1、Thank you. Im honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college and this is the closest Ive ever gotten to a college graduation. 谢谢大家。很荣幸能和你们,来自世界最好大学之一的毕业生们,一块儿参加毕业典礼。老实说,我大学没有毕业,今天恐怕是我一生中离大学毕业最近的一次了。 T
2、oday I want to tell you three stories from my life. Thats it. No big deal. Just three stories. 今天我想告告诉大家家来自我我生活的的三个故故事。没没什么大大不了的的,只是是三个故故事而已已。 The ffirsst sstorry iis aabouut cconnnecttingg thhe ddotss. 第一个故事事,如何何串连生生命中的的点滴。 I drooppeed oout of Reeed Colllegge aafteer tthe firrst sixx moonthhs bbut
3、theen sstayyed arooundd ass a droop-iin ffor anootheer118 mmontths or so befforee I reaallyy quuit. Soo whhy ddid I ddropp ouut? It staarteed bbefoore I wwas borrn. My bioologgicaal mmothher wass a youung, unnwedd grraduuatee sttudeent, annd sshe deccideed tto pput me up forr addopttionn. SShe fellt
4、 vveryy sttronnglyy thhat I sshouuld be adoopteed bby ccolllegee grraduuatees, so eveerytthinng wwas alll seet ffor me to be adoopteed aat bbirtth bby aa laawyeer aand hiss wiife, exxceppt tthatt whhen I ppoppped outt, ttheyy deecidded at thee laast minnutee thhat theey rreallly wanntedd a girrl. So
5、 my parrentts, whoo weere on a wwaittingg liist, goot aa caall in thee miiddlle oof tthe nigght askkingg, Weve gott ann unnexppectted babby bboy. Doo yoou wwantt hiim? Thhey saiid, Off cooursse. Myy biioloogiccal mottherr fooundd ouut llateer tthatt myy mootheer hhad nevver graaduaatedd frrom collle
6、gge aand thaat mmy ffathher hadd neeverr grraduuateed ffromm hiigh schhooll. SShe reffuseed tto ssignn thhe ffinaal aadopptioon ppapeers. Shhe oonlyy reelenntedd a feww moonthhs llateer wwhenn myy paarennts proomissed thaat II woouldd goo too coolleege. 我在里得大大学读了了六个月月就退学学了,但但是在118个月月之后-我真真正退学学之前,我我还
8、母保证证会让我我上大学学,她妥妥协了。 This wass thhe sstarrt iin mmy llifee. AAnd17 yeaars latter, I didd goo too coolleege, buut II naaiveely choose a ccolllegee thhat wass allmosst aas eexpeensiive as Staanfoord, annd aall of my worrkinng-cclasss ppareentss ssaviingss weere beiing speent on my colllegge ttuittionn.
9、 AAfteer ssix monnthss, II cooulddntt seee tthe vallue in it. I hadd noo iddea whaat II waanteed tto ddo wwithh myy liife, annd nno iideaa off hoow ccolllegee waas ggoinng tto hhelpp mee fiigurre iit oout, annd hheree I wass, sspenndinng aall thee mooneyy myy paarennts hadd saavedd thheirr enntirre
10、llifee. SSo II deecidded to droop oout andd trrustt thhat it wouuld alll woork outt OKK. IIt wwas preettyy sccaryy att thhe ttimee, bbut loookinng bbackk, iit wwas onee off thhe bbestt deecissionns II evver madde. Thee miinutte II drroppped outt, II coouldd sttop takkingg thhe rrequuireed cclasssess
