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1、2009年考研英语完形填空真题点评完形填空是英语知识运用部分的考查题型,通过这题型来考査考生对不同语境中规范 的语言要素(包括词汇、表达方式和结构)的掌握程度,以及考生对语段特征(如连贯性和 一致性等)的辨识能力,其中包括感情色彩、逻辑和立场的一致及篇章逻辑的连贯等。这就 要求考生从词汇辨析、语法结构和语篇理解三个方面入手,提高自身能力。基于2009考研英语大纲的稳定性,今年完形填空的试题难度没有明显变化。文章主题 是关于动物智能方面的文章,是篇偏重科技的文章,但行文却并不单调乏味,相反,作者 行文充满人文关怀,读来令人倍感亲切。文章是2008年5月7日外文期刊纽约时报(The New Yor

2、k Times)发表的篇文章,作者是Verlyn Klingkenberg。原文标题为“聪明的代价” (The Cost of Smarts),原文为五段文字,为了适用于考试,经过加工整理为四段文字,并 在此基础上设置20个完形填空题目,考点涉及同义、近义词辨析,介词搭配和词组辨析等, 考查考生的多方面能力。考生如果对此类文章有较深的熟悉和了解,考试时一定可以应付自如,最大限度发挥自 身水平,从而提高考试成绩。、09完型试题总体分析(-)考题客观评析从题材来看,本篇的话题特点是透过对动物智能研究的说明来映衬出有关人的智力的话 题,而人的智力是作者的写作重心,本文的中心议题可定位为“聪明的代价”

3、。由此可见, 09完型的话题较往年相比,对大多数考生而言,略显生僻和出乎意料,而且文章中心也略 微违背常识。从考点分布来看,动词辨析有4道(1、8、13、16)、形容词辨析有4道(3、7、9、19)、 名词辨析有2道(4、11)、介词辨析有3道(10、12、17)、词语搭配有3道(2、5、6), 逻辑关系有4道(14、15、18、20),从考点分布来看今年试题重点考查考生认词、辩词的 能力、理解篇章的能力。总体来看,09试题的难度系数略微加大,其中难度系数最大的题目分别为:1、4、6、 8、10。这几道难在既需根据篇章推测出空格所在处的准确句意,又需对所给单词的用法和 意思进行准确的辨析。Ed

4、itorial NotebookThe Cost of SmartsBy VERLYN KLINKENBORGPublished: May 7, 2008Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. Consider the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmers piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter

5、 than the average fruit fly tended to live shorter lives. This suggests that dimmer bulbs bum longer, that there is an advantage in not being too terrifically bright.Intelligence, it turns out, is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, bums more fuel and is slow off the starting line because it

6、 depends on learning - a gradual process - instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things theyve apparently learned is when to stop.Is there an adaptive value to limited intelligence? Thats the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a

7、wistful glance backward at all the species weve left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real costs of our own intelligence might be. This is on the mind of every animal Ive ever met.Every chicken that looks at you sideways - which is how they all look at you - is really saying what T

8、horeau said less succinctly: you are endeavoring to solve the problem of a livelihood by a fbmiula more complicated than the problem itself. Thoreau himself would not dispute that he was hoping to recover the chickens point of view. He went to Walden Pond to remember well his ignorance.Research on a

9、nimal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would perform on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, for instance, is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning. I believe that if animals ran the labs, they would test us to determine the limits of our pa

10、tience e, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really for, not merely how much of it there is. Above all, they would hope to study a fundamental question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in? So far the results are inconclu

11、sive.译文:对动物智能进行的研究总是让我想了解人类到底有多聪明。不妨考虑下卡尔齐默周 二发表在科学时报杂志上的对于果蝇实验的描述,那些学得比普通果蝇更聪明的果蝇往 往寿命比较短。这让人想起比较暗淡的灯泡照明时间反而比较长,不那么聪明也有自身的优 势。事实证明,聪明是种昂贵的选择。它需要更多的保养,消耗更多的燃料,起步慢,这 是因为聪明依赖学习个渐进的过程一而不是本能。许多其它物种都能够学习,它们显然 已经学会的一件事就是什么时候停止学习。是否有一个有限聪明的适应值呢?这是该项研究背后的问题。我喜欢它。该研究不是要 我们对那些在智力方面已被人类远远抛在后面的物种投以悲怜的眼光,而是含蓄地提出

