1、 Lindt&Sprngli Supplier Sustainability Program Document List Lindt&Sprngli(International)Page 1 of 4 Document List for Lindt&Sprngli Onsite Assessment 瑞士莲现场评估文件清单瑞士莲现场评估文件清单 Please prepare the following documents/records for document review during the course of the onsite assessment.No.Requested Doc
2、uments Remarks General Documents 1 Business license 企业营业执照 2 Workplace and dormitory floor plan 工廠及宿舍的平面圖 3 Employees list 员工花名册 Child Labor and Young Workers 童工和未成年工童工和未成年工 4 Recruitment policy 招聘程序 5 Employee(including temporary workers)personnel files with ID card photocopy 员工(包含临时工等)档案(附个人身份证复印件
3、)6 Juvenile employees name list(if applicable)未成年工名单(如适用)7 Physical check-up reports of juvenile employees(if applicable)未成年工体检报告(如适用)8 Juvenile employees registration approved by Local Labor bureau(if applicable)未成年工备案记录(如适用)9 Juvenile employees protection policy(if applicable)未成年工保护程序(如适用)10 Labor
4、 Contract 劳动合同 11 Orientation training materials and training records 入职培训教材和记录 Working Hours 工作时间工作时间 12 Working hours policy 工作时间规定 13 Working schedule of each department 各部门排班表 14 The past 12 months attendance records and pieces rate records(if applicable)过往12个月的考勤记录,及相关计件记录(如适用)15 Work hour exte
5、nsion or consolidated work hour approval(if applicable)政府部门审批的延长加班时间批文或综合计时批文(如适用)Lindt&Sprngli(International)Page 2 of 4 Wages,benefits and terms of employment 工作报酬与福利、雇佣条款工作报酬与福利、雇佣条款 16 Current applicable labor and social security regulation/document(e.g.document for minimum wages)现行法律法规文件(如:最低工资
6、标准)及政府发布的社保文件 17 Wages calculation method 工资计算制度 18 The past 12 months payroll records and bank transfer records(if applicable)过往 12 个月的工资表和银行转账记录(如适用)19 Wages deduction policy and records 工资扣款的政策及记录 20 The past 12 months pay stub 過往 12 個月的工資條 21 Wages deduction and fine policy and records 扣款或罰款的政策及
7、記錄 22 Recent three months resignation records of resigned workers who left with notice and without notice(including resignation records,the last payment records&attendance records,etc.)最近三个月辞职和自离员工的记录(包括:离职申请表,最后的考勤表及工资表,等等)23 Policies on factory benefits(including marriage,maternity,annual leave,be
8、reavement and sick leave)工厂福利政策(包括婚假,产假,有薪年假,丧假和病假)24 Leave application and payment records(marriage,maternity,annual leave,bereavement and sick leave)员工休假申请记录及相关员工工资记录(婚假,产假,有薪年假,丧假和病假的工资支付记录)25 Social security approval,deduction records and the past 3 months payment receipt from Social Security Bu
9、reau 社会保险批核/社保扣款及过往 3 个月的社保局收费收据 Forced,Bonded,Indentured and Prison Labour 强迫劳动、抵押金、契约劳工和监狱劳工强迫劳动、抵押金、契约劳工和监狱劳工 26 Voluntary overtime policy 自愿加班政策 27 Voluntary selection of meal and dormitory policy 自愿选择用餐和住宿政策 28 The past 3 months voluntary overtime records and decline overtime records 过往 3 个月的自愿
10、加班记录及拒绝加班记录 29 Recruitment policy/Employee handbook(related to voluntary work and no forced labor)工厂招聘政策/员工手册(关于工人自愿工作和不强迫劳动等政策)30 Job description of security personnel 保安员职责及工作范围 31 Curfew policy 宵禁政策 32 Disciplinary and complaint policy/Disciplinary records(fines record,warning letter,etc)纪律处分政策及申
11、诉程序/纪律处分记录(罚款单、警告书等)Lindt&Sprngli(International)Page 3 of 4 Discrimination,Harassment and Abuse 歧视、骚扰和虐待歧视、骚扰和虐待 33 Anti-discrimination policy related to hiring and internal promotion 与招聘及內部提升事项有关的反歧视政策 Freedom of Association and Effective Recognition of the Right to Collective Bargaining 自由结社和集自由结社