11、 thhat diddntt innterrestt mee annd bbegiin ddropppinng iin oon tthe onees tthatt loookeed ffar morre iinteeresstinng. 这是我生命命的开端端。十七七年后,我我上大学学了,但但是我很很无知地地选了一一所差不不多和斯斯坦福一一样贵的的学校,几几乎花掉掉我那蓝蓝领阶层层养父母母一生的的积蓄。六六个月后后,我觉觉得不值值得。我我看不出出自己以以后要做做什么,也也不晓得得大学会会怎样帮帮我指点点迷津,而而我却在在花销父父母一生生的积蓄蓄。所以以我决定定退学,并并且相信信没有做做错。一一开
12、始非非常吓人人,但回回忆起来来,这却却是我一一生中作作的最好好的决定定之一。从从我退学学的那一一刻起,我我可以停停止一切切不感兴兴趣的必必修课,开开始旁听听那些有有意思得得多的课课。 It waasnt aall rommanttic. I diddntt haave a ddormm rooom, soo I sleept on thee flloorr inn frriennds rooomss. II reeturrnedd Cooke botttlees ffor thee fiive-cennt ddepoositts tto bbuy foood wwithh, aand I ww
13、oulld wwalkk thhe sseveen mmilees aacrooss towwn eeverry SSundday nigght to gett onne ggoodd meeal a wweekk att thhe HHaree Krrishhna temmplee. II loovedd itt. AAnd mucch oof wwhatt I stuumblled intto bby ffolllowiing my curriossityy annd iintuuitiion turrnedd ouut tto bbe ppricceleess latter on. Le
14、et mme ggivee yoou oone exaamplle. 事情并不那那么美好好。我没没有宿舍舍可住,睡睡在朋友友房间的的地上。为为了吃饭饭,我收收集五分分一个的的旧可乐乐瓶,每每个星期期天晚上上步行七七英里到到哈尔-克里什什纳庙里里改善一一下一周周的伙食食。我喜喜欢这种种生活方方式。能能够遵循循自己的的好奇和和直觉前前行后来来被证明明是多么么的珍贵贵。让我我来给你你们举个个例子吧吧。 Reed Colllegge aat tthatt tiime offfereed pperhhapss thhe bbestt caalliigraaphyy innstrructtionn inn
15、 thhe ccounntryy. TThrooughhoutt thhe ccamppus eveery possterr, eeverry llabeel oon eeverry ddrawwer wass beeauttifuullyy haand-callliggrapphedd. BBecaausee I hadd drroppped outt annd ddidnnt havve tto ttakee thhe nnormmal claassees, I ddeciidedd too taake a ccallligrraphhy cclasss tto llearrn hhow
16、to do thiis. I llearrnedd abboutt seeriff annd ssanss-seeriff tyypeffacees, aboout varryinng tthe amoountt off sppacee beetweeen diffferrentt leetteer ccombbinaatioons, abboutt whhat makkes greeat typpogrraphhy ggreaat. It wass beeauttifuul, hisstorricaal, arttistticaallyy suubtlle iin aa waay tthat
17、t scciennce cannt cappturre, andd I fouund it fasscinnatiing. 当时的里德德大学提提供可能能是全国国最好的的书法指指导。校校园中每每一张海海报,抽抽屉上的的每一张张标签,都都是漂亮亮的手写写体。由由于我已已退学,不不用修那那些必修修课,我我决定选选一门书书法课上上上。在在这门课课上,我我学会了了“seeriff”和saans-serrif两种字字体、学学会了怎怎样在不不同的字字母组合合中改变变字间距距、学会会了怎样样写出好好的字来来。这是是一种科科学无法法捕捉的的微妙,楚楚楚动人人、充满满历史底底蕴和艺艺术性,我我觉得自自己被完完全吸
18、引引了。 None of thiis hhad eveen aa hoope of anyy prractticaal aappllicaatioon iin mmy llifee. BBut tenn yeearss laaterr whhen we werre ddesiigniing thee fiirstt Maacinntossh ccompputeer, it alll caame bacck tto mme, andd wee deesiggnedd itt alll iintoo thhe MMac. Itt waas tthe firrst commputter witth
19、bbeauutifful typpogrraphhy. If I hhad nevver drooppeed iin oon tthatt siinglle ccourrse in colllegge, thee Maac wwoulld hhavee neeverr haad mmulttiplle ttypeefacces or prooporrtioonallly spaacedd foontss, aand sinnce Winndowws jjustt coopieed tthe Macc, iitss liikelly tthatt noo peersoonall coompuut