12、个 问题:人类智慧的真正代价可能是什么。而这是我们遇见所有动物都在思考的问题。研究动物智能也让我想知道如果动物有机会的话,它们会对人类进行何种实验。例如, 每只有主人的猫都在进行项有关操作性条件反射的小规模研究。我认为,如果让动物管 理实验室的话,它们会对我们进行测试,来确定我们的忍耐度、我们的忠诚度、我们对地域 的记忆。它们将设法确定人类智慧的用途,面不仅仅是人类有多少智慧。更重要的是,它 们希望研究个基本问题:人类是否真正了解他们生活的这个世界?迄今为止,结果尚不确 定。通过对答案部分的研究,我们不难发现此文以文学的方式包装了科学的内在。就其内容 而言,本文描述了智慧的代价,是从个前人罕见

13、的角度以批判的眼光看待了智慧这一事 物。而从措辞与笔触角度,则相当文学化。文中Intelligence, it turns out, is a high-priced option. 一句,很多考生从语法角度分析,发现无法理解,因为原文出现两组主谓结构,但居然没有 连接词。但从文学角度而言,将it turns out作为插入语却未尝不可,而这个it其实是主语复 指现象,也仅在文学性较强的文章中会出现。接触过老TOEFL考试语法部分的同学,恰恰 很容易发现,老TOEFL考试将主语重复出现作为种常见的语法错误,可见在本文中所用 的文学笔触。主语复指其实并不罕见,最为经典的莫过于莎翁笔下的To be

14、 or not to be, that is the question.中这个that的存在了,而过分深究语法者将其改为To be or not to be is the question.就在文学色彩上大打折扣了。文末也很有意思的采用了虚拟的方式,展开充分联想,描述到:如果动物能对人类做实 验,这里利用虚拟,从动物的角度来看待人类,作者无非希望跳出人类这个圈子,从个更 客观、更具批判性的角度来分析智慧的代价,然而这种角度是在前人中鲜见的,是容易引起 人们争议的,从文学角度而言,又是与文章开头的果蝇实验呼应的。解题而言,这次题型中仍然有大量相似相近相反选项可供考生参考,如第三题的lighter

15、 和dimmer,第九题的limited与indefinite,第卜题的forward和backward,第卜题的above all与after all等。而在逻辑考察方面,考试秉承了一贯的原则,依旧在往年的那些逻辑关系 中徘徊,比如卜四题出现的对比关系by contrast和举例关系for instance,而by chance和as usua!这样的词就没有作为正确答案而存在,主要是因为缺乏前后文的呼应。比如十五题选 择的if为条件关系,而且还是个虚拟的条件。选项词汇而言,此次考试也鲜见难词、偏词, 都是些比较基本的词汇,所以在充分准备的情况下,有四、六级基础的考生看不懂选项的 概率应该是

16、不高的,而真正作为答案的词汇无一例外都是四级词汇,所以还是应证了那句老 话,考研完型填空不倾向与选择难词与偏词。Section I Use of English解题基本思路完型填空旨在从语篇的水平上.测试考生综合运用语言的能力。纵观近几年的研究生入学 考试英语试题,就其出题方式来看,基本上包括以下四种类型:语篇关系型:词汇辨析型:语义关系型;语法与结构搭配型1 .根据语法进行选择2 .根据词汇的固定搭配选定答案(此类所占比例较大):3 .根据句子及上下文的意思选定答案:4 .区别选项中的同义词或近义词:5 .区分选项中的形似词或同音词:6 .根据句子的逻辑关系选定答案(理解句子意思,注意句中一

17、正一反的表达):7 .根据句意并辨析短语进行选择:8 .3.1语法和结构搭配型语法与结构搭配型主要是指名词、动词、形容词等与介词或副词的搭配:也指一些习语的结 构搭配;另外,纯粹的语法题在考研题中以很少出现,往往与结构搭配型混合在一起。有扎 实的语法基础,并牢固掌握英语词汇搭配,做题时方能得心应手。Example 1:Industrial safety does not just happen. Companies 41 low accident rates plan their safety programs, work hard to organize them, and continue

