了保证原程序完整C.为了中断结束时返回原程序执行D.
26、中断处理时需要使用现场中的数据【答案】: C 40、It is of high importance that you _ at the airport on time.A.arriveB.are to arriveC.must arriveD.need to arrive【答案】: A 41、下列哪项不属于商业银行依法可以开展的业务?()A.买卖政府债券、金融债券B.承销政府债券C.发行金融债券D.承销公司股票【答案】: D 42、管理的核心和动力是( )。A.权力及权威B.激励手段C.人以及人的积极性D.资源的分配【答案】: C 43、_the unpredictability, the
27、technological failure is another big threat to the aviation industry.A.ExceptB.LikeC.Along withD.Other than【答案】: D 44、资料:Up to 80 per cent of the worlds middle classes will live in developing countries by 2030 thanks to surprising recent gains in poverty reduction, according to a United Nations repo
28、rt published on Thursday.A.discuss why developing countries are playing major roleB.illustrate a theory for poverty reductionC.explain reasons behind a reportD.interpret the role of trade for developing countries【答案】: C 45、我国历史上第一个统一的中央集权制的封建国家是()。A.夏B.商C.秦D.汉【答案】: C 46、2月9日,国家主席习近平在北京以视频方式主持中国-中东欧国
29、家领导人峰会,并发表题为()的主旨讲话。A.凝心聚力,继往开来携手共谱合作新篇章B.凝心聚力,勇往直前携手共谱合作新篇章C.凝心聚力,继往开来携手共谱和平新篇章D.凝心聚力,继往开来携手共谱发展新篇章【答案】: A 47、一般来讲,在下列( )经济背景条件下证券市场呈上升走势最有利。A.持续、稳定、高速的GDP增长B.高通胀下的GDP增长C.宏观调控下的GDP减速增长D.转折性的GDP变动【答案】: A 48、资料:From Coins to Credit Banking Throughout the Ages is a concise history of banks and the ban
30、king industry from ancient times to the present. James Gallagher, who has made a career of covering financial news for several newspapers, has done a careful job of investigating his subject. Although he presents the facts carefully, Mr. Gallagher has made what could have been a dry book into one th
31、at is interesting and enjoyable. By telling amusing anecdotes about historical figures, he makes them come alive. Even people who are not particularly attracted to the subject matter will find this book engrossing.A.dullB.vacantC.aridD.humors【答案】: A 49、个人理财当中,投资者教育的最主要的实施主体是()。A.行业协会B.监管机构C.商业银行D.中国
32、人民银行【答案】: C 50、Paper straws might be a hard sell for boba tea shops,but the sudden demand for them is only increasing as plastic straw bans_。A.multiplyB.occupyC.divideD.apply【答案】: A 第二部分 多选题(50题)1、商业银行的内部控制目标包括( )。A.确保国家法律规定和商业银行内部规章制度的贯彻执行B.确保商业银行发展战略和经营目标的全面实施和充分实现C.确保风险管理体系的有效性D.确保业务记录、财务信息和其他管理信
33、息的及时、真实和完整【答案】: ABCD 2、根据中华人民共和国会计法第45条的规定,对授意、指使、强令他人伪造、变造或者隐匿、故意销毁会计资料的行为的国家工作人员,尚不构成犯罪的、可以并处( )。A.罚款6 000元B.罚款8 000元C.降级D.开除【答案】: ABCD 3、古代有很多姓氏都来源于官职。下列姓氏与其官职对应关系正确的是()。A.司马军政、军赋B.司徒征发徒役,兼管田地耕作与其它劳役C.司寇刑狱、纠察D.司空礼仪、德化、祭祀【答案】: AC 4、编制动态数列应坚持的原则是( )。A.时间长短应该可比B.总体范围应该一致C.指标的经济内容应该一致D.指标的计算方法、计量单位以及
34、数值的变化幅度等应该可比【答案】: ABCD 5、对银行业金融机构的重组方案的实施的方式有( )。A.合并B.兼并收购C.购买D.承接【答案】: ABCD 6、会计报表附注应当兼顾的方面有()。A.既要使会计信息使用者从中得知企业全部重要的信息,又要保护企业的商业秘密B.既要保护投资者、债权人等信息使用者的利益,又要保护企业参与市场竞争的利益C.有助于使用者作出最佳的决策,又要避免由于过分披露而使企业在竞争中处于不利地位D.要兼顾充分性与适当性【答案】: ABCD 7、借款申请书的主要内容包括( )。A.借款金额B.借款利率C.借款用途D.还款计划E.还款来源【答案】: ACD 8、下列符合款