20、err woouldd haave theem. 当时我并不不指望书书法在以以后的生生活中能能有什么么实用价价值。但但是,十十年之后后,我们们在设计计第一台台 Maacinntossh计算算机时,它它一下子子浮现在在我眼前前。于是是,我们们把这些些东西全全都设计计进了计计算机中中。这是是第一台台有这么么漂亮的的文字版版式的计计算机。要要不是我我当初在在大学里里偶然选选了这么么一门课课,Maacinntossh计算算机绝不不会有那那么多种种印刷字字体或间间距安排排合理的的字号。要要不是WWinddowss照搬了了 Maacinntossh,个个人电脑脑可能不不会有这这些字体体和字号号。 If I
21、 hadd neeverr drroppped outt, II woouldd haave nevver drooppeed iin oon tthatt caalliigraaphyy cllasss annd pperssonaals commputterss miightt noot hhavee thhe wwondderfful typpogrraphhy tthatt thhey do. 要不是退了了学,我我决不会会碰巧选选了这门门书法课课,个人人电脑也也可能不不会有现现在这些些漂亮的的版式了了。 Of cooursse iit wwas impposssiblle tto cc
22、onnnectt thhe ddotss loookiing forrwarrd wwhenn I wass inn coolleege, buut iit wwas verry, verry ccleaar llookkingg baackwwarddstten yeaars latter. Aggainn, yyou cannt connnecct tthe dotts llookkingg foorwaard. Yoou ccan onlly cconnnectt thhem loookinng bbackkwarrds, soo yoou hhavee too trrustt thha
23、t thee doots willl ssomeehoww coonneect in youur ffutuure. Yoou hhavee too trrustt inn soometthinng-youur ggut, deestiiny, liife, kaarmaa, wwhatteveer-beccausse bbeliieviing thaat tthe dotts wwilll coonneect dowwn tthe roaad wwilll giive youu thhe cconffideencee too foolloow yyourr heeartt, eevenn w
24、hhen it leaads youu offf tthe welll-wwornn paath, annd tthatt wiill makke aall thee diiffeerennce. 当然,我在在大学里里不可能能从这一一点上看看到它与与将来的的关系。十十年之后后再回头头看,两两者之间间关系就就非常、非非常清楚楚了。你你们同样样不可能能从现在在这个点点上看到到将来;只有回回头看时时,才会会发现它它们之间间的关系系。所以以你必须须相信,那那些点点点滴滴,会会在你未未来的生生命里,以以某种方方式串联联起来。你你必须相相信一些些东西你的的勇气、宿宿命、生生活、因因缘,随随便什么么因为为相
25、信这这些点滴滴能够一一路连接接会给你你带来循循从本觉觉的自信信,它使使你远离离平凡,变变得与众众不同。 My seeconnd sstorry iis aabouut llovee annd llosss. II waas lluckky. I ffounnd wwhatt I lovved to do earrly in liffe. Wozz annd II sttartted Appple in my parrentts garragee whhen I wwas 20. Wee woorkeed hhardd annd iin tten yeaars, Appplee haad ggr
26、owwn ffromm juust thee twwo oof uus iin aa gaaragge iintoo a $2 billlioon ccomppanyy wiith oveer 44,0000 eemplloyeees. Weed jusst rreleeaseed oour finnestt crreattionn, tthe Maccinttoshh, aa yeear earrlieer, andd Id jjustt tuurneed 330, andd thhen I ggot firred. Hoow ccan youu geet ffireed ffromm a
27、commpanny yyou staarteed? Welll, as Appple greew, we hirred sommeonne wwho I tthouughtt waas vveryy taalenntedd too ruun tthe commpanny wwithh mee, aand forr thhe ffirsst yyearr orr soo, tthinngs wennt wwelll. BBut theen oour vissionns oof tthe futturee beegann too diiverrge, annd eevenntuaallyy wee
28、 haad aa faalliing outt. WWhenn wee diid, ourr booardd off diirecctorrs ssideed wwithh hiim, andd soo att 300, II waas oout, annd vveryy puubliiclyy ouut. Whaat hhad beeen tthe foccus of my enttiree addultt liife wass goone, annd iit wwas devvasttatiing. I reaallyy diidnt kknoww whhat to do forr a f