18、 working to keep them alive and active. When the work is well done, a climate of accident free operations is established 44 time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.Successful safety programs may differ greatly in the emphasis placed on certain aspects of the program. Some place great emphasis

19、 on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe work practices by observing rules or regulations. 47 others depend on emotional appeal to the worker. But, there are certain basic ideas that must be used on every program if maximum results are to be obtained.There can be no question about the value of a

20、safety program. From a financial standpoint alone, safety comes off. The fewer the injury reports, the better the workmans insurance rate. This may mean the difference between operating at a profit or at a loss. (1999 考题)41. A atB inC onD with44. A whereB howC whatD unless47. A SomeB ManyC EvenD Sti

21、ll答案解析:41. DO文意:事故发生率低的公司制定安全生产计划,努力组织实施,使其保持活力。介 词与名词的搭配。选项D with与rate搭配,符合本文语义,为正确答案。B in 和Con与其后的rates没有任何关系,构不成答配,应立即予以排除。当谈到“以速 度、速率或价格”时,rate前面应用at。 Come off:成功,实现,奏效44. Ao文意:当这项工作(低事故率的安全计划)的制定和实施出色完后,无事故操作的 氛围便形成了,在这种情况下,由事故损伤所造成的时间浪费减少到最低程度。此处“无 事故操作的氛围的形成”是在低事故的安全计划得到贯彻实施的地方才能实现的,故应 选A whe

22、reo语法型。where引导地点状语从句,在此表示抽象概念,这一点经常在考 题中出现。B how、C what和D unless均不能使句子连贯,故予以排除。47. Do文意:有人十分强调机械防护,另外一些人则强调遵守规章制度的安全作业上,还 有些人靠对工人晓之以理、动之以情。结构搭配型。Some., others., still others.列举 不同的观点,意思是“有的,有的,还有的”,故根据上下文应选D Still。Example 2:The first and smallest unit that can be discussed in relation to language is

23、 the word. In speaking, the choice of words is 41 the utmost importance. Proper selection will eliminate one source of likely breakdown in the communication cycle. Too often, careless use of words prevents a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listene匚 The words used by the speaker may stir up u

24、nfavorable reactions in the listener 45 interfere with his comprehension; hence, the transmission-reception system breaks down.Moreover, inaccurate or indefinite words may make _47 difficult fbr the listener to understand the message which is being transmitted to him. The speaker who does not have s

25、pecific words in his working vocabulary may be unable to explain or describe in a way that can be understood by his listeners. (1994 实考题)41. A ofB atC fbrD on45. A whoB asC whichD what47. A thatB itC soD this答案解析:41. A。文意:在说话中,词的选择是极其重要的。语法搭配型。此题考查的是be of+. (抽象名词)的用法。Is of the utmost importance=is m

26、ost important。故应选A of。45. Co文意:说话人使用的词语可能会激起听话人的不良反应,造成对理解的干扰。此处 可通过语法型同时结合语义关系进行判断。interfere with是动词词组,在定语从句中作 谓语,同时这个从句还缺少主语,经初步判断,这个空白处应该先填个关系代词,引 出后面定语从句。这样D what便可首先排除;若填入A who,那么先行词就只能是 the listener,而听讲者“不可能干扰”他自己的理解”;如填入B as,代替前面整句话作 主语,又不合逻辑。因此只有C which是正确的,它指代的先行词是unfavorable reactions47. B

27、o文意:然而,用词不准确或含糊其词会使听话人难以理解正在传递给他们的信息。 此题考查make (find) + it + a办+to do 的结构。It只是形式宾语,真正的宾语是形容 词后的动词不定式短语。因此,只有B it正确。3.2.1 语篇关系型语篇关系是指文章段落与段落之间、句子与句子之间的各种表示启承转合的逻辑关系, 如转折、因果、递进和并列等。其标志词往往是相应的并列连词、连接性副词和从属连词, 以及起连接作用的短语等,这些正是出题者布设机关陷阱的地方。Example 3:Manpower Inc., with 560,000 workers, is the worlds larg

