1、 o 郸O Il o 盛o 氐o :. o 照o 区o 堞o M o :.2022年新高一英语暑假刷讲专项讲义6题号一二三四五七总分得分绝密启用前考试范围:XXX;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:XXX学校:姓名:班级:考号:注意事项:1 .答卷前,考生.务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2 .回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题FI的答案标号涂黑;如需 改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上, 写在试卷上无效。3 .考试结束后,本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(选择题)一、单选题(本大题共33小题,共33.0分)Clark felt(
2、ha( his in one of the most dramatic medical experiments of all timewas worth the suffering he underwent. ()A. appreciationB. participation C. presentation D. completion1. The Kimberley Region is beautiful and you can experience the indigenousAustralia there more than anywhere else.()A. extremelyB. o
3、riginally C. temporarily D. globally2. -Have you heard from Mary?-Not yet. We did not receive any news during her long.()A. absenceB. arrangement C. profession D. presentation3. The police are allowed to use tear gas in situation during the2OI4Brazil FIFA World Cup.()A. massB. enormousC. crowdedD. u
4、rgent4. All of a sudden, a tiger shark turned and swam to the man beside the boat.A. layingB. stoodC. lyingD. lainLife looks like a (ravel. Whats important is not the, but (he scenery on the way and (he mood of seeing it.A. directionB. destination C. donationD. decisionNo -wo friendships arc ever ex
5、ae 二 y alike (iAal), Bin a 一二 rue friendships have-hrec things in common =:you pr15 keep your Mendshipy you mils- pnlc-ice hones_ygenerosx-y and unders-anding92 Some friendships do3.二 as- veryong because Ahere arc 30 many pcopowho wan- -o make friends。 Bhey don I know friendship is something serious
6、 c【hose who give o-hersfriendships receive friendships Tom o - hers D-hose who never give Shers friendships receive nc friendship from o_hers93,According -o -he passage honesq is asimpor-aHas moneyB more - mpor-an 二 han anything2.SC c somc【hmg counlabQD-he base of afriendship94 Which 0-he fo=owmg is
7、 NOT=tue accord-ngo-he passage*? A5end who gives you hiscnch money is a-rue friend-B, A-ways 一 e= your5end - he uctFc Discussing your probQms wirh your friend ofsn he 一 ps - o solve -he probonLD Sharing your m-nd wi【h your friend - s of grca-va己pAccording【o Che au-horhow do you hc-p your friend know
8、 you bet-cr? Ask yourfriend for everylhing-B, Don 二色二he -ru-h 5 your mend c Share your ideas and feeHngs /.S-your n D Give you 二 unch money or your co-hes _o your fzi.encL 96 The best -iue ofs-is passage isA. A Friend in Need Is a Friend IndeedB Honesty 一s【he Besr Hab二C How Lo Be a Friendo- Three Im
9、por-a=P2.HS in LifecFor Canaan E-emeHary.s second grade in pawhegue” N, Y;5day is speech day” and righ- now i-s chr-s pa-aeNs _unL The 8yea70-d is -he joker of -he c-ass- w-th shining dark eyes,he seems -ike the kid who woukl enjoy public speaking.电一0同洋20汹o外o装o订o线oBHhe s nervous。Im here _oa= you -od
10、ay why you shoE.dshoE,dChns -nps on -he -d=a pronunc-xc-n di3cu=y for many non,na-ive Eng - ish speakers* His teacher,Thomas whaoy is nex 二。him- whispering supports.:voofor me:.- Excep- for some s-umb-es. Chris is doing amaz - ng-y wer=When he brhigs his speechoa nice conausiom whaQy invhes -he rcs-
11、of -he2.ass -o praise hhpA son of immigranry Chris sprted -earn-ng Eng-ish a 三t-e over Three years ago Wha - ey reca一一s (z序段)how a-s-e beginning of the yearwhcn ca 一一 cd upon-o read, Chris wou-d excuse himse=5 go 5 -he ba-hroomLeasing English as a second language can be a painfu 一 exper-encpWhat you