35、项移送的选项包括()。A.商业银行的上下级行处之间进行的现金调拨业务B.商业银行同人民银行之间进行的现金调拨业务C.商业银行由于现金(头寸)不足,可以向人民银行借款D.同一商业银行的上下级行处之间进行的现金调拨【答案】: ABCD 9、与股票筹资方式相比,银行借款筹资的优点包括()。A.筹资速度快B.借款弹性大C.使用限制少D.筹资费用低【答案】: ABD 10、在一般情况下,政府实施保护价格可能产生的结果或问题有()。A.黑市交易B.限制生产C.市场过剩D.变相降价【答案】: CD 11、合同的书面形式包括( )。A.合同书B.信件C.传真D.电子邮件【答案】: ABC 12、下列各项中,属
36、于我国的期货交易所的有()。A.大连商品交易所B.郑州商品交易所C.上海期货交易所D.中国金融期货交易中心【答案】: ABCD 13、计算机在工作过程中突然断电,不会丢失所保存信息的存储介质是()。A.光盘B.硬盘C.只读存储器D.内存【答案】: ABC 14、大额可转让定期存单最早产生于美国。美国的Q条例规定商业银行对活期存款不能支 付利息,定期存款不能突破一定限额。20世纪60年代,美国市场利率上涨,高于Q条例规 定的上限,资金从商业银行流人金融市场。为了吸引客户,商业银行推出可转让大额定期存 单。购买存单的客户随时可以将存单在市场上变现出售。A.结算业务的创新B.信托业务的创新C.自动化
37、服务的创新D.现金管理业务的创新【答案】: ABCD 15、下列医学著作属于唐朝时期的有( )。A.孙思邈千金要方B.唐本草C.张仲景伤寒杂病论D.李时珍本草纲目【答案】: AB 16、现在我国银行基本开立的信用证业务种类有( )。A.不可撤销的信用证B.可撤销的信用证C.光票信用证D.跟单信用证【答案】: AD 17、通货膨胀根源于()。A.分配领域B.消费领域C.生产领域D.交换领域【答案】: AC 18、在资金短缺的情况下,当利率放开后,可能会对宏观经济产生一定影响,导致( )。A.投资规模下降B.投资规模过大C.通货膨胀D.通货紧缩【答案】: AC 19、我国大型商业银行不包括()。A
38、.国家开发银行B.中国农业银行C.中国建设银行D.中国农业发展银行【答案】: AD 20、巴金的“爱情三部曲”包括的作品是( )。A.雾B.雨C.火D.电【答案】: ABD 21、政府预算制度改革的主要内容是( )。A.建立科学合理的部门预算制度B.推行国库单一账户体系C.实行政府采购制度D.建立先进完备的预算技术保障体系【答案】: ABCD 22、中央银行对金融机构的信用进行直接控制时通常采用下列手段()。A.信用配额B.规定商业银行的流动性比率C.直接干预D.规定存贷款利率上下限E.窗口指导【答案】: ABCD 23、国际收支包括( )。A.贸易收支B.劳务收支C.外资对华直接投资D.政府
39、和银行的借款及企业信贷【答案】: ABCD 24、下列各项中,属于会计基本职能的有()。A.进行会计核算B.预测经济前景C.评价未来业绩D.实施会计监督【答案】: AD 25、国内银行的( )存款种类只要不超过中国人民银行同期限档次的存款利率上限,计结息规则由各银行自己把握。A.活期存款B.定期整存整取C.通知存款D.协定存款【答案】: CD 26、按照金融企业会计制度规定,会计报表附注至少披露的信息有()。A.符合会计核算基本前提的说明B.重要会计政策和会计估计及其变更情况的说明C.重要资产转让及其出售的说明D.金融企业合并、分立的说明【答案】: BCD 27、下列情况中,商业银行应当承担民
40、事责任的是()。A.无故拖延、拒绝支付存款本金和利息B.压单、压票C.没有法律依据,也没有征得客户同意,提供单位存款信息D.保管箱业务中发生仓库被盗【答案】: ABCD 28、与股票相比,债券的明显特点在于( )。A.规模小B.风险小C.风险大D.安全性高E.收益高【答案】: BD 29、2017年9月30日,人民银行发布中国人民银行关于对普惠金融实施定向降准的通知,聚焦单户授信500万元以下的小微企业贷款、个体工商户和小微企业主经营性贷款,以及农户生产经营、创业担保、建档立卡贫困人口、助学等贷款,人民银行决定统一对上述贷款增量或余额占全部贷款增量或余额达到一定比例的商业银行实施定向降准政策,
41、并从2018年起实施。关于央行的此项通知应该如何理解?()。A.货币政策将更加凸显差别化、定向、结构性等特征。B.此举有利于支持小微企业发展C.此举意味着央行将在未来改变稳健货币政策的总体取向D.此举会释放部分流动性,稳定预期【答案】: ABD 30、我国银行业由()组成。A.中央银行B.监管机构C.自律组织D.银行业金融机构【答案】: ABCD 31、在金融市场中,以下哪些措施有助于解决资金融通过程中的信息不对称问题?()A.监管B.金融中介C.贷款承诺D.抵押和担保【答案】: ABCD 32、公共财政的特征( )。A.公共性B.非盈利性C.强制性D.法制性【答案】: ABD 33、根据巴塞
42、尔协议,银行资本划分为( )两类。A.核心资本B.附属资本C.注册资本D.实缴资本【答案】: AB 34、具备法定效力的公文稿本有()。A.副本B.草稿C.定稿D.试行本【答案】: ACD 35、2020年4月29日,市场监管总局印发公告,发布个人健康信息码系列国际标准。该系列标准采用了国家标准快速程序,从立项到发布仅用了14天时间。该系列国家标准实施后,可实现个人健康和信息共享利用,适用于指导健康码相关信息系列的设计、开发和系统集成。A.数据内容统一B.码制统一C.信息共享统一D.展现方式统一【答案】: ABD 36、商业银行经营管理过程必须严格遵循()原则。A.安全性B.流动性C.保值性D.盈利性【答案】: ABD 37、在下列选项中,()是一个算法一般应该具有的基本特征。A.确定性B.可行性C.无穷性D.拥有足够的情报【答案】: ABD 38、网页是构成网站的基本元素,是承载各种网站应用的平台,以下关于网页的说法中,正确 的是( )。A.网页可以包含多种媒体B.网页就是网站C.用浏览器浏览