28、est temporary employment agency. Every morning, its people swarm into the offices and factories of America, seeking a days work for a days pay, one day at a time. 42 industrial giants like General Motors and IBM struggle to survive by reducing the number of employees, Manpower, based in Milwaukee, W

29、isconsin, is booming.44 its economy continues to recover, the US is increasingly becoming a nation of part-timers and temporary workers. This “disposable work is the most important trend in American business today, and it is fundamentally changing the relationship between people and their jobs. The

30、phenomenon provides a way for companies to remain globally competitive 48 avoiding market cycles and the growing burdens imposed by employment rules, health care costs and pension plans. For workers it can mean an end to the security, benefits and sense of importance that came from being a loyal emp

31、loyee. (1997 年考题)42. A ForB BecauseC AsD Since43. A Even thoughB Now thatC If onlyD Provided that44. A butB whileC and D whereas注:本部分所选的试题均为实考题,每篇文章的试题都包含了这四种类型。为阐明某种题型,我们只讲解 与该题型相关的试题,并保留原题号,与所述类型无关的空格直接填好,以已知文字的形式岀现。答案解析:42. Co文意:由于像通用汽车公司和IBM公司这样的工业巨头通过减少雇员的人数挣扎 着生存下来,基地设在威斯康星州密尔沃基市的人力公司正在繁荣起来。前一

32、句表示后 一句的原因,而且这种原因是潜显的和众所周知的,因此备选答案必须符合此意。44. A文意:尽管美国经济继续恢复,但它却越来越来成为一个兼职者和临时的国家。 这俩句前一句是积极的,后一句是消极的,是转折关系。A Even though(尽管)符合文意, 正确。B Now that (既然)表示原因; If only (只要)和D Provided that (如果)表条 件。48. Bo文意:这种现象一方面为各打公司避免了市场流通和聘用制度、医疗费和救济计划 等加给公司越来越大的负担,同时,也为公司保持其全球竞争力提供了一种方法。空白 处应填从属连词while (在的同时),因为此处强调

33、主句的动作和从句的动作同时进 行。万宝盛华公司(Manpower Inc.) (NYSE: MAN)是全球范围雇佣服务行业的领导者;创建并 提供服务从而让客户们能够在日益变化的职场天地中赢得胜利。公司年度总收益超过 160亿美元,提供给雇主整个雇佣生命周期和经济周期的一系列服务,包括人才推荐服 务、临时和合同派用服务、员测评和筛选服务、培训服务、转职推荐服务、外包服务 和咨询服务等。万宝盛华遍及全球72个国家和地区所拥有超过4,400家分支机构的全球 服务网络,确保了我们每年可以满足超过400,000家客户的需要,这些企业涵盖了世界 顶尖的跨国公司以及各行各业的中小企业。万宝盛华的工作关注于提

34、高生产,通过其 全体员提供优质、高效及节约成本的服务,从而使客户能够专心于其核心业务的发展。 万宝盛华公司下属共有五大品牌:Manpower, Manpower Professional, Elan Jefferson Wells 和Right Management。欲知更多有关万宝盛华公司的信息,请访问: 。Example 4:Vitamins are organic compounds necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animal, includi

35、ng man.They do not provide energy, 41 do they construct or build any part of the body. They are needed for transfonning foods into energy and body maintenance. There are thirteen or more of them, and if any is missing a deficiency disease becomes apparent.Vitamins are similar because they are made o

36、f the same elements usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes nitrogen. They are different _46 their elements are arranged differently, and each vitamin performs one or more specific functions in the body.Getting enough vitamins is essential to life, although the body has no nutritional use fo

37、r excess vitamins. Many people, 50 , believe in being on the “safe side and thus take extra vitamins. However, a well-balanced diet will usually meet all the bodys vitamin needs.(1996年考题)41. A eitherB soC norD never46. A in thatB so thatC such thatD except that50. A neverthelessB thereforeC moreover