12、 need is a grea二eacher who -e-s you make mis-akesI 二 akes aot for any s-uden-=whaoy exp-a-ns. -especia一一y for a scdcn- who 一 soanl-ng English as -he-rnew - anguagp_o fee- confidcnr enough_0 say -I donT know。bu 二 wan- to know:-Wha - ey go【the idea of -his secondgrade presidenlia- campaign projec- whe
13、n he asked the ch 二 dren one day -o raise -heirhands i-hey -hough 二 hey COUEnever be a presideriL The answer broke his hearL whaay says -he pJ.ec 二 s aboHmore - hanjus- -earningcread and speak in PUHP-He waHs -hese kids10 -earnoboas-(曲兼)abou 二 hemse Humorous。 B, Ambi-ious, c caring。 D Demanding*二-ve
14、 in _he -and of Disney- Ho一一ywood and yeaTround sum You may -hink pecpain such a spondid, funfi=aplace are happier than2.hers Is? you have some mB-aken ideas aboH-he nature of happ-ness-Many intt三 geHpeople s-三 equa-e (?照回)happiness w=h fum The -ru-h -s -ha- fun and happiness have 三二e or nothing in
15、common. Fun is wha- we experience during an ac_. Happiness is whar we experience after an acL I二s a deeper, more - asHng emo-o-m Going_0 an amusemeHpark or ba= game- washing a movie or -e-eviso-m are fun ac=vi-ies -ha- help us relax二emporar二y forge- our problems and maybe even -augh Bu- -hey de no(
16、bring happinessbecause -heir posx-ive effec-s end when -he fun ends.I have often though 二 ha-if Ho=ywood S3.S have a 8-0 -0 p 一 ayi- is to -each us -hat happs-ess has no-h=-g -0 do whh fum These rich bea-fu 一一 ndMdua - s have cons-an- access to wonderful paH.es fancy cap expensive homes every-hing -
17、haf speF: happiness : BHinmemoir (回 -z 知)af-er memor-hey revea 二 he unhappiness h - dden behind a-二 heirfum depression, acoho- sm“ drugLdic-o-m broken maB.agey-roub-ed children and -asmlgcne=ness- Ask a bacheor why he refuses marriagpif hes hones- and he w 二二 e二 you Iha 二1e is afraid of making a pro
18、mise, for promise -s in faaquhe painfuL The singo一 ife is fi=ed whh fun. adveniurc and exciomenL Marriage has such momcnFbu 二 hey are no-i-s mos 二 nlpor-an- features,Sin三 ar-ycoupos -ha- choose no 二。have children arc deciding infavor of pamoss fun over pamfldhappiness,They can dine oui wheneve 二 hey
19、 wa 三 and soep as -as as-hey can coupos whh young children are kQky to gc- a who-c n - ght s sacp or a -hrecday vaca-ion. I don - t know any Parcs who /vou-d choose【he -vordifun :-0 descr-bc raising ch = drerr unders-anding and accepting -hxuce happiness has nos-mg 5 do w=h fun is one of -he mos- Hb
20、era 二 ng (塞法S3)rea=za=ons I 二 iberaas 二 me: now we can devo-e more hoursoac-iv 三 es s-m can rea-y increase our happiness。I 二 ibera - es money: buying _ha-new car or rhose fancy co-hcs-ha【w 三 do no-hmg -o increase our happiness now seems poinucsp And 一二 ibcraos us from envy: we now unders-and【ha【a-二h
21、ose rich and g-amorous peop-e we were so sure are happy because - hey are a-ways having so much fun acca一一y may no【be happyHa= 一 0 一 We can -earn from -he passage -ha- happiness is -as-ing whereas fun is shorLivedB fun provides enjoymenr wh-e pain leads -o happinessc fun crca-csongasHng sa-isfac-ion
22、D fun -ha 二 songssnding mayQad to happiness电一 2日洋20汹o 订o线oo 装一 02 To _he amhorthe 3-a Ho=ywood s-ars p-ays isc w=-e memoir af_er memoir abou- -heir happinessB teach people how to enjoy their livesc, s 一二 he publics-a- happ-ness has no-h-ng to do wi-h funD bring happiness -o-he public ms-cad of going