12、和集体谈判权利体谈判权利 34 Complaint policy&The past 12 months employees complaint records 申诉政策及过往 12 个月的员工申诉记录 35 Freedom of association policy 自由结社政策 36 Regular meeting records between workers and management and its follow up actions.管理层定期与员工沟通的会议记录及跟进行动 Health and Safety 健康和安全健康和安全 37 The assessment of risk
13、/hazard 岗位风险评估报告 38 Certificate of EHS officer EHS 专职人员资格证书(安全主任资格证书)39 Work-related incidents(major and minor)records and corrective action taken 工伤事故调查报告(严重事件及轻微事件)、改善分析措施 40 List of first aider and their training record or certificates.急救员名单及培训记录或证书 41 Fire prevention plan 防火程序 42 Training record
14、s for employees using fire extinguisher and fire hose(Annually)使用消防器材员工的培训记录(年度)43 The past 12 months inspection records of the fire prevention equipment 过往 12 个月的消防系统检查记录 44 List of firefighting equipment with maintenance date 消防设备清单及其维护日期 45 The certification/approval on fire safety/construction 消
15、防/建筑物竣工验收报告或备案记录 46 Evacuation drills records(workplace and dormitory)消防演习记录(生产区及宿舍)47 List of Chemicals 化学品清单 48 Hazard communication training material and records for the affected employees 对有机会接触危害品人员的培训材料及记录 49 Physical examination reports for the affected workers who are exposed to the hazardou
16、s environment 接触有毒有害物质的员工体检报告 50 Annual industrial hygiene monitoring report which determine employee exposure to noise,dust and solvents 年度工業衛生(車間空氣、粉塵、溶剂、噪音)監測報告 51 Drinking water test reports(workplace and dormitory)饮用水检验报告(生产区及宿舍)52 A current authorized operator list/License for operators of pow
17、ered industrial trucks(forklift truck)/training records 叉车驾驶员的清单/叉车驾驶员资格证/培训记录 Lindt&Sprngli(International)Page 4 of 4 No.Requested Documents Remarks Certificate for powered industrial trucks/forklift truck(if applicable)叉车检验合格证书(如适用)53 Certificates for the electrical type of hoist and crane(if appl
18、icable)电动起重设备年度检查报告/准用证(如适用)54 Certificates of all electricians and welders 电工证和焊工证 55 Hot work permit policy and hot work permit records 明火作业安全指引及明火作业许可证 56 Lockout/tag out policy 上锁挂牌程序 57 Confined space policy/List of confined spaces 密闭空间制度/密闭空间位置清单 58 Hygiene license of the kitchen(if applicable
19、)食堂卫生许可证(如适用)59 Medical check-up for kitchen staff(if applicable)厨房工作人员年度体检证或报告(如适用)Environment 环境保护环境保护 60 The Environment Aspects Identification Report 环境因素识别报告、环评报告、环评批文 61 Wastewater discharge(production and non-production)sampling and results(if applicable)废水(工业和非工业)的抽样分析报告(如适用)62 Sludge remova
20、l records for domestic wastewater treatment system/License of contractor(s)化粪池清理记录/清理商资质 63 List of hazardous wastes 危险废物分类清单 64 Hazardous waste collector license,agreement and recent manifests 危险废物回收公司资质及危险废物回收协议,最近的危险废物转移联单 65 Environmental air emission permit/Drawings that identify air emission p
21、oints 废气排放许可证/废气排放平面图 66 Environmental air emission monitoring 废气排放监测报告 67 Boundary noise monitoring 厂界噪声监测报告 Subcontractor Controls 外发商管理外发商管理 68 Subcontractor control procedure 外发商控制程序 69 Approved Subcontractor list 合格供应商名单 70 Written declaration of commitment of subcontractors compliance with the Lindt&Sprngli Code of Conduct 分包商承诺符合 Lindt&Sprngli 行为准则的书面宣言