38、D meanwhile答案解析:41. C空白处前的上下文语境是否定句,而空白处后的助动词do和主语又被倒装,故可 判断这是“notnor”的句型结构,故选C。46. A文意:它们(各种维生素)是不同的,原因是它们的成分不同。A in that (= because) 是比较少见的表示原因的主从连接词,多用于表示某事物不同或相似于另一事物的原 因,故正确。B so that是表示结果或目的的连接词,在该句中不合逻辑。C、D 均不符合文意,也应排除。50. Ao文意:摄入足够的维他命对于生命却是至关重要的,然而,维生素过多对人体并没 有营养作用。不过,很多人为了安全起见还是过多地服用了维他命。很

39、显然,上下文是 转折关系,因此答案应该为A nevertheless (不过,然而)。其余均不正确。Example 5:The key to the industrialization of space is the U.S. space shuttle. With it, astronauts will acquire a workhouse vehicle capable of flying into space and turning many times. Powered by reusable rockets that can lift a load of 65,000 pounds

40、, the shuttle will carry devices fbr scientific inquiry, as well as a variety of military hardware. 50 more significantly, it will deliver materials and machines into space fbr industrial purposes unimagined two decades ago when “sputnik” (artificial satellite) was added to the vocabulary. In short,

41、 the ultimate importance of the shuttle lies in its promise as an economic tool.What makes space shuttle unique is that it can takes off like a rocket but lands airplane. 57 , when it has accomplished its mission, it can be ready fbr another trip in about two weeks.The space shuttle, the worlds firs

42、t true spaceship, is a magnificent step in making the impossible possible fbr the benefit and survival of man. (1992 考题) 50. A ThenB OrC ButD So57. A ThusB WhereasC NeverthelessD Yet答案解析:50. Co文意:航天飞机将运送科考设备和各种军用装备。但意义更重大的是,它将工业用 的材料和机器送往太空,这在20年前“人造卫星”这一名词出现之初是不可想象的。由 此可知,上下文是转折关系。57. A Thus.文意:航天飞

43、机的独特之处在于它起飞时像火箭,着陆时像匕机。这样当它完 成一次任务大约两周后,即可为另外一次飞行做好准备。B Whereas、 Nevertheless 和D Yet都表转折关系。而A Thus (因此,于是)表示前后因果关系,符合文意。3.3词汇辨析型词汇辨析型即表示四个选项为异形近义类,近形近义类或近形异义类。要求考生从形义结 合方面考虑,不仅能够正确辨析四个选项的意思,而且往往要结合语义才能做出正确的选择。Example 6:Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution

44、. They admitted that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living fbr the 42 man. But they insisted that its 43 results during the period from 1750 to 1850 were widespread poverty and misery fbr the 44 of the English population. By contrast, they saw in the preceding hundr

45、ed years from the 1650 to 1750, when England was still a 46 agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity.This view, however, is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists in history and economics, have 49 two things: that the period from 1650 to 1750 was 50 by great poverty, and

46、that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the condition fbr the majority of the populace. (1998 年考题)42. A plain43. A momentary44. A bulk46. A broadly49. A manifestedB averageB promptB hostB thoroughlyB approvedC meanC instantC grossC generallyC shownD normalD imm

47、ediateD magnitudeD completelyD speculated50. A notedB impressedC labeledD marked答案解析:42. B average 异形近义词辨析。文意:他们(虽然)承认,从长远的观点来看工业化大 大提高了普通老百姓的生活水平。本题的选项为近义词。A plain (朴素的,平常的; 平凡的,普通的)常指“穿着朴素”“相貌一般的”“不太好看的”意思,不与man搭配, 故可排除。B average (平均的,通常的,一般的)指“人”时,通常指“平民百姓”, 与“ ordinary”同义,可与people or man相搭配,故为答案。C mean (平均的,低劣的, 吝啬的)指物时,一般指平均收入或物品质量的低劣;指人时,表示卑鄙、小气、吝啬 等。D normal (正常的,普通的)常指按某标准衡量是正常的。如:His temperature is normal.43-44. DA为近义词辨析型。文意:但是,他们坚持认为1750-1850年这时期的工业化 的直接结果是给大批的英国人带来了普遍的贫困和痛苦。43. A momentary (片刻的, 瞬间


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