23、 _0 paB.cs s3,ns-e aus-ory s ophuommad.age affords greaor fun Breadsraising children c, indica-es duq and devotion o- usua一一y ends up in pain -04, Which of【he fo)owmg is the best example of; painful happiness: ? Winning -o-Qry by ac2.denrB A bacheorrefusmg marr-age. c, Raising ch = drem D Buying som
24、e fancy co-hes, -05-f one ge71he meaning of-he-RIC sense of happiness, he w 三 slop p-aying games andjoking wi-h os-ersB use his Ume【oincrease happinessc, give a free hand -o moneyD. keep himself wi-h h-s family国,国陶Hr博w(科“明壮5、1壮一。.0 6)China has been the bir【hp 一 ace of many of -he wors-s grea-es 二 nv
25、en-o-ns,t way for exampp -he?s【coun-ryproduce paper money* Before The mverno-n 0paper money and coms- peop-e used many differeHkinds of Hngs for buying and se 三 ng(_) . Th - s exchange of goods and services for other goods and services is called bartering (菩菩斤淋)。(2) In - 200 Bc- people in China bega
26、n _0 use she=s as money。Usua = y the sheFused as money were very smaFThis made- easier for peopo-0 carry money overong distancesand a=owcd for -rade【o devcop bc-wecn difmren- par-s of rhe coun-ry- 一 n ihe years which fo-owed this mvenuom many oher countries around -he worEbegan ro do -he samp(3)The
27、nex- devecpmeHwas in - 000 Be, when China skirted making bronze and copper she=s. =was no-cng before - he Chinese made round coins Ou- ome-a- (4) By 500 Bc“ me-竺 coins had begun_o appear -n counses =ke Persia and Greece” and -aQr h 二 he Roman Empire. Abou 二 000 years 一 a-cr一 ealher was used as money
28、 -n China, and 三 806 AD. -he ms- paper- banknotes were produced by -he Chinese peopp(5).106. A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF.FG.G107. A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF. FG.G108. A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF.FG.G109. A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF.FG.G110. A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF.FG.GPeople also began collecting foreign coins as souvenirs (纪念品).A. H
29、owever, as economies developed, such exchanges became impractical.B. Il was still many years before paper currency (纸币)appeared in Europe.C. They also used tiny shells as money for buying and selling.D. As time went by, trade between countries increased.E. During that time, for example, buying a chi
30、cken might cost several potatoes.F. The very first coins often had holes in them so that people could string them together.第II卷(非选择题)五、单句语法填空(本大题共35小题,共35.0分)As the saying goes, one is never too old to learn. After he(retire), he will devote himself to gardening.111. In Western countries, blue(repre
31、sent) love, which is why a bride carries or wears something blue on her wedding day.112. All theories(理论)(origin) from practice and in turn serve practice.113. The palace caught fires three limes in the last century, and little of the original building (remain) now.114. Letters to the editor must ca
32、rry the writers full name, which(indicate) that writers are responsible for what they say.115. The custom has been around for more than two thousand years, which (astonish) many foreigners.116. It is reported that China(export) a lot of fruits and flowers to many different countries every year.117.
