1、巴西-英文版介绍BrazilIt is the largest country in the world with tropical regions法属圭亚那法属圭亚那苏里南苏里南圭亚那圭亚那委内瑞拉委内瑞拉哥伦比亚哥伦比亚秘鲁秘鲁玻利维亚玻利维亚巴拉圭巴拉圭乌拉圭乌拉圭阿阿根根廷廷BRAZILTwo large terrainThe Amazon plain (1/31/3)Brazil Plateau (2/3)亚马孙河亚马孙河THE AMAZON The Amazon river is the great river on Earth.It is one of the worlds gr
2、eatest rainforests and it is longer than any river but the Nile.The lungs of the earth亚马孙雨林亚马孙雨林伊瓜苏大瀑布伊瓜苏大瀑布Iguazu FallsIguazu Falls,Argentina and Brazil-Legend has it that a god created these falls in order for some desperate lovers to plummet into them eternally.Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Station伊
3、泰普水电站伊泰普水电站The largest hydropower station:Brazil and Paraguay to build the Itaipu Hydropower Station 1260 kilowatts,in2009,the first of the Three Gorges.Corcovado Mountain 科科尔科瓦多山科瓦多山Rich animal and plant resources亚马孙雨林巴西野人(巴西野人(Wild Brazil)bananasugarcanecoffeesisalPapaw 木瓜木瓜Brazil coffeeThe cookin
4、g of brazil巴西美食巴西美食Brizilian Churrascos 巴西烤肉巴西烤肉 每逢家宴,外出野餐,都少不了烤肉。据说,巴西烤肉发源于巴西最南端的州Rio Grande do Sul,相传当地以放牧为生的高卓人经常聚集在篝火旁,烘烤大块的牛肉分而食之,这种烧烤方法传播开来,成为巴西独特的美食。因为巴西烧烤不同于一般的烧烤,它品种丰富而且原材料非常考究,专业的烧烤厨师将大块大块的鲜牛肉、羊排、羊腿、牛排、圣诞火腿等放入烤架,一圈圈的铁链在齿轮的带动下匀速转动,使食物在炭火上均匀受热,烤出来的味道棒极了。然后,餐厅里的“牛仔男孩”将大块的烤肉现场分切给顾客,并告诉你该配什么调味品
5、,这时每个人的胃口都会随整个餐厅的气氛活跃起来,男士们大口吃着烤肉,喝着生啤,沉浸在快乐狂野的巴西美味中。Guarana 瓜拉那瓜拉那 stimate马黛茶马黛茶Yerba mate is a natural stimulant like coffee.However unlike coffee it helps sleep by virtue of its relaxing properties and generally helps achieve an overall sense of well being.Card wine is the national spirit of Braz
6、il,to produce more than 500 years of history,is one of the five famous in the world.卡卡沙沙萨萨酒酒Black beans is indispensable to life in Brazil.It is good for the body,good metabolism.make up with Portugal folk song、game and Africa changgo、danceThe original is the The original is the European Catholic Eu
7、ropean Catholic FestivalFestivalOriginated in the United KingdomThe Brazil Carnival The Brazil carnival is known as the worlds largest Carnival,it is called“the greatest show of the world”。In February of each year,held three days in mid or late。Every year attracts millions of tourists from home and
8、abroad.Samba The samba is known as Brazils national dance which originated in African slaves.Unrestrained sambaFootball kingdom-Brazil Brazil due to the whole country of the good results achieved by the love of football and the men and women national team in the World Series,the reputation of the fo
9、otball kingdom.巴西由于举国上下对足球的喜爱和及其男女国巴西由于举国上下对足球的喜爱和及其男女国家队在世界大赛中取得的好成绩,有家队在世界大赛中取得的好成绩,有“足球王国足球王国”之美誉。之美誉。Brazil almost everyone is a fan of the Brazilian said with a smile not football,people do not understand football when on the Brazilian President,not a high support rate.巴西几乎人人都是球迷,巴西人笑称巴西几乎人人都是球迷,巴西人笑称“不会足不会足球、不懂足球的人是当不上巴西总统的,也得不球、不懂足球的人是当不上巴西总统的,也得不到高支持率到高支持率”。球王贝利球王贝利罗纳尔多卡卡Thanks for listening此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