29、eww moonthhs. I ffeltt thhat I hhad lett thhe pprevviouus ggeneerattionn off enntreepreeneuurs dowwn, thaat II haad ddropppedd thhe bbatoon aas iit wwas beiing passsedd too mee. II meet wwithh Daavidd Paackaard andd Boob NNoycce aand triied to apoologgizee foor sscreewinng uup sso bbadlly. I wwas a
30、vveryy puubliic ffailluree annd II evven thooughht aabouut rrunnningg awway froom tthe Vallleyy. BBut sommethhingg sllowlly bbegaan tto ddawnn onn mee. II sttilll loovedd whhat I ddid. Thhe tturnn off evventts aat AApplle hhad nott chhangged thaat oone bitt. IId beeen rrejeecteed bbut I wwas stiill
31、in lovve. Andd soo I deccideed tto sstarrt ooverr. 第二个故事事是关于于爱与失失的。我我很幸运运,很早早就发现现自己喜喜欢做的的事情。我我二十岁岁的时候候就和沃沃茨在父父母的车车库里开开创了苹苹果公司司。我们们工作得得很努力力,十年年后,苹苹果公司司成长为为拥有四四千名员员工,价价值二十十亿的大大公司。我我们刚刚刚推出了了最好的的创意,Macintosh操作系统,在这之前的一年,也就是我刚过三十岁,我被解雇了。你怎么可能被一个亲手创立的公司解雇?事情是这样的,在公司成长期间,我雇佣了一个我们认为非常聪明,可以和我一起经营公司的人。一年后,我们对
32、公司未来的看法产生分歧,董事会站在了他的一边。于是,在我三十岁的时候,我出局了,很公开地出局了。我整个成年生活的焦点没了,这很要命。一开始的几个月我真的不知道该干什么。我觉得我让公司的前一代创建者们失望了,我把传给我的权杖给弄丢了。我与戴维德帕珂德和鲍勃诺埃斯见面,试图为这彻头彻尾的失败道歉。我败得如此之惨以至于我想要逃离硅谷。但有个东西在慢慢地叫醒我:我还爱着我从事的行业。这次失败一点儿都没有改变这一点。我被逐了,但我仍爱着我的事业。我决定重新开始。 I diddntt seee iit tthenn, bbut it turrnedd ouut tthatt geettiing firre
33、d froom AApplle wwas thee beest thiing thaat ccoulld hhavee evver happpenned to me. Thhe hheavvineess of beiing succcesssfuul wwas repplacced by thee liighttnesss oof bbeinng aa beeginnnerr aggainn, llesss suure aboout eveerytthinng. It freeed me to entter onee off thhe mmostt crreattivee peerioods
34、in my liffe. Durringg thhe nnextt fiive yeaars I sstarrtedd a commpanny nnameed NNeXTT, aanottherr coompaany nammed Pixxar andd feell in lovve wwithh ann ammaziing womman whoo woouldd beecomme mmy wwifee. PPixaar wwentt onn too crreatte tthe worrlds ffirsst ccompputeer-aanimmateed ffeatturee fiilm,
35、TToy Stoory, aand is noww thhe mmostt suucceessfful aniimattionn sttudiio iin tthe worrld. 当时我没有有看出来来,但事事实证明明“被苹果果开除”是发生生在我身身上最好好的事。成成功的重重担被重重新起步步的轻松松替代,对对任何事事情都不不再特别别看重,这这让我感感觉如此此自由,进进入一生生中最有有创造力力的阶段段。接下下来的五五年,我我创立了了一个叫叫NeXXT的公公司,接接着又建建立了PPixaar,然然后与后后来成为为我妻子子的女人人相爱。Pixar出品了世界第一个电脑动画电影:“玩具总动员”,现在它已
36、经是世界最成功的动画制作工作室了。 In a remmarkkablle tturnn off evventts, Appple bouughtt NeeXT andd I retturnned to Appple andd thhe ttechhnollogyy wee deevellopeed aat NNeXTT iss att thhe hhearrt oof AApplless cuurreent rennaisssannce, annd LLoreene andd I havve aa woondeerfuul ffamiily toggethher. 在一系列的的成功运运转后,苹
37、苹果收购购了NeeXT,我我又回到到了苹果果。我们们在NeeXT开开发的技技术在苹苹果的复复兴中起起了核心心作用,另另外劳琳琳和我组组建了一一个幸福福的家庭庭。 Im pprettty surre nnonee off thhis wouuld havve hhapppeneed iif II haadnt bbeenn fiiredd frrom Appple. Itt waas aawfuul-ttasttingg meediccinee buut II guuesss thhe ppatiientt neeedeed iit. Sommetiimess liifes ggoinng tt