33、The father as well as his three children(go) skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter.118. Not only the students but also the teacher (be) looking forward to the holiday.119. It is important to remember that success(be) a sum of small efforts made each day and often(take) years t
34、o achieve.第14页,共20页一 2.D0mg -he same sports on -he p-ayground(g_ve) us -he opporcn =y 5 promoo ou_5endship22 As -he impac- of human act-vH:es(condnue 二。grow and -he -is- of species in danger of exHnc-o-n becomesongerwe arcQh wis-a ques-ion: can wc afford -o damage -he=ungs of -he p-ancr-?- 23 He now
35、(face) whh -he dilemma of whe-her or no 二。reErn to his coun=ly24, As -he human popu-a-ion con二nues 10 grow,so(do) -he effec- we have on animals.- 25, When -he Spring Fes-a-ha - chik-rencok forwardc(approach),people give -h2.r New Year-S blessing -o each o-hen一 26, As5-c human popu - a-ion continues
36、-o growso-he damage we do ro rhe cnvironmcnL一 27 Around rhis Poh=(deveop) -he s-ory, which is humorous and fu= of a strongOCEL cu=urp-28. Jim. a chan in Mark Twain-S Adventures of Huck-eberrv Finn, is a black slave who(cng 二 o be free.-29, am always Cena-n that no one bu- my bes- friends(know) my se
37、cre-s. 一3。Every year in AprF -he wa-cr Fcs-iva_(ccobratc) among -he Dai pcopp 一3一 Though having lived abroad for year? many Chinese s【三(observauon) -he -radi-o-na - customs。一 32.1 二s mankind i_se=s-a-(zame) for -he damage 5 - he environmenL一 33. My fa_her(work) as a paiHer for abosfive years” bu- no
38、w he -s aoachen一 34, 3。 of -he popu-a-ion in the ciq(be) used_0 living in the coun-rys-de -hem -35,r was no- u=一二 had gor a 一二 he informa-o-ns-a 二(comment furs-en 一 36, know Jane(promise) -o drive you to -he airpor-ncxr Tuesday- bur somc-hmg unexpected has happened-37- Las- week he_he headmas-era jo
39、b 5 suppori his study (apply) 一 3?Brandi -he sis-ers- mos-er(-each) her daughrtrs a- home so -hx-hey conip 一 eGrd -hehhigh schoo - wh 二 e(develop 二 heirQnnis careers. -39 whcns-c spaceship separared fron 二 he rockerI sudden _ y(ga) a fec-ing of soaring into -he sky一 40, M 三c,ns of peop-e a= over Chi
40、na(wach)TV when 一 he space aand)saf2.y.一 Af-er2.gh- years of figh-ingkle Chinese peop-e firm-y(defear 二he Japanese cncnlo-s-42(ss.kc) Ton 二 ha- wha- hc-d said aboE Hcon applied to hin二 09 一43, The scientis_s(c-aim)-ha二hey had made a great discovery in -he fight agains- cancer -as- mo=h一 44 He 50k a
41、seat(fo一d) -he newspaper and began _0 react一 45。Though _he firs- sugges-c-n (reject) by his boss Tom s 一三 worked hard and came upw-h a bs-er one nna=y.冲,项海H)(科才固壮53图壮75.0 6)一 46 Who is - he firs- person _ha comes -o n.nd when you - hink of a grea【ar-isr? Many peop-e agree - ha- one o 二 he mos-innueH
42、Ear二 s-s o-he 20(h cencryp) (be) pabc Picassop-casso was (2) Spanish ar-is- who is bes- knownfor crea 二 ng -he sqoof Cubism (舟音出入) Cubism uses geome5.c(Jl2rs) shapes (3) (creaa) abs-nl2images。Afsr (4) (grow) bored of c-assica- artis-ic slyQv Picasso decided _0 dcdQas his -ifeoexper-men-ing w =h new
43、s-y-es, wi【h each new s-yphe used a= sorts of m-a一 s (5) (paH.cu - ar) paper produc-s5 express hims2.e EarHe :his yearyan s exhibx湎痣)(6)(三一 e) p-casso and Paper was he-d a 二 he Roya- Academy of Any London。This exhibi- explored -he wor-d of paboP 一 casso -hrough -he many skechbooks and Scrapsa-WH) op
44、aper (7) -he grea- aa.s 二 ef- behind- p-casso once (8) (rcca=): =when I was a ch =p-my moihcr se.d ro mp- f you become a sodieryou=be a generaLIf you become a monk (嬴碌H-)y you-二 end up as-he pope (薄-a.).: The grear ar-isr rcflcced (9) -his mcmoryms-cad. I became a = 0) (Pam-) and wound up as Picasso
45、.:一 47 Before -he mid,22h cencry” BIOS- peop-e fe 一二 rave 三 ng iHo space was (1) -nlpossibodreas- Howeversome scien 二 s-s de-ermined (2) (he-D) husans rca 一一 sc their drcam of cxpor-ng space.On 4 oc_obcr -957, the spu-nik - sa-c三【c (3) (munch) by -he USSR and电一 6同计20m : o 郸O Il o 堞o 氐o :.o 照o 区o 堞o M o :.successfully orbited around Earth. Afterwards, (4) (astronaut) including Yun Gagarin and Neil Armstrong were sent