38、o hhit youu inn thhe hheadd wiith a bbricck. Donnt losse ffaitth. Imm coonviinceed tthatt thhe oonlyy thhingg thhat keppt mme ggoinng wwas thaat II loovedd whhat I ddid. Yoouvve ggot to finnd wwhatt yoou llovee, aand thaat iis aas ttruee foor wworkk ass itt iss foor yyourr looverrs. Youur wworkk iss
39、 gooingg too fiill a llargge ppartt off yoour liffe, andd thhe oonlyy waay tto bbe ttrully ssatiisfiied is to do whaat yyou bellievve iis ggreaat wworkk, aand thee onnly wayy too doo grreatt woork is to lovve wwhatt yoou ddo. If youu haavennt fouund it yett, kkeepp loookiing, annd ddont ssetttle. As
40、s wiith alll maatteers of thee heeartt, yyoull knoow wwhenn yoou ffindd itt, aand likke aany greeat rellatiionsshipp itt juust getts bbettter andd beetteer aas tthe yeaars rolll oon. So keeep llookkingg. DDont ssetttle. 我非常确信信,如果果我没有有被苹果果炒掉,这这些就都都不会发发生。这这个药的的味道太太糟了,但但是我想想病人需需要它。有有些时候候,生活活会给你你迎头一一棒。不
41、不要丧失失信心。我我确信唯唯一让我我一路走走下来的的是我对对自己所所做事情情的热爱爱。你必必须去找找你热爱爱的东西西,对工工作如此此,对你你的爱人人也是这这样的。工工作会占占据你生生命中很很大的一一部分,你你只有相相信自己己做的是是伟大的的工作,你你才能怡怡然自得得。如果果你还没没有找到到,那么么就继续续找,不不要停。全全心全意意地找,当当你找到到时,你你会知道道的。就就像任何何真诚的的关系,随随着时间间的流逝逝,只会会越来越越紧密。所所以继续续找,不不要停。 My thhirdd sttoryy iss abboutt deeathh. WWhenn I wass 177 I reaad a
42、a quuotee thhat wennt ssomeethiing likke If youu liive eacch dday as if it wass yoour lasst, sommedaay yyoull mosst ccerttainnly be rigght. IIt mmadee ann immpreessiion on me, annd ssincce tthenn, ffor thee paast 33 yeaars, I havve llookked in thee miirroor eeverry mmornningg annd aaskeed mmyseelf,
43、IIf ttodaay wweree thhe llastt daay oof mmy llifee, wwoulld II waant to do whaat II amm abboutt too doo toodayy? Andd whheneeverr thhe aanswwer hass beeen noo ffor tooo maany dayys iin aa roow, I kknoww I neeed tto cchannge sommethhingg. RRemeembeerinng tthatt Ill be deaad ssoonn iss thhe mmostt imm
44、porrtannt tthinng IIvee evver enccounnterred to hellp mme mmakee thhe bbig chooicees iin llifee, bbecaausee allmosst eeverrythhingg-aall extternnal exppecttatiionss, aall priide, alll ffearr off emmbarrrasssmeent or faiilurre-theese thiingss juust falll aawayy inn thhe ffacee off deeathh, lleavvingg
45、 onnly whaat iis ttrully iimpoortaant. Reememmberringg thhat youu arre ggoinng tto ddie is thee beest wayy I knoow tto aavoiid tthe traap oof tthinnkinng yyou havve ssomeethiing to losse. Youu arre aalreeadyy naakedd. TTherre iis nno rreasson nott too foolloow yyourr heeartt. 我的第三个个故事关关于死亡亡。我117岁的的时
47、最好的的方法,用用来避开开担心失失去某些些东西的的陷阱。你你已经赤赤裸裸了了,没有有理由不不听从于于自己的的心愿。 Aboutt a yeaar aago, I wass diiagnnoseed wwithh caanceer. I hhad a sscann att 7:30 in thee moorniing andd itt cllearrly shoowedd a tummor on my panncreeas. I diddntt evven knoow wwhatt a panncreeas wass. TThe docctorrs ttoldd mee thhis wass allmosst ccerttainnly a ttypee off caanceer tthatt iss inncurrablle, andd thhat I sshouuld exppectt too liive no lonngerr thhan thrree to sixx moonthhs. My